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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 701x394, 1371930061565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6376110 No.6376110 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fit/, I don't know who he is, but this guy has the perfect amount of muscles, I really want to have them.

How much/long do I have to work for them?

You can't really see his full body, but I guess this is ottermode, right?

Irrelevant, I just wanna have arms like him. Would it take long to get them?

>> No.6376121

i lold

>> No.6376141

i still squee for jj since 2008

>> No.6376147

that's Jaejoong
pic is from 2010 from what i gather though

>> No.6376189

100 pushups
100 crunches
25 bicep dumbell curls

You will have a body like that if you follow this routine every day.

>> No.6376201
File: 147 KB, 1024x1538, Img0402_20110908144024_15B15D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Jaejoong.

And he is so fucking handsome.

I'd dress like him, but I could never pull it off because I'm not Asian.

>> No.6376204

>no legs
>no back
>no shoulders
u w0t

OP do squats, deads, pullups, bench, curls, dips for 6 months and you will be doing just fine

>> No.6376205
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>implying thats all it takes

you really are clueless

>> No.6376208

forgot OHP

>> No.6376211

how do I get a white gf

do I have to be famous

>> No.6376220
File: 161 KB, 612x612, 1371143601001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every day

lel no. you need rest days, and you need to implement a proper diet + cardio.


actually I just do about 40 pushups a night/every other night and I have pretty decent arms and chest. Arms aren't that toned at all though.

>> No.6376221

Yes it does, it's not like he's really muscular. You could look like that in a month or two.

>> No.6376226

too well defined to be ottermode

>> No.6376227
File: 149 KB, 743x1114, 3124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I looked like him too :(

>> No.6376231

I don't know, it looks pretty natural on him, that's what ottermode is, a naturally muscular look.

>> No.6376233
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same bodytype (asian) and you have to train 3x in a week and eat normal portions

captcha: Phelps ITCLit

>> No.6376234

Rest days are myths. Not necessary at all unless you can't take soreness. This is why you switch target areas and workouts.

>> No.6376236

my autism just stirred

>> No.6376238


Low bodyfat, curlbro

It'd take two months, do high reps and low weights you'll get bulgier but not much strength if at all

Remember to eat, skeleton

>> No.6376239

Just do a shitload of curls and chinups. He has no traps chest or back and I'd guess he has tiny legs too. So just work out your arms and nothing else

>> No.6376242


>doesn't know that stress accumulates, making your workouts less efficient each time and if you go on long enough you'll get weak and the recovery will take a month for you to see gains again




>> No.6376244

you can easily work out 6 days a week if you can get your nervous system used to it. you'd have to take some occasional breaks though because you can get to a point where your body is just completely depleted. but if you want to look like OP curls and pushups should do.

>> No.6376258

>>OP pic shows nothing but biceps

You only need to be a curlbro

>> No.6376261
File: 42 KB, 500x712, tumblr_lrh94sUVZ11qzyxl6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

week 1
monday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 press, 1x5 deadlift
wednesday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 bench, 3x5 power clean, 3x8 pull up, 2x10 hyperextension
friday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 press, 1x5 deadlift

week 2
monday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 bench, 3x5 power clean, 3x8 pull up, 2x10 hyperextension
wednesday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 press, 1x5 deadlift
friday: 3x5 squat, 3x5 bench, 3x5 power clean, 3x8 pull up, 2x10 hyperextension

>> No.6376270

ss will probably give you more than just that.

>> No.6376275

Can someone tell me why on rare occasions when I go out, everyone constantly tells me to drink more, and they even want to buy me drinks, and they keep filling my glass or shit like that even though it's not my thing? I used to think that it's some elaborate joke or some way to fuck with me or make fun of me, but this happens even when I'm with people I'm not that close with and with everyone else, why? Do other people feel more comfortable when you're also drinking with them or what? I really don't get it. I honestly don't give a flying fuck if someone who's with me is drinking or not and I don't care how much they're drinking, I don't even pay attention to shit like that, so what's up with other people? Seriously? What's up with that?

>> No.6376282
File: 142 KB, 400x600, 1371324693602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot image


>> No.6376279


You're wasting effort, all they want is delts and biceps just give them what they want

Lateral raise / OHP / Front raise

Curl / Preacher curl


Alternate exercises every couple of weeks. Low weights, 15 reps, four sets and you're done, faggot OP

>> No.6376292


Because drinking more equates more fun, supposedly

Ask them for non-alcoholic beverages or virgin drinks, they probably won't tell the difference and you'll get left alone

>> No.6376296
File: 47 KB, 480x640, 1371933184425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt even lift

>> No.6376298

>Useless pussy routine
>No mention of diet
>Plateau/Injury within 3 days
What a fucking idiot

>> No.6376300


i do 100 pushups on every off day (except after chest day)

>> No.6376303

or you could just tell them you've had enogh.
>trading gains for fun

>> No.6376307


Doesn't raising and lowering my ass over his cock count?

>> No.6376313

he's asian, dude. how far would you need to raise your ass ?

>> No.6376469

I'm >>6376189

I don't understand all the autism over this post. The guy in OP's post doesn't even lift, so I gave a DYEL joke routine. Its like you guys just read the /fit/ sticky and were waiting to "show off" everything you now know about lifting.

>> No.6376486

I once wanted to lose weight and thought /fit/ would be a great place to start, and I tried to read the sticky, but it was too fucking long so I gave up.

Fuck that sticky and fuck that board.

>> No.6376508

discipline is a great place to start. if you can't even read a sticky how can you be persistent when it comes to losing weight ?

also, fuck the sticky. read up on your own shit and decide how you want to do it.

>> No.6376515

top fucking lel
ITT: people who know shit about muscular development

>> No.6376531

>Hey /fit/
You realize this is /fa/ right?
>>>/fit/ sticky
He dosnt even lift
Funny ass troll
Op if you really wana be strong do

>> No.6376577

anyone else here like kpop

>> No.6376580

3-4 months if you do it 5-6 times a week

>> No.6376796


lol /fa/ knows shit about lifting

>> No.6376815

Why's everyone replying to toned with >toned?

>> No.6376824

Presumably because it doesn't mean anything

>> No.6376832

Because being toned and spot reduction don't exist

>> No.6376861

Following SS to the word and you'll just end up fat in 6 months. Rippetoe is an awful nutritionist.

Lifting routine is good tho

>> No.6376883
File: 35 KB, 576x721, crossfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376890


How is this safe?

>> No.6376905

ss+go mad for 2 years straight and you'll be thick, solid, and tight brah

>> No.6376912

is that zuckerbergenstein behind the guy on the ball