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/fa/ - Fashion

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6276073 No.6276073 [Reply] [Original]

How /fa/ will spend their summer?

>> No.6276079

in some park grilling sausages doing dat 420

barcelona and then school in Denmark

>> No.6276084

I'll be staying inside, shopping for clothes I will never wear outside my house.

>> No.6276288


carhartt has stores in yuro?

>> No.6276291


where I live we have monsoon summers. The sun hasnt come out in 2 weeks. Feels pretty /fa/ man

>> No.6276293

are u me

>> No.6276296

Not lurking tumblr like you, OP.

>> No.6276301

I will be reading this stack of books I've collected over the semester and hopefully spend some time with friends and family. Only have a few days of work planned and I'm really going to enjoy myself.

>> No.6276304
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Getting drunk and high in parks in Montreal with the men and women I know and love.

Making musics also.

>> No.6276308

mtl lyf = best lyf

>> No.6276311

pretty much this and going to greece

>> No.6276316

Learning French and Russian whilst blazing it 420 on sandy beaches with my lovely friends.

>> No.6276322

>tfw australia
>tfw winter is coming

>> No.6276325

Work as lab intern for the fourth time. Possibility of being paid money for the first time in my life (>tfw 22).

Otherwise, climb mountains and descend into caves. I want to immerse myself in this state one more time before I move.

>> No.6276340

that's fucking disgusting

i don't wanna hear that shit

>> No.6276360

this+ right now I'm working at a summer job to buy clothes I will never wear outside my house

>> No.6276377

Drive to homestead with computer and spend summer there preparing for 12th class, dancing and training, getting tan, playing some games and perhaps watching anime or some good shows.
But mainly dancing and training.

>> No.6276400

>working as lifeguard
>laying in parks
>exploring city
>reading books
>cooking great food
>meeting qts
>but it will be too hot to be /fa/

>> No.6276421

>Getting fit (not to be mistaken with getting /fit/) for the army
>practicing tattooing
>designing buddha chest piece
>fucking friend
>getting really drunk once or twice

>> No.6276425
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Prom weekend this week, so heading up to a friend's Connecticut house to get really drunk and fuck around in woods
also working as an intern with a comp sci professor
might visit my sister at uva for a weekend
writing essays because I forgot how

i want to do something more exciting but can't think of anything

>> No.6276429

Yes, what country exactly? I only know about Spain but I think that there are more

>> No.6276439

>going to greece
Fuck, why do people do this?
Why do you come here, seriously.
I will never understand you.

>> No.6276445

>school in Denmark
tell me more

>> No.6276462

There are 3 stores in Paris.

>> No.6276466

what city is this? street view any1?

>> No.6276481

Might go interailing in yurop after a levels.

>> No.6276487

ur depressing me. i did this last year. best time of my life, even though i didnt get laid. hoping to do it again.. maybe not on my own this time.

>> No.6276489


It's Lille, in France.

Street view: https://maps.google.no/maps?q=Hotel+Ibis+Lille+Centre+Gares,+Avenue+Charles+Saint-Venant,+Lille,+France&hl=en&ll=50.638337,3.063018&spn=0.003411,0.006539&sll=60.17977,5.960083&sspn=1.936842,6.696167&oq=hotel+ibis,+lille&t=h&hq=Hotel+Ibis+Lille+Centre+Gares,&hnear=Avenue+Charles+Saint-Venant,+59800+Lille,+Nord,+Nord-Pas-de-Calais,+France&z=18&layer=c&cbll=50.638465,3.06268&panoid=jbLFlaBd_O-CNCUQSb1v2w&cbp=12,122.82,,0,4.78

Do a reverse image search if you want to find the original pic, it's on Flickr. 4chan wouldn't let me fucking submit this post with two links.

>> No.6276568

How was it interrailing on your own, would go with m8s but they want to to shagaluff and be top LADS

>> No.6276589

damn! looks so similar to Prague

ofc. it's called Carhartt WIP
we have it too in Berlin, and one factory outlet which sell stuff half its price.

>> No.6276606

probably will head down to boston/NYC a few weekends but mostly will be spending time with my family after not seeing them for a while

>> No.6276622

Plannend a few small trips to Dublin, Vienna and Strassburg. End of August me and a friend rented a car to tour through France. Didn't really plan anything except the car so i'm wondering were we'll end up.

In the mean time ill keep busy working at a print club (screenprinting) and doing my own clothing things.

I don't like doing nothing.

>> No.6276705

Will go to Venice with partents for the biennale

And to Sardinia with two friends, one of them owns a nice apartement there at the beach of a rather uninhabited bay.
>laying on the beach with a hangover, watching the sunrise
>driving around in our boat all day

fuck, i'm excited

>> No.6276777
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>trying to get a job

normally I have summer courses but no excuses this summer

>> No.6276783

Applying to jobs.
Never hearing shit about said applications.
Sinking deeper into a depression that began last spring.

So, basically, the usual.

>> No.6276831
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waiting to start work next week
biking/running around where i live
vacation in new england in july? with family
actually getting a decent fall/winter/general wardrobe

im happy, its gonna be pretty relaxing

>> No.6276842


is it vintage americana/mountain man wear like here?

>> No.6276877

i'll be going to a festival next soon, then croatia with a group of friends. we rented a huge as fuck house so its going to be awesome
after, i'll be working and chilling in my hometown for a bit and then i go to alaska with my dad and 2friends, canooing and hiking. 3weeks in the wilderness
>inb4 getting eaten by bears

no, its more the fashion/streetwear stuff
also its more expensive

>> No.6277274


this feel, it's even worse that I don't have a car so I'm restricted to jobs within biking distance

>> No.6277330

im picking peppers atm
picking peppers in a greenhouse every day for 7 hours
which is about 36 hours in a week of picking peppers
and i will be doing this for 2 months
kill me

>> No.6277394


how many peppers would you say that you've picked in the past 36 hours?

>> No.6277427

That's a lot if peppers. Dat chilli though

>> No.6277437

i dont know man shit
around the 5000 or so i think

>> No.6277438


Trip as Peter Piper.

>> No.6277443

nah even more
i think around the 10000

>> No.6277461
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happy now
see what you are doing to me
im going to hang myself

>> No.6277492
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Camping, football, getting pissed and video games.

Might cop some nice shorts before summer as well

>tfw the only shorts I own are cargo shorts

>> No.6277533

top lel

>> No.6277540

getting /fit/

>> No.6277545

Starting my own streetwear brand

>> No.6277557

Night shift as a mailman, archiving documents at daytime. No fun, not ever.

>> No.6277562

Riding my bike, classes at LACC

>> No.6277561

Fashion doesn't need any more box logos.

>> No.6277560


>> No.6277744

Going on a school trip to Canada and trying to save some money to buy nice clothes.

>> No.6277758

I'm to lazy to look through this thread, has anyone mentioned Miami? I'm staying there for the summer.

>> No.6277809
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told one of my co-workers she should take June off so I could do all her shifts
>8,5 hr shifts six days a week
>tfw no social life this June
it's cool though, will probably rack around 4k€ from that month so I can take the rest of the summer laid back and get fucked up with friends

>> No.6277816

das a pretty weak salary.

>> No.6277833

15 euros an hour, could be better yeah but I'm content with it

>> No.6277839

Where in Denmark yo?

>> No.6277853

working, lifting, sleeping, and eating. then a week in maine in august. then uni again. fun fun fun.

>> No.6277880

working in the oldest pub in my town (famous) hopefully, starting going to the gym and hopefully finding a qt

i expect none of them to happen though however

>> No.6277903

it's cheap, it's sunny, the sea is warm, the food is pretty good. That's the same as in southern Italy but cheaper and you see different shit and different food.
not at all if it's a pleb job.
Also depends on the location.

>> No.6277922

>visit old roommate in Chicago
>move to Vancouver early August
>look for job
>bang some Canadian chicks hopefully

>> No.6277941

>lose more weight(fat), gain some muscle
>maybe meet this qt3.14 when i go to florida in august, that is if she wants to ;_;

pretty boring

>> No.6277961

>work out

>> No.6278005
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free running

>> No.6278065

fill-in store manager
pmuch all I have to do during summer is plan restocks, handle any larger orders, make sure salesmen aren't fucking up and close up shop in the evening.
the pay doesn't really matter, I can't go past 12k in annual income anyways or else I lose out on monetary student assistance.
>tfw uni student with 0 student loan
>tfw living in an actual welfare state

>> No.6278091

>internship at a huge financial institution