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/fa/ - Fashion

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6350320 No.6350320 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys ever get complimented on your outfits by strangers? just curious because I wore my $500 supreme jacket today to class and nobody said anything about it. and a couple of weeks ago I was riding the bus home and this chick complimented this dude's shoes when he was getting off the bus. and he didn't even say thank you to her, just flat out ignored her compliment.

>> No.6350331

never get compliments ever because im so patrician i pull off heroin chic perfectly, it looks like i put no effort into it yet im god tier walking among mortals, people are either too intimidated because im beautiful or scared to compliment me because they think my swag comes naturally

>> No.6350334


I've had an older black lady say she liked my Rad Hourani jacket. Usually it's jackets and boots that people notice since most of my layers and pants are pretty relaxed and not as obvious. It feels nice, but I'm usually surprised when people notice certain things. A bellhop at a hotel once recognized my DBSS and we chatted for a second while he got an elevator for me and that was kind of sweet.

>> No.6351279

I once got complimented by an old man walking down the street. He said it was nice to see young people wearing something sensible for once. I resisted the urge to tell him about raw denim.

>> No.6351386

I often get compliments on my patch vest, sometimes other punks and young people, sometimes little old ladies, it's weird.

>> No.6351492

This. Jackets and boots and accessories stand out.

The rest contributes to the fit and makes it look better, but won't stand out to the casual observer.

A lot of people who don't pay attention to clothing fixated on jackets and outer layers.
So for most people, a jacket is the first thing they buy when they want to change their look that or sunglasses or something.

But for some reason they tend to overlook the shoes... even though footwear can tell you a lot about at person.

So if you look at your ordinary average joe, the jacket will tell you how he wants to be seen, but he's overlooked the shoes so they will tell you what he's really like.

Case and point: failed menswear of the 'dadcore mfa' variety.

He's wearing a nice blazer because he wants to be seen as fashionable. But he's wearing shitty square toe loafers which reveal he cheap and kind of out of touch.

>> No.6351545

>be riding subway
>asos h&m usually what i'm dressed in
>cheap blazer, jeans and allen edmonds
>somebody walks up to me and calls me capitalist pig
>black guy starts clapping
>moonwalk into next carriage

>> No.6351572

I get complimented on my looks, not usually my outfits. I think the only time I remember getting a compliment on clothes was when I was wearing some shitty winter cap and like two different girls said something about it the same day.

>> No.6351585

yeah,but only by people who are interested in fashion. the average person doesn't give a shit about fashion and doesn't notice you at all. i only get complimented when i go to fashion/art related events

>> No.6351586
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People never compliment my Rick Owens or Raf Simons. Has /fa/ been pulling me through a ruse this whole time?

>> No.6351583

>I resisted the urge to tell him about raw denim.

"excuse me sir do you have a moment to hear about the good word of raw denim"

>> No.6351584

My coworkers compliment me a lot, but I assume it's mostly because my style is very different to theirs. Otherwise on the streets it's mostly old men trying to hit on me through complimenting me first, so I don't think that really counts.

>> No.6351596

>tfw a qt tumblrcore girl has never asked to take your picture for her blog

>> No.6351604
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>> No.6351613

My best friend tells me I look like either a douchebag or too white but she hangs out with niggers. Love her tho. Best friend a man can ask for. Drives me places and pays for me.

>> No.6351616

did you friendzone her

>> No.6351622

I always compliment people who's fits are really nice. Some may think I'm a tool or annoying but some people work hard on their appearance and you gotta let em know they did good.

>> No.6351630

i once told a guy at a club he had a good fit
he was confused to i explained it meant outfit
it wasnt amazing but everything was coherent and suited him

>> No.6351633

>you see, I refuse to wash these stinky, smelly jeans for at least another 3 months on the basis of wanting them to look naturally faded instead of that horrible prefading that permeates the current jean ecosystem.

>> No.6351634

2 days ago some girl said she liked my supreme x cdg hoodie, felt pretty good actually

>> No.6351636

>buy $100 jacket
>wear it next day
>complimented, get called attractive etc.
good feels

>> No.6351642

My fit is never good enough to be worthy of compliment, but you're doing gods work anon. If I put more work into it and never got a single word of appreciation I'd feel kind of silly.

>> No.6351665

I don't thank ppl for compliments cuz I'm not dressn for them

Give a fuck what u think bout my damn shoes nigga

>> No.6351686

I don't know. When I did like her I had a girlfriend so we were just friends. Looking back at it I could never have date her...yes anon

>> No.6351712

does she have a fat booty? jw because you said she chills with niggers. usually all the girls with fat booty reject me :(
I get stuck with tumblr pro ana bitches.
I wanna fat booty gf

>> No.6351739

my sense of style isn't really acceptable, so I essentially just freak people out, except for people who already know me / are also weird

i figure one day I'll drop /fa/ and revert to being a pleb (it's either my style, or nothing), but it's going to feel like cutting off a limb

>> No.6351741

post a pic

>> No.6351742

sry, I wouldn't. I'll tell you that I looked like a failed transvestite, though

>> No.6351751

Don't know I don't check her out. Last I checked she was average to me. When we were in high school every thought she was gr8.

>> No.6351938

Yeah, I get compliments all the time. I'm crust as fuck btw.

>> No.6352008

Chances are that the jeans of his time were raw anyway

>> No.6352137

can't tell if that's a rap or not..


>> No.6352146

I get TONS of compliments when I peacock with outlandish shit. Not so much when I'm just dressed in well-fitting basics.

>> No.6352184

>used to dress in h&m/asos/topman-fitted #menswear
>compliments everywhere
>now dress in more muted heritage/streetwear
>no more compliments

>> No.6352203
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I think if you wear an outfit, so you are purposely trying to get complimented it will show. There's a thin line between personal taste and facade. I've been complimented by friends; some of them long time, some of them who I barely know.

>> No.6352279

I have a pair of shoes that plenty of people compliment me on. Old people, young people, girls, guys.

>> No.6352478

when plebs compliment my fit, it's a sign i'm doing something wrong

>> No.6352522

7/10 times I'm out of the house I get complimented on my attire, usually nice shoes/boots but every so often it's nice clothes as a whole, usually by people I've just met or who've heard of me.
I'm Asian though and I stick to monochrome shit and slap on whatever I see first so maybe the effortlessness is apparent.

>> No.6352534

Theres this one asian dude in my geology class that literally radiates /fa/. He doesn't even have a dope fit( light denim jacket, slightly darker denim jacket, grey new balances) but his hair, glasses, the way he walks, the way he looks at me...

>> No.6352538

i think you might be gay, friend

>> No.6352553

I swear to god that nigga shines and drips /fa/...not gonna lie I'd love to see if he still radiates without the clothes on(no homo)

fml 4 not being naturally /fa/

>> No.6352570

>2 denim jackets on at a time

damn that nigga wild

>> No.6352585

I only ever get compliments on my brown leather palladiums and my Warby Parker glasses. Pretty much everything else goes unnoticed but I'm just a basic bitch so yeah.

>> No.6352631


>usually dark streetwear
>rarely compliments, though known for being into serious fashion
>doing prac
>wearing cheap asos #menswear shit
>compliments absolutely everywhere qts want my dick

fashun > pussy

>> No.6352659

Yeah, but it's usually followed by "faggot".

>> No.6352677
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>wear basic bitch fit with raws, boots, a sweater, and a leather jacket
>get complimented by several good looking, well dressed people
>get criticized by pasty white nerd wearing an ill fitting suit--complete with the cummerbund, vest, arrow collar shirt, bow tie, monocle, and top hat
>Mr. Gentleman tells me that I am no . . . gentleman.
>He says that I dress like an unruly savage.
>He says, "Tah, tah!", and saunters off.
>He rides off in this old timey bicycle. Pic related.

I am a total pleb. I am no gentleman.

>> No.6352684


wow, great insight.

>> No.6352774

i've been complimented only a couple times, but i'm pretty pleb still. mostly my ervell and a really nice aspesi blazer and a couple of the shoes i've got (common projects surprisingly got compliments - for being so white)

>> No.6352905
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Compliments are always about my shoes or jacket. And once about a shirt that you guys told me to cop, so thanks for that (pic related).
Now that I think of it, I've only dished out compliments on jackets and shoes myself.

>> No.6353162
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i could see that i guess

>> No.6353184

a year or so back some girl at uni (with a bf, who later said she loved me in a drunken haze) remarked that I was the best dressed person she knew. I was wearing a casual shirt, jeans and desert mali's. she was a pleb I guess.
I occasionally get complimented on individual items but I'm just a basic bitch so I don't mind.

>> No.6353187

w2c? I love gradient tees

>> No.6353191

no, never. But I'm probably not well dressed, ugly, fat and have no friends, so it's not a big deal.

>> No.6353207

whered you cop that

>> No.6353370

she liked the supreme logo

>> No.6353425

once i was wearing a jcrew shirt, raw 511s, and bass loafers, and some fat bitch wearing osiris shoes and carrying a harry potter book said she liked my style
that's when i decided to stop trying to look all #menswear
haven't gotten any pleb admiration since

>> No.6353432

one time I was walking around at uni and someone driving by yelled out nice shoes. I'm not even /fa/

>> No.6353436

Yeah some guy complimented my floral janoski's once
felt good

>> No.6353458

I get compliments decently often from friends/coworkers, only sometimes complete strangers. I remember being in the bathroom once washing my hands and the janitor just walked by me and told me he really liked my coat.

>that feel when I probably spend more on clothes than he makes to provide for himself.


>> No.6353461


>> No.6353483

Zalando, it's by United Colors of Benneton for about €27,-. Quality is good for that price too.

>> No.6353612

i am not fashionable by any means but in comparison to my "clique" at college i am fucking designer

they too basic

hundreds of niqqas comin onto me due to my oxfords / lots of ppl saying i look "smart" cus i wear a buttoned shirt / some kid said that i was like a "combo of the word swag and class" (jesus khrist) and then he tried to combo them into some weird unpronounceable word and it was awkward / 'ur cologne smells nice' (only guys have said this...lol) / 'u look suave'... SUAVE

then i go to a city and realise im the most basic bitch

>> No.6353635

I get complimented quite a bit, most of the time it's when I'm checking out at a store or something, the cashier will compliment me on a single piece of clothing ie. "I really like your shoes!" Meanwhile I'm not even that /fa/, I just live in suburbia where everyone either dresses like a swagbot or a prep

>> No.6353664

yeah all the time, for certain things
>my hair (HY)
>jacket (some ethnic shit from south america)
>shoes (CPs)

and my...sweatpants lmao

>> No.6353722

I get compliments all the fucking time. I've been told I should be a model, that I have the "aura of a rockstar" and one time I was walking down the street when some milf did in a convertible did a u-turn, got out of her car, told me she was a painter and that she needed a live model for her paintings. I shit you not.

[Spoiler] I thrift/Etsy all my fits[/spoiler]

>> No.6353771

Post pic, fuccboi, or it didn't happen

>> No.6353777

>if you look at your ordinary average joe, the jacket will tell you how he wants to be seen, but he's overlooked the shoes so they will tell you what he's really like.

This is some wisdom man.

>> No.6353801
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I just realized this shit would be awesome. Kekek

>> No.6353806

>Wearing a grey button-down shirt, tweedlike peacoat, and olive-brown jeans
>Told that I look very "formal" or something
>Oh god I'm surrounded by plebs

>> No.6353832

Some girl in my class I barely talk with wanted me to help her buy clothes, that felt.

Usually get compliments for what I'm wearing on my feet, but not by strangers. Because no one talks to strangers in Sweden, It's the unwritten rule everyone follows.

>> No.6353862

Scandinavians are retarded when it comes to anything social except drinking.

>> No.6354022
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Sometimes, but I don't go outside much. I had a qt black store clerk say she was into my RW Beckmans and smiled shyly as she gave me my receipt.

A guy who's been in many of the same lectures in undergrad said my M65 jacket was big. Another dude was astounded by my gf's and my haircuts. Co-workers and managers at my lab have complimented me several times. A bunch of blind people I was helping at a thing complimented my voice and were affirmed by a group director with vision that I had a great haircut and was "handsome."

When I had to "dress" for a presentation in chinos, Brooks Bros button-down and cheap oxfords, the entire class was vocally impressed. I just wanted to get the fuck out of there and put on my usual shit.

Some of my cheapest clothing nets the most compliments. Apparently, it's not very hard to look good in the eyes of the majority. I don't even have a great wardrobe.

>> No.6354040

>what are an winnings the genetics lottery

>> No.6354069

dadcore nigger

>> No.6354104

How the fuck did people ride penny farthings seriously

>> No.6354145

>qt black store
Why do people even have to mention when someone is black as if it's so fucking uncommon?! Is it weird for a black girl to be cute?!

>> No.6354162

>Is it weird for a black girl to be cute?!
Yes. Very fucking weird.

>> No.6354173

Because black people look different. I would mention if she was an Asian, Turk, whatever too. She was cute in a way that can't exclude her ethnicity.

>> No.6354202

The streets were paved with cobblestones so you needed that huge wheel to get any sort of speed, dispute that they were still so dangerous that normal bikes were called "safety bicycles"

>> No.6354203


>> No.6354208


>Is it weird for a black girl to be cute

Kinda yeah. From a white dude raised in a white dude society's perspective, I rarely find black peoples' faces appealing unless they have some typically Caucasian features, and I'm not really into that whole "the ass was fat" stuff

>> No.6354233

Ignoring a main part of someone's appearance is unnatural and makes no sense. Skin color variations are great, and I'm not going to ignore them.

>> No.6354257

Ignorant buffoon.

>> No.6354270
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>> No.6354276

I get a lot of compliments from customers while I'm working, and got one just today about a jumper I was wearing from a hairdresser.
My favourite though was when I was wearing an old pair of navy blur vans to work because it was a long day and I was mostly in the stock room that day so prioritised comfort and an old Asian woman approached me during my brief stint on the shop floor and said
"You have small feet. I have small feet. Your shoes very good. Where can I buy?"

>> No.6354282

Finish the story m8. Did you help the nice Asian lady?

>> No.6354283

They were jawns, I had sneakers, and it was like a hoodie kinda deal.

>> No.6354289


>> No.6354300

I got a lot of compliments before, when I was in my cheap #menswear phase.

Not anymore, tho. My style has changed, but my wardrobe has not. I'm stuck in the 'basic bitch' category of /fa/ until I can save some $$$

>> No.6354363

Yeah, I told her I got them cheap off eBay and she threw up her hands and said "Of course!! Ebay!!" Then she hurried off to her equally elderly friend.

>> No.6354400
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Heh, old people

>> No.6354415

what is that

>> No.6354425
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>wearing clothes to get compliments

wear clothes because you like wearing it.

>> No.6354434

Madness! Madness I say!

>> No.6354447

diet butcher slim skin

>> No.6354494

I usually get compliments from random bitches. They usually think that I "dress so cute", and that I'm "dressed well." Other than that I'll have bros or close friends that will compliment on my fit or certain articles of clothing. Just normal stuff.

But OP, why the fuck do you care about getting compliments? Just wear clothes that you like, not shit that's gonna get you noticed or complimented on.

>> No.6354505

>all these fuccbois saying they got complimented on a jacket, shoes
>not saying what jacket or shoes they were wearing

>> No.6354517

>"Hair and shoes say it all. Everything in between is forgivable as long as you keep it simple. Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive."

Not sure how I feel about the "passive agressive" part, but I didn't want to cut out the last line of the quote.

Shoes are always the foundation of my fits. Especially since starting to lift, and consequently outgrowing all of my clothes, I'm usually just in chinos and a tee. Sweaters and/or jackets when it's colder, but no more button downs. But as of last semester I've finally gotten my shoe game on point to the degree that I can wear nice shoes/boots every day without wearing the same pairs too often.

As for compliments, I dunno about you guys, but for me it's much more likely that people will like my clothes but never just come up and say things. Fairly often I'll be introduced to someone and they'll say something about how they've seen me around and like my fits, or "oh hey you're that guy with that cool [jacket/pair of boots or sunglasses]" or whatever. Very few people just walk up and compliment things.

>> No.6354525
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Forgot pic

>> No.6354564

ah, thanks

>> No.6354647

A lady complimented my taste in clothing a week or two ago. She was cold (as a result of some cancer treatment she had underwent) so I let her borrow my sweater. She said it was nice and looked at the tag (club monaco), said it was like a hundred dollar sweater and that I had good taste. I just kind of stared at her and had to hold myself back from disagreeing because the quality was iffy at best (and I only paid $35 for it).

>> No.6354690

i get compliments when i hang out with my friends. i also get looks from swag fags who are jelly of my hi tops or students dressed like plebs wishing they looked as good as me.

>> No.6354720

post hair

>> No.6354756

u fuck the bellhop /fa/scist??

>> No.6354764

Know that feel bro. Most people are so basic that anything not from abercrombie seems really nxtlvl in comparison. People have complimented my Polo jackets/sweaters, and I can't help but remind myself that it's RL's cheapest line, that it's often made in china, and that the cashmere is questionable.

But most people don't know about RL purple label, let alone anything beyond that.

>> No.6354772

I get compliments for just cuffing my jeans. I've also received compliments for a DIY dip dye t-shirt and some white leather converse.

All my non-expensive shit gets complimented.

>> No.6354788


No, Rugby is their cheapest line.

>> No.6354793

Didn't they close Rugby (or at least plan to)?

>> No.6354797


No, Denim & Supply is their cheapest line.

>> No.6355045

hustle bones coming out my what?

>> No.6355066

what are hustle bones even?

>> No.6355094
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Rugby's shut down

there was a big kerfuffel because Pyrex Vision bought a load of $30 plaid shirts, screen printed them and sold them for $300

>> No.6355115

What kind of fucking niggermoron buys pyrex anyway?

>> No.6356821

metaphor for mc rides past drug addiction

>> No.6356888

>lel anon u look lyke u shuld b a model

I get this one so much that I usually end up unintentionally saying something douchey like "yeah I know" or "I get that a lot"

>> No.6356964

nobody ever compliments me directly but I have been asked where I bought something which may count I guess

then again I'm a basic fuccbio and I've been wearing one pair of raws for the past eight months so I guess I always look the same

>> No.6357030

My friends often complement my hair, boots, cologne, etc. I've had a couple say I look classy, even though I was wearing basic shit and no #menswear stuff

A few strangers have complemented me on my scarf, sweater and so on but culturally complementing strangers isn't a big thing here, at least not as common as in the US.

I'm too awkward to ever complement another person that I don't know well.

>> No.6357035

>coming down from weed high
>get in an elevator at the hotel I'm in
>wearing poverty leather zuriick sneakers (I thought they looked cool at the time lel) and supreme 5 panel
>2 black dudes get in
>t-the s-shoes are called zuriick
>aight man that shit tight, peace
>they both get off at their floor
>I walk back to hotel room still pretty high and eat some chinese food

>> No.6357065
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>wearing these shoes
>in elevator of apartment downtown, kind of in the ghetto
>scraggly malnourished white (possibly prostitute) woman walks in to elevator with me
>"Uh.. uh the internet."
>she gets off before me

>> No.6357074 [DELETED] 

>wear wtaps t shirt to school
>nobody knows what wtaps is
>they all pronounce it wuh-taps
>people ask about it and compliment it even though its just an average looking t shirt with WTAPS across the chest
>mfw if I told them how expensive the brand was they're pleb minds would explode

>> No.6357075

>I wore my $500 supreme jacket

you seem to be under the false impression that the cost of a garment is directly correlated to the aesthetic quality of said garment on a person.

>> No.6357081


i was waiting for the subway once and a guy complimented my look. said he liked the "ralph lauren" thing I had going on.

i think that's one of the few times a complete stranger complimented my clothes. most of the time it's from people that know me (do dates with girls count?)

>> No.6357116


that's because brand names don't have the punch of a designer name so he has to add the cost so the listener/reader KNOWS it's expensive

>> No.6357113

This fucking feel.

Wearing a stack+ and walking past ppl who look poor unsettles my feels

>> No.6357164


What the fuck possessed you to wear those?

Jesus christ

>> No.6357187
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one of my acquaintances once asked my why im "dressed so spiffy all the time"

it caught me off guard, so i just thanked him for it. aside from that, though, i've never gotten other compliments. now that i think about it, it would be weird to receive compliments from random people (unless they were qt grill of course).

>> No.6357202

They're acne bruh why not ?

>> No.6357224


Because they look like a /v/-tier autist's dream jacket translated to shoes.

>> No.6357262

>girl who works in college dining hall grabs my TF sunglasses off my head and puts them on
>asks if she can borrow them
>gives them back, mentions how she usually can't afford to buy new clothes, but sometimes gets "like a really nice jacket for $50"
>oh fuck the guilt when I realize some of my fits cost 100x that much

>> No.6357304

Yes, but the difference is that berry is hot. Hot people can pull things off that neckbeards can't

>> No.6357342

>wear denim jacket to classes one day
>pretty /fa/ professor passes me in the hallway
>"nice jacket, anon"
>t-thank you

some bitch in my deptartment
>anon, you're always so put together
basic as fuck: henleys, raws, button ups, vans/cdb

the perks of living in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.6357350

Actually that goes for pretty much anywhere that isn't heavily HEAVILY urban. Most people just wear athletic shorts, or jeans at best. If your shit fits, you'll look better than almost everyone else.

>> No.6357375

you're a faggot, top lel, etc

>> No.6357436


>two patterned button-ups i wear out a lot
>multiple people comment on them every time i'm at the club
>get recognized from show to show by people i've never talked to
>want to wear other things
>kinda like the attention
>conflicting emotions

i mean, i would wear other shit (and sometimes do) but

>tfw qt3.14 asian coat check girl always takes my coat for free when i wear one of them


>last saturday
>wearing one of aforementioned shirts
>finally got my pants tailored the way i want, and new shoes
>walking downtown at 3:00am
>black guy at a bus stop with his friend
>'damn son........... you look FRESH'
>best compliment i've ever received

>> No.6357439


Hot people in good clothes > hot people in shitty clothes

>> No.6357514


i used to get shit like this when i lived in bumfuck nowhere and dressed a little more dadcore, if anyone said that to me now i would probably go home and re-evaluate my life

>> No.6357559


i actually think i was paraphrasing, but it was something along the lines of that word.

i was just wearing boots, chinos, and an oxford shirt that day. i dont keep up with this board much, so i dont know if that is dadcore or not.

>> No.6357602

Post pic of patterned shirt

>> No.6357612

Reminds me of when I still wore Supreme.

>wearing zebra print camp cap with fairly decent fit
>black guy stops me
>"damn that hat is hot!"

>> No.6357620

my most outstanding compliment is when i went to walmart to get some milk to go with my cookies i cooked (around 1am), the workers outside were all smoking and one of em said "damn son nice swag" and they were all checkin me out in a mirin way

>> No.6357668

>cookies i cooked
/fa/ I know some of you don't like to eat regularly but pls keep it together.

>> No.6357776

i've been trying to do shit like this more often

mostly because i feel like it, but also to step out of my comfort zone a bit. it takes no effort but i think it's nice to recognize when people are making an effort

>> No.6357787

W2c button ups ;-;

>> No.6357796
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true that

>> No.6357884

I was in that stream.

>> No.6357988

I was hanging out with my friends in the city one time and they mentioned i was dressed "really well, like not even my dad dresses that well for work
Did i transcend dadcore or something
Anyway, my friends are generally like "yeah man you look pretty sharp", unless they're my herb friends, who always play superiority.
But when I get complimented it's not spontaneous, it's when the topic of fashion is being discussed.

>> No.6358016

I get stares of confusion/admiration/jealousy about my sneakers all the time. Like people see me and their eyes immediately go down to my shoes, and sometimes stay there until I pass.

I do get compliments on them too. I've even been approached twice by girls wanting me to be featured in fashion blogs.

but as far as clothes, I get likes on instagram, but no compliments IRL.

>> No.6358082


>> No.6358093

I got complimented when I was going through my knee high boots and leather trenchcoat entry-level goth phase.