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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 858x571, owened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6386666 No.6386666 [Reply] [Original]

What the shit? I can't believe what sold out and what didn't in this sale. Left: cotton/nylon, unwearable, sold out. Right: silk, fantastic, still available in the most common sizes.

I'm so fucking disappointed in you dumb no-taste-having uncivilized faggots.

>> No.6386676

>people looking thru a rick owens sale dont want to dress like dads


>> No.6386677

dadcore vs gothninj innit x

>> No.6386686

you idiot(s) really think that's dadcore? you're in worse shape than i thought.

fyi, non-cartoonish != dadcore

>> No.6386684
File: 397 KB, 1280x1586, tumblr_mdc2ukbRlC1qgjvz2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both garments are pretty nice, but i see the left fitting into a lot more wardrobes than the right tbh, and getting more wear in any wardrobe. it's also at a lower pricepoint.

>> No.6386689

i skipped the sale since last time sucked and spent 600 on sunglasses instead and boy am i regretting it

>> No.6386693


>> No.6386695

>tfw the black pod shorts were sold out within the first minute of the sale


>> No.6386696

you can stop now

>> No.6386694

but those shorts will literally get people pointing at the wearer and laughing in even the most /fa/ cities on earth.

>> No.6386700

>really not realizing that's cut nothing like a traditional men's blazer

>> No.6386698

if u can afford to spend 600 on sunglasses how can u regret it

>> No.6386704

you clearly have never been to any /fa/ city

>> No.6386710
File: 66 KB, 500x750, dem pods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should tell the multitudes of people who buy rick's pods every season about this.

>> No.6386711


>i get laughed at so other people must get laughed at too!!

>> No.6386712

well i saved up for a while and they're limited and i really like them but i keep thinking 'wow i could have got 1-2 nice things from the sale for 600'

>> No.6386716

the silhouette on the right one makes the middle look like something out of barbapapa, really bad.

>> No.6386727

>you clearly have a dick in each hand and one in your ass right now

isn't making dumb unfounded accusations fun?

>> No.6386736

lol??? that wasn't assumption that was an observation based on a real statement that a real person actually made

>> No.6386740

is your idea of a /fa/ city a gated retirement home in florida? cause thats the only place i can think of where everyone dresses like a dadcore bitch

>> No.6386744

agreed. but most, including your pic, are a lot better than the shiny ones made from cheap materials in op's pic. not necessarily agreeing with either of you but gilt by nature carries the pieces nobody else could sell and are relying on fanboys to buy anything that says rick owens on it.

>> No.6386748

op is clearly too fucking retarded to realize that, seeing as hes some /r/athiesm faggot using the word "uncivilized" seriously

>> No.6386751

bitch plz in tokyo or nyc guys can wear dresses without getting "pointed and laughed" at

you're very uninformed

>> No.6386760

that was me you responded to. i live on the upper east side, which is not the most /fa/ neighborhood but it's not like nyc is an un-/fa/ city.

if you don't think nyc is /fa/ it says a lot about your credibility and none about mine.

see if you can make an argument that isn't dependent entirely around a poor guess. we'll wait.

>> No.6386761

or you could just not give a fuck because you at the end of the day, nobody gives a fuck about what some random guy on the street wore

>> No.6386770

it's time for you to stop posting

>> No.6386773

ITT: Some serious, serious butthurt from the b-but Rick crowd. How do you like it that twerk it has so far made the only non-shitpost, kiddies?

>> No.6386776

You're the only one that is shitposting.

>> No.6386777

we'll wait some more. you can do it.

>> No.6386784

>if you don't think nyc is /fa/ it says a lot about your credibility and none about mine.

top kek

if its the kind of place where people get laughed at for not wearing button downs and red wings its not /fa/ :)

or were you just lying? :(

>> No.6386790
File: 290 KB, 520x772, 4 mmm aw 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it living in kansas?

>> No.6386789


you live in nyc and have no clue in regards to fashion? i didnt think it was possible to be that sheltered but congrats i guess?

>> No.6386788

I too am amazed that $200 shorts sold faster in summer than the (presumably) $800+ jackets

>> No.6386799
File: 989 KB, 500x352, tumblr_mmynzfHtBY1qep1veo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twerk it has so far made the only non-shitpost

/fa/ in a nutshell

>> No.6386857

that blazer sucks though lol

>> No.6386864


shorts suck too though

>> No.6386881
File: 19 KB, 360x480, dem pockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are one of the best variations of the pods tbh
dem pocketsssss
imagine all the sandwiches you could carry

>> No.6386884

I believe this was mostly old stuff leftover from Naska, no?