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6298086 No.6298086 [Reply] [Original]

so, how's not eating going for you?

I just woke up and I'm feeling little bit hungry. Gonna go get some ice cream with bro later though so I'll wait for that

>> No.6298088

Ice cream is by far the easiest food to purge.

>> No.6298096

not gonna purge it mane, I'll just count it to my daily allowance

>> No.6298098

what method do you use
very curious

>> No.6298109

I set 1500 kcal as my critical upper limit, like going past that is considered going backwards

aiming for <1000kcal daily so I just keep count of what I eat

when I cook for myself I mostly eat veggies so I dont have to go hungry but still keep below 1000

>> No.6298111

i mean like

>> No.6298121

oh I have a list in excel with common foods I eat
one columnt with kcal/100g and another how much of it I had
one cell with the sum of the day

mostly I do this in my head though

>> No.6298123

thanks friend-o

>> No.6298156

dude that dog is in another dimension

>> No.6298154

what is the dog seeing, I once ate 2 dmt laced bacon pieces at once and I felt I was having an out of body experience

>> No.6298193
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didn't eat anything but a banana and a lot of water yesterday
planning on not going to the supermarket today to force myself not to eat anything tomorrow

i'm really tired and have a headache

>> No.6298202

it'd probably be worth it to eat a fruit or something every 4 hours. it won't put you back a lot of calories but it'll probably help with the tiredness and headache

>> No.6298204

yeah that's probably true

>> No.6298205

also, going to the supermarket without having bought anything unhealthy is a good feeling

>> No.6298209
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>didn't eat anything but a banana and a lot of water yesterday
>anything but a banana

>> No.6298210

>implying our lifestyle is healthy
we simply need the vitamins

>> No.6298256

that pic is so fucking sad.
instead of caressing or playing with the poor dog, they put him in a cage that looks like an oven or microwave, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

>> No.6298259

dude he is so spaced out he probably doesn't even know where or who or what he is

>> No.6298264

eat multiple small meals and snacks during the day. keeps your munchies occupied without taking in excess calories.

166 cm / 48 kg

>> No.6298274

>166 cm

>> No.6298275

>dog is going through a existential crisis

>Dog utopia inc.

>> No.6298285

I'll never be a tall, gorgeous heroin chic model :(

>> No.6298288

post pic

>> No.6299582

Haven't eaten yet today, starting to feel hungry. I might make something small... I've found a great way to keep from eating is to make sure you never buy prepackaged foods, because often I'm too lazy to cook things

>> No.6299628

holy shit my dog ate one of my brownies and I felt sad, so I took him to the vet and they told me they wouldn't pump his stomach. I took him out all day. Went walking by a creek and all he did was chase his reflection on the water.

>> No.6299667

I have a god-tier metabolism and always hover around ~120 (6'0") and I eat whatever the fuck I want and get away with it.

>> No.6299682

Stop eating fucking fruits, eat vegetables instead.

>> No.6299739

Had some sausage rolls for lunch, three or four apples over the course of the day, some porridge for breakfast and gonna have a kebab for dinner.

I look like the lead singer of deerhunter.

>> No.6299761

In prerparation for a dance coming up, I have been eating about 250 calories a day AT MOST. I drink about 1 and a half gallons of water a day all together. I chew a lot of gum, which has 5 calories per stick. If I am really craving something, I'll have either a choclate delights moose which has 60 calories and I'll drink 4 cups of water after. That or a ice pop. I don't purge, purging WILL make your face bloat after you stop.

>> No.6299796

goddamn that dog is gonna be high for days

>> No.6299799

what's purging?

>> No.6299810

>eat healthy
>maintain a weight ranging from 115 to 120 lbs at about 5 foot 10.5

being skinnier than me looks unhealthy, hell, I'm trying to gain weight.

>> No.6299814

FYI the dog survived

They should've just lay him on his bed and put Dark Side of the Moon on repeat. Dogs eating pot brownies are a common occurrence. 99% of the times vets won't do anything but wait it out

>> No.6299827

Making yourself puke and taking laxatives. Bulimics do it. Honestly, I've never understood Bulimia. You don't even lose weight. when you first put food in your mouth, carbs, fat, sodium, all that gets absorbed first. So despite puking it up, you've already gained all the fat.

>> No.6299828


>> No.6299836

I see... how exactly does that cause face bloating?

>> No.6299841

>all these faggots embracing puking/laxatives

Do you even keto?

>> No.6299852

Water retention of the parotid glands. Your body knows it's losing water and is getting dehydrated from the induced vomiting so it tries to hold on to as much water as possible.

>> No.6299859

wow, you guys are faggots.

>> No.6299862

>being surprised that a board full of anorexics doesnt eat

first day m8?

>> No.6299865

Alright, that makes sense. Kinda dumb really... it would be smarter just to eat less and drink more water

>> No.6299879

I've been at 64 to 66kg since i've been 14, i'm 24 now.

I eat healthy and sometimes work out, also i'm 184cm's.

Guess i've got good genetics when it comes to weight and body in general, but i've picked up the acne gene along the way somewhere.

>> No.6299893

is that why tinfoil has such chubby cheeks?

>> No.6299899

>You don't even lose weight. when you first put food in your mouth, carbs, fat, sodium, all that gets absorbed first. So despite puking it up, you've already gained all the fat.
don't you think that highly depends on how long the food stays in your stomach?

>> No.6299907

ill admit i experimented with extremely reduced calories, but i only did it for a few months. i dont know how you guys can go through that mental torture.

>> No.6299918


>> No.6299924

>want to lose this last 5 pounds
>was planning on doing a little mini-starve thing
>lost all my exta fat
>started eating normal again
>gained it all back
>now have to actually eat regular and excesize

>> No.6299928

Actually, when you first put the food in your mouth your body tries to absorb as much carbs, fat, etc as possible. So what really matter how long you hold it for is vitamins, minerals, that stuff. Your body absorbs that 2nd.

>> No.6299935

This. Be warned, if you do any diets (like the ana diet) you have to veeerryy easily move your way back to normal eating. Afterwards, your body will be in starvation mode, so you slowly need to feed it more and more until it realizes it isn't, that's where you went wrong,

>> No.6299943

I really want to lose my extra 5-10 pounds, but due to college and stuff i find it really hard to count calories

>> No.6299947

you have to very slowly transition your way back to eating

>> No.6299956

I personally find calorie counting hard to maintain too. What I do is read the calorie label, and let's say it is 60, round it up to 100. Round it up, so that way you're dealing with even numbers and you'll cut back your calorie intake because by the end of the day you forget how much it really had, so overestimating cuts even more out.

>> No.6299999

how can a single person be this misinformed?
did you not learn how digestion works in school?

>> No.6300030
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>> No.6300041
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>> No.6300051


>> No.6300109


>> No.6300563

digger nicks

>> No.6300984
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