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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 424 KB, 1280x1215, 1369950693419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6322503 No.6322503 [Reply] [Original]

>go to MFA
>dadcore plebs everywhere
>only 1 or 2 people actually dressed their age

Oh god I only just made it back here

>> No.6322518

>he thinks /fa/ is any better!

>> No.6322519

Someone explain "hustle bones doing what"

>> No.6322522

>go to MFA
>don't know how to work reddit
>can't make fun of them on 4chan

>> No.6322526

Death Grips

>> No.6322527

>hustle bones

>> No.6322569


death grips lyrics.

If you're not topically browsing mu or listening to mu-core to stay current on music and develop an opinion you really ought to.

>> No.6322576

>develop an opinion
>on /mu/

>> No.6322588

their essentials list is a great place to start

>> No.6322595

I know this feel way too much
>everytime my friends show me something on reddit
>wait how do I get to the conversations
>those are them
>voting system

>> No.6322590
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so is any other list

>> No.6322591

this every time

4chan is so much simpler to use

>> No.6323002
File: 47 KB, 432x600, 20641_222081566260_538791260_3763652_5193264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this isn't good.

>> No.6323023


>> No.6323056
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>> No.6323064


>> No.6323071


that's why I don't listen to that album

>> No.6323073


>> No.6323076

I'll agree MFA is horrid, but I gotta say, I'mstill not sold on this style that is now dominant on /fa/ considering anyone who wheres what the main board style on /fa/ used to be gets pummeled with "dadcore" insults.

>> No.6323077


>> No.6323079


>> No.6323082

>/fa/ waywt
>118 posts and 12 image reply omitted
At least the neckbeards have the balls to post, fuccboi

>> No.6323090

MFA is 1000 times better than /fa/

I see pics from MFA in inspo albums all the time here.

/fa/ sucks


>> No.6323093

of course no one posts here because they would get demolished
that said, 95% of the fits posted here are absolutely horrid so I don't know

>> No.6323094


I personally like goofninja/streetwear but i still give props to people with good fits in a different style.

>> No.6323099

todays MFA WAYWT, just a random average WAYWT


1000 times better than /fa/
/fa/ is full of little kids who think they're fashion experts because they saw an A$AP video.

>> No.6323101
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>> No.6323102

I have nothing against the gothninja/streetwear/high fashion style. Its personally not my thing, but I can see why people like it. Its just very annoying when someone wearing a button up/jeans/boots gets "dadcore" etc hurled at him, especially considering that is exactly what /fa/ used to wear and swear by this time just last year

>> No.6323103

try sorting it in any way that doesnt put the highest rated posts up top and see how good they look

>> No.6323107

it would just be the exact same fits in a different order?

>> No.6323104

One thing I'll give MFA is that they always post pictures of their outfits, but no one on /fa/ posts jack shit.

>> No.6323112

> death grips
> current

pick one

>> No.6323154

Are you stupid or just slow?

>> No.6323173

honestly I'm surpised these people are capable of typing the captcha

>> No.6323195

Reddit has a shitty web design.
4chan is by far more simple, and easier to understand.
The le upvote system just fucks things up further.

>> No.6323207

Just learn to detect the control capcha and put 'google blows' for the unknown. I've been doing it so long it's genuinely automatic.

>> No.6323219

I'm actually way too busy making music myself to keep up with new shit

>> No.6323235


It's really basic, but I do wish fat people actually dressed like this. Except the sneakers.
But seriously, it's not that bad.

(When I was new I would never post her for advice but on mfa instead because you're all assholes)

>> No.6323251

do i seriously have to click links all the time to see pics?

fuck dat

>> No.6323256

To be fair Reddit's design is trash.

>> No.6323262 [DELETED] 

$20 says he's blues dancing.

$5 on swing.

>> No.6323277


>> No.6323278
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, W5pw7K3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$20 says he's blues dancing.

$5 on swing.

>> No.6323316

>changes clothes
>still shitty

>> No.6323323
File: 166 KB, 1368x1298, 1371076563026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6323351

why is your picture related so funny

>> No.6323405

>looking good bro

>> No.6323413


>really great summer fit. I like this a lot.
>really great summer fit
>great fit

>> No.6323417

Are his pants on backwards?

>> No.6323424

usually they say that because its executed poorly not because its 'dadcore' style

>> No.6323437

>Great fit on the shirt
>Great fit

>> No.6323453


>That shirt fits you really well and is also very nice. Where is it from if you don't mind me asking?
>That shirt fits you really well and is also very nice
>That shirt is very nice
>very nice

>> No.6323467


>2 good fits, looking good home-dog
>looking good home-dog
>looking good

>> No.6323477


I can do this all fucking day

>> No.6323480

Has anyone from /fa/ posted a fit on mfa?

>> No.6323486

they would prob get negged like crazy

>> No.6323491

I was thinking about that. Has anyone every gone and tried to be king of mfa

>> No.6323494

Atta kid!
What genre/style do you produce?

>> No.6323497
File: 441 KB, 563x1009, Streetwear 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



pic rel. did as well, he's anon

>> No.6323503

>those proportions

>> No.6323523

I don't get it. Are you mocking him? Because that shirt does fit really well. Guy looks good. Given the ball-sweltering weather going on, that fit looks totally fine.

sed Ethydge

>> No.6323525
File: 178 KB, 566x677, 1370929150461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i hate myself for hating him because he's fat

>> No.6323561


this guy posts on /fa/ lel

>> No.6323951


oh god, those almost cankles and small shoes are bothering the fuck out of me. i feel like vomiting.

>> No.6323969

>only 1 or 2 people actually dressed their age
How should an 18 year old be dressing? I look 14

>> No.6324022

Sure if you haven't already developed your own taste in music.

If you haven't, you probably don't care that much for music. When it comes to music I don't think you should try to follow trends, personally think that is retarded..

>> No.6324048

it's okay, fat people are untermenschen

>> No.6324067
File: 136 KB, 683x1024, WxucuYwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His arms just make his head look even smaller.

>> No.6324084

I wouldn't be too critical of his fits.
His other one >>6323064 doesn't look too bad. I mean for a fatass he's a lot less offensive than average. But yeah, the shoes don't really work well and he'd be better off with something else.

>> No.6324087


what a terrible choice of shirt

a plain white tee and he'd be solid

>> No.6324091

but /fa/ told me they're dadcore :(

>> No.6324092


I'm not sure why >>6324067
is upset over proportions that relate to /fit/ when he's trying to bash their fashion.

>> No.6324102

>short sleeve collar shirt
ya dun goofed up

>> No.6324107

fuck you you filthy fucking plebian go back to listening to your dadcore shit fuck never come back

>> No.6324142

Dunno, man, never figured it out. My first guess is to start with the shoes to look slightly less casual.

>> No.6324197

Hey is anyone on /fa/ a bigger guy? I'm not a real fat guy, but I am definitely on the bigger side. It just sucks as it is much harder to shop.

>> No.6324255

/fa/ is pretty much filled with fuccbois that will call you fat if you weight more than 145lb

Even so they're are some people from /fit/ that come here but don't exactly know what they're talking about.
Shopping sucks, but tailors are your friend. If you have broad shoulders you'll probably have to size up tops to fit, and have them altered to taper in towards the waist.
But if you have large muscular thighs, then god's speed, because you're just fucked until you find that one type of pants that fit you.

>> No.6324287

you probably ain't #noided enough bruh
listen to the entire "The Money Store" album

>> No.6324293

damn bro, that album go hard #concrete

>> No.6324300

>get contacts, glasses don't suit you
>get a better haircut
>lose some weight
>get rid of that shirt
>lift your head up

This advice applies to most of you

>> No.6324858

that looks way better than a lot of shit on /fa/ though

>> No.6324890


>> No.6324901


whats wrong with you

>> No.6325391

Some guy posted a dadcore pic here and everyone was laughing at him. Legitimate dadcore, he literally copied the exact outfit from some common inspiration pic. He then went to MFA and got top voted comment in the WAYWT.

>> No.6325409

/fa/ is goof failures and mfa is dad failures

pick your fail

>> No.6325414

I'll go with goofninja failure

>> No.6325489

Yeah, I'm gonna go mfa-exploring. I'll bring back treasures if I find them.

>> No.6325586
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>> No.6325589
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>> No.6325592
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>> No.6325594

my eyes are bleeding pls make it stahp

>> No.6325595

this one is kind of boring
really like this one

>> No.6325598

Wait, this is what I wear in summer. Only with actually decent dress shirts and better shorts. Also tucked in.

What's wrong with it?

>> No.6325601

Okay, but I'll leave this here in case you find some sick pleasure in it. http://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/1g7aea/waywt_june_12th/

>> No.6325606

Really just the shoes and the model stare.

>> No.6325607
File: 32 KB, 450x373, Nigga_you_just_went_full_WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's dadcore, dude

>> No.6325616
File: 1.21 MB, 1800x1350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some more

>> No.6325617

What's dadcore about it?

Over here dress shirts are perfectly acceptable.

>> No.6325624
File: 70 KB, 768x1024, NKbZtK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6325622
File: 115 KB, 400x988, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and some pretty heavy dadcore.

>> No.6325623
File: 384 KB, 1509x1333, e65iEOo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6325628

yeah, if you're a middle aged man.

>> No.6325629

Hahaha, that's shit music. Is this something you guys put yourself through to get virtually high fived on the internet? Like smoking, but without the cool looks.
>mom am i cool yet

>> No.6325632

I hate boat shoes.

>> No.6325633

Might be different over here in Holland. Students wear those all the time.

>> No.6325651

Remember that you might talk to someone that considers a ninja-outfit something proper to wear even outside of the house. What people on /fa consider dadcore seems to be proper clothing, even though there are some things that fit like a bag of potatoes.

>> No.6325656


nothing wrong with a nice casual shirt every now and again.

>> No.6325659

That's true. I usually go to /fa/ to have a laugh. I think most of these pictures look better than what /fa/ wears.

>> No.6325696
File: 406 KB, 659x900, cute girls crying 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these look overwhelmingly average, not cringeworthy.

What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6325699
File: 131 KB, 296x384, 1366931391266 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6325701

Nothing. Being average is good.

>> No.6325709

top lel

>> No.6325729

Most of you fuccbois don't even know what dadcore means.

>menswear gone wrong

>> No.6325800


At the worst, boring. Don't know why this is remotely cringe worthy.

The jean colour is a bit dated and could use some more form?
Hair is old?
Shoes too dressy for outfit?

longsleeve a little strong / bodyshape not quite right?
Shoes too dark?
Looks average.

Shirt is whatever.
Not enough ankle? Or it's off when combined with the shoe. Wrong style and/or the colour is a little too saturated?
Seems average.

All over the place.
Somewhat worse than the others, but wouldn't come close to noticing it as a particularly bad outfit in a crowd.

Coat and cap look very off.
At the same level as >>6325623

>> No.6325811

wheres the fedora

>> No.6325832

It is. I love being a normal, average human being.

>> No.6325845

agreed. I have to dress business casual for work so my tops are 70% casual/dress shirts. There's nothing wrong with them, as long as you don't go full LE CLASSY GENTLEMAN mode.

button down + skinny raws + CPs =/= dadcore. it's UniStudentCore, at worst.

>> No.6325850


Which is my goal

>> No.6325851
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>> No.6325862

your dad is just a loser

>> No.6325870

Tfw someone says
>under 25; dressing dadcore
>26 turning 27 working on second masters degree and look 19

>> No.6325878

but you're fat so it doesn't matter

>> No.6325884
File: 60 KB, 720x720, sieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the pic of yourself with your gf

>> No.6325887

my dad earns more in a month than yours makes in half a year, get the fuck out.
"dadcore" originally wasnt connected to menswear at all, but to what the guy behind gosling is wearing. then you highschool kids came here and spammed every menswear fit with dad shitposts. of course most menswear fits on fa are awful. but the same goes for streetwear and any other style there is.
go back to your graphic tees and cargo pants, faggot.

>> No.6325891

Tfw crying into double meat quiznos sandwitch

>> No.6325896
File: 153 KB, 500x747, 1370985484264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u autistic

>> No.6325912

nah im not and the fit in your pic is awful

>> No.6325919

>tfw someone says you're impeccable fit is dadcore
>they are in fabrixsquare sweats and used rick fakes

>> No.6325952

post fit fucker

>> No.6326045


>> No.6326081

Looks fine, it's not fucking dadcore you idiot

>> No.6326079

ok and your point?

>> No.6326092

>Sure if you haven't already developed your own taste in music.
What does this even mean?

If you listen to stuff that you enjoy then that's a taste in music.

>> No.6326162

It probably means that some haven't figured out what they like and what they don't; they just haven't listened to enough music to define what they like and don't like. I guess.

>> No.6326196

I haven't been on /fa/ in about a year, what's CP stand for? I get that it's a shoe.

>> No.6326203

common projects

>> No.6326207

What exactly do you faggots consider Dadcore?

And what is dressing 'your age'? lol

>> No.6326204

Image for reference?

>> No.6326217

For me dadcore is ill-fitting polo, light blue jeans/standard beige chinos that are way too baggy.

>> No.6326238

It seems as if a majority of people on this board consider anything decent and presentable to be 'dadcore'; but yet, 'dressing your age is extremely un-presentable and quite just makes yourself look like an utter faggot sheep of the herd.

>> No.6326255

Overdressing =/= fashion, it just makes you look like a tryhard.


>> No.6326268

Not necessarily 'overdressing', but more so not only a T-shirt and some jeans.

>> No.6326284


>> No.6327738
File: 221 KB, 478x655, leupboatforusir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6327760

w2c trousers like that.

>> No.6327798

why is this capped? I see nothing wrong with this statement

>> No.6327836

Where to get trousers, jacket and gloves?

Besides the scarf, and maybe having a white shirt or a bit of contrast, that looks beautiful

>> No.6327843

see >>6326284

>> No.6327886

I think he looks awesome, and would fit well into the city I live in.
Which might say a lot about how depressing this city is.

>> No.6327899

w2c everything on that photo?

>> No.6327904

oh god this is so confusing

>> No.6328099

is he sagging for extra stacks?