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/fa/ - Fashion

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6314981 No.6314981 [Reply] [Original]

"In a documented one-time surgery-performance, a plastic surgeon removed a 110mm x 10mm strip of skin from the abdomen of Sruli Recht. The subcutaneous tissue and epidermis was then scraped from the dermis, which is stripped of fat by hand and blade, before being salted, and tanned with an Alum solution. The resulting leather from the dermis was prepared for use in the ring, Forget Me Knot."

Video: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wa8SsW-4DjI

Is anyone keen to cop? (Serious question)

>> No.6314984

This ring is unique and hasn't been sold yet.
So, no.

>> No.6315005

It is 500k...

>> No.6315014

This guy is so awesome. I want to cop some of his a/w13

>> No.6315011

Welcome 2 fa

What if kanye made a dick ring from his foreskin, next level caucasian fuccboi would buy it for 1mil

>> No.6315020
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I just what

>> No.6315037

His sweaters would have been perfect, and I would have copped like three....but then..deep V

>> No.6315039
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if i had that ring i would have to consciously prevent myself from chewing on it

>> No.6315041

i could make this same damn ring for cheaper.

>> No.6315048

I don't think he's actually planning on selling it.

>> No.6315050
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>> No.6315059

It's for sale though...right now.

>> No.6315062

That's not what I mean. It is possible to buy it, but I don't think he is expecting anyone to.

>> No.6315074

just wait for him to have a child.
he'll use the skin from the vag, and the foreskin from his sons circumcision to make a necklace, out of lovee.

>> No.6315085

Pls don't be mean to Sruli, I didn't make the thread to be mean to him.

I respect hiw far he's willing to go for his art and vision.

>> No.6315099

oh hell, im not. i also respect his work. he can incorporate the true rough edge of nature into his work. to tell you the truth, i wouldnt go that far, but kuddos to him.

>> No.6315113
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Layered treated leather dick.

>> No.6315122

>true rough edge

>> No.6315494

It's fucking hilarious looking at all that weird shit he's got. Some of the descriptions are pretentious as fuck too, like the one for the stillborn lamb coat. Though to be fair, that coat is metal as fuck.

>> No.6317600

Oh hey, it's the same guy who made those gloves you can't take off without tearing your hand to shreds.


>> No.6317612
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every week

feed me the newfag tears
feed them to me
i demand it

>> No.6317620
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Man i would totally buy this rifle from Sruli if i had the cash laying around.

It's sexy AF

>> No.6317637
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/k/ was bitching that it looks like something or another dropped into a new stock and that they could do it easily
and it's like
then do it bitch

>> No.6317640
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how many times have you pleasured yourself to the surgery video?

>> No.6317656
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but i only climaxed on it, the crescendo occured while facing a mirror.

>> No.6317658

how much sruli stuff do you actually have

>> No.6317663

why would someone want his skin and not their own

should have sold the process for 500 large

"for the cost of a house I will cut your skin off and put in on some metal for you"

dope idea Sruli but y dont u wear it faggot

>> No.6317668
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2-3 pieces depending on when the next batch arrives ;s

>> No.6317679

that's cool dude

sruli seems like a p chill dude

pretentious af tho

what trousers u think you'll get?

>> No.6317686

#pretentious af


i actualy dont know, someone suggested it might be the dick statue which im kindve hoping it is

>> No.6317734
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Did sruli ever make something you could actually wear without looking like a weirdo? I admire his innovative usage of materials and all but to be honest his clothes don't look very pretty.

>> No.6317762

the people here on fa and ktt would pay that amount to have their faces dick-slapped by kanye

>> No.6317769
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for you no

for others yes

>> No.6317806

Although I quite like Sruli as a designer and innovator your blatant brand worship is pathetic.

>> No.6317818
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did i tickle your jimmies B)

if you dont like it, thats cool man but your opinion is far from supreme

>> No.6317855


>> No.6317875
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>2-3 pieces

top lel
sruli pleb

>> No.6317879
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>> No.6317886
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Fitted and unlined glove from basking shark skin, with the mic-rose thorns inside. Should you put your hand in, you will discover that the thorns, all directed to slant inward, will lock your hand in place in the manner of, ten thousand fishhooks. Should you attempt to remove it, the thousands of thorns will bite into the skin. You can put the gloves on, but to remove them would mean to cut them off. Gloves for life, or for one wear - the ultimate and final commitment.

>Gloves for life, or for one wear - the ultimate and final commitment.

>> No.6317902
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>> No.6317930
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i would love to see someone from /fa/ order those and post pics with them on

any of you thinking of killing yourselves soon anyways?

>> No.6318161

Oh man, I was just reading that thread, it's fucking hilarious


>> No.6318214

>nobody who buys from that site has ever killed an animal

lel, I live on a farm and hunt for my meat and have bought some Sruli.

>> No.6318229

/k/ can be so uncultured.

>> No.6318236

Meanwhile in turnleft's ass
~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~• ~•

>> No.6318248

I can't help but think that this man is seriously insane. Am I wrong?

>> No.6318298
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bst 4chan moments reel.

>> No.6318340

Stop posting. B)

>> No.6318347


all artists a a little insane

>> No.6318346

Faggot thread, 0/10, original was better

>any year

>> No.6318362

I don't think this stuff's quite art..?

>> No.6318369
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>he think's it's meant to be worn

>> No.6318375

Hi turnleft. B)

>> No.6318380


>> No.6318382


not really art

more sruli trying too hard to make his name known

>> No.6318385

Don't think it's meant to be worn. think it's meant to be burnt.

>> No.6318396

Well I've never seen anyone post pictures proving that they own any of his stuff, so I think it's all an elaborate ruse and that purchasing stuff gives you credit towards buying actually good things from a hidden store. Or something stupid like that

>> No.6318413
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>> No.6318424

it looks like shes wearing a blankie

>> No.6318441

and still looks better than you

>> No.6318454

>better then me

>> No.6318460
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u cant compete

>> No.6318469

>funky right leg
>attempted flattering angle


>> No.6318478
File: 102 KB, 500x750, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit
post fit

she looks much better than you ever will B)

>> No.6318488

>tfw i don't care about what people think of how i dress because i still look 14 @ 19 srybby

>> No.6318533

well nightnight whoever you are

im going beddybies

sleep well snuggums

>> No.6318561
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hey turnleft what do you do for a living besides dumpster diving

>> No.6318621
File: 2.42 MB, 1500x1125, edlifhlvbek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*professional* dumper diving to you scumbag.

>> No.6318643

ur sleeves r too long might wanna get that tailored

>> No.6318672
File: 84 KB, 532x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i thought about it for a bit but decided against
if anything ill prob just uncuff it

>> No.6318738

oh good lord lol