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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 650x441, Barneys-NY_3466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6383633 No.6383633 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/

I'm a kind-of poorfag, but I love high fashion and I love trying on and handling the pieces. I've started saving up, but today I went to Barney's and a few other upscale places in Chicago for the first time just to window shop and try some things on in preparation, and jesus was it intimidating. The salespeople won't give you the time of day unless you're in full RO or Burberry (which I can't afford at all right now obviously), and the entire experience of browsing there is horribly uncomfortable, because you know they're judging you, and they visibly sneer at you for wearing an outfit that looks like it was under $2000.

Hell, I even had a salesgirl fucking STARE at me (for literally a good 2 minutes) while I was looking at some Givenchy shoes. She didn't even try to hide it when I looked straight at her.

I mean, I went in dressed well, and I could name the designer and season of every single thing in the place (including what the salesgirl was wearing), but since I don't LOOK like I have the money for it, I'm entirely shunned.

>tl;dr need help not being looked down upon in upscale stores

So how does /fa/ handle these situations? Other than just wearing designer pieces, obviously. Do you just need to have the right swagger? Is it all in my head? Should I just not let it get to me? I need suggestions for the next time I go back there.

>> No.6383647

dont let it get to you. everyones gotta start somewhere.

>> No.6383646

Ideally you shouldn't even be thinking about anything but the clothes when you're there. Fuck those people, they're clerks. Why do you even care?
If you feel them staring, just up the ante a bit. Turn the garment inside out, examine the stitching. Shit like that. Troll them, man. Take your time. If you get approached, you can tell them to go away. That's perfectly fine.

Or it's all in your head, and you're paranoid. Either way, this shouldn't even be on your mind, you should be thinking about the clothes you saw.

>> No.6383651

it's part of their sales technique

>I better buy this $2500 leather jacket that I don't really like JUST to buy something for the sake of buying something so these sales associates don't think im poor!!!!!!

go inthere eating a bag of greasey doritos and paw everything

seriously they make COMISSSION

they can't afford the shit in there, they have to wait until the store gives it to them

>> No.6383665

Head up mayne, they earn minimum wage and the only reason they can wear decent clothes is because they get like 50% off

>> No.6383666

Dear god I love me

I am the godsend of this board, we are all sieg. He is here in our hurts<3

>> No.6383669

As with everything else in life, just do it with confidence. If you look worried from getting stared at then obviously they will just keep staring because it means you don't belong.

Honestly these clerks are probably instructed to do this, I can't imagine wealthy customers want to be around what look to be plebs.

>> No.6383671

Me, what is the percentage commission do Barney's scum collect?

>> No.6383677

you sound way too insecure op. i usually like to go to the ann d rack and try stuff on and mess with the zippers on the jackets and put my hands in the pockets, and put the hood on and waddle around etc its fun as fuck.

>> No.6383684

they get it for free every season or so

look at the clearks carefully, it's last season basics

seriously OP

just act like you're better than them, because you are. you're college educated you're not a store clerk scraping pennies together

pick up lingerie and aggressively ask if they have it in a children's size 3
then when they say they don't
demand that they go into the back and start yelling

"the fuck kind iof place is this? you don't carry children's lingerie here?!?!" fuck it im going online to GILT or LVA!!!

their job is only there to provide "service" so you don't cop online for cheaper/faster

>> No.6383685

yeah I always bring a passport book and sandwhich with me when I try on rick jackets, the sales people think i'm weird af but I just laugh and step on their shoes

>> No.6383687

Thanks for the advice sieg, sieg, sieg, and everyone else.
lel that is a good idea

Anyone have stories related to this? It'd be nice to hear some other experiences. I'm probably going to go back tomorrow and keep all of this in mind.

>> No.6383693

no thank you, thank yourself as well we are all seig you will find it in yourself and realize it very soon young grasshopper

>> No.6383694


They're fucking clerks, treat them like shit and like you are better than them. Even if they do have more money than you or are more attractive or some shit. Yawn a lot, act like you don't give a shit, don't even glance at them or try to communicate with them. Act as though you would actually prefer them not to be there because they are annoying, which you do. Easy.

>> No.6383701

i frequent the chicago barneys. the sales associates never pay attention to people. they just do their own thing. but if you ask for help, they will give it to you. it's nothing personal

i think its actually kinda nice. at a place like UO or h&m you always have fuccboi sales associates hounding u asking if u need help

>> No.6383729


vancouver UO, nobody gives a shit if you're in there. chillest vibe ever. too bad it's a shitty store.

OP, why do you give a fucc about these fuccbois and grills who work floor? Don't you have bigger things to worry about that how people perceive you?

>> No.6383753

btw cutest barneys chicago sa is karlee imo

>> No.6383763

How do I get a job at Barney's?

Will they quiz me on designers and shit during the interview process, or do I learn that after?

When do I get a free Givenchy doberman print tee?

>> No.6383814

speaks the truth

>> No.6383905

pls /fa/

>> No.6385020

>requesting that story of that go who was lost in a high end shop and walked past the same room four times, even after telling the clerk there that he was leaving.

>> No.6385277

I love to go into high end stores and just try shit on, its great! It can be extremely annoying how sales clerks constantly ask if you need help though, does anyone else get irritated by this? Its like back the fuck off, I want to browse around uninterrupted, if I need help i'll ask you for help.

I know they do this to be friendly or some shit, to get people to buy, but it just has the opposite effect.

>> No.6385288

you're all so sad and poor


>> No.6385290


that's not very nice anon

>> No.6385296

I'm a brit and I'm not used to that.
So when I went to America and had every single person that worked in every single store come up to me to say hello and tell me their name, I wanted to knock some fucking teeth out.
I don't know how you people put up with it.

>> No.6385313

>Live in Aus
>Went to local boutique stocking designer stuff like Rick, Ann D, Jil Sanders, Damir Doma
>Hoodie, ocbd, jeans, purcells usually what I'm dressed in
>Walk in
>Fuckin gn gook throws me a dirty look
>SA wlks up to me
>"Can I help you alone?"
>"No just browsing"
>tfw she's tumblr-core
>notice geos sitting in corner, see some of ricks island ss13 collection in stock
>too afraid to touch them
>walk up to counter, gook and his slutty gf are paying for their shit
>look at SA. ask her if I can touch the stuff
>She says of course
>mfw I want to die for askin that
>mfw geos felt like normal shoes

>> No.6385316

what store

>> No.6385328

Zekka in Perth

Really nice store assistant. Let me touch rick to my hearts content

>> No.6385329

Just tell us the name of the store I want to know too why be vague and ambigous for no reason

>> No.6385332


>ask her if I can touch the stuff

kek they're just clothes not the mona lisa brer

>> No.6385349

I don't really know, its annoying as fuck though. I think its because all of the stores are so sales driven and they need to hit some kind of goal or some shit, and the retarded management thinks that traditional sales tactics still work.

My last and final retail job was working for staples, it was all cool then we got some cunt manager who expected the employees to literally harass customers until they buy shit. It was funny because that manager pissed off customers to the point of yelling when they had to tell him for the 100th time they didn't want the fucking protection plan. You literally can not go to that store without someone trying to shove some shit product down your throat.

I don't really know why that's relevant but it kind of gives you an idea of how it works in murica. Management thinks if people aren't buying its because the sales associates aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.6385354

>look at SA. ask her if I can touch the stuff

Toplel. Never show your face there ever again

>> No.6385404

This is why I absolutely love shopping for expensive stuff while wearing absolutely casual (and cheap) clothes. It's my little game.

I walk into the store, and everyone ignores me while I try everything on, look for something nice... Then the second I pick something, get my Platinum Amex out and walk towards the cashier, it's like a race just started. I've actually had a couple salespeople RUN towards me.
I like mentally betting on whoever I think is gonna get to me first.

>> No.6385414



i cringed reading this

>> No.6385417

So, you're a chi-town fag OP?

I know this isn't /soc/, but, do you think it'd be easier with another shameless fuck tagging along?

Also, rich people sometimes dress like shit too, I'm sure they were judging you by what you had in your cart (nothing) not what you were wearing.

>> No.6385424

haha sad faggot. This is pathetic

>> No.6385437

And this is why MAC has one of the best training programs for sales. I've read their training guides a couple times, they're instructed to help every single customer regardless appearance. MAC knows they have some crazy/normal customers who actually buy a lot. I personally witnessed a crazy lady leave the store with 40 bottles of skin prep because she wanted to use it on her whole body, it makes skin feel like actual silk.

However, people who work at MAC are still insane. Their tactics involve manipulation, psyops and even hitting on the customer without being obvious (I was actually dating one of their MROs when I found out about this).

Don't worry, OP. Go to stores where you get actual attention and sound advice (as opposed to the stores that just push shit into your hands for the sake of selling).

>> No.6385452

I farted rather loudly in a barneys once

>> No.6385474

This is fucking hilarious! You are a hero. Kind of retarded how they literally run to you, cunts just want commision.

>> No.6385483
File: 36 KB, 316x554, gandalfdablack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's weird, barneys associates have always been supremely nice to me regardless of how i'm dressed.
i remember going to prada in old, hole filled ann dem and they tried to sell me a $4k shearling lmao. i did strike up a conversation with him asking about current season and upcoming shoes tho

stories like what? heres a pic of me trying on a rick hooded coat that's like five sizes too big

idk man, usually one of them introduces themselves and asks if i'd like to see anything and if i say i'm just browsing they tell me to let them know if i need anything untethered from the racks and that's it, pretty simple.

i used to work low end retail, they really have no conception of how selling works tbh, it's best for customers to interface with as few associates as possible and for the associates to actually have a conversation with them you know? maybe their technique works for low skilled drones tho.

>> No.6385492

Uhh I don't think you really know what you're talking about. We don't "hit on" people that's absurd. Unless where you live is somewhere crazy.

>> No.6385495

Being "hit on" is subjective, and entails many different things to many different people

Fucking dumbass

>> No.6385496
File: 37 KB, 400x387, 1369187350395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lik u

>> No.6385516

No shit you aspie. You still don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6385520

I'm a third party

Whenever you're done being a dumbass...

>> No.6385527

you're pretty dumb lmao #slam

>> No.6385546

I have the opposite problem, OP. I'm poor, but for some reason salespeople don't seem to realize it. If I go into a place just to browse, lust, and learn, in unexceptional clothes, I get attention from every salesperson in the store, I get business cards and coffee at the places that do that, and it's like ... guys, sorry, I can't cop anything.

Why? If I was wealthy I'd do that all the time. Put on some absolutely beat, repellant clothes and Crocs. Browse without getting bothered, hopefully, maybe, and exult in their shock.

Some of us find it annoying / awkward / whatever– see above – but having worked retail sales in the past, you do have to approach people and ask if you can help. It's the only way to overcome the resistances they have about approaching you. The thing is to do it warmly but bluntly ("hey, need help with anything?") and after that respecting their answer and (I figured this out on my own but it's apparently the core of Apple Store sales training) looking at the process as solving a problem for them, not persuading them to buy shit, not rattling off random cool stuff about the product to "raise it's value" (the bullshit I was trained to do).

Is it available anywhere?

>> No.6385563

pls post new fits

>> No.6385562

I went to MAC and some cakey bitch rep with powder flaking off her face wanted to put makeup on me.

>> No.6385580

dude EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of them wear caked up makeup. Seriously, its like they dont know when to stop adding on the foundation and powders.
Its all over the world too

>> No.6385589

Come on dude, everyone knows MAC people feel dirty by the end of the day. It's like selling yourself all day long, and in the end the client gets make up as a gift.

No wonder the stores with the "normal" salespeople are exchanging them. You know very well MAC doesn't allow common people to work there. It's part of the whole show. You'd buy the soul of some of their people out of Hell and you know it.

>> No.6385618

A lot of this is prevalent unfortunately but it is frowned upon from out trainers. We have trend makeup looks we are supposed to follow by but no one does because they are too minimal. Keep in mind that people enjoy different makeup styles on themselves but that doesn't mean they are an incapable artist.
I don't. There are no tactics. You just tell them what you think would work best on them, apply it, and then ask them what they think/want to buy and regroup. We have a "common" girl at our counter because we wanted diversity.

>> No.6385624

Hey, OP.
You look good man. Fuck what those snobs thinks. They don't know shit.

>> No.6385627


>> No.6385630

that's not OP retard. Just leave already
also: he looks bad, not 'good' in any way

>> No.6385631
File: 46 KB, 533x800, $(KGrHqN,!iEFChVEHCnkBQp2eeDTJQ~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wtf

>> No.6385633

Don't play it up too much in your mind either. It's true that this does happen, but I find that clerks will usually PRETEND to be nice to you, especially if you assert that you're likely to buy something.

>> No.6385638


twerk it lets be honest the only high fashion piece u own is the rick veil which u got for like 99% off

ur a broke ass nigga

>> No.6385643

Well, I guess each store has a different way of selling.

Over here one of our best salesperson (who betrayed us for Sephora a couple months ago) was around 25k ahead of the rest of the team due to being the biggest con artist I've ever seen. Turns out he convinced the managers to change the whole personel in most stores in that state, and now they focus on the psyops side of the whole thing (with great success, mind you).
Go figure.

Also, please tell me... how old are you? If you're not confortable, pick an age group or something.

I'm asking because we had a weird change in the stores over here, they pretty much fired everyone and are now only hiring people in the 30-40 age group. What the fuck, MAC.

>> No.6385656

its all in ur head, man

just think, the people who work in barneys are asians that prob post on sufu for gods sakes

kids are scrubs should of punched them in the face, u pussy

>> No.6385662

Oh wow. I mean it kind of burns you out after a while of doing it, a girl who works with me can get into that mode sometimes but for the most part out area is really chill. I'm 21-25. But the "common" girl we just hired is 32 and its diversity... But it's odd. Down at our Mac store they are all 30-45 and 180lbs+ which is very strange to me.

>> No.6385696

If I was rich I would make a gif of me burning geos and post it here. They're ugly.

>> No.6385702

Absolutely. Aren't MAC artists supposed to be thin, beautiful, etc? It's like going to a manicure with ugly nails.
Over here they're in serious trouble because of this "older artists only" policy, a couple of other companies opened down the same block and they're aimed towards teenagers... And across the only MAC Pro opened a Sephora.

I guess I don't need to say the only people in the store are the salespeople themselves.

>> No.6385728

If I went to barney's and took something into the dressing room then took a shit in the dressing room

who would clean it up?

>> No.6385730

That's how it used to be. Now it's a joke. Our updates are pretty horrendous. No one ever wears the trends besides me and it kind of irritates me because they all do their makeup so crazy and they are 30 year old women wearing crazy Jeffrey Campbell shoes and crosses xsoedgeyx

>> No.6385762

That's sad to hear.. You're like, a lonely macaw lost in the middle of a bunch of pigeons. Are you at least well paid?

>> No.6386036

>be me like a year ago
>discover /fa/
>discover rick
>live in nyc and still a highschooler
>go to soho
>walk into the rick owens boutique
>rocking nike running trainers (not the ones /fa/ approves of), skinny jeans, a Mishka graphic t-shirt and a flannel tied around my waist
>walk in the store like a boss
>handle every fucking thing
>see clerks kinda staring at me from the distant corner of the store
>they are whispering
>don't give a fuck and stay
>leave after handling every garment


>> No.6387513

tfw that was me and i've never felt more remembered in my life

>> No.6387522

post it
shit was cash

>> No.6387544


it's prolly on fuuka

>> No.6387553
File: 2.32 MB, 320x180, masterchef_o_GIFSoup_com.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in Canada
>Go into Haven
>Start talking about Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde with the clerks, since it was playing
>Overall just chillin
>cop my WTAPS and leave

Sux 4 u OP. Barney's sucks

>> No.6387555

every time i re-type it it loses something, i don't want my not-quite-as-good recollection of something that happened in december to be the first time you hear it man, someone definitely has a screenshot of the original though - they posted it in the last retail cringe thread

>> No.6387605

lmao @ people thinking platinum means anything
thats the card of soccer moms and immigrant gardeners

unless its black why even have an amex

>> No.6388122

platinum is still p cool