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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 500x333, 1324088303031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6369653 No.6369653 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6369656
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>> No.6369662
File: 2.50 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_3604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rely unsure about new jacket
ur opinion?
might return it....
think it needs some tailoring and split or whatever isnt opened yet

>> No.6369665

that pic is from 2012 sufu WAYWT m9

>> No.6369678
File: 2.35 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_3601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd pic

>> No.6369681
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>> No.6369685


What the fuck

>> No.6369686

I would fucking kill for a pair of black bballs in 41

sum1 pls sell me one

>> No.6369687

are those 1461s? wasnt sure about the gloss ones but they look p cool in this

>> No.6369691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6369695
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woops i'm dumb
yeah they are

>> No.6369696
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>> No.6369698

Sulli please clean up your room.
pls. Don't be like raccoon guy.

>> No.6369701

pig nose
asymmetrical face

>> No.6369704

as always thanks
im a dirty mofo, currently cleaning so no worries

no opinions on jacket at all?

>> No.6369705

You are a total qt.
You look fine, don't listen to those faggots.

>> No.6369709

Nice jacket, where's it from?

>> No.6369725 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 536x1066, fxgbsfgbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 fat

>> No.6369726
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>> No.6369728

mtwtfssweekday lel wut
some collaboration with a designer and weekday
no gusta jacket

>> No.6369729

ur kinda chubby n i hope that denim vest isnt attached to the hoodie (btw the vest wud still be ugly)

>> No.6369730


you're a vile person

>> No.6369732

I really like the jacket man but the sleeves seem just that bit too long.

>> No.6369733 [DELETED] 

Terrible picture, I know. I'm honestly a straight line all the way down from armpit to ankle but the combination of clothes, camera height and forwards-leaning mirror make me look bizarrely wide at the hips.

>> No.6369738

ditch the river island or wherever its from jacket
lose weight

>> No.6369744 [DELETED] 

I've already lost a bit. Got before and after pics if you'd like? still got another 60lbs or so to go.

>> No.6369763

im proud of u mang, im losing weight too atm
all gonna make it

>> No.6369767

>those shoes
Everything's perfect apart from those, they're just so clunky and big

>> No.6369769 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 1362x696, progressss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much have you shed so far? I was/have been/am really rather overweight so I have a looong way to go. Here's what I've done in a couple of months.

Still a fat fuck but less so.

>> No.6369772

hey sulli

>> No.6369774


>> No.6369778 [DELETED] 

soem girls say they prefer smooth guys, others tell me not to shave... don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.6369779


>> No.6369782


>> No.6369783

dont shave, fuyck that twink shit

>> No.6369804

name of jacket please?
Also pretty good fit

>> No.6370181

You were scienceninja yesterday
Post the duck again

>> No.6370185
File: 89 KB, 778x738, d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still same day for me i'm going to bed shortly though

>> No.6370733
File: 68 KB, 227x412, picture519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no army jacket :c

>> No.6370734



>> No.6370744

Whats with those pants shoes and ill fitting shirt?

>> No.6370758

Roll your pants up, and take a pic in a better lit room.

>> No.6370775

I think my shoes are too big

>> No.6370841
File: 64 KB, 435x435, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i cool&fashion yet

>> No.6370842
File: 88 KB, 640x480, Shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoes ;)

>> No.6370846
File: 92 KB, 634x553, givenchy ss14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice givenchy

>> No.6370847


>> No.6370853
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>> No.6370867

nothing exceptional, but it's not a tragedy either.

>> No.6370869
File: 150 KB, 960x720, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn from me

>> No.6370871

someone give me more advice please.
All advice is welcomed:

>> No.6370902

Picture is quite small so it's difficult to see

>> No.6370915

Plus the webcam is shitty along with the lighting and I think its really hard to judge the fit by this. What I know is I have always looked shitty in clothes I wear and always known it but when I copped these pants and shirt today I though everything actually looked good. I shouldve worn better shoes those are my work shoes they are tread safe

>> No.6370919

what if you wore like a cardigan unbuttoned with this

>> No.6370925

meh, I don't like cardigans.

>> No.6370931

dude try it I bet it will look good

>> No.6370942

everyone that isn't sulli itt should kill themselves

>> No.6370948

I agree and I posted a fit here too..

>> No.6370957

actually shrugs has a way better fit and hes not even being serious

>> No.6370971

This WAYWT explains why /fa/ has been worse than usual lately.
>Which vans should i cop
>S-stop buying quality clothes that I can't afford guys asos is fashionable I swear
Looking Sulli but the jacket looks slightly too long. I'd take an extra inch and a half off the sleeves as well and probs change the shoes but they look alright.

>> No.6370979

>looking sulli

ss-s-s--sstuttrerering while typing cuz an autist

>> No.6370987

Obvs meant looking good. Do you even know why I used stuttering? Did you fail English at school?

>> No.6370989

W2C jacket?

>> No.6370993


>> No.6370998

C&A jacket

>> No.6371008

>resorting to u mad? lelelelel ecks dee trolled11
C'mon man have some dignity.

>> No.6371025

well you were mad..

>> No.6371030

holy shit are you foaming? u mad?

>> No.6371055

>v neck

oh god.

>> No.6371060
File: 107 KB, 1280x800, 2013-06-21-223807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel (a bit) ashamed

>> No.6371069

you should be wtf

>> No.6371067


At the very least, it means you know what you're doing wrong.

>> No.6371086

delete this already. It's unbearable

>> No.6371133


as long as he's not going out today wearing that... although I have to ask; why the hell do you own a jack skelington shirt?

>> No.6371134

whatswrong with it?

>> No.6371152

I spent the entire day in my room; old shirt.
but that's what i wore today

>> No.6371162

>implying anyone on /fa/ should go out dressed the way they are at all

>> No.6371176

who the fuck are you?

>> No.6371183

oops left trip on again

>> No.6371186

Went looking for it, didn't find it.
Is it an older one?

>> No.6371191

I've never seen a solid fit that had a v-neck tshirt.

it always looks childish to me.

>> No.6371210

I like it.

>> No.6371219

From 2011 or 2012 i think.

>> No.6371353

Thanks, are you a new trip? If so post a fit

>> No.6371406


stop calling namefags trips. they're not using tripcodes, anyone could pretend to be them.

>> No.6371435


Post a fit then

>> No.6371436
File: 891 KB, 1440x2560, 62113me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6371444

What pants.

>> No.6371449

solid fit, w2c sweats?

>> No.6371454

Me neither. They really emasculate the shoulders. You should try out a shawl-collar though. Changes the whole cardi game.

>> No.6371469

ilu zespy track

>> No.6371477

Yeah, i like those, but it's hard to pull off for me because I'm more of a streetwear guy.

>> No.6371483

I have yet to see a good fit with zespy pants.

Saved to my "don't buy zespy pants" folder.

>> No.6371663

pretty ok
pretty bad
fuck you
still pretty bad
pretty why
fuck off
why even bother
pretty bad
this sweatpants shit needs to stop you

>> No.6371672
File: 2.72 MB, 4868x3238, frevtcew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you, xoxo.

>> No.6371756

No worries. I liked your fit as is.

>> No.6371857
File: 243 KB, 956x1465, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6371865
File: 331 KB, 1341x1594, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked these ones more ;s

>> No.6371875


u should stick to khakis and blue button down shirts and oxford shoes. edgy clothes dont work on you very well

probably get a short haircut like an indian programmer guy, would help as well.

>> No.6371885

the crazy hair reminds me of christian

>> No.6371886


Glorious. I wish I had the face to pull off man bun

>> No.6371888
File: 26 KB, 299x640, 4bgNUc9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new here.

>> No.6371894


>I wish I had the face to pull off man bun

why do you think his is covered?

>> No.6371890
File: 15 KB, 150x139, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371899


like the top, but those boots look really out of place with the jeans tucked in like that, kind of forced.

>> No.6371900

is it u
r u baq

>> No.6371904


I agree that it's an odd angle. They're sleeker in person. I definitely need some new ankle boots, though.

>> No.6371903

Haven't we seen this before?

>> No.6371905

a lot of layers for 70+ weather, no?

>> No.6371907
File: 36 KB, 434x479, wesh2sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem bb

>> No.6371910

felt weird, gonna return it
dunno something was off

>> No.6371922


It was 70, but with the wind blowing, it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm also going out after this, so no chance to grab a jacket later.

>> No.6371984

why does everyones living space look like a fucking tornado blew threw it

sulli needs to learn how to fucking clean dishes

fucking nasty pigs

>> No.6372067

whats between the rick jacket and tank?

>> No.6372301


Really old Nice Collective jersey cardigan.

>> No.6372329

orange rank is rick? what jeans are those?

>> No.6372368


>> No.6373366

what do you mean pretty why ?
I did, it is super basic, I really dont get why everyone is hating on it. It is still improvment from what I used to wear I guess ;_;

>> No.6373388

fucking terrifying

>> No.6373543


The tank is an older version of Dust. Jeans are the same DRKSHDW ones I wear all the time.

>> No.6373616

no, dust vs dna dust

dna dust is much nicer

>> No.6373630
File: 837 KB, 1440x2560, me62113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373767

If I see you at uni wearing that I will point and laugh in your face.

>> No.6373768

i didnt actually wear it
have you seen me at uni before

>> No.6373778

Nope, have you seen anyone who looks /fa/ there? I haven't. I don't even look /fa/.

>> No.6373786

if you didn't wear it, why did you post it in the waywt you fag

>> No.6373789

where is yours

>> No.6373787

I've seen a couple people wearing stuff out of the ordinary, like crazy fluro stuff but woulldnt consider that fashionable, there was one asian guy who i think was wearing heels and carrying a handbag but i didnt really like the look

>> No.6373797

>get told
>lelelel post a fit p-please

nah fuck you meek fag

>> No.6373802

no my post is that it is not an obsidian rule that you have to post what you're wearing today in here, as you obviously didnt
it was just a joke

>> No.6373806

do you have autism or something?

fuck you're such a waste of air

>> No.6373809

*point not post sorry

>> No.6373813
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>> No.6373824
File: 105 KB, 594x954, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres what i ended up deciding to actually wear to see sleepmakeswaves in a couple hours

>> No.6373832

solid fit, would wear.
what are those shoes?

>> No.6373839

silent skate high tops '12

similar to saturs you may have seen but from last year, buckles instead of zip and a standard look leather rather than the rough crinkled look the saturs have

>> No.6373869

Looks great dude.

>> No.6373879

W2c jacket

>> No.6373885

Thanks, Dan

>> No.6373886


pretty sure they're black leather cons.

>> No.6373888

Could we see some more angles? Looks good like this, but I wanna see more. Also source on pants?

>> No.6373892

thanks friend
industrie Westminster jacket, they've only got it left in XXL online now
thanks dan
what kind of angles you want? i already collapsed my tripod and everything
the pants are industrie as well, garrison pant

>> No.6373897

i just realised how much longer i had one of the hood drawstrings i better fix that

>> No.6373921

w2c them hip shades?

>> No.6374096
File: 107 KB, 500x742, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6374103

this is from the SZ waywt

>> No.6374115

yeah i literally just saw it an hour ago there

>> No.6374119
File: 124 KB, 640x640, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't care

>> No.6374131


>> No.6374133


>> No.6374137

>doesnt even show us his outfit
>fails at "nonchalantly" trying to showcase his gay ass tats

fuck off retard

>> No.6374150

Are you stupid?

He is just re posting stuff from SZ.

>> No.6374151

Wow. I took the pic for instagram you hick retard. Do you want me to take another one just for you?

ps nice floral dress

>> No.6374601
File: 2.50 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_3611[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

returned this fisco
comped these pants but they need tailoring
oh and a goofdrape hoodie/cardigan
leaving for barcelona now..... let the shopping commence

>> No.6374605
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_3608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shrugs plz
wearing them high as fuck since fit is so bad

>> No.6374629
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>> No.6374633
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>> No.6374636


>> No.6374639
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>> No.6374651


>> No.6374653


>> No.6374660


is dat sum max payne 2 on the shelf in the original box

>> No.6374721

no, i think he has that thing where your knee doesn't handle weight properly or something and they go kind of inverted. shoes are a little big

>> No.6374770

I'm not leaving the area immediately around my house today, so I'm just wearing gray gym shorts and a red t-shirt.

>> No.6374802


I'm not that guy but how do you lose weight in your thighs?

>> No.6374835

lose weight overall
you cant target areas

>> No.6374916
File: 1.23 MB, 2448x3264, Fa 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6375000

sauce on pants

>> No.6375014
File: 184 KB, 627x1277, WP_20130622_005 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6375017

as a warning
this is really experimental and not what i normally wear. critique pls

>> No.6375026

Industries garrison pant

>> No.6375034


>> No.6375038

if thats the worst thing u can say about this then thank you

>> No.6375040

thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.6375048

well hoodie and pants ok
shoes not ok
sauce on hoodie and pants?

>> No.6375051

what hoodie
pants are naked and famous
i made the tank top
is the only problem w/ shoes the clown shoe aspect?

>> No.6375058


this guy doesn't look fat though, how are his hips/thighs so large, is it just the cut of the trousers?

>> No.6375063

meant tank top

>> No.6375069

to be honest i dislike the shoes and the fact that they're clown sized

>> No.6375071

ya i getcha on the clown part. it comes with being 6'2' 125lbs though.

>> No.6375108
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>> No.6375147
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>> No.6375183
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>i know what i'll wear with these jeans, a denim shirt!

>> No.6375191
File: 11 KB, 150x203, doubledenim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>double denim

>> No.6375192


Not that anon, but you understand that there's a difference between chambray and denim, right?

>> No.6375197

Looks like excess skin

>> No.6375198

oh boy

also need i say:


>> No.6375205

you went out with no shoes?

>denim x2

>> No.6375213


Those jeans look like they're very close to blocking circulation to your feet

you may want to check your capillary refill down there bruh

>> No.6375229

h-hi pewpitar

>> No.6375233

how were they? Haven't listened to them in ages

>> No.6375245

hi anon whats your name

>> No.6375367

w2c bomber?

>> No.6375452
File: 268 KB, 1096x826, june22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all you brand new fans out there

>> No.6375459

nice cloths mean shit when you have fucking plates sitting all over your fucking room.

you are disgusting.

>> No.6376251
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6376264

I have that same design but on a white shirt. It's pretty cool. I like the fit.

>> No.6376295

>Gears Of War
you're alright Sulli

>> No.6376304


jesus, how can you live like that? if being effay means never cleaning your shitty studio apartment then no wonder you guys never get laid

>b-but muh fits

>> No.6376340
File: 1.18 MB, 772x792, brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotta get sum new boots with a thick white sole asap

>> No.6376352


You might want to try getting a face while you're at it too.


>> No.6376372


>> No.6376378


>> No.6376387

height/weight pls

>> No.6376392

i like it

if you had on a rick tee, rick waxed pod shorts, and some geos, everyone would be jerking off to it

>> No.6376399


Wrong shirt to use in this, but the idea and proportions are fine.

>> No.6376418

>insulting sulli

How vulgar.

>> No.6376489


>> No.6376499

You are very attractive

>> No.6376753


>> No.6376821
File: 55 KB, 960x960, pic33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needed a new profile pic on facebook
didn't take a pic without shades, sry

>> No.6376825

you look disgusting

>> No.6376833
File: 100 KB, 960x960, getyourhairherefriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by natural lines on your face, which I've shown with white - your hairstyle should start where I've marked with green

>> No.6376948
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130621_004606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6376965



Yes his hair is fucking stupid but the part should always be at the end of your eyebrow.

I've been fucking my hair stylist for the past year.

>> No.6376975

so like a straight line up from the end of your eyebrow?

>> No.6376993
File: 26 KB, 640x480, weretyietyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day off work. new shirt came in the mail, really liking the cut of the neck, sort've like a sports shirt. blaze it cray

>> No.6376995

prob the jacket

>> No.6377004

pls be in Toronto

>> No.6376999

>h-hey guys look i spent my a-allowance on this one tshirt

>a-am i a goober ninja n-now?

>> No.6377007


pls be in Lagos

>> No.6377009

quebec actually canada-anon

>> No.6377013



how many mowed lawns did it take to cop that shirt?

>> No.6377030

You could have had all of this

>> No.6377022

why do you have two sponges in your bathroom

>> No.6377040
File: 102 KB, 960x960, 1371940182793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377038

>buying a single peice of expensive clothing.


>> No.6377048


I think the issue is we can't really see anything but your shirt and your pants look like they fit kinda poorly
but I like the shirt though

>> No.6377057


I don't understand how a t-shirt that's been on sale for weeks is expensive.

>> No.6377051

okay thanks very helpful man

>> No.6377096

more expensive than his fucking shorts.

>> No.6377112
File: 335 KB, 1228x816, 1[smw].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were absolutely amazing
really different live but in a good way, so energetic
the room they were playing in was tiny, it was originally meant to be in a different place but got changed for whatever reason at the last day
i was right in the back corner standing on a chair and that was only two meters away from them
and otto the guitarist recognised me, he told me about how his brother browses this board and had showed him pictures of me i thought that was pretty cool

>> No.6377137

>and otto the guitarist recognised me, he told me about how his brother browses this board and had showed him pictures of me i thought that was pretty cool


>> No.6377155
File: 195 KB, 1500x2000, sullibrown2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377171

Should I just wear with RO/Silent/y3 drop crotch swear/shorts?

>> No.6377202


You should wear it with what you want to wear it with. If I had it, I'd probably put it with a sleek black jean/pant and just throw a leather over and let the print peek out.

>> No.6377364
File: 155 KB, 1914x456, sulli for peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377367


>> No.6377541
File: 151 KB, 612x612, merewethergram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorts, henley, jacket, runners, sunnies.
Morning walk before coffee core.

>> No.6377865

>Arm almost covered completely in solid color
What a waste of ink

>> No.6377876


>> No.6377889


thanks bruh


whats wrong with the shirt? maybe another colour?



>> No.6377915

Can I get a sause on the jacket please

>> No.6378201



>> No.6378214

someone please rate me?

>> No.6378386
File: 27 KB, 413x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, what a fucking tryhard
People laughs at you in te street, right?

>> No.6378437
File: 101 KB, 612x612, Rick Pls Respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6378451
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1363068178948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and otto the guitarist recognised me, he told me about how his brother browses this board and had showed him pictures of me i thought that was pretty cool


>> No.6378461

up here man; >>6373892


>> No.6378469

yus. you are affirming my fast track plan to instant stardom. see u fuckers in the year of 2014.

ps better wardrobe than bai

>> No.6378476

i'm watching shake it up niggers

>> No.6378499


>> No.6378505


>> No.6378514


>> No.6378579
File: 650 KB, 929x2583, IMG_20130622_230807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6378587

nothing fits
colours don't match
generally pleb
what are you doing. lurk more.

>> No.6378584



>> No.6378585

t0p fuckling lel

>> No.6378622



I was actually born in the Outaouais region, near Ottawa.

>> No.6378630
File: 141 KB, 1024x1365, BNaOL6GCUAA19nd.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me at my grandfathers funeral today. how'd I do.

>> No.6378634
File: 576 KB, 1032x2840, reallyfunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me

>> No.6378635

he probably turned in his grave

>> No.6378639


w2c clown shoes for macdonald

>> No.6378643


he was actually cremated. (is that irony?)

>> No.6378647

His fit is shit, I'll give you that; but have you ever heard of pinrolling? smh

>> No.6378648
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1316631330552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking shit about anybody

somebody needs a reality check

>> No.6378650

I was on board till I got too the shoes.

>> No.6378653

Those shoes and socks look awful. Nice shirt. Lovely fit on the pants. 6/10

>> No.6378685

calm down it was a joke
i have big feet (also big dick lmao),
yeah, looking at the picture again they do look pretty ridiculous, especially with the angle it was taken at,
waiting for new shoes to come in so these are my only option atm

>> No.6378710


>> No.6378711

nice fit except for those clown shoes

>> No.6378720

w2c chinos??

>> No.6378722


>> No.6378773

yeah i was surprised to see someone mention otto so i linked him to the thread.

>> No.6378829

thanks for doing it it made my night when he told me

>> No.6378874

At this point I can't tell if you're purposely making shitty outfits to troll or if you dress that badly on a daily basis.

>> No.6378885

it's probably like 50/50

>> No.6378954

We can't all be Nathan Williams, sorry friend

>> No.6378994


>> No.6378998


>> No.6379023


this sucks and you suck i hate you fucker

>> No.6379041


>> No.6379099
File: 40 KB, 735x490, 5228_516538248400580_1158757708_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do y'all think?

>> No.6379111

niggia get some real nigga sneaks like af1s coke whites wit da strap and dont be wearin dem shorts nigga get some jeannnnnzzzzz some regula fit levis ((black) niggga damn get a white tee dont be wearing that SHIT on you chest get rid those earins nigga get a SKin FADE and nigga WEAR LIFTS nigga

>> No.6379116

What you going to BCN for and how long? I'm staying in Hostel One right now.

>> No.6379136

you need to learn to be black
no idea why you're pulling suburban white kid

>> No.6379140
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 1002954_188026221361273_2029434509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time lurker, first time poster. Just want to thank you guys for motivating me to become more fashionable.
anyways, here's me from a few days ago.

>> No.6379148

apply some /fa/ to your room you fucking moron /fa/ doesn't stop at clothing /fa/ is life

>> No.6379158

Alright, will do bro.
Any recommendations on what I should do?
what did you think of the outfit?

>> No.6379159

Would get waited by/10

>> No.6379161

Are you a grape street crip?

>> No.6379168

fine dining waiter
your room is going to require just as much work as you did.

>> No.6379171


>> No.6379174

is that good bro?

>> No.6379186

no probs. good to hear

>> No.6379235

When did the WAYWT turn into a troll thread?

>> No.6379237

nigga your gang is wearing green and so should you

>> No.6379261


>> No.6379332
File: 121 KB, 291x600, eretj349t345ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is probably dead but here's my fit.

>> No.6379355

jeans are too tight, shoes look out of place because of it. the hoodie fits weird, looks cheap. Looks bad imo

>> No.6379358

Jeans are too tight. Lose weight

>> No.6379359


shoes look out of place

>> No.6379366

jeans too tight, hoodie too bad

>> No.6379371

>navy w/ black
>jean too tight
>regular hoodie


>> No.6379375

Fair enough, both the jeans and the hoodie are from weekday and just going for a casual fit for a shitty day.

>> No.6379385

If that's some every day shit then no please don't wear any of that

>> No.6379990
File: 458 KB, 2221x3888, IMG_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy Sunday

>> No.6379994

blurry sunday

>> No.6380015
File: 20 KB, 616x359, 1371823320010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old1 is pr much dead