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/fa/ - Fashion

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6307166 No.6307166 [Reply] [Original]

what other boards do you guys go on?

I go on /a/ sometimes, this is 4chan after all.

>> No.6307175
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>> No.6307176


>> No.6307185

/o/ for the bike threads,/soc/ for the amateur porn..., used to go on/fit/ but got sick of "u mirin" every other comment and the zyzz worship.

>> No.6307192

i'm not tiny enough to fit in anything yesstyle offers

>> No.6307235
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/a/, literally the only place where i can talk about anime
/mu/ is lame
/fa/ is lame
/s4s/ is genius tbh

>> No.6307250

Used to visit /b/ but its just become complete shit in the last year or so.

>inb4 but it was always shit

>> No.6307272
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>> No.6307397


ordered by how frequently I go on each

fatty fatty bombalattie


>> No.6307496
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>fatty fatty bombalattie

>> No.6307514

>formerly /co/ but I don't actually read many comics so stopped going
>occasionally jump around /ck/, /lit/, /sci/, /diy/, and other slow interest boards when everything else is boring

>> No.6307522

/cgl/ for skincare, makeup threads

>> No.6307528


sometimes /b/ when I'm bored

>> No.6309421

/a/, /o/, /ic/
Used to go to /vg/, but the generals I enjoyed either disappeared or went to shit.

>> No.6309430


>> No.6309435

I was a /b/tard before I became a /fa/ggot. Still browse /b/ every other day
/tv/ occasionally for game of thrones and mad men threads

>> No.6309436

/a/, /v/, /mu/, /int/, /tv/ and /gif/.

>> No.6309437

/o/ /cgl/ /trv/ /vp/

>> No.6309438

/pol/ sometimes
/b/ sometimes

>> No.6309441

I don't bother with any other boards, they're all shit

wsg maybe once a blue moon so I can use em on my tumblr

>> No.6309447

/pol/ /r9k/

>> No.6309453

/p/ and /tv/

>> No.6309458


All other boards are autism-tier

>> No.6309460
File: 668 KB, 687x720, 1370112212376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to go on /fit/ but migrated to BB.com/misc
>/sp/ during major sporting events
>/pol/ during happenings
>/v/ during E3 & major announcements

>> No.6309463


>implying /mu/ isnt as autismal as /v/
>also /fa/

>> No.6309541

/sci/ because im studying to be a medical physicist
used to go on /r9k/ because i have no life but stopped because it wasn't good for me, that board is poisonous

>> No.6309585

/sp/ during game threads

>> No.6309592
File: 906 KB, 1920x1077, Aragaki.Ayase.full.347457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayase is leov

>> No.6309596

/ck/, ever since I developed a greater interest in cooking. there's huge hostility towards vegans and vegetarians though, but it's still a good board.

/fit/ sometimes

>> No.6309606

Kuroneko > Saori > * > shit > ayase > kirino

>> No.6309616
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keep crying

>> No.6309622

5/5 bretty gud fanart, almost looks like the real thing

>> No.6309626
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>> No.6309631

dis nigga love yandere, i refuse to listen

>> No.6309668


>> No.6309700


>> No.6309731

/vg/ for /lolg/ and other games
/fa/ for thinking about having money
/lit/ to feel superior
/mu/ for feels
/pol/ when it's happening

>> No.6309738

/fa/ and /s4s/ on a regular basis
/adv/ every now and again
/r9k/ for when shit hits the fan

>> No.6309750

/fa/, /g/, /v/ and /sci/

>> No.6309786

/a/ /mu/ /ic/

>> No.6309825

/v/, /mu/ and occasionally /diy/ and /lgbt/

>> No.6309837

I've actually never been to /a/ or even had the desire to go there.

>> No.6309841

/a/, /fa/, /g/, /fit/, and /JP/. Last two I barely go on anymore

>> No.6309877

/o/, /mu/, /k/, /a/, /v/ & /tv/

>> No.6309887

/x/ (mainly for the streams, it has gone downhill since a couple of years ago), /ck/, /fit/

>> No.6309902

Occasionally I browse /x/ for le spooks. As far as other board culture's go I can't deal with it. Everyone is either super autistic or has terrible taste in everything

>> No.6309910

>/r9k/, but a lot less lately

>> No.6309916

We don't accept your idiotic kind around here. Go back to /pol/ and bitch about how terrible your government is you 15 year old faggot.

>> No.6309919

That's it.

>> No.6309978

I pretty much only browse /fa/ and /jp/ at this point. They're my favorite boards because they are full of ironic shitposting, which is my favorite thing in the world. I'm banned from /jp/ all the time though; I'm glad /fa/ doesn't have a janitor.

>> No.6310001
File: 19 KB, 741x356, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really what you believe? that's cute.

Enjoy your summer.

>> No.6310017

Every board technically has janitors, but only /jp/'s is autismal enough to hover over us 24/7. I've never had a post of mine deleted here.

>> No.6310036


>> No.6310053


>> No.6310067

if i email moot you think he'd ban historian

>> No.6310074 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 720x540, abso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking ayase

>> No.6310079

He won't respond to you. Also
>thinking he can stop me
top lel

>> No.6310086


>> No.6310090

It's called having taste mom.

>> No.6310115
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>> No.6310151
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>mfw all this shit taste

>> No.6310189
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>Implying Kuroneko isn't best girl
>Implying there will ever be a socially awkward gothaboo as cute as her

>> No.6310210
File: 237 KB, 1095x540, 1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a 1700+ post sticky on /a/ once

>> No.6310560


>> No.6310570
File: 580 KB, 660x675, 6 feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the 170M /v/ get
come at me

>> No.6310599

used to /fit/, now just /fa/, /pol/, and sometimes /lgbt/

>> No.6310608

/v/, /fit/, /tg/, /b/.

I don't even go on /fa/. I'm just a tourist.

>> No.6311397


I might start going on /mu/ also

>> No.6311451

I have a shitty one post sticky on /fa/ now ;_;

>> No.6313592

/a/, /v/, /mu/

>> No.6313616

i was in denial too bro

>> No.6313660


>implying this isn't the holy patrician trifecta

>> No.6313665

/g/ during major tech announcements such as today's unveiling of the Apple iTrashCan

>> No.6313681

/mu/ when im bored
/vp/ every now and then

>> No.6313692


>> No.6313715

I only browse /fa/

/mu/ could be good if the shit posting didn't get as much attention.

Everything else is literal autist and superiority complexes

>> No.6313713


>> No.6313726 [DELETED] 

/co/ is starting to get good again sometimes . I mainly only go for the weekly Venture Bros. live watch.

>> No.6313729

/co/ is starting to get somewhat decent again. I mainly only go for the weekly Venture Bros. live watch.

>> No.6313734

u can't spoiler the past

>> No.6313750



>> No.6313775


>> No.6313811

/fit/ cause without a body to fill in clothes you just look like shit

>> No.6314019

>anonymous anime image board
top kek faf

>> No.6314093

sometimes /mu/
read /k/, don't post
/fit/, used to be home board, became unbearably boring
/b/ ofc
troll /pol/

>> No.6314112

/mu/, /ck/, and /lit/. lately i've been browsing a bit of /ic/ as well as i've been trying to improve my drawing skills.

>> No.6314131

besides /fa/ the only other board i really frequent is /o/.

>tfw when changing the oil on my jeep and spill a bunch of it all over my raws because i didnt have a proper drip pan

>> No.6314139
File: 253 KB, 1004x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ and /k/

>> No.6314149

/mu/, because everyone should like the noise
/fit/, because working out is modern couture
/tg/, because... well I can't really justify that

>> No.6314502
File: 2.30 MB, 218x233, no homo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /hm/ here?

>> No.6314505

Are you me?

>> No.6314536


>> No.6314537

/sci/ is actually my main board, nothing sexier then a /fa/ /sci/entist

Other then that, /tv/ for movie threads, /v/ during big stuff like E3, /pol/ for the stupid comments, and /g/ for tech stuff.

>> No.6314600


>> No.6314631

/a/, /mu/, and lurk /p/ sometimes

>> No.6314632


>> No.6314707

itt: le animonious