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/fa/ - Fashion

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6350457 No.6350457 [Reply] [Original]

>Everyday Carry Thread
what does /fa/ walk around with?

>> No.6350471

>no car keys

full poor

>> No.6350477

>not living in a major city riding your bike to the nearest rick owens store

stay pleb

>> No.6350483

w2c glasses

>> No.6350489

How do you carry more than a phone, wallet, and keys without a bag?

>> No.6350491

>any more than wallet, keys, phone, headphones and knife

Maximum pleb

>> No.6350505

I second this. I occasionally wear a cheap Adidas drawstring pack, but how can you carry more than a wallet a phone and keys?

>> No.6350510

Looks like ndg sun

>> No.6350512
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all black everything, even the gum and cigs

>> No.6350916
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Nice watch.

My EDC anyway.

>> No.6350996
File: 331 KB, 1000x747, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6351066

Why does the picture of three wallets and a moneyclip? This man is insane.

>> No.6351089

White lighters are bad luck, noob.

>> No.6351094

are those oliver peoples? how do u lke them? thinking of copping a pair

>> No.6351111

this isn't actually an edc pic is it? there's so much there

>> No.6351308
File: 19 KB, 334x393, 1327003267906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this isn't OPs edc but
>not having an iPhone 5
>case on phone cause too much a clumsy shit head to not drop your phone
>carrying a flask around to fuel your alcoholism
>smoking cigarettes

>> No.6351322

hope you aren't 27 bro

>> No.6351324

Phone, wallet, keys.

No need for anything else

>> No.6351366

Calling it right now, all these threads do is devolve into games of "look at my expensive stuff"

>> No.6351929
File: 191 KB, 981x642, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the horrible image. I don't have even a decent camera or photo-taking skills...

>> No.6351932


>> No.6351941

>money clip
>iphone w/ notepad app
i know its not OPs but this is too redundant and stupid

>> No.6351979

I know 90% of these are troll as fuck but does anyone actually carry more then just their phone, wallet, keys and sunglasses? do people seriously carry flasks and pens and torches and knives and shit?

remember this is every day carry

bunch of autists

>> No.6351988

Tough guys carrying knives.
Fucking autism.

>> No.6351984

Adding insult to injury:
>smokes cigarettes
>carries gum to rid his breath of the stench of said cigarettes

>> No.6351992

A knife can actually be useful, same with a pen.
The other things are only carried by fedora wearers. Can someone explain the rationale of carrying a caribeaner in your pocket or using it as a key ring? Makes no fucking sense to me.

>> No.6352007

>leaving your home without a 14 in blade and an untraceable converted handgun with a full clip +1 in the head
>carrying a watch worth more than 1,000

Nower days you can be stripped and killed for £250

Good luck

>> No.6352019

Used I edc flask in backpack because student and crushing alcoholism

Also used to carry a baikal 9mm because some bad people were/are trying to kill me, and the cops are less likely to knock me.

Carry a Parker and ink because I study everyday, and hand write my notes.

>> No.6352033

Are you mad because your parents found your knife and took it away from you?

>> No.6352031

You'd be surprised what you can do with a carabiner.

>> No.6352038

what's wrong with carrying a small flashlight with you? if it's the size of a lipstick container, it doesn't take up any room, and if you go out at night with a bunch of friends, it's amazing how often someone says, "I can't see this." Its for those transitional moments between well lit parts of a city/town.

>> No.6352043

Thanks for imparting your knowledge, you really cleared things up

>> No.6352044
File: 61 KB, 481x700, Madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you owe money to violent, unpredictable, drug addicted Russian kids

Fuck that, never again.

>> No.6352066

There's no need to be rude.

This is a list of all the things I've used mine for so far:

- An improvised handle (for multiple bags, or whatever)
- Make-shift knuckledusters (INB4 that's how you break your hand. only for emergency and just be smart about it. It's not that hard not to fuck up your hand.)
- a link or an anchor for rope
- climbing
- a spacer
- a key ring
- a sharpening surface for a knife
- a unit of measurement (if you measure it first)
- a wedge or doorstop
- a temporary fix to a wobbly table
- a projectile deterrent

The list goes on an on

>> No.6352067


>> No.6352078

use the light on your phone you fucking autist

fuck sake, being prepared for every situation is so fucking un/fa/

>> No.6352087

>takes about a second to pull out flashlight and turn it on
>takes about six to ten seconds to pull out phone, type code to unlock, then get to app

>four extra, meaningless steps>two steps for simple task.

>using autist in the same way you would use fag or retard, all just being derogatory forms of insult with no real meaning.
>cursing senselessly
>"that will never happen to me so why care" attitude
>only having one or two preparatory items <> being prepared for every situation

I'm going to stop responding to you after this post. You're embarrassing.

>> No.6352115
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I think what he's trying to say (and this is not necessarily my opinion!) is that being 'cool' means exuding an air of effortlessness, of ease. Being prepared is pragmatic, but can interfere with your ability to project effortless ease, since carrying things outside of the wallet/keys/phone trinity requires added effort on your part.
Another reading of this, were we to take accessories and EDC as personal signifiers of some sort, is that your preponderance of tools belies a desire to control the world around you as opposed to flowing through it, adapting to the future when it becomes the present. Desire for control links to a fear of powerlessness, then to weakness and so on - even if only at the subconscious level.

Whatever, do you, you don't owe anyone an explanation. That's my actual opinion.

>> No.6352128


>> No.6352181

>Crushing alcoholism
>Carries a gun all the time

What could go wrong?

>> No.6352191
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>> No.6352202
File: 110 KB, 333x504, harold hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
