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6281547 No.6281547 [Reply] [Original]

At what point do you draw the line when making false compliments about someones fashion sense?

>> No.6281549

i only do it when i hate what they're wearing

>> No.6281548

when you don't want to fuck whoever you're complimenting

then it's the harsh truth all the way

>> No.6281554

I never do that.

>> No.6281581

i'd of told that bitch her hair looks like a clown took a shit on it

>> No.6281590


I'm not sure where the line begins but she has definitely crossed it. What the fuck is that haircut and why does she have it.

Must have severe self esteem issues to do that and it will only make it worse.

>> No.6281591
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I don't see why you can't just be completely honest with someone and not let that judgement call affect the rest of the relationship.
Don't even couch your statement. If asked, say you don't like it and calmly explain why in as empirical a fashion as possible.Otherwise, keep silent on the matter. Treat everyone the same regardless.

>> No.6281595
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>> No.6281614

>i'd of

I'd have

>> No.6281638

Thanks autocorrect!
Now you should go autocorrect your life since you're just randomly correcting people on an anime image board.

>> No.6281649
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>> No.6281662

I never compliment unless I mean it. I usually don't comment on an outfit at all unless the person is being a cunt about it.

e.g. Guy calling himself a "hipster" and "into fashion" while wearing Zara bullshit and proclaiming class is better than swag.

In which case I destroy them.

>> No.6281674
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sure you do, champ

>> No.6281678

was meant for:

>> No.6281691


>> No.6281700


>tfw poorfag, most of my clothes are from Zara, got some Allsaints pieces

>people call you out on being fashionable, but inside i know i'm nothing but a basic bitch and they don't even know the feels


>> No.6281737

You got me all wrong man. I don't rip on people because they can't afford nice clothes (Although as a poorfag I still buy designer clothes by saving up, a concept foreign to most people on here) I rip on people that are posers.

I hate people that proclaim their passion is fashion and that it's their life when they obviously know shit all, it just irks me.

Same with the "Oh yeah, music is my life I listen to EVERYTHING Coldplay, Asking Alexandria,Blink 182,Cat empire the list just goes on and on" people. In general posers need to die.

>> No.6281749

less hate, more love man. Ignore these people, they aren't worth it anyway.

>> No.6281751


Yeah i get what you mean dawg, was just commenting how shitty i feel when people tell me i'm fashionable but i can't afford shit even by saving up (eastern Europe, been umemployed for a while now and even with employment you'll earn from 500-1000 euros a month)

>> No.6281754


Could be worse.

Saw some people from highschool at a reunion. We started talking about random shit until someone commented on my clothes.

Oh anon you're so fashionable. I always knew you were gay but i guess it was difficult for you to come out in highschool.

>Those people assumed i was gay because i dressed better then them.

The real awkward moment came like 1min after that comment when my girlfriend returned with the drinks we ordered.

>> No.6281760


i know that feel man. Got like 50-100 € a month to spend on clothes... I get kinda sad when I see some people posting in "recent cops" threads every day.

>> No.6281762

why wouldnt you say something when they said you were gay?
its your own fault if you felt it was awkward
how did that go?

>Oh anon you're so fashionable. I always knew you were gay but i guess it was difficult for you to come out in highschool.

what did you say instead of letting them know you werent gay?

>yeah thats me, little fashionable gayboy

>> No.6281770




I'm amused when some of my mates who are kissless virgins at the age of 22 or so call me gay because of the way i dress (because i'm not wearing adidas trackpants all day long, lol slavland), not ripping on virgins here but it's amusing how the dudes who get the least ammounts of pussy tend to be the biggest "homophobes".

>> No.6281784

>1 min after
>for 1 min you didn't reply
>didn't react in any way to the assumption that you are gay neither confirming nor denying
What the fuck

>> No.6281790

>fashion sense
How'd you do that, poet?

>> No.6281797


Lel dude, when they said 'we thought you we're gay' i told them i'm not and that i got a gf. They quickly changed the subject.

The awkwardness quickly faded cause i saw some old friends and went to talk to them instead.

>> No.6281802

why was it awkward when your girlfriend showed up a minute later
did they not believe you

>> No.6281803

see my comment

>> No.6281805

I think he just tried to tell a funny story man. fuck it.
>hey u so fashionable, u gay bruh, always knew it
>im not, i have gf

>> No.6281809

Wouldn't you feel awkward when something like that happens?

>> No.6281812


Why do people always assume stories like this are made up?

>> No.6281816

that doesnt make sense

person: ..i always knew you were gay...
anon: i'm not gay i have a girlfriend she's over there getting drinks
person: oh ok my mistake

a whole minute passes
girlfriend comes back with drinks
why would that suddenly be awkward

because the people that write the stories keep changing important details

>> No.6281821

You fuckin sperglord

>> No.6281822
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>> No.6281833

not saying made up, but he leaves out or adds stuff to make the story funnier or more interesting. In his story the turning point came when his girlfriend arrived. For the reader it seemed that he didn't really reply to the "gay accusations" and his girlfriend pretty much resolved it.

Im not saying thats bad man, I just don't understand why some people try to find those gaps and jump around on them. Its wasted time.

>> No.6281865

Or you know, he just said a minute when it actually happened with a few seconds. That was my assumption at first.

>> No.6281876


I'm the guy who wrote this >>6281754

My native language isn't english so excuse me for explaining it badly.

I did reply to the gay comment immediately and then they changed the subject. 1min later my gf showed up and we went to talk to other people.

The end/

For me it was awkward at the time cause the 'i thought you were gay' thing happend to me on a few other occasions. Now happy shrugs.

>> No.6281880

pretty happy

>> No.6281882

I'd been told that by guys and girls. I don't care but I do like turning it around on the girls and telling something like "I'll take you on a date and show you I'm not " true confidence never gets embarrassed

>> No.6281900

I don't have a fashion sense.

>> No.6281910
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Now i can die in peace.