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6332709 No.6332709 [Reply] [Original]

if you go for like 2 weeks without eating anything but granola bars and your small muscles evaporate how hard is it to gain back?

cuz i realized that my arms flap like fat people arms where there used to be solid muscle.

i know crash dieting is bad cuz you lose muscle first, but i didnt have much to lose.
my thoughts was to get thin and then work out a ton.
I could ask fit but i like /fa/ better and youre all skinny adderall addicts anyway.

anyone know?

>> No.6332749

let's hope you die from it

>> No.6332760


>> No.6332764

is /b/ down??
op just work out every night taking a night off every three days to heal
eat lots of protein and get good sleep youll be up in running sooner than you know

>> No.6332761

dont worry, i wont

>> No.6332765

you described my life perfectly op

>> No.6332783

yea i knew it was best to post here

col thanks
how much should i eat.
from what i understand, youre supposed to double your intake to put on muscle. but im at like 400 calories a day so idk

>> No.6332792

usually its 1 gram of protein per pound
but for you id go 1.5 per pound
and keep hydrated if youre not hydrated your skin wont stay as tight

>> No.6332799

>im at like 400 calories a day
crazy idea, but maybe if you want to have a non-fucked-up body you should have a non-fucked-up diet?
it's funny how that works

>> No.6332812

my body isn't really fucked up, honestly i look better than i have in a long time.

i'm going to be eating better and working out now so i'll put on muscle quicker.
i'm not even skeleton level, i was closer to that shirtless pic of denim dan and now i just look better.

that's daily, right?

>> No.6332879

can you get adderall in the UK

>> No.6332897

anyone know how ritalin compares to adderral & vyvanse?

prefer vyvanse for studying/adderral for recreation atm

never tried ritalin, what is it best for?

>> No.6332909

lmao your body is in starvation mode and that ain't healthy

for diet tips. They know what's up, and 400 calories a day is gonna fuck you up

>> No.6332915

out of all the add/adhd medicine I've abused adderral is the only one I've really really enjoyed

>> No.6332922

yea. Dexadrine isn't bad either.

Ritalin SUUCKS
it made me angry and had me way too wired, which is funny because it's weaker than adderall.

>> No.6332933
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> took 80 to 120mg of either vyvansse or adderall everyday
> drank 1 to 2 energy drinks with the pills

I literally would go sometimes 4 days without eating food. I wouldn't even feel hungry. I kid you not, ADD meds are god tier as fuck. I wasn't even trying to starve myself I was just trying to speed.

>> No.6333118

I really want to start on dexadrine but am pretty damn scared of getting addicted to it. It would probably make my life a million times better but i dont want to live the rest of my life depending on the shit to stay sane.

>> No.6333122
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>400 calories a day
mfw you should get at least 2000 calories a day
I'm 19, workout 5h/week and eat at least 2200 cals a day and I'm skinny as fuck.
All those freaking drugs are for fags (and don't make u healtier)

>> No.6333128

Lol, I'm plenty healthy. I just want the stuff for the high and the concentration benefits.

>> No.6333133

how do you guys get prescribed, or do you get it online?

>> No.6333139

You just go to the doc and say you have a hard time concentrating on your work and its affecting your grades.

>> No.6333146
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>> No.6333161

I am from /fit/ and you guys dont know shit when it comes to this. Haha, hilarious.

>> No.6333179

Yeah it's not really our expertise , you know this being the FASHION board and all that. Gee Mister I wonder why people on the health and fitness board know more about how calories work than the thread count in a Damir T

>> No.6334878

i just got back from a c00l friday night but heres how it goes down in US

Doc "hey what up im homo"
You "oh thats cool, i was wondering about ADD medicine cuz at work i cant focus"
Doc: "oh dats cool how about Concerta"


>you now have 2 options.

1) oh ok i've heard of that, but i was wondering about adderall
2) well, my friend said adderall was bretty good

Doc: well lets try some Conecerta for now lol im a corrupt doc and i get paid to sell this
You: Ok whatever
>tfw you throw prescription away and go in a month later

Doc: "so how was that medicine? bretty good rite?
You: not really, it wore off pretty quick. i didn't really get much out of it. if only it was stronger
Doc: oh i see, how bout some adderall


>> No.6334976
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>being this much of a pleb
What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be out roiding and squatting to get mad gains or some bullshit like that?
>mfw /fit/fags will never look effay

>> No.6335019

but working out is modern couture

>> No.6335033

>said by the 50-year-old man
If grandpa Ovens didn't work out, he'd be flapping his fat and skin around.

>> No.6335042

op you need 300 mg of insulin per day

>> No.6335066

In my experience, it goes:
>hey doctor, I can't focus in school and I feel like I'm letting down everyone I know
"Here's a prescription for an SNRI"
>I-I'm not depressed
"You probably are"
>I don't want to take an antidepressant
"How much health insurance do you have?"
>Unlimited for meds
"Ok, let's try Concerta"

I can't get a script for Concerta/Addy because I need other drugs more and they interact poorly, but honestly things like dexies just feel like you have more control and all I really need is to stay awake and functional. I always become "that shaking smiley girl" on Concerta.

>> No.6335072

What's so good about adderall? Are you really that enthusiastic about studying?

>> No.6335086

not that anon
you have no distractions. if you know you have to study, it's what you're going to do, and the time will just fly by. it's also very social in my experience. i get much more talkative and interested.

>> No.6335092

So it's like, getting drunk without losing control.

Ever tried ecstasy? I'd love to try it some time -- alone though.

>> No.6335094

Its not good, they're just dumb and compensating for bad study habits/shitty personalities

- Someone who was prescribed adderall and stopped cold tukey

>> No.6335100

uh not really. alcohol doesn't keep your focus, it rids your inhibitions.

i almost tried e once but was pretty drunk and figured id pass out before it took effect so i didn't waste it.

>> No.6335105

>The year of our lord two thousand and thirteen
> dieting and not just eating well and running

>> No.6335111

>not just being superior skinnyfag eating whatever you want whenever you want and not gain a single pound
I have barely even gone outside in the past 2 weeks.

>> No.6335113
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sometimes i'll just take adderall and drink coffee

>> No.6335114

sounds like an awesome life

>> No.6335121

It's not even studying. It's feeling like you're using your time well. It's good for doing raw research for papers (not for writing them, because you want to include everything and you need to be lucid enough to know the difference). If you do an Adderal research night like two or three days before a paper is due, you'll be fine. It's not good for trying to put something together last-minute. I took Adderal to pack before a trip for example. Right now I have to make a database for my clothing and have no motivation to start.

Trying ecstasy alone sounds stupid. Don't stay home, you'll want up to do things and be around people you trust. When you're coming down, make sure you have someone who will give you loads of snuggles and don't watch any Lars von Trier movies

Also this. It's kind of just part of the culture in the sororities/fraternities at my uni and I don't mind. At least we all go to the library together and chew bubblegum and drink trenti tea lattes for the taste, instead of the caffeine

>> No.6335124
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It would be if I had money to spend to become truly effay ;_;
>tfw no job and poorfag

>> No.6335133

I really don't want to go somewhere hectic or some shit shit if I'm going to try ecstasy. One of my friends can probably get a pill for me to try and would probably be willing to hang around with me to make sure nothing happens (while he smokes some dank kush 420 blaze faget I guess).

>> No.6335167

But will he or she have consensual sex with you or go walking with you if you need to get out?
It's a drag to be going up while someone else is just getting stoned because they don't want to do anything. Because if you're insecure, it just gets amplified and you feel more rejected than anything

>> No.6335172

Im the same person you quoted and I have exactly the same thing, weigh 9 st 6, annoying that Im trying to bulk up a little, but yeah runnings good for your face, It wont give you good cheekbones itll just make them stand out abit more

>> No.6335174

Nah, the guy is really cool and chill, I'm sure he would be more than happy to help if there's something wrong.

>> No.6335179

Stand out a bit more you say? Really..
Maybe I should try then, though my /fit/ level is pretty damn low.

>> No.6335186
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>tfw cant get adderall easily in your country
>tfw you'll never be the adderall admiral

>> No.6335190
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>tfw in my down of an Amphetamine pill
Everything is fucking boring and I have to go to work in like 2 hours

>> No.6335191

I don't get why people use Adderall since it's relatively expensive to let's say regular amphetamines such as speed or dex which goes for nearly a fiver per gram.

>> No.6335194

If you havent go good cheekbones you will never have them, unless maybe like plastic surgery but running takes a fair bit of weight off you face, your cheekbones stand out more but your face also goes quite gaunt, its hard to level like a cheek bone to face weight ration shit thing ya know?

>> No.6335248

I think I have pretty good cheek bones. When my dad was young he had some serious cheek bone action -- his face was really thin and "edgy" -- he was also skinnyfag like me now, but much more active. My mother was just qt3.14, but I'm told that I look basically like my mother's father when he was young (albeit skinnier and not as /fit/ at all) and he was supposedly pretty handsome.
So hell, maybe it'll do me some good.

>> No.6335428

I don't know that feel
Seriously though, I've got quite an access right now since I stopped taking them over summer, and about a month before that to cycle DNP
But I'll be willing to sell and ship to pretty much anywhere

>> No.6335441

it's not healthy at all. that bit of muscle should be the first you gain back though, it'll be the easiest gains you make. eating like that is really bad for you. you are literally taking years off your life when you don't have to. I'm 6 feet 130 w/o. and that's borderline gross skinny

>> No.6335445

Going to be getting a script for Ritalin soon, should I stick with that or ask for Concerta (extended release Ritalin)?

>> No.6335917

The only difference between Concerta and Ritalin is that concerta is XR. which is controlled by the top white layer.
get a razor blade and crack the white layer off the pill (it's very easy) and then you have regular Ritalin.

Adderall XR is expensive, like $7 each i think. generic brand is about $1 each.
both of those are pharmacy price, so street value would be $10 for XR and $5 for regular.


>> No.6335990

whats ur email ;)

>> No.6336025

looks like its in the "email" field.
how bout that.

>> No.6336053


>> No.6336058

>being this fucking new
hover over his name buddy. or better yet, click it

>> No.6336073
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just does this :\

>> No.6336077


>> No.6336080

Current stim thread there.

>> No.6336091
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figure it out retard

>> No.6336104

Haha, murichg@comcast.net bby

>> No.6336200

Really thinking of coming off this stuff after reading that thread on /fit/

of course ive said that before but having all these pills makes it too easy to just take them.

thing is last night i was at a party and even though i got laid the girl mentioned i was like twitching or something with my eyes. she said it was probably stress, but i don't think it was.

i figured it was because for some reason i didnt have any adderall for like 12 hours.
i felt really clear headed and at the top of my game too.

i realized i could be sitting here having these facial twitches all day and not even realizing it.
anybody know about that?

im probably gonna throw all my adderall away, if i can't find someone to buy it.

what's getting off it gonna be like?
and will caffeine help?

>> No.6336210

Anhedonia, depression and anxiety, I've heard beta blockers help but just remember it's better than almost any other type of drug withdrawal, especially downers. Also taper and don't cold turkey if you're deep into your usage.

>> No.6336234

>the inability to experience pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable
Well that's gonna be fun

so i should taper?
yea i'll start today cuz im going out and ill just have one with me.

i dont really care about getting depressed, im used to it honestly, but all my adderall use made me able to work ridiculous hours and im not sure how i'll get by with that.

>> No.6336254

It's going to be a long time before you get back to normal. A lot of getting back to normal had to do with eating right, for me.
Get your brain lots of nutrients, and exercise it with things that are interesting enough to do adderall free.

>> No.6336283

fuck its that easy? didn't know you could just straight up ask doc like that. figured they'd be insulted. gonna try to cop a concerta script now. shit's fucking cash.