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File: 194 KB, 534x566, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6341291 No.6341291 [Reply] [Original]

You guys know how to make your cheek bones more prominent?

>> No.6341293

sucking dick

>> No.6341311

lose fat

>> No.6341336


By losing fat to a degree, it does however also have to do with genetics.

>> No.6341353

I'm not fat although I think I still have some puppy fat on my face

>> No.6341355
File: 200 KB, 542x653, jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6341374

>jaw ganis

>> No.6341378

Well, I'm not going to suck dick but I am going to simulate it if what your pic says is true.

>> No.6341413


oh god, please do

and afterwards, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you just did

>> No.6341414

it's not true.

>> No.6341420
File: 171 KB, 432x585, 1334524882874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, please

>> No.6341428

It's true.

I do it 10 mins every morning

>> No.6341442

You know that motion you make when chewing? Do it without separating your lower and uper teeth row.

>> No.6341480

punch yourself in the cheekbones repeatedly
look at boxers

thee skin covering their cheekbones swells up during training and fights...eventually the tissue thickens in response to the constant breakdown it receives.

>> No.6341516

i cant

im just grinding my teeth

>> No.6341640

Get a packet of chewing gum, you know the hard ones? like rigleys, and take like 5 of them and chew and chew until your jaw hurts they have no flavour, and then carry on, if you jaw hurts in the morning youre onto a winner, also if someone clocks you in the face you chin will hold up, my boxing coach told me marciano used to do it, look him up, he's got a boxers face but an amazing jawline

>> No.6341699 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 834x399, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a pretty shitty beard growth pattern. One side looks a bit different from the other (although unnoticeable from front view) and cheek growth is sparse. In particular, when it grows past about a week, my right side looks like I'm growing a chinstrap.

Do you think it looks respectable or should I just become one of those guys who shaves regularly forever?

Pic is 10 days of growth

>> No.6341708

Used a shit razor, like a cheap disposable one and shave it with that, I dont think there is anything more effay then that almost dark blue stubble, you'll have the girlies rubbing their cunts on your chin stubble just to get themselves off

>> No.6341725

Is this for real or troll? Any source on this?

>> No.6341727


I think you replied to me.. sorry I accidentally posted that in a random dude's thread

>> No.6341802


The only time my cheekbones were visible was when I dropped down to 120lbs when I had a job where I walked for 9 hours a day, I'm sure it's doable but I think it's potentially dangerous to go after

>> No.6341827


>buy pack of straws
>before using it to drink, chew the top so its harder to drink out of
>feel the fucking burn under your jaw
>skin around your jaw tighten's
>dat masculine jaw

Your welcome anon. My roommate was a model for abit untill work became to inconsistent. That was his secret and his jaw was golden baby. Mine aswell.

>> No.6341831

Isn't it a troll that will ruin teeth?

>> No.6341858

Actual Help:

There are muscles in the jawline are those that move and create expression in the face. You use them everyday, you can't make them more prominent by doing a sucking motion (and if you could, you could simply do what girls do with "ducklips").

The only way to really make your jaw standout is to lose weight and allow the skins to tighten around your jaw bones which really only happen when you're dieting.

>> No.6341868

Run, simple as that.

>> No.6341878

How would drinking though a straw fuck up your teeth?

>> No.6341873

Jaw muscles can be trained, but what about cheekbones? Only surgery?

>> No.6341887

if your talking about chewing the straw it takes literally 30 seconds

The sucking pressure from your teeth I have no idea. Highly doubt it

>> No.6341889

You can't do anything about cheekbones. You can only lose weight, and work what muscles you have on your face to work. This could result in more prominent cheekbones, but if you don't have nice cheekbones to begn with - what's the point

>> No.6341893

Do you have to chew the entire straw?

And the worst thing about cheekbones is that if you do get implants, they actually look shit and promote bone erosion over time. :(

>> No.6341932

Sorry m8 but your an idiot.
Chew the top of the straw before using it to drink water or coke ect and the sucking pressure helps define the jaw. You literally feel it under a minute

>> No.6341944

Getting your wisdom teeth pulled can help make your face thinner, depending

>> No.6341950

My dentist told me that's bull. They are too far away to leave an impact.

>> No.6341964

speaking from experience if there was any "thinning" it was negligible.

>> No.6342015

Is that Neil Caffrey from white collar? Is he gay?

>> No.6342023
File: 51 KB, 1000x617, BoneStructure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls aside, I'll tell you how it's done, and you're probably not going to like this, since there's no real exercise or repetitive motion.

It's all bone structure, not flesh. Their bones are that prominent to push out their skin to look tight, on top of that, their body fat percentage is low. So, if you have a weak chin (a chin that slants backward) flat cheekbones, or a tiny and/or raised jaw, you'd have to resort to surgery.

Think of a plastic bag. It's saggy and puffy. Push your finger through the plastic, and it becomes taught and straightened. Now, think of a face as the same way. The skin is the bag, and the bones, are your fingers pushing through.

Here's a diagram I drew up.

Black = Bone structure
Gray = Softened features (from not prominent bones)
Red = Flaws and corrections for a good bone

1 - Good structure balance
2 - High jaw (lower is better)
3 - Small or thin jaw
4 - Weak chin (worst flaw out of all, because it throws everything else off)

>> No.6342036

Tom ford's shade/illuminate palette and brush work wonders, if you're not opposed to makeup on principle.

>> No.6342082

Question to you. I have overall decent feature except my jaw is somewhat thin and asymetrical, one side larger than the other. I have been trying to chew on the smaller side because I think part of the asymmetry is from chewing on one side. Is there anything I can do to fix this other than surgery?

I am not too worried about it and more concerned with my health as I also clench my jaw at night and sometimes it pops when I open it. My dentist said don't cew gum because chewing causes friction on the joints, also to relax so that I don't clench.

>> No.6342136
File: 371 KB, 1050x959, Jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First: you're already going against what the dentist said said.

Second: No, it wont do too much, but there's a possibility, the muscle will expand on that side, however if it does, it will only widen, not get taller. Not only that, the muscle is also in the middle between the teeth and not just along the bottom jaw ridge, so it might not exactly look defined.

Green is what you'd be working at. Blue is what you'd want to be working at, but chewing and working the muscle wont do shit to it.

>> No.6342226

Thanks man. I think any size increase on one size would help with the balance. But it seems it won't really make a huge difference in terms of appearance. I guess I will just try to stay healthy with my jaw because that is my largest concern.

>> No.6342265

Here's a tip. Shave. Stubble actually makes the head look smaller all around. Shaving will show more skin making the head look bigger in the chin and jaw. A good haircut also helps greatly Think of a rectangle. Find ways to compliment your face to appear as rectangle as possible. Head too round? Get a shorter haircut. Head too long? Get bangs to shorten it. Thin jaw like a diamond shape? Get a full hairstyle to fill out the areas.

Fun Fact: The left side of the face is everyone's good side 99% of the time.

>> No.6342303

I couldn't tell you atm. Atleast 3 pounds I would guess though. I might be able to proxy using paypal if you are interested though.

>> No.6342309

whoops, paste didn't work too well.

>> No.6342327

>tfw weak chin
it looks alright from the front and terrible from the sides

>> No.6342345

You described my face exactly, left side is solid while the right has weaker jaw and weird ear.

What hair would your recommend for tall and thin face? I cut my own hair and currently have short sides with a little length on the top going to the side and bangs covering part of the forehead.

>> No.6342347

I know that feel bro. As you grow a little will chins usually become stronger depending on the person? I am 18 and was wondering if I still have time

>> No.6342370

I've seen a lot of models who smoke. Does the cigarette sucking improve jaw muscles?

>> No.6342383

if it does it still isn't worth it.

>> No.6342402
File: 211 KB, 1119x1452, surfer-hairstyles-photos-i5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that covers the forehead would be perfect for a long face. Pic related. Just the idea, but you dont have to get this haircut. Also, helps if you have a tall forehead, as this will cover it.

>> No.6342405

Smoking is supposed to help sustain hunger cravings. That's it. The only way you'd see a change in your jaw is if you develop cancer from smoking.

>> No.6342406

Matt Bomer and he might be gay :(

he had the hottest women in white collar

>> No.6342435

my jawline is better than that but his nose is perfect

the nose makes the face

>> No.6342462

Not being a jew

>> No.6342476


that's ironic, because the three male jews I know have pretty nice jaws and cheekbones

>> No.6342491

Lose weight. All of it.

Also genes. All you can do is give your son sick cheek bones by fucking a bitch with sweet cheek bones

>> No.6342493

jew detected

>> No.6342499

Is there any way to shave your stubble to make them look more prominent?

>> No.6342511

this thread is jam packed with broscience and retarded assertions

i really hope you guys dont actually buy into this stuff, you cant change your bone structure without some extreme surgery.

>> No.6342530

Is it possible to have a cut like this that will look good in a business setting? If I cut the sides short, will it work?

>> No.6342538

no, the people trying to shape their face with the beard just look horrible.
Especially the ones who try to simulate a jaw line.

>> No.6342783


>> No.6342801

>fly to korea
>find surgeon
>get jaw implants

Litreally you get 100k beverly hill surgery for 10k because korea is saturated with plastic surgeons.

>> No.6342957

Enjoy your shitty asian plastic surgery
>uuu white boi
>u want big jaw?
>he want big jaw?
>make small jaw
>sovvy not undersand Engrish

You need a surgeon that works on white people.

>> No.6342964
File: 129 KB, 189x269, 4horseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punch yourself in the cheeks.

>> No.6343415

Heroine and plastic surgery.