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/fa/ - Fashion

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6288231 No.6288231 [Reply] [Original]

>Poorfags who have no concept of saving up money, who ask for cheaper versions of designer pieces.

>Faggots who say leather jackets are autistic and shit up every good leather jacket thread.

>Jews who come on here and dress up in only Zara and say we spend too much money on clothes. On a fashion board.

So out of the big three, which would you say are the worst posters we have?

Also general inspo thread while we discuss.

>> No.6288238

number 3, annoying

>> No.6288241

>Poorfags who have no concept of saving up money, who ask for cheaper versions of designer pieces.

Easily this, anybody can have plenty of discresionary funds if they weren't so full retard with their money

But in reality you are pointing out many classifications of poor posters
>begging for the same look cheaper
>too poor for real leather
>only shopping at zara because its the main semi /fa/ they can afford

>> No.6288243

they're all the same

>> No.6288247

Ur the only poster I lyk but I feel like you're not the same person every time.

>> No.6288255



>> No.6288258

I can tell the fake uuuuuhhhh from the real one because the real one is a condescending prick but at the same time a cool guy. The fakes are just /b/-tier trolls trying to get a ruse out of people

>> No.6288263

Designer clothes are for people with money to throw around.

Know your fucking place - instead of saving to buy something you can't afford - work harder and make more money - then you can laugh at the people that have to save to buy 1.5k shoes

I would say the people we spend too much money are probs worst

>> No.6288270



>> No.6288273

designer clothes are for people that buy designer clothes

>> No.6288275

Get the fuck off this board your horrible piece of shit.

>> No.6288278


>> No.6288283

Number 1.

No we can't find you a Junya piece from 2008 for under 130 dollars you fucking idiot.

>> No.6288286

OP is the worst poster we have.

>Waaaaaaahhhh people have different opinions and values than me!!

>> No.6288300

Not really, I usually hate meta threads but he's right.

None of those opinions are valid when you're on a fucking fashion board.

>> No.6288301


I laugh at people who drive cars. Like #woah you purchased something that's several thousand dollars and you're paying it off what happens when you fuck something up? It's hilarious, people are slaves to big car companies and they're just giving away all their money so they can "get around easier". There were effective methods of getting around before automobiles, these people are just too fat and lazy.

I laugh at them while wearing my geobaskets

>> No.6288307

Number 1. If all number 1's killed themselves this board would improve so much.

>> No.6288311

In order of worst to least terrible. Jews>Poorfags>Leather Jacket shitposters.

>> No.6288316

1 and 3 are p much the same people

>> No.6288321

>poorfags that mismanage their money

If people would stop going out every weekend and blowing all their money on booze, drugs and whores they'd have the cash to live somewhere decent and dress well and they'd probably be healthy enough to go to work and not have it exhaust them.

The'd also probably be a lot smarter, have time to pursue actual hobbies like learning an instrument, or just casually learning another language or how the human body works.

There are infinitely more useful and fun things you can do with your life when you decide to stop acting like a petulant young shithead.

>> No.6288323
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the worst poster we have would be OP because he cares too much much of what other people say do think feel look. DO you homie. If your happy with yourself and how you do things why would you even care about other so called plebs or what other are doing in general.

>> No.6288324

>implying everybody who buys a car needs credit
>implying cars arent an effective means of transportation outside of urban areas
>implying there arent better shoes at a fraction of the cost

Plebs plebs everywhere

>> No.6288325

wow sage in namefield fuccboi mistake

>> No.6288330

>sage in name not email
ya dun goffed fuccboi

>> No.6288331

>not in an urban area
>caring about fashion
all you need are some dungarees and caterpillar boots kek

and there aren't cooler looking sneakers for a fraction of the cost

>> No.6288338

yeah there are

>> No.6288344

banana is the worst person

>> No.6288349

you forgot
>pretentious assholes who pretend to only buy expensive pieces and think they're the only ones this board is for

>> No.6288345
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His first point is really shitty though, because most people just ask where to cop cheap stuff, not cheap designer stuff.

Trying to look /fa/ without spending a whole lot of money shouldn't be frowned on. If I came on here asking for Geos for under $200 than yeah sage me, otherwise I see nothing wrong with ballin' on a budget threads.

His other two points are legit though. It goes even deeper with that though. Supreme is a fashion brand, a very popular one at that. Posting in every Supreme thread complaining that you hate it and that it is for fuccbois is just as bad as shitting up leather jacket threads.

>> No.6288347

but acting like a petulant little shithead is fun

>> No.6288350

I'm sorry, man, but leather jackets ARE autistic. They just look awful. Leather jackets are pretty much costume wear. You might as well wear a clown outfit, because no one is going to take you seriously when you wear a leather jacket. You probably think you look like Marlon Brando, but the truth is that you don't. You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a leather jacket.

My advice: Leather jackets. Dont wear 'em. Why shouldn't you wear them? They look like shit. All. The. Time. Get real. Stop trying to look cool, because you are not cool and you are not a badass. Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.

>It's been a while since I've posted here.
>This thread has strenghtened my resolve to warn /fa/ against leather jackets.
>I will keep on posting this until everyone takes my advice.
>Leather jackets are shit.
>Never, ever wear a leather jacket.

>> No.6288360

post a fit pic

>> No.6288364

>faggets from ktt
The absolute worst, everything combined and then some

>> No.6288365

nothing wrong with ballin on a budget or buying designer clothes.

its all a matter of preference

>> No.6288376

Why should I post a fit pic?

My point still stands. You just got offended because, for whatever reason, you like to wear leather jackets. In true /fa/ shitposting fashion, you just said, "post a fit pic". That statement served no conversational purpose. Don't waste your time here.

And of course, never wear leather jackets because they look like shit.

>> No.6288381

show me

>> No.6288388

a fit pic is reflective of ur tastes and I can use it to decide whether I should trust ur opinion or not
I've never worn a leather jacket

>> No.6288390
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>> No.6288391


>> No.6288397

One more thing: Why did you guys keep on deleting my additions to the "Outerwear" section of the tuxbell.com sticky? I was just giving everybody valid fashion advice: don't wear leather jackets. Why does everyone insist on dressing like shit? Why must everyone disregard such good advice?

The truth is, leather jackets never look good. You should never wear a leather jacket. They are pretty much the fedora-level jackets.

>> No.6288398

#2 is easily the most autistic, and I don't even own a leather jacket.

>> No.6288403
File: 298 KB, 500x628, 1362375461857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because tuxbell is not for opinions you faggot

>> No.6288407

it's one guy

>> No.6288420

>leather jacket
>leather jacket + hoodie

That is awful. That is just really, really awful. You were trying to look cool in that pic, weren't you? It failed, man. That leather jacket just ruined your outfit. That leather jacket also ruined that picture. That little girl on that bike has better fashion sense than you. I am sure she is embarrassed to be seen with you when you wear your leather jacket.

I see that this picture was taken several days ago. I sure hope that you burned that leather jacket since.

>> No.6288423
File: 166 KB, 620x425, wings-horns-springsummer-2012-sneakers-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga those don't look as cool as geos, I did like the grapes that came out recently saw them in person yesterday too, might cop

what do you think about these?
>jk I"m copping anyway B^)

>> No.6288425

elderly shit

>> No.6288427

get skagways instead

>> No.6288429

>#2 is easily the most autistic, and I don't even own a leather jacket.

Let me tell you one thing. You will look autistic when you wear a leather jacket. Again, never wear a leather jacket. They look like shit.

>> No.6288434
File: 113 KB, 800x600, IMG_2013050551347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man I was trying. And the motorcycle is just an accessory.

>> No.6288464

I'll give you that point bout the little girl though she is ADORABLE

>> No.6288475
File: 146 KB, 500x567, tumblr_mjazaaF6aL1rm4uqro1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leather jackets look good imo.

>> No.6288486

OP here nothing wrong with people on a budget. I just detest the ones who go "I want this so bad but it's too much find same thing but cheaper for me plox"

>> No.6288494


What do you get out of this awful trolling. And I say trolling because you admitted to it in another thread. It's not funny. It's not smart. So why?

>> No.6288568

Da jews.

>> No.6288602

Sruli and Alber are disappoint, OP.

Reporting for racism.

>> No.6288615

Three withiut a doubt

>> No.6288616

Apparently one can't report on mobile, even with the desktop site? Someone else report this.

>> No.6288725

>actually caring about "racism"

>> No.6288795

Shut up fag lol

>> No.6288805

I know, right? Where are all the commies coming from, lately?

>> No.6288896

>And I say trolling because you admitted to it in another thread.

[Citation needed]
Let's get this straight. I hate leather jackets. I hate them because they don't look good. What is so hard to understand? Don't accuse me of hypocrisy, you nerd.

>> No.6288906


>Let's get this straight. I hate T Shirts. I hate them because they don't look good. What is so hard to understand? Don't accuse me of hypocrisy, you nerd.

>Let's get this straight. I hate pants. I hate them because they don't look good. What is so hard to understand? Don't accuse me of hypocrisy, you nerd.

>Let's get this straight. I hate shoes. I hate them because they don't look good. What is so hard to understand? Don't accuse me of hypocrisy, you nerd.


>> No.6288936

You probably thought you were being clever with this post. Try again, fool.

>> No.6288946

>Let's get this straight. I hate clothes. I hate them because they don't look good. What is so hard to understand? Don't accuse me of hypocrisy, you nerd

>> No.6288963


it kinda shit on your argument tbh

>> No.6289097

That's fine man but just because you can't pull them off doesn't mean someone taller and more attractive can't.

>> No.6291526

>buy something you can't afford

>> No.6291542

ITT: Butthurt autist tryhards.

>> No.6291709

>autism: the thread

>> No.6292756

Are you the faggot that admitted that you were trying to change the attitudes of /fa/ if you shiposted enough?

>> No.6292778


fuck you really are this stupid huh

>> No.6292806

I actually find a lot of the posters on /fa are helpful in regards to finding discounted designer pieces.

This is just me, but I wouldn't buy one piece of item for $2000 and I am sure the majority of people in the /fa community wouldn't either.

If you can splash around a couple of thousands on a jacket, I think that is great that you have found the means to sustainability support that type of lifestyle.

>Poorfags who have no concept of saving up money, who ask for cheaper versions of designer pieces.
Therefore, I just don't find that comment to be fair tbh. I wouldn't pay full price on designer item. Or i am just living in poverty,

>> No.6292851

no leather jackets, its true the society has connotations with it that some of you can't back up, tough, motorcycle riding dudes if you have a 28" waist lol

>> No.6292857

Poorfags who are bitter that i earn money and can afford Balmain shoes. Dicks.

but raf Simmons idolotry is getting on my nerves.

also this alarming trend of fashion globalisation. You should have a degree of regionalisation in your dress sense imo. But everyone here wants to dress the same.

>> No.6292859

so people shouldn't wear military inspired stuff?

or gothninja bullshit?

or retro look stuff?

because you are neither of that time place profession?

>> No.6292864

Then don't buy the fucking item and find something in your price range. Don't whine about the price and ask for a cheaper replica.

>> No.6292866

I didn't ask for "fucking" replica.

God you irritate me.

>> No.6292867

>so people shouldn't wear military inspired stuff?
wearing millitary surplus like knochen will get you shot out here, and if it has these "cool stripes and shit on the side" you just committed a national crime, stolen valor act.

>gothninja bullshit?
they really shouldn't it makes them look like poor losers

>retro look stuff?
you mean vintage clothing? thats fine

>> No.6292871

Then I apologise, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

>> No.6292923

Okay maybe I worded it wrongly.

>Poorfags who have no concept of saving up money, who ask for cheaper versions of designer pieces.

It was just that comment he made seemed like it was targeted towards anyone who were unable to afford full priced designer clothing. Its quite demeaning in the sense he was segregating those who are able to afford those $2000 coats as being fashionable, otherwise people who cannot afford it are shit.

Maybe I just misinterpreted the message entirely, cause I recently brought something on discount...

>> No.6292931

I wrote that. And that's not what I meant at all.
There's nothing wrong with being on a budget, what I can't stand is when poorfags whine about not being able to afford a designer piece they like and ask us to find something like it but cheaper.

>> No.6292951

Ooh I see now,
Sorry I thought you also included people who wanted the same designer item but on a "sale" price.

I totally get what you mean now, yea it would be pointless to ask to replicate a piece of designer clothing to something like Urban Outfitters.

>> No.6292963

for 1000$ dollars i can get a bespoke coat, superior quality and craftsmanship. I can design that coat as i like instead of joing some faggy hypetrain.

Enjoy thorwing your money away

>> No.6294425

>people that overcompensate their lack of manliness by buying really overpriced clothes made in china and feel superior about it.

>people that buy designer clothes worn in runway and wear them in real life not realising they're more of an artistic thing than a piece of clothes

>> No.6294469

>i can get a bespoke coat

Made to measure, sure. Bespoke? I'm not so certain.

>> No.6294472

I'm gonna say that this poster is who I dislike the most on this board

>> No.6294485

You were raped by your uncle pedro, who regularly wore leather jackets, weren't you? Seeing one being worn reminds you of all the butthurt you used to experience. Posting on here helps you to vent this butthurt.

>> No.6294525

>sage me
thats not what sage means

>> No.6294632

out of the "big three", I'd pick no. 2, because there are a lot of cool leather jackets out there.

Apart from that, this:
Fashion doesn't need to be expensive. Someone who thinks that doesn't grasp the concept of fashion at all.
In the end it's the whole fit that counts, and not the individual pieces. It's how you combine things, how you choose to put fabrics, textures, colors against each others, what you do with your silhouette. It's a lot like producing art.

You can do that right with stuff bought at H&M.
You can do that wrong with pieces worth the equivalent of a car.

The problem is that many people are not genuinely creative or "good" at spotting what makes an outfit stunning. So they use inspo pics to make up for that and try to copy them. Of course, high-end brands do a very good job of producing pictures of fits that are simply breathtaking, and trying to copy such a fit with low-end products is a venture that is very likely to fail and a reason for why so many fits we see in the WAYWT threads are so very bad.

To sum it up, the people I hate most on /fa/ are
>the uncreative ones

>> No.6295931

>hating people on anon board
i hate people that hate people

fucking haters always hating. why cant they be like me and not hate motherfuckers

>> No.6295955

number 3 detected

>> No.6295960
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>> No.6295986
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trust fund detected

>> No.6296024
File: 108 KB, 260x416, Leather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of leather, does this look decent? My friends think it's cool, but they're kinda neckbeard autists and I saw a couple of girls sniggering at me while I was wearing it yesterday.

>> No.6296028

no it doesn't look good

>> No.6296049

Did you get a degree in Psychology? Because you sure sounded smart in that post. I was very impressed by your psychobabble analysis.

By all means, wear a leather jacket. Even if it makes you look stupid, just wear it and be happy. Everybody will laugh at your clown outfit, but go ahead and wear your leather jacket.

>> No.6296063

the thing that pisses me off most about this board is how many faggots talk about their new designer shit that they copped for hundreds of dollars, and never post a fit

everybody who supposedly dresses well never posts a fit, and the waywt are always full of spastics as a result

get your shit together /fa/

>> No.6296098

Yeah this actually is the worst.

>> No.6296141

Are you from the Matrix?

>> No.6296159

post fit

>> No.6296173

Thank you, sieg heil. It seems you are the only one in this board with good tastes. Although, I would have personally said "No leather jackets whatsoever."

It is good that we have more posts like this, that accept the truth, without fuss. Some of us smarter fellows know that leather jackets never look good.

>> No.6296241
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pedo detected

>> No.6296263

It's really weird. You do bother people on here, but not in the way you think.

You probably think people take you seriously, and are getting irritated at your "epic troll", when in reality, you ARE bothering people but more in the way that brony bothers people when he tries to explain his obsession to a normal person.

But if your job was to bother people then good job.

>> No.6296264

Last two are annoying because they are imposing themselves on others, but there is nothing wrong with the first group.

>Hurr stop enjoying a piece for its design

>> No.6296271

He's not saying he hates people who buy replicas, he's saying he hates people who come on here and ask us to find them for them when they may not even exist.

How is that not annoying?

>> No.6296304

I always want to wear a leather jacket but the first time i set foot on an allsaints store to check out their leather jacket. I realize they look weird and I have a hard time appreciating them...I'm sticking to denim jackets as an alternative.

>> No.6296312


Yeah man, I have no idea what the issue could be.

>> No.6296336

Just don't wear leather jackets, man. They look awful. You should stick to the denim jacket look. That is a cohesive garment that fits in any wardrobe.

>> No.6296379
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>buying a car for 2 million dollars when this dude in china makes basically the same thing for only 10k

they're basically the same thing

>paying for brand name XD

>> No.6296390

the only leather jacket i think that looks good is the rick owens one... the style doesn't show off a biker vibe.

>> No.6296427
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I like looking like a nerd to be honest...

>> No.6296431

>denim jacket
alright the ruse is up

>> No.6296447


Just cause something looks awful on you doesn't mean it does on everyone you fuccboi. Also, everything is a costume. What the fuck do you wear, an OCBD? a sensible jumper? that is a costume too. Costume is french for outfit.

>> No.6296452

You actually look like a nerd that is trying to look badass when wearing a leather jacket.
>Wear something else that looks good and doesn't make you look stupid.

So let me get this straight, don't try and look cool, but try and look cool?

>> No.6296474
File: 95 KB, 450x628, 1365265320284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a leather jacket thread

>> No.6296589

That is a woman's jacket

>> No.6298581

most /fa/ jordans?
pic related