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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 301 KB, 713x1113, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6350639 No.6350639 [Reply] [Original]

Have I ever seen a thread in /fa/ that shows off actual fashionable styles? No. /fa/ is always filled with unstylish faggots begging for advice ob their shitty ass clothes.

Lets change that. I'll start by dumping some REAL fashion.

>> No.6350643
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>> No.6350655
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>> No.6350657
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>> No.6350660
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>> No.6350663
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i'll dump some of my favorites as well

>> No.6350666
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>> No.6350668
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>> No.6350672
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>> No.6350673
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>> No.6350682
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>> No.6350676
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>> No.6350678
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>> No.6350687
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>> No.6350688
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>> No.6350697

>implying we don't have inspo/picture threads all the fucking time

>> No.6350699
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>> No.6350694
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>> No.6350703
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>> No.6350707

the mfa threads

>> No.6350708
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>> No.6350712
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>> No.6350715

such a good photo

>> No.6350720
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>> No.6350727
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>> No.6350722
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>> No.6350728
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>> No.6350732
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>> No.6350736
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>> No.6350738
File: 73 KB, 346x358, we tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're confusing being fashionable with being attractive.

>> No.6350740

it's weird, I can't imagine a person like this ever doing anything except look good

like, a musician or a writer would never look this way

>> No.6350747
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>> No.6350766
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>> No.6350758
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>> No.6350776
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>> No.6350784
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>> No.6350786
File: 52 KB, 399x600, Haider+Ackermann+Spring+2013+QzUHKYMfy3kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the drop crotch

>> No.6350797
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>> No.6350826
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>> No.6350822


w2c an outfit like this on the cheap? (<300)

in nyc

>> No.6350834

>thinking the UK is relevant to fashion


>> No.6350849

>read OP
>open thread expecting generic basic bitch fuccboi-core that can be purchased at H&M, ASOS, Topman, Uniqlo, and Gap
>OP delivers

gee, thanks OP, why go to lookbook.nu when i can have teenage girls' taste in men's clothes delivered straight to /fa/'s front door?

>> No.6350869

... Moot?

>> No.6350877

Because 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of /fa/ isn't fashoinable

>> No.6350911

Whats so attractive about this guy? not trying to insult your taste, genuinely curious

>> No.6350925
File: 288 KB, 1200x676, 1370993559766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get you goth ninja autists who dress up like anime characters
why don't you wear a nice suit and a classy hat instead?

>> No.6350932

is that yohji

if so 7/10 trole

>> No.6350947
File: 162 KB, 500x1039, 1345160492780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh OP. If only you knew what it was like just a year ago
>Menswear everywhere
>None of this goofninja shit
>perfect inspo threads
I feel like all of those people have left...

>> No.6350961

go to mfa and don't come back. they love #menswear shit

>muh suede chukkas

>> No.6350979
File: 223 KB, 500x750, 1345945362911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ used to be so much better than mfa.
Now fools like you think long black and white drapes look good.
Just wondering, when did you first come to /fa/?

>> No.6351048
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>> No.6351055
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>> No.6351063
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>> No.6351069

Hi dad

>> No.6351082

2008, when it started. /fa/ back then was far shittier than mfa. tripfag circlejerk all day every day. desert boots, pea coats, skytops, slim-fit-raws. no one had any awareness of anything actually going on in fashion. the knowledge in circulation at that point was so limited supreme represented something expensive and stylish.

seriously though, go to mfa. if you can't understand why people like rick or yohji you need to do more reading and looking at collections, both in person and online.

>> No.6351078
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>> No.6351097
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>> No.6351112

hey OP... how come a lot of people are bashing brown shoes and black jeans/pants? i think they look good

>> No.6351118

This is crazy. I have pretty much all of these pictures saved in a folder from three years ago, before I figured out dadcore looks pretty bad if you're under twenty five.

>> No.6351126
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>> No.6351128
File: 195 KB, 684x456, 1346130406772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag circlejerk
>different than today
But seriously
Do you actually go outside wearing black leggings under black shorts, or just pretend to?
Why are we all of a sudden obsessed with high fashion and shit that doesn't look good?
Desert boots, pea coats, and HY look better than long black shirt, black leggings, black shorts, black sweater tied around waist, and bun.
Where is your creativity? Where is your color? Its boring, unflattering, and on the streets, you look like a fool. Just because a "designer" makes it and slaps a massive price tag on it, doesn't mean it looks good.

>> No.6351132
File: 229 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mhyb39OeOn1qlwul7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6351134

Not OP but just parroting I assume. Cark brown and black definately compliment each other, it's mixing the two leathers that you want to avoid.

>> No.6351139
File: 283 KB, 590x885, tumblr_mh3ezh4awm1rnwvp5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6351145
File: 133 KB, 663x800, Renaissance-Costume-dress-113[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear leggings w/shorts and high tops and I think it looks good, then again I'm p tall + handsome and can twerk it

>where is your creativity
where is your creativity? wearing dbs peacoats ocbds someshit that's been beaten to death over and over already

fashion/trends start with #trill niggas wearing what the fuck they want until it catches on. The timid (you) soon follow them

>> No.6351147

i find the combi sorta cool but fashion forums says its wrong and it looks awful. im planning to combine acne jeans with AE

>> No.6351155
File: 11 KB, 330x350, 1313799230722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real fashion?

There is no such thing fashion is an art
and like any other art it's subjective
sure fashion has some basic "rules" but so does painting so does music and film making
The only "REAL" fashion is wearing what you like, what represents you.

anyway I like your taste

I've worn this combination many times for somewhat formal events presentations, interviews, meetings and such professional and playful without being disrespectful one of my favorites.

>> No.6351170

does anybody know what jacket that is?

>> No.6351177

I don't follow some designers and wear whatever they wear.
I have my own sense of fashion that includes color, fit, and style. You don't.
Wearing all black requires no skill, no sense of what looks good.
Wearing drapes requires no fit.
Just because you wear overpriced "designer" clothes, doesn't make you fashionable.
Being fashionable requires knowing how to use color, not just wearing black/white.

>> No.6351179
File: 358 KB, 640x429, 49yd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tripfag circlejerk is much less intense than it is today. no, i don't wear black leggings under shorts, nor is that a rick owens, nor yohji look. rick's socks are really long, maybe you're mistaking them for leggings.

i also haven't seen the look you're describing in any of /fa/'s waywts, nor inspiration threads. you're making all of this up in your head.

you're also not in the head of people on the streets. just because you think it looks foolish doesn't mean everyone else does. the last fit i put on sufu wearing rick got 60+ rep and someone put into the "best" waywt thread (see pic). i don't have a manbun.

you also clearly have zero understanding of what kind of work someone like rick does if you just think people buy it for the "massive price tag." you're so ignorant i don't even know where to start.

you're like those people who say "no one actually LIKES listening to noise, they just force themselves to to seem cool. if i don't personally like it, it means everyone else is pretending."

>> No.6351194
File: 628 KB, 541x720, animal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't follow some designers and wear whatever they wear.
I don't either, who said I did? You think I wear all black EVERY day? I don't....
>I have my own sense of fashion that includes color, fit, and style. You don't.
"I wear button shirts and pants and clarks (infographs told me to) you don't wear any color (not true) so you don't have style XD"
>wearing drapes requires no fit
I don't even know what this means... Try layering with some long tanks you can do a lot with them
>Just because you wear overpriced "designer" clothes, doesn't make you fashionable.
just because you don't doesn't mean you are fashionable either.
>Being fashionable requires knowing how to use color, not just wearing black/white.
>being fashionable requires knowing how to use color
black isn't a color?

Like #woah #wow how hard is it to look at a color wheel and figure out complementary colors/color chords and incorporate them into a fit?

>> No.6351205

hahaha moot

>> No.6351218

aint no rick in that pic, that aint you either.

>> No.6351222
File: 106 KB, 275x699, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying moot hasn't embraced goofninja

>> No.6351224

What if you like wearing black and white?

>> No.6351239
File: 370 KB, 500x375, 1368189050643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As they say back in my hometown when we wear too much black, "Are you going to a funeral?"

I love how these goofninja's think they're fashionable. It's kind of cute really, especially their stress on black.

>Black isn't a colour

I don't give a fuck if it's a whale, wearing too much black is unfashionable. Dark colours are for winter, they are not suitable in summer or any other season. Even then, you should keep dressing in complete black minimal, wearing more neutral colours is a lot better and doesn't make you look like a 4edgy8u teenage faggot.

I love how I'm using colour over and over again, considering these goofninja's only wear one. It almost represents their bleakness as a person. What you wear is a good sign of who you are, which means, goof ninja's are drab, plain and edgy.

>> No.6351250


>I have my own sense of fashion that includes color, fit, and style. You don't.

first, color is a spectrum. everyone wears colors whether they like it or not.

second, "fit" is subjective. for example knits stretch quite a bit, and can be worn in many ways and still fit. essentially as long is it covers your body the way you want it to, it "fits"

third, style is one specific thing that you can pinpoint and define.

>Wearing all black requires no skill, no sense of what looks good.

yes it does

>Wearing drapes requires no fit.

yes it does

>Just because you wear overpriced "designer" clothes, doesn't make you fashionable.


>Being fashionable requires knowing how to use color, not just wearing black/white.

not requires it, but it comes in handy.

>> No.6351253
File: 596 KB, 1600x1200, 0617234605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jacket is a rick bomber. and you know it isn't me because... you have a feeling? or actual evidence?

best i can do for you right now is a shot of the rick tags for proof

even if it wasn't me, that's irrelevant to the point. you have no comprehension about what people find compelling with rick owens, yohji yamamoto, margiela, kawakubo, etc. for example, rick often completely reconstructs garments in a fundamental, ground-up way. he started as a patternmaker and this is evident in his clothes. but you wouldn't know that, because you (or whoever i was arguing with earlier) have never seen or handled rick in person, never enlarge or look carefully at pics, etc.

if you want to cloister yourself in your #menswear shell and get called dapper by grandma, get into your nearest land's end and get a blazer. they're probably on sale, too!

>> No.6351255
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>> No.6351259


>I don't give a fuck if it's a whale, wearing too much black is unfashionable.

nah history disagrees with you, black has been fashionable for hundreds of years.

>Dark colours are for winter, they are not suitable in summer or any other season. Even then, you should keep dressing in complete black minimal, wearing more neutral colours is a lot better and doesn't make you look like a 4edgy8u teenage faggot.

this is essentially all inaccurate, np

>considering these goofninja's only wear one. It almost represents their bleakness as a person. What you wear is a good sign of who you are, which means, goof ninja's are drab, plain and edgy.

citation needed

>> No.6351267

why do yo care about how other people dress?

>> No.6351268
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>> No.6351281

>>6350979I miss the old /fa/ too ;_;
I think we need to start a /fa/ revolution. Genocide to all goofy styles. WHOS IN?

>> No.6351277

>wearing too much black is unfashionable.
>wearing too much black is unfashionable.
>wearing too much black is unfashionable.

Learn to read.

>this is essentially all inaccurate, np
And here's my proof! oh wait.

>citation needed

Hurrrrrrr, I'm gonna need a citation on your opinion hurrrr

I don't like looking at clown's while I'm out for a stroll.

>> No.6351284

why pixelate your face when people have been posting it uncensored for ages?

>> No.6351288
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>> No.6351294


>wearing too much black is unfashionable.

its not

the stuff i quoted is still inaccurate

the stuff you claimed werent opinions, you stated them as fact so feel free to cite them any time

i mean i dont really care, i was just braking down how your statements are inaccurate/not related to reality.

>> No.6351295
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>> No.6351298


>> No.6351301

>black has been fashionable for hundreds of years

I'm sure wearing a hamplanet's stockings over your body has been fashionable for centuries. The fact of the matter is, nobody will take you seriously wearing those clothes because you're just asking to be stared and laughed at, while in elitist denial yourself.

>> No.6351312


>> No.6351309
File: 150 KB, 450x674, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black is always fashionable. It depends on what you wear.

>> No.6351310
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hide sage report
>or the chinese win

>> No.6351313
File: 137 KB, 918x1611, 1370776531650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuark, never thought I'd be taking advice from a guy who can't spell and is incapable of simple grammar.

Also mate, wearing too much black is unfashionable. It's fucking ridiculous and it makes you look like a living hurst. The only thing more ridiculous than your pseudo-fashion taste is whatever the fuck you're wearing right now mate.

My opinion isn't my opinion. It's anyone with half a sense's.

>> No.6351316
File: 122 KB, 640x455, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the revolutionaries will dress up. WE WILL BE FASHIONABLE WVEN AT A TIME OF MASSIVE CHANGE!!!

>> No.6351317

>can't spell

>> No.6351318 [DELETED] 

yohji yamamoto shits on you

>> No.6351325
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>> No.6351330


>I'm sure wearing a hamplanet's stockings over your body has been fashionable for centuries

funny, but black clothing has a very long history of being fashionable, not my opinion, that is just the reality of how clothes have evolved over time.

>nobody will take you seriously wearing those clothes because you're just asking to be stared and laughed at

depends on where you live, this doesnt happen where i live and hang out.

>while in elitist denial yourself.

i dont know about that, sometimes i admit acting a bit elitist, but ill get over it.

>> No.6351333
File: 35 KB, 650x443, 379706_10152871639910483_1034381542_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Australian English.

Oh my. You're like the socialists of fashion.

>> No.6351334

Thanks for adding into the conversation
You are what is killing this board

>> No.6351337
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>> No.6351341
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>> No.6351342


>Fuark, never thought I'd be taking advice from a guy who can't spell and is incapable of simple grammar.

its not advice, i was just explaining how black is quite important in regards to clothing.

>Also mate, wearing too much black is unfashionable. It's fucking ridiculous and it makes you look like a living hurst. The only thing more ridiculous than your pseudo-fashion taste is whatever the fuck you're wearing right now mate.

this is basically all inaccurate, feel free to keep typing if you want.

if you really want to do some research on the use of black in fashion, refer to the last 15 years of dazed and confused issues


>> No.6351349
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>> No.6351357

>my slang is actual correct grammar/spelling

it's not in the dictionary, nor is any of my regional slang. i'm also not a prescriptivist myself, but i can't tolerate someone who doesn't abide by their own rules. get wrecked

>> No.6351360

I'm not saying black is terrible in regards to clothing, but just like >>6351309 said, it's the way you wear it.

It's not wrong for people to see styles as tacky, but this all seems like another trend that'll drop within the next few years.

It's like when you take a picture of yourself that you think looks amazing and you use it on everything and then you realise it actually looked terrible and you think to yourself, "Why did I ever do that?"

>> No.6351363


This page:
On this page
Word Browser
Advertisement (Bad banner? Please let us know)

Hurst (hûrst)
A city of northeast Texas, an industrial and residential suburb of Fort Worth. Population: 38,200.

hurst [hɜːst]
n Archaic
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Forestry) a wood
2. (Earth Sciences / Physical Geography) a sandbank
[Old English hyrst; related to Old High German hurst]

i dont get it, i guess i look like the woods? or a sand bank? ok

>> No.6351365

this is a joke right?

>> No.6351370

i think he's saying that wearing all black makes one look like a sandbank

>> No.6351372

>goofninjas actually think they look good
b-but I'm not trying to impress you..

>> No.6351373
File: 167 KB, 964x940, 1364220832874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahahaha. Mate, you're a fuckin' joke. Fuckin' criminal's in Australia's past looks better than your shit. Also, you really are illiterate. I quite specifically said, TOO MUCH BLACK.

I quoted it, 3 fuckin' times and the original time I posted it.

Oh, seem's I did spell it wrong. Oh well, time for you to refute the rest instead of directing your full effort into a mistake in spelling.

>> No.6351375

>itt: people getting mad they are to insecure to try out new fashion styles and designers

>> No.6351377
File: 36 KB, 450x630, 1365049425088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i want to dress the same my great great grandad dressed

if its not broke dont fix it right?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.6351380

an apostrophe in that manner (criminal's) implies ownership

and apparently your quoting isn't to be trusted

>> No.6351383


>I quite specifically said, TOO MUCH BLACK.

do you have some sort of committee set up to decide what constitutes "too much?"

because that seems awfully nebulous.

i think ill stick to referencing how designers/tailors/dressmakers historically have used black, no offense, but they carry a bit more weight than you have in regards to how colors can/should be used.

>> No.6351388
File: 154 KB, 964x1051, 1364220351280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my problem
>Wearing black gives the impression that you are a bleak and drab
>People think that it's some sort of new awesome fashion that's oh so epic and a blend of the best colours and quality.
>I completely forgot when any respectable designer made anything similar to the goof look and be successful with it
>You really do look like an idiot.

>>>>your quoting isn't to be trusted

Oh my sweet Lord.

And these amazing fashion artists that have been wildly successful in transforming an entire generation of fashion are...?

>> No.6351400
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OP returns with /fa/ men and women

>> No.6351406
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>> No.6351403
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One more thing, you forgot a capital letter. Twice.

>> No.6351415
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>> No.6351416
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>> No.6351424

i didn't forget them goober

>> No.6351418
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>> No.6351422
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>> No.6351430 [DELETED] 
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So these just arrived, holy fuck are they ugly in real life, im taller than the model and the crotch sags way too far, wearing the same size as him as well..

You faggots have the worst taste ever, can't wait to just change them for a shirt or something and buy some proper pants.

>> No.6351427

guys why are you even trying to talk to this guy he's obviously very new/not knowledgeable
i gave up on trying to explain things to plebs a while ago if they're being so aggressive and cocky

>> No.6351429
File: 150 KB, 636x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black is fashionable

>> No.6351440


>Wearing black gives the impression that you are a bleak and drab

just to you

>People think that it's some sort of new awesome fashion that's oh so epic and a blend of the best colours and quality.

who? and how do you know?

>I completely forgot when any respectable designer made anything similar to the goof look and be successful with it

there have been many designers that have used black successfully, to say otherwise is inaccurate historically

>And these amazing fashion artists that have been wildly successful in transforming an entire generation of fashion are...?

chanel, balenciaga, balmain, vionnet, madame gres, yves saint laurent, christian dior, ann demeulmeester, rei kawakubo, yohji yamamoto, alexander mcqueen, john galliano, vivienne westwood, helmut lang, jil sander, raf simons, kris van assche, rick owens, dries van noten, dirk van saene, michael kors, alexander wang, thierry mugler, costume national, prada, issey miyake should i keep going?

basically all of these brands have used lots of black in one way or another in a huge number of garments, looks and collections.

>> No.6351436
File: 153 KB, 597x827, 1356300230557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then learn to fuckin' use them.

>> No.6351437

Why don't you post a fit?

>> No.6351445

Post your best. Unless you're just a little unfashionable bitch.

>> No.6351448
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>> No.6351450


>> No.6351453
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>> No.6351452
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>> No.6351456

i would but you're obviously really biased and angry right now so even if i posted the best fit in the history of the world your little simple self would try to criticize every little thing

so i'd rather not waste my time with people like you
have a nice day

>> No.6351457
File: 567 KB, 2087x3000, 1356331534703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used lots of black in one way or another in a huge number of garments, looks and collections.

A lot of black. Not all black.

You seriously are on a next level.

>black is unfashionable
>too much black is unfashionable

pick one.

Yeah annnnnd..... I'm sure Chanel and Christian Dior would absolutely go apeshit over your look m8.

>> No.6351458


where to cop asian gf?

>> No.6351462
File: 206 KB, 685x1023, tumblr_ma82o3JHUD1qamnojo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the same thought the first time I saw the pic

>> No.6351464

are thos Jack Purcells? leather/canvas?

>> No.6351466


>A lot of black. Not all black.

ok, pick any designer out of all the brands i listed. i bet i can find a look from one of their collections that is all black.

>You seriously are on a next level.


>Yeah annnnnd..... I'm sure Chanel and Christian Dior would absolutely go apeshit over your look m8.

im pretty sure they wouldnt, but we will never now.

>> No.6351472

you're losing man just please stop

>> No.6351477

Pussy. You will never have the amazing creative mind of a fashionable man. If you have better style than me than show me. Oh wait you can't cause all your unfit fatass wears are vans, dickie shorts, plaided lesbo shirt, 2$ flea market sunglasses, and a body thats is worth less than nothing. Bitch.

>> No.6351480

calm down

>> No.6351482

Why is this thread still alive? OP is obviously either a very effective troll or just another pleb. We get these threads every day. Just ignore him and move on.

>> No.6351485

>I'm sure Chanel and Christian Dior would absolutely go apeshit over your look m8
Would they go apeshit over yours?

>> No.6351491
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>> No.6351488
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Cara Delevigne is the boss.

>> No.6351494
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>> No.6351497
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>> No.6351505
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>> No.6351506

Not really sure. :\

Oh shit, I think of all of them did an all white as well! Shiiiiiit, all white is in bruv.

Yeah, not a compliment.

You make me angry that people actually think like you. I think your attitude is almost as unattractive as your shower curtain attire.

Ahhhh, you're all just fantastic aren't you?
I actually found something interesting. It's actually not all black. It's different shades and grey's, while the only all-black rugttire I've seen is from your goof club.

>> No.6351499
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>> No.6351504
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>> No.6351514
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>> No.6351516
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>> No.6351517

Lol jokes I'd rather be caught wearing a shower curtain.

>> No.6351520


you just made my point perfectly, thanks

>> No.6351523

He wasn't saying that it was in, he was just saying it was fashionable. Similarly, the existence of am all white look in each of the collections of those designers proves that all white is fashionable too

>> No.6351530

What the fuck how outerwear does that guy have on.

>> No.6351533

I'm pleasantly surprised at the lack of "post a fit fuccboi" arguments

but seriously post a fit etc

>> No.6351534

Hey OP just because you're too simple minded to understand something doesn't mean you should hate on it, it only makes you look really silly. If only you knew how silly you looked to all of us...

>> No.6351536

Oh, so using that logic, every colour is fashionable when an outfit is all-purple, all-pink, all-red?

Alright, thanks.

>> No.6351544

w2c industrial strength hair product?

>> No.6351547

now I remember this face

>> No.6351551


>> No.6351555

>all-white and all-black are fashionable, so all other colors are too


>> No.6351560

I didn't realise all those designers did looks that were all purple, all pink and all red. Pretty lazy of them, maybe they should try your strict regime of colours? Here, try emailing christian@chirstiandior.com, I think you're on to something!

>> No.6351564

All monocolour outfits are fashionable.

Nah bro it was all your amazing thinking.

>> No.6351566

Will purposely dowdy, discordant, or garish creations be interesting? Or does a runway oddity disturb and unsettle you? The point is that regardless of whether you like something you don't understand you cannot dismiss it, because it has grabbed your attention. It can be appreciated merely for having been able to shake things up and penetrate established standards of beauty far enough to challenge you.

So yeah op you're pretty much a frog in a well

>> No.6351567


>every colour is fashionable

yep, it just depends on how you use it, what hue it is, how saturated it is, etc.

that was my point about black that you quite conveniently stated about white. it all depends on how its used.

>> No.6351579

What I meant by stating that was, all outfits that are one colour are all fashionable.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't my entire critique on how black was used by goof's?

>> No.6351593

It wasn't though! I said that because they had an all white outfit in their portfolio, then it was fashionable, YOU said that somehow this meant that monochrome looks in any colour were fashionable, despite no one suggesting any of those designers had in fact created monochrome looks in those colours.

Clearly you're the colour genius, and deserve all the credit. You should try karllagerfeld@chanel.net

>> No.6351600

you're trying to critique something you don't understand or know anything about.
also you have 1 minute to post a fit or gtfo please

>> No.6351603

You're wrong

Your critique was on wearing all black. You may have made this point in response to goof fits, but this is the point you made

>> No.6351605

im gonna stay wearing all black everywhere i go now so i can make internet nerds super mad B)

thanks /fa/

>> No.6351615


>What I meant by stating that was, all outfits that are one colour are all fashionable.

they can be, it depends on how theyre composed.

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't my entire critique on how black was used by goof's?

nope, here are some choice quotes

>A lot of black. Not all black.

>Also mate, wearing too much black is unfashionable.

>Wearing black gives the impression that you are a bleak and drab

>Bahahaha. Mate, you're a fuckin' joke. Fuckin' criminal's in Australia's past looks better than your shit. Also, you really are illiterate. I quite specifically said, TOO MUCH BLACK.

your critique was of using black, i dont know what you mean by "goof" i was just debating how the use of all black in design is evidenced by history, and that there is nothing wrong with wearing all black because it can look quite good.

cheers man

>> No.6351624

lol can you guys just imagine this allah snackbar shitskin with pubes on his face in his le classy gentelmen topman suit walking past a bunch of people in the fashion industry during fashion week dressed in all black and not being able to say anything because he's scared

>> No.6351625

sruli #rekt

>> No.6351632


>> No.6351640


>> No.6351641

I am critiquing something using my opinion, is my opinion meant to be suppressed even though it makes your tender backside saddle sore?

Oh no please, you're the great mind behind the drapes of dracula and his amazing colour range.

I actually stated that you shouldn't wear too much black because it would make you look like an edgy faggot and represents a bleak personality.

Goof = Goof Ninja. The edgy, ninja from the mountains of Hokkaido look.

>how black was used by goof's?
That was my entire argument actually.

>> No.6351644

please stop this is embarassing you're not sustaining any sort of valid "argument" whatsoever you're backpedaling into a wall lol

also post fit
do it you pussy

>> No.6351650



>> No.6351660

>correct me if I'm wrong
wait a second, did you mean
>I'll correct you if I'm wrong

>> No.6351664

I'll never understand fagninja it looks like some emo shit. I prefer to stick with nice comfy cashmere sweaters and madras. It's also better for getting a job and a girlfriend.

>> No.6351666


>That was my entire argument actually.

it actually wasnt, feel free to re-read your previous posts, or the quotes i conveniently left here:


but regardless, what you consider "goth ninja" has a huge range of looks and outfits that people have attempted to execute, some of the all black ones look bad, some of them look great. Many designers within that niche have used all black successfully, and id be happy to link you some runway shows in all black that have quite a bit of critical acclaim and historical significance to fashion.

>> No.6351670


dress however you want dude, no skin off my back.

>> No.6351671

>I'll never understand fagninja

well there you go

>> No.6351672
File: 43 KB, 416x623, 1356309443839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me back when I used to hunt with the family

I'm just trying to fit in with my ninja bro's man...

Nah, I meant I'll correct you when you're wrong because you are.

Only Niche I know is Nietzsche.

>> No.6351679


lmao @ this spergvomit

post fit or log off thnx

>> No.6351682

haha you're so funny man!! lol le meme so funny irony sarcasm!!! XD

>> No.6351684


are you done then?

>> No.6351687

>no counter-argument

show's over we can all go to bed

>> No.6351688

confirmed for pussy
have a shitty day knowing that you know nothing and also have nothing in clothing to show for the extremely little you know

>> No.6351695
File: 59 KB, 800x552, 1370321164498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. All black is fashionable.

I am so sorry for my misdeed's my fellow friends.
Hugo Boss made the outfits for the Nazi's. NEEDLESS TO SAY THEY WERE PRETTY /FA/.

Yeah that rhymes, indeed they do. That's mostly because I go on /mu/

>> No.6351696
File: 150 KB, 656x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out fratboi. I'm just a guy that likes fashion and is above fashionable than most. No need to hate

>> No.6351699

weirdest troll

>> No.6351700


>Holy shit. All black is fashionable.


>> No.6351708

>above fashionable
>posts shitty JGL fit

post a fit to prove it fag until then you're just another XD le classey gentelmen le reddit fashun!!! fashun hugo boss dolce gabana guci louy viton!!!1

>> No.6351705

Why are you posting pics of dead people. Theres a reason why they're dead baby anon. Its cause I have a big dick.

>> No.6351706
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 946953_655823124443499_792643645_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I must be a pussy because I didn't post a picture of myself online. Oh. Damn.

Hey, how about we go to a park near my area in Syd and sort this out, like real gothninja's. Whoever is edgier wins.

You can't cheat though. You can't bring any political literature and you especially can't listen to hospice on the way there. NO FEDORA'S.

Do we have a challenge my dearest?

>> No.6351711
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>> No.6351713

didn't expect to see godwin's law come true in /fa/, but here we are. and yes, the nazis were actually /fa/, but iirc their uniforms were green, no? also, i wasn't in this argument, but if i were to make a basic point against your claim it would be that black and white are the only transcendent colors in fashion, with respect to time. colors and patterns have not historically been in fashion, and patterns in particular will trend in and out pretty hard. that said, my own position is that all-black can be done well and done poorly; same with any colors, prints, or patterns.

>> No.6351716

Idk, their outfits are pretty amazing. the all black reminds me of the New Zealand Rugby team.

>> No.6351717


>Damn. I must be a pussy because I didn't post a picture of myself online

Haha actually yeah that's exactly why. You're trying to be "sarcastic" and make it sound like it's not important but you pretty much just proved my point. So yeah, post a fit, doesn't even have to include your face, or just accept that you're one of many teenage plebs we get here and leave.
you type like you're from reddit hopefully you don't talk this way in real life
you're not being clever at all just please go to sleep isn't it past your curfew

>> No.6351720

Right, so the root of all of this is that your team is shit and we beat you all the time? Kia Kaha bro

>> No.6351729
File: 87 KB, 636x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not fuck with me m8. Im with the mafia

>> No.6351732

Damn. You got me, I'm from reddit.


>> No.6351738

User, I just want to say. You are my one and only. I will forever look for you on this board, hopefully to glance again at your fashion supremacy.

I'm just kidding all black still looks like shit and it's definitely unfashionable.

>> No.6351744
File: 245 KB, 680x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is jack smith /fa/

>> No.6351746


too late, you admitted it here:


>Holy shit. All black is fashionable.

the cats out of the bag now, pls try again next time

>> No.6351752

I lied. I'm a liar.

>> No.6351753

that's just your opinion lol
do you think muhammad ali would be angry if you went up to him and told him he sucked at boxing and his technique sucked?

inb4 "lel so clever XD" failed attempt at sarcasm "but muhammad ali is ded XDDDD trole"

>> No.6351755
File: 114 KB, 800x641, 6aabfc49c16d18f3f6b650b532a0e976-whats-worrying-jaden-smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6351756

Niggers are good at sport, that's an undisputed fact.

>> No.6351757


sorry, that post has already been archived and processed, and is now permanently on file for reference and public access.

>> No.6351760

ur kewl + defs hottt, i cn haz numbr pls? I ned a rel man 2 tel me wht 2 do bowt evrythn n my lyff + u clrly no bst bowt fshn. At fst I ws lke "hmm, mybe he is wrng", bt thn u wer lyk "im rite" nd thn u sed it moar tiems + nvr accptd u wer wrng so u mst b rite. I thnk I luv u, u knw hw 2 tret a wymyn rite bcos ur 1 nice gyy

>> No.6351758
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>> No.6351764
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 165452_610584082304011_1743252064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me moite I can't be fucked reading that.

>> No.6351770

>inb4 "lel so clever XD" failed attempt at sarcasm "but muhammad ali is ded XDDDD trole"
>Niggers are good at sport, that's an undisputed fact.

thx for proving my point

>> No.6351772
File: 72 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. Can we please stop talking about black nazis... I just want to see more fashion ._.

>> No.6351778

Nazi's are fashion. They were born to spread the word of the physical aesthetic field of SWAG

You're a nigger aren't you? Are you a physical nigger or just a gothninja who wants to be a nigger?

>> No.6351868
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>> No.6351877


>> No.6351920

I don't really care for the clothes, but that haircut is pretty babe-ish. She sooooo riot gurrrrrrrl.

>> No.6351926

that chubby one on the left

>> No.6351934

Is it possible to pull of by white male? That's really nice, simple outfit.

>> No.6351949

not one of the persons you refered to but :

He has a pretty attractive face. As it seem quiet symmetric an with prominent cheek bones and he has very good lips. his nose is a bit to big though.

moroe over even if hi hairstyle is rebellious it fits to his facial shape an complements his look. His skn is soft an clear to. So yes hes good lookking but a >cookie monster shirt.. is he 12 ?
>Headphones under shirt
> wearing jeansjacket to jeans---MR.Jeansman

if you want to pull of some graphic tee stay away from layering or will look like a 12 year old

>> No.6351994

You'll look full autist if you have the slightest bit of chub. It almost screams 'I want to be Japanese'.

>> No.6352016
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>> No.6352027

That turned me off a little. I'm underweight, but I started to have too many doubts to be able to wear it anyway. Thank you.

>> No.6352039


hack the planet1!!

>> No.6352040

I'm going to have dreams about this girl

>> No.6352054

w2c shoes? or blazer?

>> No.6352450
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>> No.6352458

Yeah they've gone to MFA, the #menswear heaven. I suggest you and OP move there.

>> No.6352515
File: 108 KB, 600x400, nomads-of-the-desert-BINNS-IMG_6910-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't give a fuck if it's a whale, wearing too much black is unfashionable. Dark colours are for winter, they are not suitable in summer or any other season. Even then, you should keep dressing in complete black minimal, wearing more neutral colours is a lot better and doesn't make you look like a 4edgy8u teenage faggot.

Summer is colorful enough, I always hate it when people go out with extremely bright colors being all "Hey look summer is here! I'm gonna rape your eyes with MORE AND BRIGHTER COLORS THAN YOU'LL EVER NEED!".
Summer is much more suited for earthy or muted colors.

>> No.6352521

where the fuck his collar at

>> No.6352527

under the tie

>> No.6352546

ita a suit. and you dont ever want to spend less than 800 on a suit

>> No.6352557


Some old carharrt jacket

>> No.6352563

Anyone know what shoes go well with khaki colored chinos?

>> No.6352578

Fashion pleb reporting in.
Do cargos like these have a special name? Or wtc... (in Germany)

>> No.6352580

lol @ people calling that a suit every time its posted. those are clearly jeans

>> No.6352583

>tfw I know this girl irl but she doesn't acknowledge my existence

w-what do /fa/?

>> No.6352589

she's ugly as fuck

>> No.6352591

Gee, what a surprise, the shitposting retarded teen was from Australia?
honestly ship out all the cool animals from that shithole and nuke the humans living there.

>> No.6352605
File: 210 KB, 1066x1600, IMG_7379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you take that back

>> No.6352612
File: 226 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_7568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's such a qtp2tpi

>> No.6352615


why her head oval like an egg doe

>> No.6352620
File: 132 KB, 1600x1365, nat7.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur oval

>> No.6352625


she's from hong kong and i am very sure about this

>> No.6352634
File: 201 KB, 1600x1600, photo (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know doe

>> No.6352648


but she is not cute at all imo

this grill is much cuter http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=dumbo759&book=24

>> No.6352651

that's not even ninja

>> No.6352655
File: 71 KB, 556x556, 3095760_gv.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls just admit she's a qt

>> No.6352660
File: 72 KB, 500x697, 1367345099811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark colours are not suitable in summer or any other season.
I believe pic rel is from vogue a few years back.

on another note, what the fuck is wrong with you? how long have you been coming here? cause you need to lurk more

>> No.6352674
File: 134 KB, 413x550, 1368206057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, she is

>> No.6352676

never on this board have i heard a person be so closed minded and arrogant towards other people's opinions. filtered. saged. bye

>> No.6352678
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>> No.6352679

Thread was actually really good until this

>> No.6352693
File: 265 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_7352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never offer to buy a drink for me

>> No.6352699

But men's style is time proven and classic. Fashion changes and is fleeting. I get its called /fa/ for a reason, but you have to be some kind of supreme autist to wear most of the goobnigga shit posted here

>> No.6352705

says who?

>> No.6352706


>tfw she bought 2 drinks, one for her, one for her bf

>> No.6352714

>real fashion
>untucked flannels
>cuffed jeans
>brown leather boots
>workwear pleb


>> No.6352717
File: 233 KB, 1600x1365, nat5.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-shut up no she's pure

>tfw I'll never cum all over her belly

>> No.6352719


see, this is why you should shut up - you dont know anything about the subject. do you think yohjis garments are recent and cant be traced back hundreds of years? a lot of what you call gothninja (stop doing that) is way older than modern suit

>> No.6352722

>darker instincts
Stop, just stop

>> No.6352729

>not busting all over a girl's face

stay pleb

>> No.6352734
File: 51 KB, 504x534, simon tshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



there is still hope

>am i in a relationship?
>nope, not at the moment

>> No.6352738


>> No.6352737
File: 50 KB, 500x409, 05d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352744

>Let's keep wearing the same things and never change because it's too scary otherwise

What a horribly myopic way to approach clothing.

Also if you really think that "mens style", whatever the fuck this is supposed to mean, is exempt from fashion you really don't know what you're talking about. The fact that you actually think gothninja is an *actual* term instead of just a buzzword used by internet fuccbois (read: you) to lump together a multitude of designers with wildly differing ideologies further cements the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6352745
File: 206 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_7371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based anon, you think she'll like the arcade?

>> No.6352755

Why do I need to know anything about the subject? It looks fucking stupid, impractical and boring. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that everyone is laughing behind your back, but pls try

>> No.6352762



idk, but hope you have a good fap

>> No.6352797
File: 619 KB, 1024x1024, hnggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat awkward posing towards the end hnnnggggggggg

>> No.6352808



>> No.6352833

okay dropped, fuck this tween shit, thanks anon was fun

>> No.6352942


nothing wrong with menswear, except for it to be effective fit uas to be god damn spot on.
what you see in here requires tailoring, or off the hook excellent fit. it also requires nice proportions. a lot of men find these men alluring because they look sociable, charismatic and intelligent, and they have bodies with nice proportions and often attractive faces. Generally attributes they admire. without proper knowledge of the basics of their body they often purchase inappropriately sized items, or usually cant afford nice fitting jackets and shirts in the first place. the tryhard is born.

here at/fa/, we like to push the boundaries, we care less about mimicking public perception of what nonchalant cool guy is supposed to be, we go back to the core of fashion as the reproduction of art through fitting fabrics on the human form. no matter what your style is or what you pay, if you can coordinate shapes and colours and textures cohesively you will most likely get kudos for it, or some fascination mixed with laughter.
often people get seduced by 'grails' and trends, or theyre simply here to impress peers here or elsewhere, false sense of superiority,

mfa and /fa/; menswear vs tech,goth,space,heroin,etc are just two different sentiments of self perception with a similar medium, clothing. theyre really nothing alike. its like comparing a middle class interior designer to da vinci. the problem here is that we use the word 'fashion' for both like we would use the word 'painter' for both a trades worker with a roller and an actual artist.

>> No.6352991

wow that dress is cute af w2c asian gf?

>> No.6353023

>here at /fa/ we like to push the boundaries
you are the epitome of try hard my friend

>> No.6353078

not to backpedal but im implying the ideal /fa/ pushes boundaries, thats what we embrace primarily. not vintage repro stuff. thats why threads like this have become scarce.
why this upsets you enough to try to offend me i have no idea.

>> No.6353092

not the same guy, but I wouldn't say it's about "pushing the boundaries" as much as it is going against the grain

>> No.6353490

You gotta start somewhere though.

Footwear uestiqu

I guess we start with the shoes.

>> No.6353529

#wow #fashion #cool

>> No.6353552


>> No.6353566


lol #rekt

>> No.6353591
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lol okay man, send in your application to every publication and design house asap brah, let everyone know that all black is unfashionable and that people have been doing it wrong for all of humanity.

pic related, a pair of dumb, unfashionable bitches.

>> No.6353646

W2c boots anyone?

>> No.6353817
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>> No.6353821
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>> No.6353851
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>my age: 16

>> No.6353855
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>> No.6353865
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>> No.6353872
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>> No.6353873

I just came back to visit /fa/ after a year of leaving and I'm pretty taken aback by all the gothninja or whatever threads too. The menswear threads should come back but they don't have to dominate the board. Reddit may have hard ons for #menswear shit but the site is a terrible place to discuss things and after being on 4chan for so long I just can't discuss things anywhere else regardless of interest.

>> No.6353915
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>> No.6353939
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>> No.6353956

r/mfa please go

>> No.6353957

I love everything but the footware.

>> No.6354054
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>> No.6354093
