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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mgh4g1vLM71rka5ueo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6282309 No.6282309 [Reply] [Original]

What's up /fa/, I'm in somewhat of a conundrum. I'm a regular beard-grower that has had short hair for many years. I'm considering growing it out a bit to see if I can manage it in conjunction with my beard.

The problem is that I'm trying not to end up looking like a dungeon master or someone from Duck Dynasty. So after a handful of image searches, it appears that it's rather difficult to find attractive pictures of people who have longer beards and longer hair as well. I've been thinking about cutting the sides short and keeping the front and top longer for more of a pompadour look.

Is it possible to have a longer haircut with a longer beard (6-12 inches), or is short hair pretty much the only choice if you want to remain aesthetic?

Pic is basically the longest hair I've seen with a big beard.

>> No.6282313

Did you forget about the manbun?

>> No.6282319

You run the risk of looking like a homeless person if you're not perfectly groomed but I think you might be able to do it if you have the right face for it.

>> No.6282334

beards are always disgusting. they look like pubic hair. yuck.

>> No.6282335

back to reddit with you

>> No.6282340

Probably not as my hair is naturally slightly curly (grew it out about 10 years ago) I think it will make my face look too wide.

mite b cool
though again I'm concerned about my face looking too wide.

>> No.6282346


They are pubic hair, you yutz. Project your wn inadequacies all you like.

Any actual suggestions?

>> No.6282391

I have 3 months off from school and I usually rock designer stubble because I look like a 16 year old without it but as I don't have school i'm going to see how much I can grow mine out. (I'll shave the neck obviously)

>> No.6282408

If you're truly interested in growing a beard over the summer, shave a neckline for a couple weeks, then stop. I understand the desire to eliminate neckbeard, but after a certain length it makes no difference because nobody can see it. You can't confuse length growing to "neckbeard status" growing.

>> No.6282434
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, IOfNHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally sick of sitting on the computer shitposting, I go to the gym, try to be more active but so much time is spent moping and being depressed, alone.

>> No.6282439


>> No.6282441

Didn't think of that , sounds like it makes sense. The main reason why I was going to shave the neck is I could have that groomed look instead of the hair for hairs sake beard that has been posted in this thread. Nah mean?

>> No.6282458

Totally understand. But past a certain point, maintaining a neckline on a longer beard starts to look really weird. Also, you run the risk of accidentally lopping off some of the underside of your beard.

>> No.6282480

True. Once it starts getting horrible i'll just shave it off anyway , it's just an experiment for me really. Ty for the advice though boss.

>> No.6282641
File: 61 KB, 482x720, haar18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind though that this guys face is godly and your's very likely isn't.

>> No.6284602
File: 483 KB, 500x375, Don't cry for me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never look like this

>> No.6286013

if anyone has one of these beards i want to see what it looks like when you use a straightening iron on one

>> No.6286317

Danny Brown upside down.jpg

>> No.6286378

>no face wrinkles

Just kill yourself it will never look good

>> No.6286550

my facial hair grows out pointing a bit to the left, especially on my chin. is that normal? does it straighten out if you let it keep growing?

>> No.6286574

>implying his face is godly
There is something terribly wrong with his mouth and he would most likely look better without a beard

>> No.6286725

Ah well, a little exageration to get a point across usually doesn't hurt.

>> No.6286998
File: 123 KB, 700x993, no homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just keep it trimmed?

>> No.6287014

the more beard
the cleaner the hairstyle

>> No.6287015

>they are pubic hair
>pubic hair
>hair that grows in the pubic region


>> No.6287040


Except in this case.

>> No.6287069
File: 237 KB, 425x640, tumblr_mkcdgdNkYw1s5soh9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really want to look like this?

>> No.6287071
File: 100 KB, 480x393, 941229_10151935974474966_1155133468_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have goatee (cue laughingfashionistas.jpg)
>Good enough jaw for it, doesn't look completely retarded
>Let it grow
>Every other month I feel like I'm trying too hard with it and shave it all off
>Bring it back because I forgot to shave for a few days
>Think it looks good so I keep it
>Cycle continues

I don't know what to do.

>> No.6287271

i think beard+sloppy backslick can look pretty cool.

>> No.6287415

fukn A

>> No.6287973

the fucking fucking same here

>> No.6288007

>have a goatee
>shave it off for work
>suddenly people are much nicer to me and get more attention from females

beard prejudice is real my friends