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/fa/ - Fashion

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6339626 No.6339626 [Reply] [Original]

I have an /fa/ story to tell in the next several posts, happened to me friday, you guys post your stories too.

>> No.6339630

This happened to me Friday. Going to lightly summarize the conversation.
>start summer class instantly notice a girl who is SZ tier
>she is sitting in class dressed in RO and AnnD
>she instantly notices me too as I am wearing geobaskets
>she is a petite blonde girl with a cute face and very giggly
>but we spend the entire week without talking, I notice that she looks at me often - she sits opposite corner of room in front so I notice her turning back at me
>finally this Friday, girl gets put in my group with 2 other people who are awkward and quiet (Asians)
>she introduces herself and smiles at me
>eventually we finish our group assignment
>I am sitting relaxed and quiet, she is staring at me, and finally she musters up the courage and says

>> No.6339639



>> No.6339640

>”h-hey! I noticed you’re wearing those awesome Rick Owens sneakers! How much did they cost?”
>appalled by her stupidity and petty attempt to begin conversation I answer regardless
>One grand.
>”whoa! *giggle* I know some people who would never spend that much on sneakers, I bet you make bank at your job!
I‘m unemployed.
>*giggle* “oh! You must know how to manage your money then, I bet you drive a smart car too Mcsmarty pants.” – She really did say mcsmarty pants.
Actually I don’t own a car, I take the bus it’s cheaper
>”what, you can afford those sneakers but not a car?”
I go off on a tangent: It’s not that I can’t afford a car; it’s the fact that I have to spend money on a car to maintain it, where I can simply spend less and reach my destination just fine on the bus. Thus, I can afford to indulge in my personal hobbies.

>> No.6339647

>”sorry! I didn’t mean to pry; I often talk to people like I’ve known them forever some times. You’re really cool though. I’ve never met a guy who is into avant-garde fashion designers. Also your choice of words is blowing my mind! *giggle*
Honing in on that last part with a serious tone and a cold gaze I look at her and say “sounds like you need to read a book”
>her blissful expression fades as she slumps back in her chair in disbelief of what I just said, she swallows her saliva then attempts to regain her composure, but it’s too late, I can see it in her face and in her body language, she is visibly shaken up. My open hostility knows no bounds; I caught her completely off guard. She is below me now.
>Meanwhile the Asians are sitting completely oblivious next to us as they have no means to identify social behavior.
>She reaches for her phone and goes outside, then class ends, as I walk out the door I see her standing next to the class with her hair in front of her face and her head slumped over looking towards the ground, phone by her side.

>> No.6339662

So now I am eager to see what happens in class this Monday, actually I am not getting my hopes up or really expecting anything, I'm just gonna act like it never happened.

>> No.6339668

You're a dick.
Thankfully that didn't happen.

>> No.6339670

sounds like a bitch

>> No.6339671

haha you sound like a sperg.

also bitches that dress in ann and rick are more fierce than that fuccboi, they dont give 2 shits about your shitty geos

>> No.6339679

lol its funny because this is how people who buy 1k sneakers actually feel. The exception being people who can afford drop 1k on sneakers, which most of fa is not

>> No.6339674

>wearing $1,000 sneakers while being an unemployed bus rider

Easily the most un-/fa/ thing I've read all day

>> No.6339675

how does a girl who can drape herself in rick and ann get to be so shallow tho

u were still a dick 2 her tho

>> No.6339683

this is literally my life

>> No.6339684

You're right about that geo part, she was interested in me.

good thing I don't aspire to be /fa/ lel.

>> No.6339687

It has more to do with the fact that I caught her off guard more than anything.

>> No.6339689

im sure B)

i heard greentext stories on 4chan make gurls really wet too op

>> No.6339714


she sounds too much of a ditz 2 b SZ tier bruh bruh

>> No.6339725

hahah good luck being forever alone mate, passed up a good chance to get an easy fuck, or does mother darling do it for you while you drink her titty bitty?
>being this autistic
>go die
>made me reply
>10/10 for jimmie russlin

>> No.6339724

stereotyping based on her appearance

>> No.6339736
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I have no idea why but this was satisfying to read.

>> No.6339743

I felt a sense of fulfillment in depriving her of a positive experience with her first encounter of a guy who, as she put it, “is into avant-garde fashion” That night I masturbated profusely to the thought of her and I making love also to the thought of her being gang banged by a bunch of scrawny models in gothninja attire.

>> No.6339752


ya i would expect emotionally destroying trendhoppers to p fun too B)

>> No.6339753

>Checked the mr.porter site a few times this week to check for the sale to start

Woke up this morning and checked the site. No sale. Apparently i've dreamt about it having started and copping all sorts of shit. I truely believed it was there.

Weird, /fa/ is getting to me.

>> No.6339757
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I know exactly what you mean.

>> No.6339761

happened to me at least 3 times man

>> No.6339772

mr porter usually sucks even on sales man

lurk the sticky 4 better sites imo

unless theres a particular piece ;s

>> No.6339780
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>people who spend lots of money on clothes cant be shallow


>> No.6339785

What I am not understanding is how this female clad in RO n AnnD not have prior knowledge to what it is worth?

How much of a carpet type bitch was she to be shaken from a simple statement? No witty retort? Banter? She even trying or what it life?

>> No.6339787

>sit at the computer all day
>shop for clothes online all day
>dress nice, but never go outside

Such is my life.

>> No.6339794

a) she did know what it was worth just trying to make convo it seems.
b) the bitch sounds like she was totally into herself wasnt expecting a curve ball

>> No.6339805

Meh, usually it's allright. Copped a few things from there for a good price in the past.


>> No.6339812

But to cripple like sand, total shut down what the fuck is this weak sauce? Never stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.6339808

it's because this story is made up bruh.

>> No.6339817

>Meanwhile the Asians are sitting completely oblivious next to us as they have no means to identify social behavior.
You're a cunt. I like you. You even wear goth-ninja shit so you must have a good sense of humour.

>> No.6339827
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this is all our lives

>> No.6339833

>weak sauce

>> No.6339850

wtf do you unemployedfags even do all day? And where the fuck did you get money to buy Rick if you're unemployed?

This story made me lol

>> No.6339869

not op but i use the unemployment checks i get to get drunk at ~12 am and then sit around hating myself untill i fall asleep

>> No.6339873


I don't wake up until 12 so I start around 1.

>> No.6339878


how does unemployment work?

is it exploitable?

>> No.6339889

idk what country ur in but here u get a monthly allowance to pay for a place to live while u look for work.

it's exploitable but i don't reccomend it. it's very lonely and you'll prob experience a crushing feeling of defeat all the time.

>> No.6339892

Very. If you live in USA I'd even attempt to file for some bogus disabilty check. Thats about 700~1000 $ a month.

>> No.6339898

fuck man i would like to go outside more but i don't know a lot of people

>> No.6339896
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>> No.6339899

this img wodnt exist if it wasnt accurate.

>> No.6339902

Yeah, as if any of you would actually have the stones to speak to a woman like that, let alone speak to a woman at all.

>> No.6339904

Try to imagine this, you enter your new class and find out that a cute girl you like is into the same shit you are, you become eager to meet her and spend a week thinking about her and the things you 2 would talk about. Finally fate places you right next to the girl you've been obsessing over for the past week, you have to break the ice. You have to say anything to get the conversation started, and you do. She responds, you respond, then suddenly the ice is broken and you're talking as if you were born with the gift of gab. Then out of nowhere during your "pleasant" conversation the girl you liked so much and like even more now tells you "fuck off you fat piece of shit" or something along those lines. What comes to mind? Well within your conscience you are frozen, but within your sub-conscience, you're processing her cold and mean hearted words. You weren't prepared for that scenario, you weren't expecting that scenario. Here you were thinking you had made progress then the worst happens. That's the best train of thought I can come up with.

By unemployment benefits and financial aid from school.

>> No.6339906

>oh god why am i better than everyone else
but this is true! normalfags suck

>> No.6339908
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>> No.6339968


just bcz ur a beta male pussy pedestalist doesnt mean every1 else is B))

>> No.6341483

first time I heard that one

>> No.6341503

this is a feel I've known for years now.

>> No.6341552
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> Getting ready for uni
> Check the closet, suddenly a Raf tee appears
> O shit there's a undercover jacket
> What the fuck, when did I buy Qasas?
> And it was only just a dreeeeaaam...

>> No.6341568
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>> No.6341578
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>> No.6341580
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>> No.6341602

You know the sale has been going on for like a week, right?

>> No.6341609

not in europe

>> No.6341614

Pretty convinced that either:

1. Said story is fake

2. Said girl was wearing all saints / zara / fakes

I've met a grand total of 3 women that wear Rick and Ann Dem and none of them would EVER under any circumstances whatsoever open a fashion related conversation with "How much did that cost". In fact that's pretty much the last thing they would ever bring up period.

>> No.6341623

patricians also wouldn't giggle like that girl

>> No.6341624
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you are this comic incarnate

>> No.6341631

>sit inside wearing nothing but my underwear, watch, and glasses
>wax and rewax all of my shoes
>basically lying in wait for the new semester to start so I have a reason to go outside for a few hours each day
>tfw no gf but spent almost $500 on gloves last night so I feel bretty gud

>> No.6341634

>tfw this is me

>> No.6341639

Woops, my bad mate. If it makes you feel any better the US sale isn't too great anyway. Hopefully they'll add some shit in the next few weeks as we get up to 70% off.

>> No.6341646

This. Also OP, your reply was incredibly beta and un/fa/. Bragging or even talking about prices is taboo. You should have just told her off and not said.

>> No.6341650
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>> No.6341669

pics of said qt if you can

>> No.6341673

>You should have just told her off and not said.
how? i just tell people that my shoes are fake because i don't want to judge me

>> No.6341674

>asking for the price
god i hate this so much! why are people doing this?

>> No.6341675

damn op u slay me yet another time
8/10 thread brah made me chuckle hard

>> No.6341680

...What? Why would "guy who buys fake shit" be better than "guy who cares enough to spend a lot of money on nice shit"?

>> No.6341683

dont do that omg. just ask back why she wants to know? if she says, shes just curious tell her theyre pretty expensive but you like them a lot. that should settle it

>> No.6341686

i just don't want people to know that i spend 2000 in a jacket
i hate human beings and don't trust them. fucking plebs why can't they just leave me alone? i'd rather just stay at home all day dressed in rick :(

>> No.6341691

>that should settle it

>> No.6341696

>i'd rather just stay at home all day dressed in rick :(
i know that feel

>> No.6341703

i dont hang out with people like that lol

>> No.6341752

>start liking a guy who couldn't care less about fashion.
>im obsessed with fashion but fall in love with him anyway
>literally wears his old high school tees. burgundy sweats with some baby yellow sweatshirt. I mean fucking ridiculous level
>he's got money but just doesn't care and has a good personality, lots of friends, etc..
>were dating, living together, and I slowly but surely get his "look" together, go shopping with him constructive criticism/etc
>also buy him a bunch of clothes for xmas
>now dresses fly as fuck
>starts getting attention from ALL the females...I mean ALL of them
>im a jealous person cant deal with it esp bc he has friends who are females and girls that buy pot from him that hit on him
>this was never the case before and he freely admits and thanks me
> (angry envy face)
>eventually we break up (for other reasons)
>he's replaced me in like 2 days!!
>feel stupid for making him more desirable to others, would take back if could

>> No.6341811

You should have started taking it in the ass.

>> No.6341885

You don't need to meet a certain quota to wear fashion designer clothes, the girl could have been someone with a lot of money and she just happened to spend it on rick and Ann D, then she sperged to break the ice with OP by discussing their common interest "FASHION" and the only way she knew how was probably by asking how much he got them for even if she knew full well how much they were.

>> No.6341903

>At party last night
>Most of the kids there are kind of nerdy
>Kind of lame, but fun vibe
>I'm feeling good, looking good, chatting to some qts and old friends
>Drinking pretty hard
>Here my memory gets fuzzy
>Have a massive fight with somebody because I was pissing in the garden
>Almost all my friends get kicked out for smoking weed
>I wake up in someones bed, alone
>it feels like I'm in some kind of aquatic wonderland
>pleasant dampness everywhere
>I pissed the bed
>I try and cover it up and deny as everybody wakes up
>the guy whose bed/room it was says he heard and saw me pissing at around 5AM
>I walk out with my head held high

>> No.6341985
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>tfw only go out with my mom and sister
I... I...

>> No.6342121


>> No.6342203

>at party a few months ago
>little buzzed, 23:00 or so
>hey anon come by the campfire it's time for a drinking game
>wake up somewhere in the house at 10:30
>woah hope i didn't do anything embarrassing

Apparently we all went totally shitfaced save for a few guys.

>puked all around the garden
>it's okay, the owner did too

Later I also got told that a girl who the whole party was crushing on started rubbing my back asking If I was okay and If she could help me.
My response was "you can help me by not touching me."

I mean what the fuck was I thinking.

>> No.6342221

who the fuck spends $500 on gloves?
are you gay or something?

>> No.6342235

Was SHE cute?

>> No.6342244

Well he needed to find some which would fit his trench coat and fedora perfectly!

>> No.6342251

I'm starting to think that people here are autistic

>> No.6342253

>buy new clothes
>imagine how I wear them in several situations with friends
>remember that I don't have any friends and never go anywhere


>> No.6342259

>starting to

>> No.6342276


>> No.6342295


>the girl could have been someone with a lot of money

Nope sorry, while I only know 3 girls that wear Rick and Ann I know about a 100 that are moneyed and none of them would start a conversation with a stranger like that either. Asking how much things costs is something only uncouth poor people do.

>> No.6342316

I'm on my phone and its a pain to greentext. Please forgive me if I goof up somewhere.

>be at a local party
>wearing Unbrandeds, some v-neck, and a mechanics jacket
>there with gf, its for a friends birthday
>have a few drinks, dance a bit. Party is bumping
>I'm sitting on the side just talking with a friend, were on,a couch btw
>while were talking, this fat bitch walks up and just sits in my lap
>when I say fat, I don't mean chubby, I mean fat. She was at least 230
>my legs felt like they were going to break
>"hey cutie. I'm not attracted to a lot of guys, but you're special"
>lucky me
>"sorry, but I came here with someone."
>she seems encouraged
>"I don't mind at all"
>by this point my legs began to shake under the pressure
>if my knees were made of coal they'd have become diamonds right then and there
>I need to get her off of my lap now

Part 2 incoming

>> No.6342338

holy shit, this sounds good

>> No.6342379

>be at a pretty big invitation only party
>night starts pretty slowly, I sit around at the bar with my friends and drink a little bit.
>music starts getting better and some dudes go in front of the scene and start dancing
>it starts getting lively and now a bunch of people, us included dance while others are just headbobbing a bit and drink.
>I dance around but cant seem to find an interesting partner.
>I see a girl, total 8.5/10, that appears to have been left alone by her friend and ask her about her lack of energy
>we hit it off and dance together for a while getting closer each minute
>i take a pic with her
>she kisses me and we dance some more, second dj comes in and the people start going crazy, we separate each other a little bit and dance like animals
>friend pulls me off and tells me we have to leave to take the last train
>never find out what her name was

its was a damn /fa/ party too.

>> No.6342479

where is part 2 you slow fuccboi

>> No.6342526

Sorry for the wait

>I have to say something
>"c-can you please move?"
>there's a slight pause where she looks at me in shock, noone in the near vicinity talking.
>my friend bursts into laughter as the fewhale bursts into tears
>"I didn't mean it like that! I.."
>I realized I did actually mean it like that.
>start laughing too as fat chick speeds out the door along with her support group
>friends whos house its at tells me that was his girlfriends sister
>he bursts into laugher too
>explains she hits on any guy that is slightly attractive including himself
>apparently she's been applying to become a model for a local independent clothing store
>we still laugh about it to this day

>> No.6342552

Good story Swiggity swag, pic of this landwhale?

>> No.6342559

definitely worth the wait

>> No.6342570

no pics I've only seen her once since the party, which was about a year ago. She looks like she's actually lost weight, but she still looks around 200

just call me swiggity

>> No.6342583

Ah okay, shame, would have loved to see the amount weight your effay legs had had to bear, Swiggity,

>> No.6342584

>piss the bed
>walk out
man, at least put the sheets in the washing...