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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 364 KB, 500x374, tumblr_m7jwbqCvyx1r1fzbjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6361936 No.6361936 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get yours?

>> No.6361965

Ask my mommy

>> No.6362257

I inherited 20mil when I turned 18.

>> No.6362270

>pic is less than 1k
top lel

>> No.6362282

I don't. I'm poor as fuck.

>> No.6362286

powerpoint presentations explaining why I need a certain amount

>> No.6362313
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>> No.6362326

I don't

>> No.6362339

20k pls

>> No.6362349

I aid in the illegal distribution of drugs, and I don't even touch or see the stuff. At this point I don't have a choice, its like a binding contract where I singed my life. O well, fresh designer shit every season.

>> No.6362356

What does Casey do for a living?

>> No.6362360

Explain. How are you forced to aid drug trafficking?

>> No.6362363

That is a terrifying place to be and my prayers are with you.

polite sage.

>> No.6362367

pretty sure he does hard labour 50 hours a week, the most un/fa/ job out there

>> No.6362377

Mom and dad.

>> No.6362379

I'm an assistant for a fashion Photographer, hopefully becoming a full time one in the future.

>> No.6362387

so you inherited your dads pharmacy? not too shabby

>> No.6362392

It's not that I would get killed but probably get blamed for it all and spend a long time in prison cause of corruption and what not.

>> No.6363747
File: 38 KB, 290x461, stephen harper with kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a shitty bar and grill in St. John's, Newfoundland.

>> No.6363758

I am satellite systems engineer.

This is my current girl: http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/03/jupiter-2echostar-xix-deal-2016-ariane-5-launch/

>> No.6363763


>> No.6363767

I drive pizzas. Its a good way to launder drug money in small amounts.

Anyone know how to go about stealing credit cards?

>> No.6363779

use cafe's and public wifi on a comp you dont care about deliver next day to a po box..change the box from week to week and different locations

>> No.6363801


Ok. Is it safe to order of SR this way?

>> No.6363805

sr?im not familiar with this sites lexicon

>> No.6363808


Silk road

>> No.6363807

He carries it internationally in his butt between modeling shoots. His abusive heroin dealer boyfriend won't let him stop.

>> No.6363809

lol nvm .i never did so i cant say..why not sshop with a dealer get them something and trade..

>> No.6363823


Niggas don't want to because they assume the risk and id be cutting in on their mediocre buisness.

>> No.6363826

I work in security. My uniform is actually pretty cool. I wear nice boots, and a nice belt, so that helps.

>> No.6363828

pls be in london

>> No.6363831

I'm about dat NEET swag nigga

>> No.6363839
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i'm a high end male prostitute

>> No.6363843
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get better plugs if thats the case i'd letsomeboy get my shit for a bag

>> No.6363865

if your serious are you straight? i am and really want to do it for the money but don't know if i can handle it.

>> No.6363896

lol'd, this is my first time on 4chan in ages. do people even remember tiny?

>> No.6363902
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Builder's labourer, it's a good job. But I got a broken bone in my foot at the moment, fuck my life.

>> No.6363920

I would hire you ;)

>> No.6363922


i'm gay

there are only male clients

the female client is a myth. it's like 1 in a million

>> No.6363927

idk if i could take it man. depends though, for like $1500 id do a lot of shit.

I know female clients dont exist, thats why im unsure. do you know any straight people who do it?

>> No.6363933



there's straight people in gay porn, and there's straight people that are the lower end desperate street side whore type

gotta at least partially enjoy what you do, and in any case you'd be horrible at sex

>> No.6363938

dude even if u do get a female client its going to be an obese 70 year old woman

do u think any even moderately attractive female is going to have problems getting laid

>> No.6363943

hole is hole

>> No.6363946

i dreamed one day i'd be livin' off the system for free
well dreams come true honey welcome to my reality

i am college-educated and in the process of trying to get a job though

>> No.6363948

yea i guess your right. fuck. thanks.

>> No.6363951

>I know female clients dont exist
read it again.

>> No.6363954

Is it possible to be a male escort and not do any sex shit?

I'm straight and want easy money but I have no desire to do anything of a sexual nature with men.

>> No.6363959

Move to japan and become a host

Gaijin cut-off is 6'+ and eight pack and looking young enough to be 15 though

>> No.6363960

i know what you mean, id fucking spend lunch with some sad lonely rich faggot if he gave me $100.

>> No.6363961

But that goes for men as well.

Sad story, but a guy I knew at high school became a rent boy and now he owns a apartment loft in the city. He said that he gets a lot of business type men as his customers.

Tbh, I don't think you should head down that path. Through your comments I can see that prostitution is just going emotionally destroy you,

>> No.6363980

I build stages and set up lights and sound for concerts.

>> No.6363986


So all I have to do is work out and get some plastic surgery?

Do I need to know the language?

>> No.6363995

I'm a hairdresser right now, but I'm going back to school for Business because I'm tired of being poor, even worse I'm black. My stomach hurts so I'm lookin for a purse to snatch

>> No.6364046


yah, but a dick is a dick and if you're a male escort expect to be either sucking it or handling it


no, a guys not going to pay a guy to have a talk with lmao


yah good luck with that. i know at least 20 people that want to 'go to japan' and work in a host club or some shit after they graduate college. i can only lel


i know alot of guys that do it for supplemental income to whatever job their doing. they only have 4-6 people a week

>> No.6364053

are there guys that would pay to suck your dick

>> No.6364057

Wow really? Where do they get their clients? I thought prostitution was illegal in the US... I am assuming you are from the US?

>> No.6364060
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>not being a trust fund baby from a rich old money family


come @ me bros

>> No.6364071

what do you do for a living and where is that $3000 coming from, is it you weekly wages?

>> No.6364075


maybe. i'm sure there is somewhere. good luck finding one. you better be a 10/10 male model though


there are sites for these things

prostitution is illegal in most parts of the US, but so are hard drugs. doesn't mean people don't do it

don't be stupid enough to put in it your bank count as your income

one time an guy paid me 8k dollars for an all expenses paid two week trip with him around europe

>> No.6364082 [DELETED] 


one of my friends owed me a few grand that i borrowed to him earlier

>> No.6364087

Oh wow, did you take up that offer?

>> No.6364089


i'm a student and i don't do anything for a living

3k is from a friend that i lent some money to earlier. he's one of the poorer scholarship students that go to my school so he needed to borrow some money to pay off some stuff, and i told him i'd lend it to him interest free

>> No.6364096


Fuck, I'm mega jelly, my dad was pretty damn rich but I happened to be in his cast-off family so I didn't get shit while my half-brothers had like, 5 overseas vacations a year minimum

Also I'm getting student loans while they have studio apartments and get international student tuition paid for

But at least I had it a better than some people I know. It's crazy what a spectrum there is

>> No.6364094
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>712.708 in account
>feel rich when 100 is in mine

>> No.6364106

Well, at least we know how you got into Harvard . . .

>> No.6364105

Sorry if this question is intrusive. How on earth did you manage to get that much in your savings if you are a student who hasn't got a job yet? Also without a trust fund??

>> No.6364107

how do you be sure to not get stds

thats the only thing id be worried about

>> No.6364109

Im a hustler and BlackHat.
Also trying to learn how to dress. Because I'm a mess.

>> No.6364114


i do have a trust fund

that's not part of it. that's just some money my parents put in so i'd have spending money for shit i wanted to do so i wouldn't have to ask them, like if i wanted to experiment with stocks or something or buy tickets or whatever

>> No.6364115



>> No.6364119


>> No.6364120

Not him, but before I went to university I had about 3000 saved up with various jobs.
Still have 2000 left.

>> No.6364122

sorry for you loss

>> No.6364129

my condolences..

>> No.6364132

what about herps, crabs, broken condoms, ect

>> No.6364135
File: 2 KB, 93x125, 1370256165895s_zps3b6cd81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck dick
$100 a pop

He gives great head and he has amazing titties,

>> No.6364140

wow.. I am literally speechless. I know that there are a few wealthy people in the world who have that ability to freely give their children that amount of cash.

While it might take me years to save up to that amount with this audiology degree. It still feels like there is such a great amount of inequity involved, but this is just fueled by jealously. haha

Are you parents business owners of something?

>> No.6364146

I won the competition in History among students in my province and get 7000 rubles (230$) and bought a jacket and shirt. Am I tough?

>> No.6364171

/fa/ - Male Prostitution

>> No.6364175

On a night im a Commis Chef, during the day im doing an apprenticeship in funeral directing.

>> No.6364194

why did this make me laugh so hard?

>> No.6364207

that sound bretty kool mang, but I feel you shouldve spent the money on books.

>> No.6364212

In Soviet Russia i have an e-book.

>> No.6364227

I'm really jealous. You are damn lucky with those opportunities, make good use of it.

>> No.6364237

I guess that makes you a peedorashque.

>> No.6364242

do u need a girl 2 share clothes w/?? <33

>> No.6364259

the hosts that make the big bucks in japan eventually end up having sex with their clients (the ones that spent the most money of them) and these are like 99% of the time hostesses

Check out the documentary called The Great Happiness Space, its about a host club in Osaka.
The owner makes 50k per month


>> No.6364317
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>> No.6364365


What does that mean?

>> No.6364372

that picture is wrong though. my parents will die

>> No.6364396

No shit are you a wizard fuccboi?

>> No.6364878

i make counterfeit art and then i sell the fakes to the nouveau riche in china who dont know shit about art. i do mostly sketches and shit

most /fa/ career in the world

>> No.6364913

that sounds like something I'm capable of doing. Please explain some more.

>> No.6364919

Pub work
Freelance Network security Auditing

Raking it in atm, only just graduated.

>> No.6364929

my mum is widowed and poor, so I get a free £3.5k from the government for uni

aside from that I work at Tesco. £7 an hour for an 18 year old isn't bad

>> No.6364947

top lel

>> No.6364973

Got my degree, after which I worked on an oil rig for a year. Since I didn't blow all my money on drink and drugs like the others I saved up a decent amount and also got to travel. Since then I've worked as a firefighter, private investigator and construction jobs. Moving to Texas soon where I'll marry my girlfriend and probably work as a carpenter.

>> No.6364992

flip the shit people give away or sell on craigslist

>> No.6365001

i bet against the US dollar

>> No.6365004

do you love your mum?

>> No.6365011
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thats illegal goim

>> No.6365019

>mfw americans print more money and don't know what inflation is

>> No.6365025

>Getting a degree
>fucking up life this badly

>> No.6365225

they're not usually hostesses, they're usually fukkoku which is essentially a prostitute. hostesses are a different thing.

The great happiness space is a great film though.

>> No.6365241

I work at a papa johns

Shit job, shit pay, been poor tier my whole life

Aspiring rapper, started from the bottom now I'm in the working force

>> No.6365251

My condolences

>> No.6365270
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It's ok, my group of friends make enough for all of us to smoke weed everyday

and thats what matters

>> No.6365276

oh god you're a stoners too...you poor thing

>> No.6365292

forgot your face

>> No.6365296


It's a result of a lack of money, weed is great for us poorfags

>> No.6365305
File: 94 KB, 1295x1600, 23r25xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im soldier in the german army
10. J?ger Regiment I meldet sich.

>> No.6365308

where can I cop a sweatshop?

I want to become a designer of really low quality goofninja clothing so I can get money off of the hard labor of children and single moms.

>> No.6365315

I want to work in a warehouse storage, or some other "heavy" line of work, to be honest. Got my forklift license recently, might go to norway and live as a hermit for a year or something, just lifting stuff during the day and painting every evening. Right now I'm unemployed and hang out with my girl, go to parties or both, every single day.

wish i could be neet for the rest of my life, I want to play vidya and brush my hair every day. if i didn't have my dignity i'd find a sugar daddy/mama, lmao

>> No.6365330

was d3 botting for $1500/mo but that dried up to like $300/mo now

>> No.6365516

Sell out my oh-so-valuable data mining and database management skills to companies.

>> No.6365538

How do I into blackhatting

>> No.6365544

how do you afford your clothes? daddy?

>> No.6365548

i got a job. i earn 255 per week. my weekly expenses are 70. my wage is shit but i manage.

>> No.6365546

makes $$ with art

and I transfer $100 to his paypal every time he posts in waywt

>> No.6365565
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>makes $$ with art
you can do that?

>> No.6365594


the trick is to be good at it

One of my friends gets paid to draw shit, paint shit, and sketch tats (he doesn't do tats himself). People are willing to pay decent money for a good artist bruh

Another homie paid like $400 for some guy do draw his album cover

>> No.6365600


it's hard, but possible. Spent 4-5 days on a painting, sold it for about 2700 usd. If your name gets known you can make crazy money.

>> No.6365606


ps kiss, ill post a cool fit when I remember to snap pics. :V

>> No.6365607

not good money and not a constant income. It's nice to get 300$+ in a day for something you enjoy, but it's not daily. So stop the crap.

>> No.6365767

You can take £20 of materials and turn it into £100 worth of art fairly easily, assuming you've got the skills. People aren't going to buy total shit, but there are ways of making something pretty decent without being the next Michaelangelo.

Now if you can churn out a painting in 8 hours, you've made £10 an hour doing something in your spare time by your own rules without having anyone on your back.

>> No.6365784

You've got to find a buyer as well

>> No.6365821

please for the love of Christ buy a house and don't let that shit just slowly whittle down.

track designer, like an architect for railway track configuration- dat public transport money.

>> No.6365827

wtf one of the guys was wearing a dior bloodwound shirt in the first 2 mins

>> No.6365828

repost fag

>> No.6365846


Well, yeah, of course. If you aim big it's best to avoid getting known as someone who does cheap portraits, sadly. Do them, but do them away from your name. Sell for over 1k at least, if you can't do that then practice and socialize until you can, if you've got a good enough vision your paintings can well make 10 k a piece. it's a nasty business really.

>> No.6365847

Work a part time job
Tutor engineering courses
Lots of leftover scholarship money

Going to college actually turned me a profit.

>> No.6365898

How do I into high class female prostitution?

>> No.6365958

I sell drugs i could kill you if i wanted

>> No.6366010

Dude, you are so hardcore. I am scared of you, you faggot. I bet you have connections with the cartel, huh? You probably think you're tough shit because you sold a few grams of shitty weed.

>> No.6366020

top fucking lel

>> No.6366023
File: 194 KB, 1713x1120, ksk_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am part of the Kommando Spezialkrafte (KSK). I could kill you in a covert mission tonight. Sleep tight, you little scumbag.

>> No.6366033

Become female.
Fuck rich guys.

>> No.6366040

>literally speechless
>carry on rambling on

>> No.6366037

I am an alien.

>> No.6366047

I invested in bitcoins. Now I am a millionare. I once bought a Rolex watch, brand new, and handed it over to a homeless person on the street.

>> No.6366050
File: 29 KB, 500x332, 1366913298672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad works at nintendo and he could ban you from buying a gameboy
~~a fate worse than death~~

>> No.6366071

you were a private investigator? that's like the most /fa/ job there is.

>> No.6366081

You talk big, candyass. My dad works at Microsoft, Apple, Lenovo, Gateway, HP, and several other computer companies. He is so powerful he could ban you from buying and using any computers from the aforementioned companies. I am serious. If you test me, you will fail. You can enjoy having no computers for the rest of your life. That means no more shitposting on /fa/ or hentai porn for you. Do you want that, you punk?

>> No.6366085


>> No.6366088

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6366103

That copypasta is old, Americunt.

>> No.6366110

I work for the Council, earn below the average for my age bracket and have a haircut and sense of fashion that is basically the antithesis of everything that /fa/ stands for and I still live with my parents.

I come to /fa/ to live vicariously.

>> No.6366120

make about $100 to $200 dollars a month, still live with parents, can't afford school, family is poor, won't get jack shit when they die.

so fucking jealous of most people here
life in unfair as fuck

>> No.6366124

*grabs by throat*

>> No.6366138

>being this mad

>> No.6366155

>what is FAFSA
>what is working and studying like a mad man to push through life with a worthy degree in STEM
do you even want to fulfill anything?

>> No.6366227

>ded get big computa jeb

>> No.6366238

im terrible at math/science, plus i have no interest in it.

>> No.6366240


>> No.6366254

then work like a mad man.
you can't be a piece of shit making $200 a month a living with your parents.
how old are you 22?
if you don't live in america then maybe I can understand, but jesus christ man get it together.
there's no shame in working retail or blue-collar jobs.

>> No.6366258

about to turn 19