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6306273 No.6306273 [Reply] [Original]

I copped these vintage union jack converse some months ago. Had a few regrets, so I decided to punk them up a bit.

ITT: Post shit you modified yourself

>> No.6306292
File: 420 KB, 383x576, Picture 299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shirt, left it in the sun for a week or so, took an exacto knife to it and sewed a dart in the back and patches into it.

>> No.6306301

no pics but i have a pair of teashades i "modded".

have a huge head and the dinky 10 dollar ones never fit over my ears, so the other day i got the bright idea to just pull the black ear hook things off with a pair of pliers and bend what was left of the wire over my ear and tape the rest off with a tiny bit of medical tape so it doesn't scratch my head.

Worked like a charm, i now have teashades that fit my head and i didn't have to pay designer prices.


>> No.6306308

I have no idea what that pacth on the front is supposed to do, but I like the neck. I like it a lot, actually.

>> No.6306314
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everything in this is diy cept the the shoes


was to patch a hole

thanks though

>> No.6306320

every time i look at the neck it creeps me out
i fee like if i touched it, it would infect me and turn me into a being made of string and safety pins

>> No.6306322

didn't expect you to have tattoos honestly

>> No.6306323

Does your hair cover the medical tape? I imagine it wouldn't look designer tier with fucking bandaids visible on the sides...

>> No.6306332


i don't think the neck looks natural

how would you develop a hole there

>> No.6306335

That's not OP. OP is 17 and too poor at the mo, or else he would have tats as of about now.

>> No.6306337
File: 504 KB, 595x800, Picture 303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its not me, i have my friends wear my clothes so i can take pics.


>how would you develop a hole there

with an exacto knife.

>> No.6306343

what'd you make the pants out of? do they just have a really long inseam or is there something else going on?

you're looking skinnier too

>> No.6306344

Tricky stacks?

>> No.6306357

That's pretty neat, keep dumping if you please.

>> No.6306358


>what'd you make the pants out of? do they just have a really long inseam or is there something else going on?

fleece, cotton/rayon its pretty heavy. and yeah the inseam is 38" plus a fitted cuff on the hem so you can adjust where it sits.

its not me i had my friends wear my stuff so its easier for me to take pics.

>> No.6306352


it's black, it's like medical tape. it's only on the last eighth of an inch of the wire, you wouldn't see it unless you're looking right at it.

im not trying to imply it does look designer teir, but noone but designers makes glasses in a size that would fit my head otherwise. That's all im saying.

>> No.6306361
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>> No.6306363


>with an exacto knife.

purposefully cutting and aging your new clothes?

eh, im not feeling it. That's really.. mid-2000's abercrombie man.

>> No.6306365

Ah, figures. Pics?

>> No.6306372


phone isn't working, but they're silver and mirrored with straight wire frames. really minimal, i like them a lot.

>> No.6306374
File: 314 KB, 324x573, Picture 307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>purposefully cutting and aging your new clothes?

of course i love diy/punk stuff. but i also dont expect everyone to like it, no problem dude.




ok i have a few more.

>> No.6306384

i love that hoodie so much man

>> No.6306379

I coated some leather converse in this rubber plastic stuff to get it to look a bit like CCP drips. It's not as extreme as the drips but it softens the texture of the sole. I like it very much.

I distressed some Paul Smith boots I copped off ebay for cheap by sanding off the top layer of the leather and wearing them hard. The leather is a bit greyish so I apply polish every so often to keep them black. I don't permanently dye them because the polish looks great after it begins to wear off. It gives them a depth of color and a slight sheen.

>> No.6306381

Why? Diy destruction has always been a part of fashion, whether it be now or at the advent of punk rock

>> No.6306390
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lol so does he, he wanted me to let him keep it but i only have one and its kinda my prototype.

>> No.6306394
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copped this 4 cheap

>> No.6306402

Could we have a look at the two in the back?

>> No.6306415
File: 336 KB, 354x671, Picture 311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy had been doing too many squats, i didnt like how my slim sweats fit him, but it was ok

>> No.6306419


yeah, but a shirt ripped at the neck implies someone grabbed you. Why did they do that? why are you still wearing it? what sort of person are you?

Think about the dialogue you're creating here and not just wantonly stabbing things in the name of art and counterculture.

>> No.6306422


>> No.6306428
File: 245 KB, 294x486, Picture 312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy in this pic is dope as fuck, he has a ton of aztec tattoos, i wish i had made him a tank top


>yeah, but a shirt ripped at the neck implies someone grabbed you.

im not 100% sure everyone interprets it that way.

>Think about the dialogue you're creating here and not just wantonly stabbing things in the name of art and counterculture.

i just like how it looks dude.

>> No.6306429


>flippant, vague, meaningless responses

>> No.6306431
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>> No.6306433
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>> No.6306444

user how can I be cool and make clothes

is there a guide somewhere

do I have to start with bedsheets like that one basedprophet fgt

basically how do I get started?

thanks man I relly like ur stuff

>> No.6306464


Was this for a presentation?

>> No.6306462
File: 234 KB, 320x559, Picture 308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>user how can I be cool and make clothes

study sewing/garment construction for awhile

>is there a guide somewhere

no u have to figure it out yourself, i looked for guide, doesnt exist.

>do I have to start with bedsheets like that one basedprophet fgt

no just muslin

>basically how do I get started?

take a sewing class where u have to cut out stuff and someone shows you how to sew it. then u copy them and sew it. do that repeatedly until u understand it and are good at sewing.

>thanks man I relly like ur stuff

sure np i appreciate ti

>> No.6306463

just go to sz and read the forums gook
holy shit

>> No.6306484

hey user I got trips neat rite

so like I should take a class at a community college or something

or what

w2c a user approved sewing/garment construction class

>> No.6306491
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yeah a very minor one though, nothing fancy. just instructor wanted to show garment industry businesses her good students.

i just did it so i could take pics and get more work, textile industry business people that come hire students that present for summer jobs etc. got a few offers so yea its all good.

>> No.6306497


uhh depends on where u live.

if u live in nyc ur good, lots of sewing classes at FIT

what city again u said where u live but i forget

>> No.6306506


im not the Alex that trips

I live in Kansas city


>> No.6306507

That is just one interpretation of his work. I think he did an alright job of using his techniques to make you think about what he is wearing

>Why did they do that? why are you still wearing it? what sort of person are you?

This is the sort of thing that a punk aesthetic is supposed to bring up.

>> No.6306527


honestly have no idea. maybe see if your community colleges offer sewing classes.

outside of major cities that have garment industries its actually really hard to find good instructors

>> No.6306531


when looking at classes what should I be looking 4

would it be better to try and learn online?

>> No.6306537


look for "industrial sewing" classes

if it is a hobby, sure, try to learn online, you just wont improve very quickly. if you want to be really good and do it professionally, you need to get training in a larger city where they have quality instructors/facilities/support

>> No.6306540

woops im not op sorry bout that

>> No.6306538

If I was looking to start sewing could one of you recommend me a good sewing machine? I have no idea what to look for and the only experience I have is a highschool sewing class I took like 3 years ago.

>> No.6306552

What size are those op, would buy

>> No.6306556
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sure. this is my machine, and ive always sewed on these.

juki model numbers 555, 227, 5550, or 5530 are all similar models of straight lockstitch machines. You can sew almost anything except for certain leather things and fur with these, they use them for all kinds of things in the garment industry. generally in LA they cost 150-400 depending on condition.

>> No.6306562
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>> No.6306564

It's cool. No hard feels.

>> No.6306575


Just like being /fa/, not interested as a profession

Online or a class?

>> No.6306577

Thanks, i'll look into those. Do you make your own patterns or look online?

>> No.6306582

42 1/2 in Europe, 9 in US

Been using them for a while now, but if you've got some spare time I could show you how to make them.

>> No.6306596


youll learn much more from a class, but if you are too busy and dont mind going slowly, try to learn online.


i draft all my own patterns, but there is nothing wrong with getting them online or ordering them if you want imo

>> No.6306648
File: 101 KB, 703x704, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna DIY, this is pretty much how.

>> No.6306736

Thank, will try

>> No.6307021
File: 136 KB, 401x205, cuffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sewed these cuffs onto my jeans

>> No.6307032

You fucked up

>> No.6307042

yeah there really uneven and frankly they should've been longer. I do like the pattern but it wasn't a good decision.

>> No.6307046
File: 1.67 MB, 1063x774, commies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modded this earlier this year when i dug up my sister's old beat up bag. It's a replica so I patched it up with shitty patches i made with acrylic paint. It's still falling apart though. Probably gonna head out to get some fabric paint and make some more patches. Hm.

>> No.6307323

Juki machines are dobule that in Australia. Other reccomendations?

>> No.6307376

I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6307453

how much would one of those hoodies with the big hood cost, I love the back bit but If it was plain that's cool too.

>> No.6307466

bleach dipdye the top half.

distress some of the edges.

>> No.6307504


kansai, brother, nakajima, consew, pfaff, union special

just get a straight lockstitch industrial machine with an automatic oil pump.



but i cant replicate the knit in the same material, it was knitted by hand and took 2 weeks just for the panel. not doing it again lol

i can do it in a contrast color or all black though.

void1959.tumblr.com if u want to contact me or look at more pics of it.

>> No.6308208

Thanks. Not dure about the bleach, but will try roughing up the edges

>> No.6308215

muh subculture

>> No.6308235

yo this is tight

>> No.6308239
File: 145 KB, 500x667, Gamma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those perforated cp's? beautiful!

>> No.6308318
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I bought some cheap jeans and tapered them and stuff.

I'm hoping to go buy some different fabrics over the summer and try my hand at making something.

Problem is that fabric retailers are pretty scarce here in Toronto and I'd rather not buy online.

>> No.6308412


how do into mad stax?

>> No.6310423
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bump pls