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/fa/ - Fashion

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6384969 No.6384969 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/.

Amerifag here.

I've heard from most of non-murrkian friends that Americans dress like shit (per capita) than other countries. I usually bring up that almost all poor groups, regardless of nation of birth, dress poorly. They retort that America is unique in that its middle-class dresses like shit, and is actively encouraged to do so by wearing mall-clothes and gym wear all the time.

I've never really thought about this. Is this just a stereotype, or is there some truth to this?

>> No.6384980


this girl is making me feel sick

i can imagine the spots on her ass

>> No.6384983

Yeah, she needs to run a wet napkin from kfc around the corners of her mouth huh

>> No.6384992 [DELETED] 
File: 504 KB, 550x636, Dream_Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some truth to it, but a lot less so in major metropolitan areas. Basically, you need cultural diffusion and a marketplace for it to really take hold. There might be niche outpost boutiques here and there, but only a city can support real high end fashion retail.

That said, I think a lot of Americans dress terribly, but so do a lot of Euros. We spawn fast-fashion atrocities by the carload, but then there's Primark and the hordes of Euros in the Times Square F21. Take it from someone who's spent time in Europe throughout his life - people dress like shit no matter where you go, less so in the cities.

>> No.6384996
File: 504 KB, 550x636, Dream_Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some truth to it, but a lot less so in major metropolitan areas. Basically, you need cultural diffusion and a marketplace for fashion culture to really take hold. There might be niche outpost boutiques here and there, but only a city can support real high end fashion retail.

That said, I think a lot of Americans dress terribly, but so do a lot of Euros. We spawn fast-fashion atrocities by the carload, but then there's Primark and the hordes of Euros in the Times Square F21. Take it from someone who's spent time in Europe throughout his life - people dress like shit no matter where you go, less so in the cities.

>> No.6385000

Interesting fact:

I was on exchange in Japan in a dormitory with a shitload of Europeans and Americans. You could easily spot who was American just by the clothes they wore.

Needless to say, us Europeans got a lot more asian pussy.

>> No.6385275

I can usually spot an Amerifat tourist from a mile away. It's not that you cunts dress that much worse than other tourists, but it is a very distinctive meta-style.
Also, the bellowing and pointing out obvious things to one another are dead giveaways.

>> No.6385289
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>Also, the bellowing and pointing out obvious things to one another are dead giveaways

>study french for 4 years in high school
>finally going to Paris with family summer after freshman year of university
>go out week earlier than family
>get around reasonably well on own with basic french
>meet parents at airport
>mom gets off of plane with safari hat, nikon around neck, and hawaiian shirt tucked into hilfiger jorts

>> No.6385295

americans are so disgusting

>> No.6385309

if you live in newyork city and Miami you have a general good idea of fashion because of all the clubs in those cities require people to be well dressed , and there are various fashion events in both cities. how ever the rest of united states is casualwear 24/7 and they believe abercrombie is "fashion" LOL


>> No.6385314

honestly 90% of the people who think they dress well in Norway wear fucking abercrombie too
and that dumb Superdry bullshit what the fuck

>> No.6385320

Why do Americlaps fail to distinguish between "then" and "than"?

>> No.6385333

Idk. I lived in Spain for 7 years and live in NL now and the middle class in both areas dressed like shit.

>> No.6385358

>"then" and "than"?
Do you have a specific example in mind?

>> No.6385367

I'm better THAN you

I THEN took your mother home for casual intercourse

>> No.6385379

There's an association in America that dressing well = homosexual, so not only do you dress shittily, you purposely dress shittily because of homophobia.


>> No.6385387

I was laughing my ass off when New Slaves first came out. First thing I did was hit twitter to see how many idiots would tweet "Rather be a a dick THEN a swallower". And getting my chuckles like I was an insider for knowing basic English.

>> No.6385393

But what about women?
The women dress fucking stupidly

>> No.6385445

I don't know what to say. White trash speaks like this no matter what continent you're on.

>> No.6385456

Americans understand a poorly dressed women to be slutty.

So even if the women is a prude or has a b4, yoga pants and uggs will net her more attention than anything decent.,

>> No.6385574

people everywhere dress like shit. i see eurotrash tourists in my great american city all the time, you can spot them a mile away by the parachute pants and 20 yr old faded polos they're wearing. its absolutely disgusting.

the idea that europeans think they dress better than what they call "amerifats" is truly laughable. i will take an amerifat over eurotrash any day

>> No.6385651

not really everyone else in the world has got the then/than thing under their belt

>> No.6385669
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lol this

>> No.6385732

>I h8 europe
>I luv europ ideologies its even in my name
kek okay

>> No.6385764

Canadians are much less fashionable than Americans

They wear flat-rimmed caps and oversized snowboarding jackets

>> No.6385767

>being a speling and grammer notsee on the internet

kill you'reself

>> No.6385773

americans wear (elderly) jordans camo shorts and SWAG tees

>> No.6385777
File: 347 KB, 2048x1366, mu meetup 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's wrong faggot

this how you average Americans dress

>> No.6385779

that's no better

>> No.6385797
File: 138 KB, 559x1000, cristiano_ronaldo_shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yuropoor "fashion"

top lel m8

>> No.6385821

I wish my tan was that even

>> No.6385822

>go to Monument Valley
>more than half the people there are Euros
>all wearing capris, running shoes and neon colored or soccer-related shirts

>> No.6385859

>girl in green on the left

>> No.6385853

There's some truth to it. Where I'm from, the kiddies consider anything from Urban Outfitters, American Apparel and H&M to be 'top' fashion. Now, don't get me wrong, these stores combined can give you an alright style, but it will never be top fashion.

>> No.6385861

nah bro I live in america (socal) a good 40% of people I see dress like how I described

>> No.6385891

They call it top fashion because it's the best looking things they can afford

>> No.6385902

It's because Americans spend most of their time in cars driving around unwalkable cities.

Euros actually use public transport and have lovely cities which are a pleasure to walk around. Clearly dressing well is more important in Europe.

>> No.6385941
File: 35 KB, 520x496, 1344373308262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official European dress code power rankings.

1. Italian.
2. Slovenian.
3. Dutch.
4. Norwegian
5. Swedish
6. Spanish
7. Czech
8. German.
9. Spanish.
99. British
999 Irish
9999 Anything in eastern Europe.

>> No.6385945

>9999 Anything in eastern Europe.
idk m8, slavcore is p. god tier

>> No.6385948

lol french are pretty good dressers

>> No.6385954

no not rly

lots of tracksuits and dadcore. and there all balding 2

>> No.6385956

I agree with this sentiment.

The idea of a "public individual" in the US is much different than it is in Europe, as are the components that make it up (obviously), like personal aesthetics and style.

I think it's fair to say there is quite a bit of concealment and privitization of interactions in the average American's life, which leads to a lesser feeling of obligation to improve the landscape with their person, as their concept of that field is greatly diminished by their inward focus.

Just speculation. I live in a small town in the US (<15k).

>> No.6385960

I go there every summer. They mostly dress like chavs. Not that different from the UK tbh.

>> No.6385968

>2. Slovenian.

Mate, I live here. Not even in my most patriotic delusions would I ever consider us to be sharp dressers.
It's either shit-tier obnoxious branding for the čefurji, pleb-tier obnoxious branding for the nouveau riche, or pure, unadulterated hipsterdom in all its fuccboiness.
I see maybe 10 people who really dress well per year.

>> No.6385973


>> No.6385977

I've only been to the capital.

>> No.6385986
File: 141 KB, 529x359, dderrrrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in Europe thinks their country dresses well?

UK here. 70% of under 25's are topman/burton/river island-core. The rest are chavs.

>> No.6386001

>Eurotrash Spanish above Britain
Top lel

>> No.6386004

Just got back from a trip in from London and I gotta say everyone there made me feel severely underdressed. Felt the same way when I was in New York last year.
I guess my point is that people in big cities tend to dress well, because the rich can afford it and the middle class tries to keep up.

>> No.6386012

To be fair, all the Topman shit is actually pretty decent compared to the equivalent 10 years ago. A lot of continental Europeans are wearing the same Eurotrash style they were 10 years ago.

>> No.6386016


Mainland Europe seems really behind on fashion compared to the UK. Italy and Scandi's excepted.

>> No.6386017

Every european country is quite very different. But yeah, per capita europeans dress better.

>> No.6386026
File: 957 KB, 500x418, constanza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mu meetup
>average american

>> No.6386033

Internet. We have forums etc. now to discuss fashion so the early adopters have a greater discussion, Tumblr latches onto certain elements then Topman steals it. Higher turnover of styles because the early adopters ditch stuff quicker.

Don't think it's as big a deal elsewhere in Europe so it doesn't evolve so much. They used to be more fashionable but even our chavs have turned into chino wankers now.

>> No.6386046

American hate threads belong elsewhere.

>> No.6386056

>discussing fashion on a fashion board
We're sorry.

>> No.6386057

We're debating who in Europe is most fashionable. Go be butthurt elsewhere.

Plus with 99% if threads on /fa/ being American-centric it's nice to have something else. I'm tired of seeing products that I can basically never get.

>> No.6386063

It actually came to me as a surprise the first few times I went to the US. People dress like shit, as if they totally gave up on themselves. Even when I went to San Francisco, on a three day trip, I only walked past one or two person who dressed well.
Sure, people dress badly everywhere, but I feel that the percentage of people dressing bad versus people dressing well in the US is higher than most place. There are still people with fashion sense in the US, but they're a small percentage.

>> No.6386206
