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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 18 KB, 500x500, picard_HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6314428 No.6314428 [Reply] [Original]

So i was reading some stuff on GQ, and in a style guide about t-shirts they say the following:
>a sports coat worn over a t-shirt imidiately makes it suitable for office wear, especially in summer
My first reaction was ←pic related, but on a second thought, it is at least definitely a very practical style.

However i am unsure about the look, and whether it really is an accepted and common office/business style.

I cant access my wardrobe right now, so i have to wait a while before i can try it and post a fit, so meanwhile, please discuss.

>> No.6314430


>> No.6314438
File: 78 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mnovuuwq1n1rhfxzko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gq is trash, but whether this applies or not depends entirely on your office homie.

>> No.6314437

Style tips from GQ and Sex tips from Cosmo? Nope.
Remember kids, their primary aim is to move products, not pontificate about the finer points of style.

>> No.6314440
File: 419 KB, 800x533, blazer summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like summer to me

>> No.6314449

I know. Still, it is at least not vice or penthouse
>their primary aim is to move products
Obviously, but they did not advice on a specifc brand or something, and combining a t-shirt with a sports jacket will not require any additional shopping for about 90% of men.
>whether this applies or not depends entirely on your office
Have not seen it yet, but i could imagine it would be an intersting look. full on suit and tie is seldom worn, its mostly just sweaters or dress shirts + jeans, so pretty casual. T-shirt + sports jacket would be just another option!?

>> No.6314485

i would say its too casual for the (traditional) office unless its casual Friday.
Dress shirt + jeans is acceptable because at least you look presentable up top which is what ppl will see when you're sitting behind your desk. And plain dark jeans are slightly more formal than a regular beater pair.
t-shirt is just way too casual in a business setting. So unless you're never gonna take your jacket off the whole day, it immediately dresses down your outfit.
if your office culture is very casual normally then it would be an acceptable choice.

>> No.6314498

>So i was reading some stuff on GQ
stopped reading right there

>> No.6314518

>kill yourself faggot named twerk it
stopped reading right there

>> No.6314521


>> No.6314533

>implying i give a fuck
you are the one who was asking for help, negro.
i wouldn't give two fucks if you read my comment or not, moneyboi.

>> No.6314543
File: 500 KB, 485x249, 1900256438622672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wouldn't give two fucks if you read my comment or not, moneyboi.
o da ironie

>> No.6314547

>being stupid
scooby-dooby doooooooooooooooooo

>> No.6314562

>if your office culture is very casual normally then it would be an acceptable choice.
Its not really "very casual", its an engineering company…
So the standard is leather shoes + jeans + dress shirt. However this can easily end up as leather sandals + stone wash jeans that went out of style shortly after it was bought in 1989 + the cheapest non-iron shirt the wife found at the great sale of 1998.
So compared to some colleagues everything will be a step up, but on the other hand engineering is a very conservative business, which strangely means that bad clothes are acceptable, as long as they fit into the standard. The question to me is now how "progressive" t-shirt + jacket would be.
>So unless you're never gonna take your jacket off the whole day, it immediately dresses down your outfit.
I have a very light open weave, non lined cotton jacket, so i could get away with leaving it on all day.

>all that GQ hate
OK, i admit, its not high fashion, but given the engineering context above, it's suggestion are better than what is generally worn.
also, i cant show up in #NXTLVL, since that would alienate everyone. If anyone in this office is reading anything about fahsion, it will most likely be from GQ or the like.
Of course dressing well is all about personal style and such, but in a work context it is also about fitting in, and about fullfilling certain expectations, no matter if those make sense or not.

>> No.6314572
File: 475 KB, 1280x893, tumblr_mh5s2xLuoI1ro90kmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with gq is that it's an advertising shill.

>> No.6314579

Well, most magazines are. As are many blogs and websites.
But in this case, it does not list specific brands or things to get, so that suggestion must not necessarily be a pure advertisement. And even if it were, one could easily just take that style and apply it to similar items from other brands.

>> No.6314601

Is there any fashion magazine that isn't shit and frowned upon?
I need something to read while shitting.

>> No.6314606


not really

just get a tablet and use the net when u take a dump

>> No.6314610

but tablets are so much more expensive.
Also which magazine is the least shit? Would be enough for me.

>> No.6314613

Read a novel or something.

>how "progressive" t-shirt + jacket would be
In my opinion it would just look you are trying too hard without knowing what you're doing. Or like you put on your undershirt but then forgot to put on the shirt.
T shirt and jacket for summer doesn't really make sense to me. In summer, the jacket would be the first thing to go, not the shirt.

>it's suggestion are better than what is generally worn.
I'm not so sure. You can look pretty nice in a "smart" pair of jeans and a shirt.

>> No.6314614

if people are really wearing leather sandals then you can wear the t-shirt + jacket.
I would say its on the "hip" side but you're probably young so its more acceptable. And usually in tech offices they're pretty laid back. Doubt anyone would care unless the ceo or someone important is coming by.

If you decide to do this, make sure to wear a quality dark t-shirt. Not a thin undershirt. And keep the shoes and pants relatively business-like (leather shoes, try slacks or plain dark jeans).

Give it a go. If it turns out its not acceptable someone will probably take you to the side and tell you for future reference. No harm in that.

>> No.6314617

Might be acceptable if you work at some sort of "progressive" establishment.

>> No.6314688

May be a part of the 90s revival. Back in the day, Tshirt + jacket was very common if you wanted to look not totally casual.

>> No.6314794

so it seems like it could be pulled off, but will be rather difficult, and highly dependant on the environment.

Thnanks for the input so far, I will try to post a few fits when i get home in an hour or two.

>> No.6314972
File: 22 KB, 323x415, sonny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so here is a fit

>> No.6315023
File: 100 KB, 1021x1206, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kidding, here is a real fit.
Sorry for the shit lighting.
I think the red is too colourful.

>> No.6315032
File: 81 KB, 972x1180, grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, the jeans are a bit too old.
some grey slacks would probably be more fitting, but then not with this grey T

>> No.6315165

looks like shit

>> No.6315180

>light blue jeans
>red T
>grey T
>to a jacket

are you blind?

>> No.6315186

>no belt

>> No.6315190


jacket doesn't fit
don't tuck it in or wear a belt (or both)
buy new jeans, these look like shit

>> No.6315195

No, I am not blind. Hence i mentioned that i am neither happy with the red, nor with the jeans.

I think the grey could work, but i am not sure what i would pair it with.
Grey slacks? Not good with a grey T
Dark blue jeans? Not good with the dark blue jacket.
Maybe black jeans?

And of course i normally wear a belt. One that is matching the color of my shoes even!

>> No.6315198

>jacket doesn't fit
I cannot go any slimmer, without loosing the ability to move.

>> No.6315201

get the sleeves and waist slimmed
wear cropped white trousers

>> No.6315205


>> No.6315204
File: 85 KB, 952x1428, tournament high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think cropped trousers would look cute with my sneakers?

>> No.6315212

alright, I'm not going to say this will be an improvement, but if you can, try it and see for yourself:

>white or anything resembling white pants + light color to white v-neck
>dark grey to black pants + experiment with very light or very dark color v-neck

never post pics without without belt
you are a man, not a bum

>> No.6315214


>> No.6315215

alright I was afraid t hey wouldn't

finna cop some shoes for cropped trousers, what works that ain't derbies or "smart" shoes?

>> No.6315216


>> No.6315218

>what works that ain't derbies or "smart" shoes?
ps-only saying this b/c I don't need you to tell me they work with cropped trousers

>> No.6315219

My white V-necks are undershirts, except for one, but that might be too deep of a V
It thought white would look weird, but i'll give it a try
brb, taking fit-pic

>> No.6315221
File: 244 KB, 1222x633, cuteankles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slim lowtops

>> No.6315230
File: 83 KB, 972x1232, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The V is much too deep, imagine it were not that deep!

>> No.6315231


Those wool trousers ASOS?

>> No.6315233

nope. Joop

>> No.6315238

[autism intensifies]

>> No.6315305

keep the trousers, get the jacket tailored (too wide around the waist at least from this pic) and change the tee - it's paper thin. the colour scheme is good