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File: 125 KB, 500x710, tumblr_mekth9aWV21rv2yo4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6368051 No.6368051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any pics of gothninja in real life? Like of someone in full gothninja, but doing normal stuff. Almost every pic I've seen is just one guy standing in front of a wall.

>pic related

>> No.6368057
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>> No.6368064
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>> No.6368065

if u live in any major city u will have seen them

>> No.6368061
File: 189 KB, 768x1024, 1346836536557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368072

any videos featuring a gothninja that aren't professionally shot?

>> No.6368068

"lifestyle" shots

>> No.6368070

Nobody has pics of that because goobninja looks retarded in real life, and even the guys in those pictures know it. That's why you'll never see gufniggas doing normal things like sailing in a yacht or buying real estate.

>> No.6368076
File: 345 KB, 470x687, tumblr_ml41ospdi21s8zk26o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah being in the the world is part of "real life"

>> No.6368077
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>> No.6368078


Can anyone id those boots?

>> No.6368083
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>> No.6368080
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>> No.6368081

when i go out at night i always run into guys decked in bbs, guidi, rick and drkshdw

p.weird i never see them otherwise

>> No.6368084
File: 23 KB, 500x334, tumblr_ml19sum7tk1qfbi0ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we only come out at night

>> No.6368085
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>> No.6368087

>Going outside

>> No.6368088
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>> No.6368090
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>> No.6368089
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>> No.6368095
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>> No.6368092
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>> No.6368097
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>> No.6368099
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>> No.6368100

>normal things
>sailing a yacht
>buying real estate


>> No.6368104

What pants are these?
Just rick skirted trou?

>> No.6368102
File: 118 KB, 480x640, 012-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368106
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>> No.6368107
File: 74 KB, 597x800, tumblr_mfys9xAMCx1qlciaso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that Jane Goodall

>> No.6368111

there's one of a bruh buying milk that looks p dope, he's wearing rick dunks iirc, does anybody have it?

>> No.6368108
File: 96 KB, 532x799, 314qxkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



drkshdw skirted sweatpants, poplin skirt, might be waxed.

>> No.6368114
File: 100 KB, 500x712, tumblr_mk2lk6suep1rhpb0eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368115

Does he do them every year?

>> No.6368119
File: 186 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_ml06yiPwXh1s2r8ako1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368127

Someone post the guy in the grocery store.

>> No.6368130
File: 249 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mjtxpqUswf1r4siolo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



yeah quite a bit man

>> No.6368132
File: 643 KB, 502x700, MnwyG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368136
File: 58 KB, 480x640, 941514_10200765248629751_576915898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are others too, lookin for em right now

>> No.6368137

Awwww yiss
thanks, brother.

>> No.6368145
File: 152 KB, 640x459, gays à donf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is drinking beer "doin normal stuff"?

>> No.6368152

>implying thats goofninja

>> No.6368158

huh. It doesn't look as out of place doing "normal stuff" as I thought it would!

>> No.6368162

it is. they're wearing black leather jackets, black tees, and probably black pants/jeans from julius and ccp

i'll grant the scarf, but other than that its about as gothninja as it gets

>> No.6368159


if wearing a ccp leather jacket is not goofninja, nothing is goofninja.

>> No.6368160

>consuming dairy
>/fa/ in any way whatsoever

>> No.6368216


monochrome outfits with little to moderate drape & basic silhouette r p easy to wear anywhere outside and will look better than any dadcore peice of shit outfit

u sound salty lil nigga

>> No.6368248

OP here, after seeing some of these fits I changed my mind. It really does look pretty decent in "real life" activities.

>> No.6368259

this lol

>> No.6368450

why do they all look like they took these photos on streets where no one would see them?

>> No.6368462

please be trolling

>> No.6368475


hng dem drips

>> No.6368530

Why would they take picures in the middle of a group of people?

>> No.6368538
File: 365 KB, 960x640, greedy jew and his friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6368582

steve jobs got fa as fuck

>> No.6368594

what is this from? google image search no sabes.

imagine how good it wud feel walkin w/ these ppl

but imagine the perma awkward silence

>> No.6368610

none of their mouths are open 4 talking

>> No.6368606
File: 122 KB, 367x640, IMG_2694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, what makes you think they dont talk

>> No.6368621

all models, so not irl

>> No.6368672

lol just noticed Dan in the background

>> No.6368732

Do you live in ponsonby?

>> No.6368742

Wow, they all look like some clowns in dark robes. We need some celebirties to wear this shit so autist part of /fa/ would stop posting them in every thread.

>> No.6368760
File: 617 KB, 1080x1620, 51a2e3ea70943l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6368763

>baww why are people posting goofninja in the goofninja thread

why are you even here? hide the thread if you dont like it

>> No.6368773

someone took lord of the rings a little too seriously

>> No.6368782

celebs do wear this stuff....

>> No.6370262

exactly. I was looking for pics where they were at least around other people, not alone.

>> No.6370283

you're gonna die

>> No.6370288

>gays à donf

J'ai souri mais rien à voir avec le gothninja

>> No.6370290

start at 3:45

>> No.6370292

because it's weird to take pictures of someone in the middle of the street/crowd/while doing social things during the day

instead of being rude people walk into a less crowded street

are you guys literally autistic?

>> No.6370295


>> No.6370297

I love this so much

>> No.6370305


It's very sweet.

>> No.6370323
File: 24 KB, 652x470, tumblr_mblwz8JFh81qbbjpeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my son asked me not to come to his bday party because my clothes are embarrassing

>> No.6370331

that was kunk

rick doesn't have kids

>> No.6370351

i hate kunk
he dresses like shit and looks awkward af

>> No.6370362

becuase he wears rick head to toe, and has for several years now

so...why do you keep aspiring to him/his style?

>> No.6370374
File: 475 KB, 1280x1707, 1371435220356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick makes great clothes but a fat bald beta male doesn't flatter them
why is he even on sz and doesn't get called out on every fit? these are the kind of people who usually post there

>> No.6370382

those guys are poor and get clothes second hand from kunk.

kunk isn't fat he's like 6'2" and he does cycles of HGH and talked about his steroid use when rick was promoting the use of them in 2008.

he got called out in 2006 when SZ was first created when the short fat dark skinned asian faust got laughed out of TFS by the chicks with louis bags

he threw a little piss fit stating he hated lv and the chicks that obsessed over 7FAM denim and made his own forum

>> No.6370405
File: 86 KB, 640x640, LrSSV4il.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's not just him
a lot of the guys who post there a lot (fuuma for example) and dress horrible

>> No.6370409

fuuma hops on any trend ever

there was a pic of faust calling him out for aile back

fuuma is a fag, he wore nothing but rick blanket and women's heels in a fit......and was serious about how he thought he looked good......

people are on christian. 's dick too
he dresses like absolute shit and has worn the same shit sine 2009

>> No.6370418

name 8

>> No.6370422

it kind of sucks because there isn't any forum with people who dress better than sz

>> No.6370423
File: 71 KB, 720x960, tokyo_zps27c1426a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they even trying?

>> No.6370430
File: 77 KB, 533x800, guy on the righz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6370425

taylor swift
jennifer anniston
john mayer
mary kate olsen
ashley olsen
reese witherspoon
chelsea handler (just 1 leather)

>> No.6370433


For guys: Jay-Z, Kanye, Lenny Kravitz, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, John Mayer...

For girls: the Olsen twins, Taylor Swift, Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Anniston, Beyonce...

>> No.6370435

sz is amoung the worst dressed forum ever what are you talking about?

it's sad a bunch of nigger trend hoppers pull of the brands they obsess about

>> No.6370440

he looks like he gets his ass kicked alot

>> No.6370443

post a better black avant-garde high fashion forum

>> No.6370452


jude law, kate moss, kanye west, courtney love, jared leto, lenny kravitz, mary-kate olsen, taylor swift

just off the top of my head ppl who wear rick etc..

>> No.6370458

sz isn't avant garde anything.

idk what you mean by black
and if you wear rick owens chances are you're probably not dressed well...unless you're a black rapstar

>> No.6370460

post a good forum then

>> No.6370497


Just stop responding to him.

>> No.6370520


>> No.6370527
File: 25 KB, 542x512, 1370554238560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone lives in a major city

>> No.6370545

it's not the real sieg

>> No.6370551

will provide you with free of charge attorneys (2 of them) and get you NRA support if arrested/charged with assualt weapon charges/

will help clean ranges on random weekends

will pull a stuck truck out of a ditch that was stuck trying to get to a shooting range

will help newbies with free parts and a helping hand building their first rifle (pay it forwaded a few charging handles and a few comps earlier this year)


tell you to pull up your man skirt and get bigger heels

start drama

>> No.6370596


I could get used to this as a new style of street fashion photography. It's oddly intimate.

>> No.6370608


you dont understand what implying means.

>> No.6370629


I know. That still doesn't mean you should respond to him.

>> No.6370648
File: 14 KB, 419x304, 1370226811329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't

>> No.6370773

is that daniel bamdad

>> No.6370887

>you will never be as happy as rick owens is with his wife.

>> No.6370892

>you will never be their child

>> No.6370896


On the left, yes.

>> No.6370909

>yfw they fuck
what kind of fetish do you think rick has?

>> No.6370921

gothninjas crack me up.

Although I'll give them credit for always wearing great shoes.

>> No.6370935


>> No.6370951

>tfw no love

>> No.6370962

lel I know that guy irl. He lives in Moscow and is fucking awesome.

>> No.6370969

tfw chubby and cant pull off gothninja

>> No.6370974

he looks gay

>> No.6370985

No, he is married on a cutey.

>> No.6370990

married to a guy probably thats what you homosexual liberal faggotfucks want

>> No.6371029

>homosexual liberal faggotfucks
>says the amerifat
I don't know if you're illiterate or not but you should really educate yourself on gay situation in Russia.

>> No.6371034


this, lel.

>> No.6371036

russia is liberal a fuck, i hope putin puts you to death for being a faggot

>> No.6371077

Lel. Start typing gay propaganda in google and see the suggestion. FYI, gays are outlaws in Russia, any positive mention of them will sent to in court, so there almost no gays left here, all of them went to america. By the way, you with your gay face would be shot there during the day and no one will give a fuck lel.

>> No.6371317

That's funny how sieg backed off once he was fucking told. Well, he always does that.

>> No.6371346

>implying a faggot like you owns a fire arm
>implying putin himself has anything that can kill anyone

Stoner AR series rifle owning master race reporting here

>implying faggotfuck lovers like you fags have even seen a firearm

>> No.6371384

>implying you can survive in Russia without a firearm.
You really don't know shit about this country. You should visit it sometime, don't bother buying a return ticket though: you won't need it.

>> No.6371397

is it really that bad? Russia is on my places to go cause dem qtpa2ts

>> No.6371412

If you have face which literally screams I AM A HUGE FAGGOT like sieg has — absolutely.

>> No.6371431

are there a lot of hot russian chicks there though?

>> No.6371455

>Stoner AR

Lol Murrica.

>> No.6371467

Yes (depends on where you are looking for them of course). Most of them have really high standards, but middle-tier 7/10 especially over 25 are obsessed with marriage so they will easily convince themselves of anything.
I'd really recommend Ukraine though, girls there are similar to russian girls in terms of beauty but they are muuuch easier to bang if you are going for it.

>> No.6371473

is Ukraine as bad as Russia?

>> No.6371486

For a visitor most certainly not.

>> No.6371504

cool I guess ill have to consider it instead of russia
why the difference though? I always considered them pretty similar

>> No.6371543

Russia is invaded by muslims from south. Ukraine isn't. Ukraine is really poor compared to Russia, good-looking chicks there have their standards lower.

>> No.6371558

There is one of baizilla in Rick geos in the supermarket, try to find it as I'm too lazy.

>> No.6371565

ahh alright thanks for all the help man

>> No.6371580
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>> No.6373261
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deal wid it

>> No.6373270

i want to rub kunks bald head on my belly
would feel scratchy

>> No.6373268

Are you serious?
do you even invest?

>> No.6373376

Dat nigga got shoulders like mine
Its hard as fuckkk to find nice clothes that actually fit.
Julius is out of the picture, they hate shoulders

>> No.6373439
File: 46 KB, 247x445, goofthom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6373453

lel, my hair looked like that today. repels women like magic

except scary daddy issue types

>> No.6373462


>> No.6373470

thom is so /fa/


>> No.6373919

fuck me, does this happen in ponsonby?
I live nearby, pretty sure this woman who lives near me is a GN, only seen her a couple of times leaving for work while walking to the bus though. She lives in this sweet wooden house with all this bamboo and shit.

>> No.6374382

Confirmed for not knowing what implying means.
He didn't imply it, he said it.