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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 571 KB, 719x623, 1366819559255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6351859 No.6351859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post Tinfoil pics

>> No.6351874
File: 149 KB, 500x395, 163079104_098793cc81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351883

dat awkward pose

lmao how tall is he?

>> No.6351914

he isn't THAT tall just 6'2 I think with shitty proportions

>> No.6351957

188 cm?
That is pretty tall.

>> No.6351962

6'4 is pretty tall.
6'2 is normal sauce.

>> No.6352010
File: 547 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-06-18-02-01-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2013
> not making based tripskank fit threads
Top sage

>> No.6352695

he's 6'4"
also why does this need to be a thread just go on his blog

>> No.6352709

>Give this cunt a sandwich

>> No.6352712

I don't care about this but
>"just go on his blog"
>doesn't post link
somebody's bored and looking for human interaction

>> No.6352713

skinny whiteboicore, dis hungry skeleton need to eat, i refuse to listen

>> No.6352711

who cares how tall he is he looks terrible

>> No.6352715

>i hate him but ill quote his comics

>> No.6352721


if ur not skinny u cant b effay sorry


>> No.6352727

never said i hated him m8, could do with lifting tho

>> No.6352730


now u don't need 2 bump this



>> No.6353106

what are good proportions and stuff?

like i have long legs and a smaller torso. is that good?

>> No.6353111

page not found
you lied to me fuccboi

>> No.6353116


>> No.6353118


this is a tinfoil post

>> No.6353122

? no.

this isnt tinfoil. what are considered good proportions?

>> No.6353123


man he looks like a daddy long legs in skinny jeans

he needs to get his legs up to shape

>> No.6353132

Good proportions are.... wait for it

good proportions.

torso not longer than arms, head not bigger than waist, legs not longer then arms

all that shit

>> No.6353153

grim. please eat. clothes dont look good if you cant even fill them out in the slightest

>> No.6353158

shut the fuck up you fat piece of shit

>> No.6353163

no u xd

>> No.6353265

>legs not longer then arms

what? legs should be alot longer than arms. Otherwise you would look like an ape.

>> No.6353276

On a human being, legs are not much longer than arms. In fact, they're the same length.

>> No.6353334

am i being rused

>> No.6353341

measure from where the split between the two legs start, right under the scrotum, not from the hips

>> No.6353343

2lanky4life shiiiiiiiiiiiit dis nigga got bad genes

>> No.6353349

why does he stand like that?

>> No.6353464

im not sure youre in the right place

>> No.6353601
File: 401 KB, 581x452, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga

>> No.6353657

kid trys really hard, cannot be /fa/

>> No.6353667


he is british. enough said.

>> No.6353685

Does tinfoil at least have a cute face?

>> No.6353683
File: 68 KB, 467x700, 1027382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol truth, i'd say anyone could wear those clothes, but not really look good in them, its to clean of a look, needs some personality

>> No.6353687


he has a seriously derpy face from what i remember

>> No.6353692

>"tries really hard"
>shirt shorts shoes
>"needs some personality, it's too clean"

so putting in any amount of effort into your fit is trying too hard?

Okay bro ima just wear jeans and t shirts every day

>> No.6353701

he looks pretty bad

>> No.6353703

i would say it is mildly cute. above average, if mousey. maybe a lil chimpy too but sometimes i think everyone's face is chimpy because we're closely related to them and all


>> No.6353706


We're talking about tinfoil, not lelders.

>> No.6353712
File: 27 KB, 604x453, 420221_3293465904379_2097040036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353708

or wait is this helders. i always get the two confused

they are both fuccbois for starters

>> No.6353715


>> No.6353731


oh god wat

>> No.6353724
File: 186 KB, 2048x1536, 1370702615616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353725


Meh. I can handle a lanky, awkwardly cute dude, but that's just too babyface for me.

>> No.6353734
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>> No.6353735
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no chin

>ughbodw the

>> No.6353738

holy fuck

>> No.6353742

dat awful jawline and facefat

>> No.6353752
File: 37 KB, 500x301, tumblr_mnn70lNqSG1sn8hfco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353762

it's true bro. google model proportions

>> No.6353770
File: 3 KB, 200x200, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoyl shit

>> No.6353790

not so much the effort, its just he looks uncomfortable and un-natural. so he just looks like another lanky kid whos hunched over no "swag" or attitude, you can wear 10'000 worth of clothes but if you don't have the attitude its going to look goofy as fuck

>> No.6353791

crafty anons have my fb

ill be pretty one day

also the photos ppl are posting are from when i was like fourteen but yea, i was p ugly

>> No.6353812

you still look the same

>> No.6353823

Tinny you should do a comic about yourself

>> No.6353828

could be goat

my crying about sufu rep and /fa/ finding my fb and failing all my exams

>> No.6353829
File: 768 KB, 613x722, tinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6353839
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>> No.6353840


Oy vey.

>> No.6353842

wouldn't doubt if this whole thread is a tinfoil samefag. please, just stop.

>> No.6353849


>> No.6353850
File: 75 KB, 600x338, joanna newsom face1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the pixelation tool was invented for niggas like u

>> No.6353854

>implying Tinfoil's dick is that big

>> No.6353860
File: 1.18 MB, 1114x651, tinfoilsfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6353861

lmao he just deleted his tumblr

>> No.6353864

fucking newfag, o w8 m8 its summer

>> No.6353870

...no he didnt

>> No.6353883
File: 1.22 MB, 1114x651, tinfoilsfitsandface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my horror found what I needed in this thread to complete the collage

>> No.6353893

stop being so autistic and leave tinny alone

>> No.6353903
File: 10 KB, 231x113, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353904

What are you talking about this is the same treatment all the trip and namefags get. They wanted to stand out and be known so be it. Anyways why did you take your trip off Tin?

>> No.6353908


put your trip back on you faggot

>> No.6353909

i think tinfoil looks good, but ya he does have a goofy boyish face no wonder he always blurs it out since it would totally ruin all of his fits

>> No.6353912

go back to /b/ with your anon shit

>> No.6353921

go back to any other shitty forum with your namefagging

>> No.6353917

he looks like shit

>> No.6353920

post your own face

>> No.6353928

nope i like being anon but other than you i tolerate using features on this image board
why do you think there is the option to namefag?

>> No.6353926


>go back to /b/ with your anon shit
>Name: Anonymous

yeah, fuck off, faggot.

>> No.6353930

You're speaking in loaded terms and you're full of shit

>> No.6353933

yeah you can tell a lot about attitude from a pic of a nigga with his face blurred out...

>> No.6353940 [DELETED] 

facebook com/jamie.ryder.505

>> No.6353941

I don't even see what I did wrong....tinfoil freely posts pics of his fits face (even shirtless pics) and keeps them up on tumblr while passing his tumbl address around. godamn im advertising for free and getting bitched at.....also its def obvious you've taken your trip off and pretending like someone else is defending the tripfag epidemic

>> No.6353948

>tfw he has a gf and u don't

>> No.6353949

posting his facebook is a little unfair imo
let him have some shred of privacy left

>> No.6353950

you are bagging on him for no real reason dude, and being on 4chan is not an excuse to perpetuate edgy "le legion XD" behavior.

do you think you dress better? Why don't you post a fit?
>"I-I-I don't have to trust me I dress well it's just tinfoils fits so bad here are my reasons; they're stupid, they're dumb, I hate them... I look good though take my word for it XD"

>> No.6353959
File: 518 KB, 538x750, tinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6353967 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 640x438, 563171_10150670812742104_2043230846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his friends are pleb af
i wish i was his friend :(

>> No.6353971

I didn't post his fb...I never been to his fb and never will
im not bagging on him I made a collage masterpiece inspired by his work
I didn't say one bad thing about him
you guys assumed by looking at those pictures implying that you think theyr bad fits/ugly so youre the ones that are actually dissing him

>> No.6353975

yeah, you're a faggot and should go 'dox' people on boards where they might appreciate that shit. This board has too few people posting fits as it is. Nice way to encourage people to post more you fucking idiot.

'tRipFAG EPIDEMIX, ANonymoose 4 life'. Fuck off.

>> No.6353972
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1367262960157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6353984

you called him the self-proclaimed /fa/ guy
when has he ever called himself that

>> No.6353985

that picture
holy shit hes just asking for it

>> No.6353986

seriously just go back on /b/ already and come back if you outgrew your edgy teen years

>> No.6353990

Tinny these look like they're from the middle of the UK, where're you from?

>> No.6353996

Effayradio strikes again. I don't blame you if you leave, Tinfoil.

Such a shit board.

>> No.6354000


what the fuck are you talking about faggot?

>> No.6354006

he, user and turnleft are the only reason i still post here

>> No.6354005


>"oh my horror found what I needed in this thread to complete the collage"

>"What are you talking about this is the same treatment all the trip and namefags get. They wanted to stand out and be known so be it. Anyways why did you take your trip off Tin?"

not going to go further down the thread but you're clearly firing shots. imo tin's fits are passable at worst p good at best.

>> No.6354017


he looks like a typical #topladbantz faggot

>> No.6354020

lel i grudgingly admit that is p funny

dont bring ppl i know irl into this plz
fair enough these ugly photos of my being posted, i deserve that for not being careful, but id prefer you to not post this kind of stuff

london m8

p sure effayradio isnt involved, the only person from /fa/ i have on facebook is pepyn

>> No.6354023

hes too rich to be a lad
r-right tinfoil

>> No.6354026

>dont bring ppl i know irl into this plz
>fair enough these ugly photos of my being posted, i deserve that for not being careful, but id prefer you to not post this kind of stuff
i'm sorry :(

>> No.6354032

nigga this aint prison break

>> No.6354038

what's effayradio?

>> No.6354049

didn't you refer to yourself as the fa guy? (month or 2 ago) said people think youre just that fa guy...I don't remember the wording but don't lie bc I will go through wuuka and find the post

>> No.6354051

im poverty tier by my dad is stackin
>tfw upper middle class with no money of your own


never seen sorry


>> No.6354055

but what does tinychat have to do with this?

>> No.6354065

oh people at my college sometimes refer to me as the fashion guy

im not self-proclaimed though im entry level atm

>> No.6354066


idk nothing

just now every time i post a fit someone will respond with an ugly pic of 14 yo me which will be p inconvenient

oh well

>> No.6354068

probably sufu
we got ur back m8

>> No.6354070

tinny samefagging like a motherfoker

>> No.6354075

post fit fuccboi

>> No.6354081

Holy flurkin sp3rgthr3d

>> No.6354087


also tinny himself.

>> No.6354090

this thread showed how terrible /fa/ has become
this is my last post
>implying anyone knows or cares about me

>> No.6354102
File: 62 KB, 480x474, 1371373641054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you'll leave you thirsty battyboi

>> No.6354099

anyways I think its good for people to know whose actually critiquing their fits.
twerk for example. once you see his pics you know to take his words with a grain of salt.

>> No.6354100

London? If I see you can I lick your eyeballs pls

I'm kidding I don't live too close to London

And I'd get shy :(

>h-hey t-tinfoil, d-did people like that fit in the last waywt?

>> No.6354103

Just come back in fall like everyone else bruv.

>> No.6354111

why dont u and matt hang out and take pics


>> No.6354129

also with all us anons in London
t-talk shit london meet up guiz

>> No.6354136
File: 356 KB, 500x282, 188204502699930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're here forever, fuccboi;
Every time you "leave", it's only a new countdown to your next visit.
You're here forever, just like the rest of us.


>> No.6354144

if he comes 2 manchester

who wants to hang out whos from manchester

s there even ne 1 else on fa from manchester lol

>> No.6354152

i closed the tap but somehow found my way back
what is going on???

>> No.6354157

matt can we hit gym together

>> No.6354160


>> No.6354169
File: 500 KB, 485x249, 1900256438622672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this would be fucking hilarious, please do.
remember to take plenty of pics together, please please please m88s

>> No.6354177

lelelel would be fucking laf

>> No.6354182

Welp, that photo was taken on Cowper road, W7

Have fun m8 and tell him to stop littering outside local businesses

>> No.6354200

you're not upper middle class you pleb you live in hanwell

>> No.6354209
File: 195 KB, 1395x781, 1367587012052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw they fuck

>> No.6354217

astroboy m8 u r a top neek m8

>> No.6354230

r u dum i take care of my community never littered never will

>implying hanwell isnt the centre of luxury
income brackets define your class tho right?

>> No.6354265

Does anyone have that big pic with /fa/ tripfriends on it?

>> No.6354278


I live in Wilmslow m8.

>> No.6354301


Please respond

>> No.6354310

Fucksake guys he's going to quit now. we're losing the best trip because of your /b/-tier
>hurr doxing

>> No.6354313
File: 24 KB, 898x268, ss (2013-06-18 at 08.36.03).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this describe you

>> No.6354318

check the archive

>> No.6354324


/fa/ has an archive?

>> No.6354403
File: 2.87 MB, 288x240, hand-thing-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this guy's pose. it reminds me of this.

>> No.6354418
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides and brain exploded

>> No.6354735

That's Mike, Knochensack, and now Tinfoil. Good job, /fa/ - you've driven away the only worthwhile tripfags that ever posted on this board.

>> No.6354741

mike and knoch where worthwhile nobody gives two shits about tinfoil

>> No.6354750
File: 34 KB, 698x612, 1338170642053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6354754


>> No.6354761

Don't worry about it. Its what clueless anons scream when they don't understand something.

>> No.6354763


tinfoil is a tosser lad

>> No.6354768

where do u live in london m8te?

>> No.6354822

nice tee you fuckin beg

>> No.6354847
File: 56 KB, 337x367, 1347571666373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young j clarkson

>> No.6354860

lmfao tinfoil has never put together an even remotely decent outfit

>> No.6354903

>tfw regularly see tinfoil on the tube

>> No.6354911

minus the chin

>> No.6354915

I laughed

>> No.6354966

I hate to be that guy but here I go:

I don't blame Tinfoil if he doesn't take seriously a bunch of comments from anonymous posters. Honestly, if a post has no substance inherently, and I don't know who's posting it, it doesn't mean shit to me

so unless criticism comes from tripfags I'm familiar with or comes in the form of a real 5-star anonymous post, I don't give a shit

if you're anon and think anyone cares when you say "lol ur a fuccboi" then I hope you know that nobody is going to listen to you unless you elaborate or get a tripcode

>> No.6355013
File: 15 KB, 238x279, 1359603867211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless criticism comes from tripfags I'm familiar with or comes in the form of a real 5-star anonymous post, I don't give a shit
ur fucked

>> No.6355104

at least I know who it is I'm getting criticism from. if someone posts it anonymously, I have no idea who I'm getting criticized by. so why should I care? usually it's a teenager with little or no fashion experience

>> No.6355112

>teenagers with little or no fashion experience

but that's is /fa/

>> No.6355130

aka the average person on the street who you want to impress. A lot about being fashionable is about looking good in other peoples eyes, and is what fashionable people strive for.

>> No.6355138

youre a full pleb to the fucking max

>> No.6355134

there is a difference between a coherent argument/reply (which I respect even if the opinion does not agree with my own) and then there "lmao it's shit seriously are you autistic XDDD"

>> No.6355142


>> No.6355151

>"I dress in cheap ocbds and asos because I want to impress peasants"

>> No.6355192

walk past him and mutter 'fuccboi' under your breath

>> No.6355194
File: 30 KB, 659x591, 1371176986879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6355215

lol its true tho. No one dresses well just to impress themselves.

>> No.6355238

I do, the fact that I impress other people is just a nice side-effect.

>> No.6356629

You guys act like such a bunch of fucking women. Were supposed to be on this board because we share a mutual interest in fashion not make it into highschool 2.0

I mean seriously grow the fuck up. This barely has anything to do with fashion and you're just gossipping like a bunch of girls.

>> No.6356656

Tinfoil has made a fuckton of OC you fucking little faggots, you guys don't contribute jack shit. 100% of threads made by tinfoil were fashion related and enhanced the board.

>inb4 'lol hey tinfoil where is ur trip'

>> No.6356661

lol hey tinfoil where is ur trip