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/fa/ - Fashion

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6377087 No.6377087 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you buy a bunch of nice clothes from J.Crew and BR and when they finally come in you realize that you never go outside and you hang them up and go on 4chan and talk about clothes.

Sometimes you dress up in your best suits and stand in the mirror and be like aw yis tyvm based god then sit infront of your computer looking up fashionbeans and highsnob.

all I do is work then go to the gym, I only go downtown when I have to go to my barber every 3 weeks to get my hair cut.

Introverted pleb race my Martin was a Maison, rocked Margielas with no laces general feel thread.

>> No.6377107

>tfw you think of something really cringeworthy you did when you were younger in bed, and it keeps you up

>> No.6377113

dude just go walk around ur city and ask for girls numbers or w/e

>> No.6377110

awww let's all feel sorry for the OP because even though he has a wardrobe full of whatever clothing he ain't doing anything so never gets a chance to wear them


just kidding, you should work on other aspects of your life and stop looking for pity on a japanese cartoon forum

>> No.6377119

I know that feel

plus every time I get something I have to ask for /fa/'s approval first and even in the unlikely event I get it I'm still too self conscious to wear it outside for a while

>> No.6377127

just thought about my first date when i was 12. Fuck you cunt.

>> No.6377135


>be 16
>hockey player, 6'2 built as fuck for my age.
>on the bus
>my stop comes up, go to the back door
>doors are fucking glitched, open quickly then close on me
>cute girls at the back of the bus, one of them gets off. She's a 9/10
>Dressed pretty well for 16, this was like fucking 6 years ago fashion
>I get out and door is about to close on her
>Try to hold the door open for her but it closes on my fucking arm at the shoulder
>Door is closed with myself outside of the bus and my left arm inside the bus
>slip my arm out of the door and walk away

I could feel the laughs.

>> No.6377160

>Couple years ago
>Moved out of my small town to go live in the big city. (Town had 4000 people, no fashion)
>Don't know anyone, live by myself, 20 hours away from my hometown
>All I do is work
>Started getting into fashion noticing all the well dressed people down here in the big city
>Bought my first suit from Zara, it was 300 dollars and fit me well.
>Got it tailored just incase, it fits perfectly, can't get a suit that fits any better than that
>Realize I have no friends because I moved here by myself
>Wear suit grocery shopping, only time I really go out.

Jesus christ

>> No.6377168

>wear suit grocery shopping
holy hell man at least go to random funerals and shit with it instead
you must look hella weird in a suit when you go shoping

>> No.6377179


I like to think that I just got off working downtown in some advertising firm and forgot to pick up eggs for my wife.

At least thats what I hope people think when they see me shopping in my suit.

>> No.6377191


Not to mention its a navy suit, you don't wear navy to funerals man cmon use your head.

>> No.6377233

I think of the awkward handshakes I give to people because they all do it so differently and I'm not sure how they do it. Did black people invent all those fucking handshakes to ruin my social life?

>> No.6378778

>Did black people invent all those fucking handshakes to ruin my social life?
Laughing hard.

>> No.6378801

you know you could go outside and be social? if you want to show off your clothes then do so?

>> No.6378894

you do if you don't know the person that's dead

>> No.6378901

>Be ordering sub from Subway, high as all hell
>"Hey, I know you from school!"
>"oh.. hehe that's nice. Where have you seen me?"
>We talk for a bit
>"Anyway, here's your sub. Enjoy!"
>"You too."
>Sit down, realize what just happened

>> No.6379007

>never really go anywhere
>enjoy taking pictures
>dress up in bespoke blazer and other good clothes every time i go to take pictures
>don't see a single person the whole time
>maybe one day i'll come across a qt in a nice dress and oxfords doing the same thing
>probably not though
captcha: waydata crying

>> No.6379017

Have you tried:
>Enrolling into university
>Looking up groups of people with similar interests in your area
>If you are at all musical starting a band?

I mean I'm introverted as fuck, not shy but I just don't talk unless I'm sure it will 'count'. I like socialising but reading a book alone is just as good.

I still leave the house and socialise, I remember I didn't for about a year and let me tell you, you NEED to socialise otherwise little by little you start turning into a weirdo.

>> No.6379033
File: 46 KB, 550x453, nomorefeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really self conscious about teeth
>father comments on teeth
>i already look nerdy enough without braces

>> No.6379121


thats what id think, anon

people probably think you're important and have a great job. you're ok, man.

>> No.6379138

braces fixed my chin
thanks braces

>> No.6379163

>that feel when your insurance counts braces as a cosmetic procedure and doesn't cover it whatsoever :(

>> No.6379178

introvert is master race, fuck is you talking bout?
youre just too weak to handle it

>> No.6379180

>buy a shit ton of expensive clothing
>no one you hang around with cares other than the occasional "It costs $2k? What does the jacket do?"

>> No.6379182

Really? How so? I have some fucked up genetics. Basically my grinders always touch. Did that happened to you?

>> No.6379189
File: 197 KB, 640x640, blokbeugel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah had to wear one of these fuckers (was 12 so who cares how you look) but it was worth it.
Basically forces good 'posture' of your jaw and shit. Made my face a lot less soft, I actually have a pretty defined jaw now.

>> No.6379194
File: 226 KB, 550x362, deep-overbite-correction-04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had what you call overbite
Pic related, it's someone's before and after for an overbite correction.
After about two years of that 'activator brace' I had to wear normal braces to fix my crooked teeth too.

>> No.6379196
File: 141 KB, 500x322, Scott-for-Presentation[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sideprofile of the same correction.

>> No.6379209

Yeah. That's basically what I have. Sounds stupid, but where do I get them? Do people notice them? Are they uncomfortable?

>> No.6379256

Ehm well I'm Dutch and we have orthodontists, people who specialize in braces. I got sent there via my dentist and most of it was covered by insurance. So it's best to start with asking your dentist as to how you might get these.
People do notice them, but they're usually less noticeable than those braces to fix crooked teeth.
For the first few weeks or months you'll probably have to wear them for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But they'll build down to where you'll only have to wear it when you sleep, or just a few nights a week.
They are very uncomfortable at first, bordering on painful. You also can't eat with them (you'll have to take a case with you to put it in when you eat) and you'll talk differently because you have that big block in your mouth.
It all depends on the severity of your condition though, my teeth were also pointed a bit inwards and they had to widen that block every time I came for a check up, and that's just as painful as it sounds.

>> No.6379275

>tfw no where to go, so i wear new cops to the library

>> No.6379280

that's not bad. i once picked up and banged a qt3.14 in a library.

>> No.6379318

r9k bls leave
you feel lonely? you talk to people. anyone. eventually you'll establish some sort of connection.
if you don't have anyone to hang out with/showcase your fits, go out alone and have a drink at a bar. ffs.

>> No.6379506
File: 115 KB, 600x330, The_dreamers2_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice clothes
>J.Crew and BR

That said: go to an art museum, OP. It's a /fa/ thing to do, you can be a little introverted if you want while still being seen in public, and you will actually learn some impressive non-pleb things that you can use if you ever manage to talk to a girl.

For extra credit buy a book and sit in the museum cafe drinking a coffee while you leaf through it.

>> No.6379517

It's all good. You are contributing in your small way to making the world a better looking place. People around you appreciate it in much the same way they appreciate walking past a flower instead of a weed.

To be /fa/ is to wish more people gave a shit enough to make an effort.

>> No.6381424

bump for moar ideas please

>> No.6381446

Lol so many losers trying to get a personality from 4chan

I bet u listen to death grips while u do squats at the gym, am I wrong?

>> No.6381744

libraries and also bookstores.
bookstores are actually a no brainer.