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File: 22 KB, 645x773, making myself taller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6374627 No.6374627 [Reply] [Original]

>be 5'11"
>girls laugh behind my back wherever I go
>males mock me openly
>clerks in high-end clothing stores suggest shopping in the children's department
>want to kill myself
>too short to reach mom's poison cabinet

>> No.6374631

>be 5'4.
>fuck my life.

>> No.6374628


>> No.6374642

>be 5'11"
>ride a crowded bus
>be the tallest guy
i don't know what kind of problems you guys have

>> No.6374645

Not all of us live in the Philippines like you do. 5'11" is king of manlets here.

>> No.6374648

i'm italian
feels great man

>> No.6374655

the average italian is like 5'2" so it makes sense that you'd feel like a giant

if you came to the US people would like you for being European and having an accent, but you'd be seen as short since you're under 6'

>> No.6374658

>being american
>trying to make fun of someone
my sides

>> No.6374661

>tfw no qt3.14 italian gf

>> No.6374666

>tfw seeing cute girls everywhere but too beta to approach

>> No.6374679

I'm not making fun of you. I'm just saying that 5'11" is really short outside of Asia and Southern European countries.

>> No.6374683

>tfw new boots make me 6'1"

>> No.6374684
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>average height in Italy is 1.77 m
>average height in the USA is 1.78 m

>> No.6374686

Average height for an American male in his 20s is 5'10" you dildo.

>> No.6374692

that's because of all the hormones in your shitty food

>> No.6374688

Fuck off

>> No.6374690
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>tfw 6'4 rolling around japan

>> No.6374693

Waitu piggu go homu

>> No.6374694

I had a 6'4" friend from Minnesota when I lived in Tokyo. He was awesome but also kinda terrified people. Where are you?

>> No.6374701

If you say so ...
>Implying I´m not spanish 5'9" and having a qt3.14 6'1" swede girlfriend

Bitches love my tan and my dark hair.

>> No.6374705
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dude this is so true
i went to japan for a week because my brother got married
>mfw all these bitches hanging on my sack mirin my nose, eyes and blonde hair
>tfw 6'1 swedish masterrace

>> No.6374713

was meant for

>> No.6374709
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Shinshiro, for a business thing. heading to tokyo soon though.

>> No.6374714

Swedes love anything and everything dark. She probably thinks you're Arab.

>> No.6374720

>Mfw my parents are german and I'm from the north of Spain, but that is what some actual sunlight would do to your skin, guess you britbongs wont know what im talking about.

>> No.6374723
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>> No.6374727

>Pete el anguila
Yeah man good example

>> No.6374751
File: 1.92 MB, 319x182, 8DND08ZgfkGVD8z_HVGWjQ2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a short person is near me.

>> No.6374764

that poor guy

>> No.6374886
File: 386 KB, 500x281, 1365537162330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 193cm tall and skinny as fuck
>can't find any proper fitting clothes
>wish i was maybe 10cm shorter
>reading all these threads where people wish to be taller

>> No.6374890

>tfw 5'8''
But at least I don't post tumblr gifs

>> No.6374892

this is painful

>> No.6374894

We all know that the only thing that counts its the size of the penis

>> No.6374900

average height in the US is 5'10"

anyway, what's up with all the insecure height fags all of a sudden. Fucking /fit/

>> No.6374911

>15 cm
kill me now

>> No.6374914

using outdated statistics

even girls are that tall these days

>> No.6374917
File: 39 KB, 550x453, 1338322947372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6'0 king of manlets in Scandinavia

>> No.6374921

15 cm erect?

>> No.6374924

ofc not m8 lel

>> No.6374933

>tfw 12 cm hard
at least i make some of you guys feel better now :/

>> No.6374934

then ist not bad m8

>> No.6374958

You're not fooling anyone, try harder.

>> No.6374980

are you asian?

>> No.6374981

no :(

>> No.6374986
File: 57 KB, 600x574, 1367335939358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEL im so sorry anon

>> No.6374990

fuck ;_;

>> No.6374996



I'm fucking 5 ft, 5'11 would be a fantasy for me......fuck this thread

> tfw I don't go out in public unless uni related
> spend most of my time on the Internet , and smoke weed

>> No.6375013

short girls are cute though

>> No.6375022

short girls>tall girls
but what has that to do with this?

>> No.6375020

i would date you, i am 5'7

>> No.6375021

Honestly anything over like 5'8" is doable in any country, just stop giving a shit about it. People prey on insecurity. If you show them you're comfortable with your height then everyone else will be too.

And if you're ridiculously short, there's nothing you can do so just accept yourself and love yourself.

>> No.6375028

cause you said you were insecure about being 5ft and I said dont be because guys like short girls

>> No.6375024

lmao @ tall people thinking they're better than someone else for genetic traits nobody has control over

>> No.6375029

tall girls are beautiful, are you retarded?
incredible proportions, stumpy midgets dont have shit on that

>> No.6375032
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1359916314440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'1'' asian, feels good man
>mfw nobody gives a shit when i am in taiwan, because i'm asian

fucking hell man

>> No.6375039

this is what beta faggots actually believe

>> No.6375041

>tfw always thought I was 6'1 but was measured the other day at 6'2
>No longer 6'1 master race

>> No.6375044

buy designer shit

>> No.6375057

>be 5"11'
>got told I am tall

>> No.6375088

>Be 5' 10"
>Feel just at the cusp of height
>Live in Northern Minnesota
>Surrounded by giant viking warriors everywhere

I just want to be 6 foot tall, I'm the shortest living male in my family

>> No.6375090
File: 749 KB, 160x120, beverage-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act confidently, bitches love it
>world is built around my height, e.g. I am comfortable in an economy class airplane seat, even when the person in front of me reclines I can sit normally

>tallfags butthurt about how some things are designed for people shorter than them
>massive projecting

>> No.6375093

I know that feel and my family is half Indonesian.

>> No.6375103

Not sure if these autistic threads are trolling or genuine autism.

5'9" is around the average male height in the US. Slightly taller Scandinavian countries have an average of 5'10" to 5'11".

There's hardly any place in the world with an average height over 6ft most notably some Sudan Tribes of Africa.

Average height a 100 years ago were only around an inch or so shorter at about 5'7" to 5'8". If you think in a generation people added 6 inches of height then perhaps you need an education.

These threads are like dick sizes "hurr the average size is 7.5 inches"

>thinking asian average height is 4'5"
>thinking american average height is 6'1"
>thinking scandinavian average height is 6'8"

Unless you are dating a really tall woman, most women have no issues with guys 5'9" to 6'3".

Below that and yeah they think you're a little short and above, you are a little tall. Popular to what you guys think woman are not after 7ft men.

Even the most desirable to woman movie stars often fall within the average height category.


>> No.6375106

>pops is 6'5", mountain of man and hair
>I'm barely under 6'2", twig but not /fa/ twig, body hair is scarce and invisiblonde.

Whelp, least I'm taller than his brother(and 100% less whipped too)

>> No.6375112

Yet those genetic traits are sought after, so don't pretend they mean nothing.

>> No.6375121


>> No.6375128

thread full of holes

>anything below 6' (including 5'11" is super short) but 6' is normal/tall

how are is one inch gonna be the difference between super short and normal/tall

the trolls nowadays.. smh

>> No.6375135
File: 216 KB, 915x678, king-of-manlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a helpful guide

>> No.6375146


>> No.6375238

lmao at ugly people thinking they're better than uglies because of genetic traits they have no control over.

>> No.6375284
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1368345407662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6375479

is the other half Dutch?
because that might explain the height

>> No.6375590

>tfw 5"11
>tfw praying every night to lord Zenith that you grow an extra inch before you're done growing

>> No.6375666

lel u beta fgtz im 8 foot tal nd my dik is 30cm falcid

>> No.6375679

You forgot the worst part:
>be pathetic enough to go on 4chan and make a height thread

>> No.6375703

6ft master race here, kill yourself.

>> No.6375741
File: 532 KB, 2000x971, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a troll thread, you insecure morons

>> No.6375744

>bumping the troll thread
You shiggy diggin' me?

>> No.6375755

I'm 5'11 and Canadian. Everyone is either much shorter than I, or like 6'3+. I wish everyday that I could be at least 6'0

Surprisingly I never saw anyone taller than myself when I was in Toronto. That city is manlet central.

>> No.6375752


>This is a troll thread guys
>Posts image which is entirely used to name and shame manlets and clearly shows the threshold of manletdom as 5'11.

>> No.6375788

Serious question guys, at what age did you officially stop getting taller ?

>> No.6375808


>> No.6375815

at 18/19 it slowed down and completely stopped at 20

>> No.6375838

They certainly mean something, but no one chooses them or works for them. So it's nothing to be proud of. It's just luck.

>> No.6375854

de dónde exactamente?

>> No.6375908

Same, I'm 5ft11in and I share the feels. Everyone wanna be taller but my ass is happy when everything is designed for our height.

>> No.6376087

why do people exaggerate their height so much? I've never met one person in real life who was as tall as he said. I'm about 5"10 and one of my friends was atleast 6 or 7 inches shorter than me, and he convinced himself he was 5"7 "average height", met some other guys that were 6"3 who were less than half a inch taller that just said i got my height wrong.

>> No.6376130


i'm 5'11" and my dad keeps thinking im 6' 2" because i'm taller than him. ive been measured at least 3 times this year at MEPS and he still tells me they must be wrong because he's convinced he's 5'11" himself.

>> No.6376135

poor guy
just lie and make ur dad feel good anon

>> No.6376157

Same goes for penis length. It's something people are conscious about and because of that exaggerate.

Some of the taller people i know do the opposite, they underestimate their height. For instance this guy is a good 10cm taller than me still thinks he is about 2m. Even though i got measured recently and came in at 1.95 (6'5''), and there is certainly more than a 5 cm gap between us.

>> No.6376240

I'm 5'11" and whenever I walk into class girls look at me and giggle, probably about what a manlet I am. Being short is suffering.

>> No.6376256


Seriously. I'm 5'11 and I love it, I don't know where all this manlet bullshit is coming from lately. I mean sure, there are some people who are like 5'4 and that kind of blows, but who want to be some 6'5 gangly giant?

>> No.6376262

>poison cabinet

>> No.6376271
File: 18 KB, 370x320, 95c2Nick-Wooster2-370x320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376276

wow david lynch looks good in this photo

>> No.6376280

Im 5'11 as well and I want to be 6' 1 to
a. be part of the 6ft+ club
b. 5' 11 is like one inch above average id rather be a bit taller than average

>> No.6376314
File: 547 KB, 720x1280, Topdoge.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376331
File: 52 KB, 396x594, tumblr_lbbtlmHrnU1qe0mn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Spanish/Greek
>tfw 5'9.5
>tfw bitches can't stop mirin'

Feels good, man.

>> No.6376354

I hate my dads sperm and mom's eggs for not giving me Marfans Syndrome

Seriously did they have no concept of goth ninja fuck

>> No.6376374



>> No.6376390
File: 35 KB, 190x245, Edgein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376610

Vigo mein nigga

>> No.6376613

>be 6'5"
>girls laugh behind my back wherever I go
>males mock me openly
>clerks in high-end clothing stores suggest shopping in the children's department
>want to kill myself
>too short to reach mom's poison cabinet

>> No.6376624

ITT: People think that height is what gets bitches, when it's really how many zeros you have on the end of your number your bank account.

>> No.6376647



>> No.6376648

I have the same problem.
6'1", but I'm half Asian.

So, sometimes I get a second glance like "Fuck's wrong with that nigga's face? His eyes are a bit TOO wide."