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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 720x960, 1370319353265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276529 No.6276529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gimme all your mike pics that aren't from his tumblr

>> No.6276563

i woudnt want someone licking my nipple i dont think i'd enjoy it and i dont see how they would i dont think my nipple is tasty but i've never tasted it so who knows

>> No.6276578

And pushing a cold beer can to his chest.
Bitch is wacky af.

>> No.6276582

ye poor mike probably having the worst time of his life in that picture
i bet he spent a reasonable amount of time getting his shirt and tie sitting well and those grils ruined that too probably

>> No.6276584

>chiseled jawline
>not aspie
>plays rugby

why does mike grace us peons with his presence? my social worth has gone up from associating with him on this board

>> No.6276587
File: 67 KB, 960x640, captaintampon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys just don't understand

>> No.6276590

My mike folder just went from 0kb to 1gigachans
on the real though why does he look so happy there,like a perv in a porno expo.

>> No.6276592
File: 61 KB, 960x720, ohmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one reason

>> No.6276595

mike just wants other people to be happy
if they think he is having a good time they will have a good time

>> No.6276918

I love how Mike is thought of as the embodiment of all good and /fa/ness.

>> No.6276942

so this faggot plucks his eyebrows or something?

>> No.6276947

i feel like my worthless life has been made valuable just by the fact that i know mike

>> No.6276956
File: 633 KB, 578x234, tumblr_mn27phME2c1rby04wo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that waterbottle snapchat he sent 40 minutes ago

don't even pretend you don't like this attention, mike


>> No.6276963

What club does mike play for? I'm sure mine would be down for a friendly

>> No.6276966

do you think his mom has sexual feelings for him she tries to repress?

is mike's mom hot?

>> No.6276971

I remember on tinycat him saying that his big dick hurt girls but that guys enjoyed it

not sure if he was trolling or not

but apparently he's got a big dick too

>> No.6276994

Who are worst humans?

1. Knoch Dickriders
2. Mike Bum lickers

>> No.6276996

knoch is super overrated

what's so special about a manlet with a combover

>> No.6277013

he has an actual interest in and sounds like he actually knows a lot about military gear

>> No.6277017
File: 376 KB, 304x630, Screen shot 2013-06-04 at 18.54.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't he 5'11?

>> No.6277021

oh man he looks straight out of fallout here
it's great

>> No.6277029

does he get laughed at in public?

> Hey honey, there's that Knoch boy with his damn costumes again

>> No.6277035


fuckin lol'd

what is this guy doing

>> No.6277032

yeah new vegas swag
i wish i could dress like knoch
can you not see that he's in the wilderness
i doubt the bears laugh at him

>> No.6277037

stop sexualizing mike. he is a pure maiden.

>> No.6277043

so he hides in the forest so that no one can see him

>> No.6277047

>> Hey honey, there's that Knoch boy with his damn costumes again
i giggled

>> No.6277049

something like that, i think i remember him saying 5'10

did you see him in that vid with the lizard

he is so beautiful

>> No.6277056
File: 134 KB, 1280x1024, avpw92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was on his tumblr but he deleted it, i reblogged it though

>> No.6277067

tfw you look like an iOffer version of mike

>> No.6277073

I recognize that flag on the background somewhere. Its swiss isn't it?

>> No.6277077

got beat up l m a o.

>> No.6277083
File: 462 KB, 679x503, shockedbatman.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be the maryland state flag you boob

>> No.6277085


>> No.6277086


>> No.6277088

lel i'm not american. That red/white design looks kinda swiss

>> No.6277091

popping zits

>> No.6277092
File: 458 KB, 651x415, Picture+10[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277097

looks more like he can't shave very well lmao

>> No.6277104

This is exactly the sort of shit that drove away Knoch, cut it out.

>> No.6277111


woah u attractive people have so many problems
with ur cute girls licking u and whatnot

>> No.6277110

actually he left to go hide in the woods because he looks like Zoolander in a fishing outfit

>> No.6277119

still looks better than you

>> No.6277122

Well maybe Mike will hide in the rugby fields where rugbyballs grown on rugbies to play rugby all day every day and we wouldn't ever see him again.
And that would be sad.

>> No.6277139

why can't I have some of your attractiveness mike

and your manly voice


>> No.6277164
File: 261 KB, 800x600, 1369179146767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ITT: mike posting about himself to see how many pictures of him you faggots. have.

Stop making post about yourself Mike!

>> No.6277177


LOL its you again


fucking faggot honestly what is wrong with you

>> No.6277185

>tries to insult somebody's looks
>says he looks like a [fictional] model

>> No.6277192


Imagine if Knoch wasn't incredibly handsome.

>> No.6277217

People would give him less shit and just not care.

Niggers just shitpost BECAUSE he's good looking.

he's 180cm, 5'11

>> No.6277229

Post an outfit.

>> No.6277236

This is actually the first time I've said anything like this man and I stand by it.

>> No.6277316

His face looks etheral


>> No.6277328

good god

>> No.6277366
File: 761 KB, 1280x800, dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277393


>> No.6277408


>> No.6277426

why is he sniffing the lizard

>> No.6277431

Why wouldn't he? What are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.6277450

I think he has jacked up teeth or something because he always seems nervous about showing them

>> No.6277451

N-No :(

>> No.6277466

this always weirded me out as well

>> No.6277465

i'm just curious
does th lizard has a smell

>> No.6277470

his teeth are fine, he was on tinychat last year he has a nice smile

>> No.6277485

i'm positive i've seen his smile before and it looks fine

>> No.6277518
File: 384 KB, 480x640, 1328512835624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks normal just like mikes teeth I don't get why people try to nitpick so much shit about knoch who cares

post some more mike pics pls

>> No.6277526
File: 24 KB, 399x501, datmikefeel - Copie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277539

Mike is love, Mike is life.

>> No.6277550

how old is this guy?\

>> No.6277552

don't think there was any nitpicking about his teeth just genuine curiosity

>> No.6277554

Wow I'm a girl and I never been attracted to a bald/buzz cut until this picture

>> No.6277568
File: 1.91 MB, 411x229, 1317144392246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think it's stupid. It just sounds like they're trying to find that one little thing to discredit him

>> No.6277573

obv its /fa/
they're just jealous

>> No.6277576

how does a guy like him end up on 4chan?

>> No.6277578

because the dude it's on is incredibly attractive in the first place idiot

>> No.6277581

Same thing with mike. Every post about mike for them is mike posting shit himself.

>> No.6277631

I know we like to say that only NEET losers and child molesters come to 4chan, but the fact of the matter is that you get ALL types here. That includes balanced, lively, independent 'winners'.
>implying winning means anything anymore

>> No.6277700


4chan isn't that seeeecrit club anymore

>> No.6277705

yeah i saw it

imagine if he wasn't 9/10 though

he'd just be the weird mad max lizard guy

>> No.6277710
File: 114 KB, 948x711, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277726

knoch isn't really weird though when you talk to him

somebody should send him a tinychit link sometime to get to know him

>> No.6277754

i wouldn't know we've never communicated ;_;

im sure he's a chill guy tho

pepyn talked to him on tumblr one time i think
knoch kindly warned him against the dangers of playing sports

>> No.6277757

>tfw knoch will never love you like he loves his gecko

>> No.6277798

knoch loves his gecko more than his gf lol

>> No.6277814

I doubt that. It's their gecko. Not his

>> No.6277858
File: 116 KB, 940x904, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What facebook friend of mine are you?
That's the only way you could have these.

It's cuts from shaving at like 4:30 AM

I just don't like to smile. My teeth are fine.

You're the same guys that post this claim every
time somebody makes one of these threads.

I don't post this stuff myself, there isn't any reason too, popularity on here doesn't mean anything to anybody. I don't need validation, I can get that in real life.

>> No.6277893


you sound like a prick

i no longer feel sympathy for people posting your pics everywhere

>> No.6277907

You lack a lot of reading comprehension.

>> No.6277911
File: 4 KB, 300x250, tell the bloods i'm crippin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277912

I guarantee you're mad because I said:
>I don't need validation, I can get that in real life.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind that people do this, whatever makes them happy.

But I don't need sympathy because I'm not upset about it.

>> No.6277921

hey mike what clipper guard did you use to cut your hair this short? looks like a number 2?

>> No.6277924
File: 4 KB, 300x250, tell the crips i'm blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nipple tastes like the bits of ur lip that u chew off i think

>> No.6277925

yeah you're a prick

>> No.6277933

It was probably a 1/2.

>> No.6277942

And by that I mean .5''

Cry more son.

>> No.6277962

shit. why'd you cut it so short? you mess up?

>> No.6277966

>Cry more son.

oh nvm i was wrong sry

>> No.6277975

That picture is from 2009. I don't have to shave my head anymore.

Stop bumping the thread with your replies if you think I'm such a "prick."

>> No.6277978


>> No.6277983

yeah those two things are definitely linked

>> No.6277992
File: 5 KB, 300x250, bandana banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme 10

>> No.6278041

hows bawlmer

i heard its shit

>> No.6278070

isnt there a pic of mike in purple boxer briefs lookin fine af? id like to see that again if anyone has it on hand

>> No.6278176

Damn I don't know if I'd be flattered or concerned if people knew this much about me.

Not that anyone would, its just trippy to think about

>> No.6278267

check his tumblr

>> No.6278272

forgot to sage
my bad

>> No.6278279

forgot to bump
my bad

>> No.6278618

whats his tumblr?

>> No.6278643


>> No.6278644

its mango-chutney.tumblr.com

god bless

>> No.6278701

wtf kinda sick joke is this?

>> No.6278722


>> No.6278754

OP here. I saw the pic on /fit/

They made a manlet troll thread with it.

>> No.6279126
File: 238 KB, 429x455, 136139135883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this please become a Knoch thread? Google images barely turns up any good ones, my /fa/ folder is sorely lacking

>> No.6279159
File: 5 KB, 176x250, 1346172450555s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes what a good idea!


>> No.6279242
File: 511 KB, 2016x2856, 1319234086123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6279348
File: 9 KB, 200x195, 1369923938192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you faggots are acting towards Mike. reminds me of mice and men and the way lenny the retard killed the puppies and that qt3.14

Mike is a cool guy, stop being a prick to him

>> No.6279358
File: 76 KB, 300x250, forest friends have jungle jollies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of the most on point posts i've seen about /fa/ ever dam

>> No.6279371


The fact of the matter is that most of /fa/ consists of autists who are addicted to purchasing clothing and are probably doing poorly in other realms of their lives. Mike is handsome and seems to be doing well. In other words, it's just a giant circle of

>stop being good at life when I'm not.

>> No.6279402

he's hot but he's not cool

>> No.6279456
File: 58 KB, 294x295, 1364567139975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think he is cool. He made that video on how to cut your own hair then later went back and narrated it for us. He also nicely responds to questions. I'm not gay therefore I can't say I find him hot.

I also agree with the poster above. Some faggots can't handle the fact that Mike actually has a life outside of /fa/. For them it's the jelly feeling of looking at a snow globe as a kid and wishing you could live in it.

>> No.6279466

>I'm not gay therefore I can't say I find him hot.


>> No.6279489

>I'm not gay therefore I can't say I find him hot

No, you're just an insecure faggot with no confidence in your sexuality.

You don't have to call him hot - but even by traditional and contemporary standards, Mike is, "handsome" - that's not hard to say.

How hard is that?

>> No.6279491

Mike if you are reading this thread I am going to George Mason this fall and you could come and take my anal virginity...please.

I'll be in the Honors College dorm.

>> No.6279498


mike lives in maryland

>> No.6279510

Mike doesn't take off his shoes when he goes into other people's houses, and when they ask him to, he doesn't come inside as a statement against all that is decent.

I've also heard he has Communist affiliations.

>> No.6279517

No shit Sherlock George Mason is right near the Virginia/Maryland line.

>> No.6279522

You're a really sad person. You're going to say that you're kidding, but you're actually not.

>> No.6279656


If he goes to a friend's house and his parents believe in some strange practice known as "take your shoes off inside" he stays outside and waits.

What a scumbag lowlife.


>> No.6279675

everyone who knows mike irl knows that's his bi

>> No.6279680

Is there a person in the year 2013 20-30 that isn't? ffs

>> No.6279698
File: 238 KB, 539x589, 1369987606911e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can like a scumbag named Mike.

>> No.6279710

I'm not even trying to defend Mike, but when presented with a rule of someone's household - he said fuck it and waited outside

>not realizing how alpha that is

>> No.6279732

There's a difference between being alpha and being an inconsiderate dickhead.

>being alpha to parents

>> No.6279745

>le when in rome

>> No.6279757

it's true though

>> No.6279843

And what exactly are the dangers of playing sports?

>> No.6279867

what was rule?

>> No.6279874

"shoes off inside" probably

>> No.6280070
File: 213 KB, 453x668, 1365488189160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Insecure faggot because I don't find him hot?

You obviously don't know this, but there is a difference between agreeing someone is good-looking / handsome and finding them hot.

Taking off your shoes inside the house is some retarded third world country shit. Having your carpet/floors professionally cleaned cost as low as 30-40 bucks per room. The first time I was asked to take my shoes off I was offended. But I complied because I was with my g.f. Upon using their restroom I discovered they also didn't flush their toilet paper after use. They kept it in a bin next to the toilet... God damn minorities

>> No.6280080

Lol I'm the dude you're bitching at but we bros now because I forgot people actually throw toilet paper away instead of flushing it

I've heard it's because they have a septic tank that has to be emptied every now and then and toilet paper fucks with that, but that's even additionally ghetto

And in before they didn't because that would be so fucking lel

>> No.6280094
File: 11 KB, 300x250, aqua musa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo everyone does it in canada lol

>> No.6280115

Seriously people, what's the problem? you don't agree with the rules of the house you don't enter. If you don't feel comfortable in a certain situation, you don't get into it in the first place. Maybe he didn't feel like getting the third degree that day. Shit, everyone knows parents like that. Maybe his feet wear sweaty or his kicks were old & dirty.
You can't complain about the rules people have in their own damn homes, but you can opt out of those places AND the people in them. Why is this even a discussion?

>> No.6280120

throwing shit and piss covered toilet paper in a bin?

>> No.6280129
File: 15 KB, 300x250, what happens when you clog your toilet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no faglord taking off ur shoes

>> No.6280156

Actually, no - he is talking about putting used toilet paper in a bin

I think I'm going to officially start reporting everything you post for avataring

>> No.6280165


>> No.6280166
File: 21 KB, 500x390, 1358692150143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>having "home" rules


>> No.6280168

meant to reply to

>> No.6280173
File: 33 KB, 300x250, freeze it QUICK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you refer to me as he and you in the same post

its rly confusing

>> No.6280176


>> No.6280214

Congrats on getting into the honors program.

Everybody got angry about this. I never elaborated because it was a pretty silly discussion and if you chilled with me for a week you would understand. Things are different in different parts/social groups of this country.

Not sure where everybody heard that.

>> No.6280274
File: 16 KB, 350x464, 1356067282395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo nigga Mike, how often do you poo? Also what products do you use?

ps. ima get the short on the back and sides 2morrow

>> No.6280292

I usually shampoo once a week, after I cut my hair. If I don't cut it, I don't use shampoo.

I only use a bit of paste:

You can get it at Walmart.

That's it, that's all that I do.

>> No.6280315


Thanks bro

>> No.6280840

Tell us more about this rule of not taking your shoes off why ?

Do you have other traits like hat ?

>> No.6280861

He wipes with his left hand only.
He only brushes his teeth 2 times a week.
He only shakes your hand if you don't smell of food.
He doesn't like mirrors or chairs.
In a conversation with you he will touch his own face repeatedly.

>> No.6280951

Mike I followed your video, but did my own kind of variation. Saves so much money on hair cuts and it actually looks good now. You the best

>> No.6280973

so mike how many of the girls from /fa/ have you gotten goods from on skype?

like spooky estonia, that asian bish, etc

>> No.6281000

Mike doesn't go for women. He said he didn't have a girlfriend since he was like 13

>> No.6281003

do these girls even still lurk?

haven't seen estonia chan post in a waywt in forever

>> No.6281038

all of them got raped or died or got raped and died

>> No.6281516

you have to pay for spoony

>> No.6281517


>> No.6281521

>he doesn't know who spoony is

i can almost say i envy you anon.

>> No.6281528

I know both that's why I made the typo

>> No.6281698 [DELETED] 
File: 459 KB, 3264x2448, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6281777

do you not wipe your ass too after you've taken a shit?

>> No.6281782

That guy looks fat and he shaved his pubic hair instead of just trimming and she looks like she'd give an awkward blowjob.


>> No.6281792

Who is this? I don't understand the relevance

>> No.6281823

Just google sorry mike it's off reddit

>> No.6281904

whats his snappy

>> No.6281907 [DELETED] 

saw his last tumblr vid?
he was sniffing his gecko, qt af

>> No.6281922

have you ever smelled a baby?
shits amazing yo
also, i like smelling my cats

>> No.6281936

Crested geckos eat fruit, so they probably smell good.

>> No.6281941
File: 183 KB, 1280x1652, Z6ui6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck
this isnt funny
there are tonnes of replies about it too

>> No.6282067

not gonna go on reddit whats it about

>> No.6282081


It was a request board and a guy called mike wanted her write his name on her body i think.

and yeah it isn't funny just telling the guy the context of the photo

>> No.6282083

i meant the comic i posted wasnt funny
thats what i found when i tried to google 'sorry mike reddit'

>> No.6282161

"Like that," do you mean things that I do that you don't do? I'm not sure. I wear house shoes, aka "slippers" when I'm in my house. Is this that weird to everyone?

I would attribute those traits to people who take off their shoes. But next time you go to a house party, take your shoes off, see if you enjoy beer soaked socks.

I'm glad it helped.

Avery, I stopped talking to her because what is the point? She lives in Estonia. She was pretty cool though.