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6275297 No.6275297 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a thing from fabrixuare.

>> No.6275302

And I just ordered my first Yohji piece.

>> No.6275314


what did u get i just got some dope as fuck y's pants in the mail

>> No.6275351
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this shit right here it's fly as fuck

>> No.6275358


the sweater? those cargos are dope too julius slim ones

>> No.6275360

>tfw the tailor wants to take the logo off ur thom browne shirt
nigga this ain't herschel

>> No.6275368

>walking home from uni
>some guy wearing a commes des fuckdown cap
>go home eat dinner
>greentext it on /fa/
i should really be highlighting crap

>> No.6275369


some lady at the drycleaner cut the tag off one of my drkshdw tshirts

was so heated over that shit

i like those tags they dangle in a cool way

>> No.6275372

>keeping the tags on your clothes

>> No.6275377

aren't drkshdw shirts machine washable tho

>> No.6275383
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ofc, u need the info on tags sometimes, see the season/fabric content etc.

also the drkshdw one is sick


nah this is a cashmere rayon one.

also i got my pants in the mail fuccboi pic related, will take a fit pic tomorrow

>> No.6275488

why the fuck would someone cut the tags?

this makes me angry.

>> No.6275555

Dude, i've always kept my tags, especially when most of them include a fabric sample.

>> No.6275565

I think that was OP replying to you about the pants from fabrix.

Which yohji piece son?


The oldest drkshdw shirt i have, the tag fell off due to wear (and shit quality lol) I used it as bow to tie a present to my then GF. Boom.

>> No.6275567
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my yohji pants came with this little bag in the pocket, containing the swatch of the wool and a extra button :)

>> No.6275572
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>>>>>>>>>>>tfw drkshdw no longer comes w/ long black tags :(:((:(:(:(:(:(:((((:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:((:(:(:((:(:(:(:(:((:(
whhhhhyy rick ;_;-;-;-_:-:_:_:_:_:-;--:_;-:-:-:;

>> No.6275579

Why do they do this? Not the button, but the extra wool. For patches if it gets ripped?if that's the reason that's actually a great idea, more labels should do this

>> No.6275578

huh? did it stop it with SS13?

sweeet which pants? I'll take pics of my ones when I gets hoooome

>> No.6275584

It usually is to patch up small tears, since it's next to impossible to replicate the fabric unless you know a very very good mill. The button is obviously is you misplace one.

>> No.6275586

iktf was so distressed when the sales person didnt know what i was talking about when i asked where the long black tag was

>> No.6275589
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yessssss ;_;

omg lets collect signatures and send em 2 rick beggin 4 the tags back i know spn wants em back 2
i remember i was complaining that my gimp doesn't have the shoulder straps 2 my friend who has the og gimp and he's like wtf the shoulder strap is so annoying and im like omg it makes the design tho
he obv listened 2 the wrong ppl
rick pls bring back the tags

>> No.6275591
File: 440 KB, 452x797, Picture 259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would he do that, the long black tag dangling out of the back of ur clothes is so awesome


its these pants, i will take a fit pic, they are so thick, almost sculptural pants. they are balanced well so when you wear them they feel weightless, also the outseams have a raw edge protruding out. :)

>> No.6275599

your frind is crazy, the strap absoltuely makes the gimp. And it reminds me of good ol Helmut Lang.

>> No.6275600

How u gonna wear that;ost of your wardrobe is very dark isn't it? I'm just guessing I haven't seen your wardrobe

>> No.6275615

tweed? they look sweeeeet

>> No.6275620


i dont really wear most of my wardrobe, but these will go well with a warm grey/off white/greyish blue/charcoal shirt, and black dunks or dr martens. maybe combat boots idk. depends on whether i cuff them much or not.

>> No.6275621
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i knoooooooo
hopin my shorts have em i wanna leave em hanging out and danglin around w/ my gimp strap danglin out
mebe get a drkshdw shirt and dangle that strap out
then tie some more straps 2 me

some people cut that shit off
what the fuck is wrong with you go buy a different hoodie u pleb fucklord

its a neutral

>> No.6275640
File: 89 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gb2mfa w/ ur colour wheel bs u dadcore losr

brown is a unwerkable color

also p.keen on this 'send rick shit to get tags back in' idea.
i think tags shud b
eternal B))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>> No.6275642
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yeah dude, the shape is insane too, its almost like armor/felt. definitely winter pants, partially lined.


honesly thats what i love about my helmut lang bondage shit, i get a piece of twill strap hanging around my butt all day :)

>buy a different hoodie u pleb fucklord


>> No.6275657
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like if u want 2 diy ur clothes 2 make em more interesting im all about it
or pull em aprt 2 steal the pattern, that's cool
but removing the things that make them special is not cool, it's ruining the garment imo
i remember one du on sz was like "omg these ponyhair boots r so cool but i am 2 basic 4 em what if i shaved off the hair"
and i was like
no u fuck if ur gonna ruin em just let some1 who was gonna twerq the hairiness have them and go get some normal boots jesus
they already make clothes 4 basic bitches whole point of fashion is 2 b special

>> No.6275659

I don't have too many thick pants, as I tend to buy more from SS ranges... Australian weather? know what I mean?

They look great. I gotta get on the hunt again... but i fear we're similar sizing. We're gonna cannibalise each other.

>> No.6275660

I think it would go great with a yyph white dress shirt, yohji hat, and sandals

And u also have to put a straw in ur mouth


>> No.6275663


haha no dont get me wrong, i agree with you. if you dont like the design to the point where you have to cannibalize the product, you probably should buy something else in the first place. i just thought that the way you worded it was funny

there was a thread where some guy washed a ccp fencing jacket after his kid vomited on it or something, but he fucking washed it in the washing machine, i was like youre a massive retard, youll completely ruin a cool design idc how expensive it is.

>> No.6275671
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they have leather cleaners who will take care of that shit 4 u w/o ruining the clothes
esp if ur coppin ccp u could prob call up the retailer (who ud have on speedial cuz ur ballin) and ask 4 their rec
its kinda funny 2 hear that bcuz ive heard from 2nd hand info that carol is kind of fascist about how ppl should wear his clothes
like it's only supposed 2 b worn w/ more carol by ppl who r familiar with his whole ethos
washing his jacket would prob give the guy an anuerysm lol

>> No.6275672


yeah i feel u, this is my only pair of thick pants, they just looked so interesting. i wouldnt mind some linen drawstring pants in black or beige. ideal for summer, etc. i need sz 1 more than sz 2.


lol i look so silly in yohji hats, but his dress shirts are amazing

every1 laughs at my birkenstocks though, i wish damir made a version of them or soemthing.

>> No.6275680

Lol fuck what people think I wear mine with socks i don't give a flying fuck

>> No.6275675
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dude i kinda like birkenstocks
i think i told u about seein some cool waraji in lil tokyo but not coppin em
rly thinkin bout it 4 this summer tho
u think theyd werq w/ lotus shorts?

>> No.6275693

user i thought u were cool but u shouldn't use insensitive language like that :(

>> No.6275695
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lol i wear mine too, it offends ppl at fashion school 2 wear birks in their presence


theyre actually a really well designed, minimalist shoe.

but yea they work with lotus shorts if u have a looonngg tee.! :)

>> No.6275701


sorry bro, no offense to ppl with disabilities etc!

>> No.6275704
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i was talkin bout the waraji
mebe i could wear em w/ a kimono & lotus and b a gothkunoichi :o

>> No.6275708

Not him, but he's probably from the UK. Words like retard/spaz are considered much more offensive there, have to censor certain kids/teen TV shows and stuff. And I think there was a Nintendo game that got recalled because it said "spastic" or something.

>> No.6275716


idk youd have to try it, i think if they are a little bit worn and u can really rock the look, like u have always worn them, then yea. maybe go hiking in them so they get a bit beat up

also u probably cant have a normal white dude hairstyle with them, would be a weird contrast imo


oh i see, for me its reserved for situations like that one, when some1 puts a ccp leather jacket in a washing machine.

>> No.6275725
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lol i alredy have anime hair
tbh what put me off the waraji was how rustic they look, like all the models look half finished. mebe if they oiled the rope straps or did em in leather.

>> No.6275727

rofl did some1 actually do that?

>> No.6275730


then wear a distressed shirt w/ them. rick stuff already can be pretty rustic i think.

maybe ur ann hand tank that is unravelling?

u could try wrapping some in strips of leather, so the leather is covering the straw?

>> No.6275732


>> No.6275746

which birkenstocks are these?

>> No.6275747

omg wat.. i wish i had money rofl

>> No.6275749
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1 of my friends washed his rick leather and got good results actually
but he just did a soak cycle, no spin, and he was baby sitting the dryer and opening it every ten mins or so
i have an old perfecto that got caught in the rain once or twice and soaked thru but it looks so cool now

lol mebe
i think i need a kimono tho
a kimono + lotus would b so perfect imo

>> No.6275762


hahaha i have a kimono jacket i made out of fabric printed like tree bark. i think its hunting camo, i rarely wear it but it looks dope as fuck with certain things.

do u have any of those issey miyake 80s patterns? some of them are really cool

>1 of my friends washed his rick leather and got good results actually

i feel like yeah its possible to get good results, but in fact it significantly can damage leather if you get that volume of water onto it, not to mention, you can not estimate how much it will contract, and ruin the balance and fit of the garment, if it dries weird and your sleeve pitch changes or something, could be really annoying. but who knows, for some things it might look cool!

>> No.6275767

>Walk in wardrobe

>> No.6275773
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my vntg jacket was super anti-fit and still is so it's not like it could have hurt anything. i agree otherwise tho. i know rick and the ppl who took his laundered leather cue r washing it first and then sewing it because it makes no sense to do it the other way around.

my friend was gonna cop this rly cool short kimono 2 wear as a jacket it was like this almost drkshdw color but slightly sheer and with real subtle patterns woven into it but he missed the auction :(
another friend said he could get me bolts of kimono fabric but its expensive as fuck, they sell it in exactly the yardage you need but it's like $500ish a unit 4 the legit stuff

>> No.6275791


was he talking about boro fabric? because yea legit boro is 500+ a yard, vintage stuff can be like 800+

some of the most amazing textures though. you can sit there for hours and take macro photos and be entertained :)

i did see a ann D kimono with cargo pockets and a drawstring on ebay once, i kinda want to make one with lots of detachable pouches in like a charcoal/black twill.

>> No.6275836

>Iookin for zespys size XL, willing to trade Supreme hats and basketball singlets

>> No.6275839
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>tfw XL Zespys shipped today

>> No.6275851

mfw i totally slept on the ref until >>6275836
mfw i have friends that lurk it in ernest and try inform me on asos trades
>haha dude that's really neato~

>> No.6275858

some guy was selling some silent damir shit but it was expensive and like the worst pieces as well

thats th only good shit i seen on it

>> No.6275861

>Poorly Executed Joke
>Trade for Zespys?
Such is the life of Walk in Wardrobe

However that new designer walk in wardrobe is nicer, bit of Rick Raf on there

>> No.6275863

The Joke
Your Head

>> No.6275878

not familiar

link it?

>> No.6275921


>> No.6275923

omg i need 2 get my rakuten and y!jp on so bad. how much u pay 4 them?

>> No.6275936


>> No.6275940

thx b

>> No.6276908

B) tybtl
ur in my top 5 for trips

>> No.6279161


I have those get ready to have buyers remorse. They collect lint like crazy and the oil coating fades very quickly.

>> No.6279199

How bad is Fabrixquare really. I've been thinking about doing a haul of 10 items from there

Am I going to be yesstyled.

Ps: i'm 5 foot 11, 145 lbs

>> No.6279206

Buy one item, assess overall quality, and decide if you want it

You're getting the $100 version of something that's $3,000 with some of their stuff - that's where the notoriety is coming from

>> No.6279214

I'm well aware that the quality isn't going to nearly match up but I was more concerned with the fit of it all. I might do that just to see but I was wondering if anyone else has personal experience with it.

Something beside the sweatpants that is

>> No.6279219

You are literally right at the beginning stats where, "clothes automatically look better on you"

Just fucking go for it dog