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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 208 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m9naxuTDcl1qjm9bpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6254736 No.6254736 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you have in the bank?

>> No.6254739

i dont know i cant see my dads balance

>> No.6254741

wow a$ap is a p shit rapper just lookin at that

>> No.6254742

about 2k

>> No.6254744

$60 in checkings
$30 in savings.
Broke as fuck, though I should be getting paid today.

>> No.6254748

Didn't get my allowance yet

>> No.6254766

Nothing but $100 bills, the kind of money they can't hold

>> No.6254779

I've got $200 in one, $100 in another - rent was paid and clothes were copped this month

I don't like not having $1000 just chilling

>> No.6254783


>> No.6254784


>> No.6254792

Absolutely nothing, I've been on the road for a few weeks now, coasting on music panhandling, minor leather work, and odd jobs.

>> No.6254793


>> No.6254794


>> No.6254810


>> No.6254812
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Bank is a few numbers longer.

>> No.6254815

About £25,000

Not bad, I suppose.

>> No.6254817


>> No.6254824

Also add your age

>> No.6254829


>> No.6254847


>> No.6254854
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yeah m8 feels good to ball

>> No.6254863
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>> No.6254860

nice photoshop

>> No.6254862



>> No.6254865

unlike the other screenshot its not real

>> No.6254872

i have $700 in the bank i got paid today

>> No.6254876

>asap rocky
fucking toolbox

>> No.6254886

only 1.7 off Big what tha heck???
slept on

>> No.6254887

come at me fuccboi

>> No.6254888

around 8k

And i gave someone in my family with money troubles a loan of 15k and haven't got it back yet.

>> No.6254900

-13.54 about to be overdraft but I get paid today and I'll be safe :]

>> No.6254905

w2c job/money?

>> No.6254907
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>> No.6254912
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Less than 20 euro.


>> No.6254913


>> No.6254916
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why do rappers always compare themselves to smelly doo doo

>> No.6254923

because niggers stink.

>> No.6254937

About 50k spread out in different accounts. Basically my lifeline because no job yet.

>> No.6254944
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>> No.6254949

better than this happening

>> No.6254953


>> No.6254958
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>$1m worth of shekels
>mysteriously vanishes

>> No.6254962

about £5000 in current account and about
£30k in an ISA, (about £25k of that came from grandparent giving me inheritance early to buy a house or something one day so I don't touch my savings)

>> No.6255311

How can you be so retarded to the point of keeping €150k on a paypal account

>> No.6255395

Too much money too lazy to wire

I buy so much shit I need to keep those pools sepwrate

>> No.6255410

i'm guessing you run an online store or something?
Still, i wouldn't trust those faggots for 500 hullas.

>> No.6255430

I'm not going into detail but yeah selling things is what I do. Not drugs btw

I regularly transfer money back of course its just for the screens sake

>> No.6255428


>> No.6255433

literally nothing so it got closed

>> No.6255448

>$297 in bank
>$400 in cash

>> No.6255452

a cool mil

>> No.6255453

>I'm not going into detail but yeah selling things is what I do

>> No.6255458

Sag schon was du machst, bist sowieso anonym

>> No.6255480

Nö. Ich geh jetzt ins Bett.

>> No.6256016

3.5k chequing account
7.2k savings account

>tfw well paying internship the past 2 summers

>> No.6256020

edit: canadian dollars

>> No.6256023

None, banks aren't /fa/

>> No.6256040

about £5k over 2 accounts. first year student.

>> No.6256046
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>> No.6256050


>> No.6256052
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nothing much

>> No.6256053
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$1000~ in the bank $300-500 in my room, gotta save most of it for rent until I can find a job :-(

>> No.6256060
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>> No.6256062

>living on the edge
End of season sales general?

>> No.6256064

lmao, how des fuck?

>> No.6256076
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>> No.6256077 [DELETED] 
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18 years old; starting my second year of University this Autumn.

>> No.6256088

Either Jew or rich parents or both.

>> No.6256090

$3700 in the bank, $100 in cash. Just spent a bunch on some shoes.
And I'm probably gonna do it again either next week or the following week.
There's too much shit I want. I can't afford to keep doing this.

>> No.6256091

>casual harvard tab open

trying too hard

im jelly tho not gonna lie

>> No.6256098

How much of that is your parents?

>> No.6256103

Probably a little over $5,000 in savings

Less than $100 in my debit card

$97 in my wallet

A $800ish paycheck in transit

I'm just a poorfag who schools and works part-time. Currently going to Community College, saving up for big boi school in a year.

>> No.6256109


>> No.6256380

my nigga

i work there

>> No.6256391
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~30k in investments, I keep 3k in my bank so I can pay rent and stuff. car paid off, graduated with loans paid off. I rarely ever buy expensive clothing though. 100$ -300$ is about my price range. I'm 21

>> No.6256400
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>> No.6256434

His lyrics are often bad but he chooses some good beats and his delivery oozes style. I like his music but he has some poor qualities which can often be detrimental to his songs.

>> No.6256448

why is all that money just sitting there in your savings account?

>> No.6256456

What for for money? I make the money man. I roll in the nickels. The game is mine. I deal the cards.

>> No.6256466

i have nothing
my parents have saved enough to cover me going to university along with my two sisters. thankfully we live in canada so tuition aint all that expensive.

>> No.6256467

I unno like fifty bucks in chequing I spose

I bought like a pair of pants and a shirt from American Apparel b/c they were having a closing sale and I wanted to piss off my dad by buying clothes that faggots wear though so w/e

I got a cheque coming so I just gotta live ON THE EDGE for a while
Maybe sell some weed

>> No.6256469

>we live in canada so tuition aint all that expensive
Tuition in most of Canada is fucking expensive as shit

>> No.6256476

tuition in canada is like $2700 max/semester (given that you take 5 courses a semester), way better than the $20k+ our brothers to the south have it.

>> No.6256480

lets not forget students in quebec have the lowest tuition rates in all of canada

>> No.6256489

I'm the king, man. I run the underworld, guy. I decide who does what and where they do it at. What am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for someone elses money? I make the money man, I roll the nickels. The game is mine. I deal the cards

iz a quote from Charles Manson

>> No.6256508

many unis have rates that are double that

only for residents

>> No.6256514

>many unis have rates that are double that
private universities are the only ones that come to mind
how much is your tuition?

>> No.6256528

>tfw finally copped a real job
>no bills or anything to pay
>gonna have so much money to spend on whatever i want
>gonna get back more into fashion cuz now i can cop anything
>used to being a huge poorfag
>feels so good

not to mention all the recording equipment i can buy

>> No.6256532

good vibes. save some for a rainy day fun and retirement though!

>> No.6256535


>> No.6256553
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Game over, man.

>> No.6256557

Around $20,000. Not bad for one year of saving after graduation. Stay in school, kids!

>> No.6256571

wat was ur major

>> No.6256582

Economics. I made around $100,000 before tax in 2012.

>> No.6256588 [DELETED] 

$12k net
$2k cash
I'm sixteen

>> No.6256593

damn and that all went to paying off your loans?

>> No.6256602

American tuition is 40k a year dude

Sweden fucking PAYS you to go to school

>> No.6256610

Money sitting in your bank is depreciating money. Don't do that.

>> No.6256607

No, $80,000 went to tax, rent, food, clothes, travel, etc.

I graduated with just a few grand of debt. Tons of scholarships and good summer jobs.

>> No.6256611

wow nice job man
i cant wait til i graduate.
for now internships will have to do =/

>> No.6256629

i got around 150$. got like 5k in savings but it's just an interest free loan from the government that gets me around $25 a month lol

tryna wrangle a job

>> No.6256625

>copped a real job
>no bills to pay
>going to blow it all on clothes
A. You probably don't make that much
B. You are one of the main reasons the world is fucked.

>> No.6256636

$25/month aint bad

>> No.6256638

I got lucky and landed a good one. I was borderline starving by the time I graduated. My company had to front me a few thousand dollars so I could survive for the first month after I moved. I didn't even have money for food. Good thing I got a company apartment for the first year.

>> No.6256639

As opposed to putting it in a bank so it can be loaned to poor minorities?

>> No.6256642

ur an idiot

>> No.6256648

>doing something with $$$$ that you don't agree with

>> No.6256651

Buy gold or silver. Or a house. I didn't say put it in a bank. Saving cash is a stupid investment anyway.

>> No.6256655

Wow you must've been a really valuable candidate in their eyes.
I rarely hear about stories like that. I've heard about people getting full time positions after interning, but never stories like yours. Must be a nice company.

Good to hear that you're doing well now. We all need that bit of relaxation after stressful events in life. I bet your parents are super proud.

>> No.6256661

If I count all debts currently owed both public and private... About -$9,300.

>> No.6256663

>$10,000 AUD
>Working part-time
>Living at home and paying board

Am I doing okay?

>> No.6256668

I really hate hearing this kind of bullshit. Not that guy, but I started at the company I work for today as an hourly cashier fucking ringing shit at a register. No degree. No experience.

Almost 6 years later they moved me 1,100 miles to work at their corporate office. You're just not that good dude.

>> No.6256671

not unless your entire wardrobe is rick

>> No.6256676

None, but my parents make a net of $2.1 million a year. That's before taxes, bills, and paying their employees salaries and benefits, though.

I had a couple thousand saved from a job I had, but most of that is gone in textbooks, groceries, and essentials over the last few years.

>> No.6256691


I'm not into the whole goof-ninja shit, I do have a pretty impressive shoe collection though.
For a guy anyway.

>> No.6256693

How do I get into investing /fa/?

I have about 5k sitting in the bank doing nothing, do I have to go see one of those financial planners.

I don't understand.

>> No.6256701
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I'll invest it for you. No charge.

>> No.6256708

so what do you do now?

>> No.6256714

i wuz jokin 8|

but gj

>> No.6256715

Buy gold or silver. Or dump into a 401k against an index.

>> No.6256721

fuk u jew

>> No.6256727

Sales Development for over 800 stores, 7k employees, and more than $4BN in revenue.

>> No.6256735

>Buy gold or silver

But the price is so inflated with all that panic buying.

It has to crash sometime.

>> No.6256741

i got 1.3k that I'm willing to invest in stocks

how do i speculate guys

>> No.6256745

It hasn't yet and the economy is looking better than the last 7 years.

>> No.6256746

Well congratulations then.

>> No.6256748

invest in Rick Owens he's doing really well right now

>> No.6256753

Watch the news and dig fucking deep. Then learn how news affects the markets.

>> No.6256764

Precious metals generally fall in price when the economy is doing well as people cash in their holdings for better yields

>> No.6256780
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>Get casual job as cashier whilst waiting for residency to clear so I can become police officer
>Promoted to assistant store manager within 6 months

O-oh ok, I guess I'll take your salary money corporate whilst I wait.

>> No.6256792
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unless you have millions in capital and a computer that can make hundreds of microtransactions a second, playing the stock market is essentially gambling. but with better pr.


gold has trended upwards continuously since the 1970s, although most goods (food for example) are keeping something near parity, so it more likely represents how worthless our currency is than how wise of an investment gold is. still, means it's better than saving money!

>> No.6256809

where can I learn about how news affects markets? Any books?

>> No.6256823

I'd think an assistant store manager would already be making more than a cop...?

>> No.6256827
File: 385 KB, 901x612, Gold_inflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my complete ignorance, it doesn't look like gold varied much prior to the 70's. doesn't look like u can extrapolate shit from it

>> No.6256837

there's more to life than money

>> No.6256848

gud thing the police force acts on money

>> No.6256851

4 grand at the ready in the bank. more importantly a little over 140,000 in mostly low risk stocks and bonds

>> No.6256872

25k, waiting on like 8k in paychecks though. working freelance means i have to rely on idiots who sometimes take over a month to pay me.

>> No.6256877


oh and i have 3k worth of apple stock. i was so dumb for investing in that in september. "640 per share, surely this is a low!"

>> No.6256881

thats nice, honey

>> No.6256887


invest in an index funds. mutual funds overcharge and offer similar returns; picking out individual stocks is a waste of time and doesn't usually diversify your portfolio enough

>> No.6256890
File: 151 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mf8dlvzUdg1rqau7qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our money ceased to be a commodity in meaningful terms once we switched to fiat currency. unlike a currency backed by a commodity, the value of our dollar is imaginary. as such, it's better to compare the value of a commodity to another commodity; in order to determine whether or not gold is a solid investment, compare it to the value of, say, corn, or sugarcane, or butter, or whatever you'd like.

while gold has boomed and busted several times on the graph, it has increased in real value by a factor greater than 3 since the 70s. of course, that means if you had invested your 1.3k in gold in 1970 and finally cashed out, you'd have all of 4k in real growth. investments like this hardly make sense for people who don't already have huge amounts of capital tbh.

>> No.6256898

> not investing in cara's eyebrows

>> No.6256904


what did you invest in / what are your returns? i'm 22, have almost 30k, and am thinking about putting half in index funds.

>> No.6256915

>as such, it's better to compare the value of a commodity to another commodity
thanks for that, interesting

>> No.6256932

twf rich ass grand parents set up an IRA for me that's loaded now. still have to live off my own means but when i retire. ..

>> No.6256952
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>yfw you die before you retire

>> No.6256969

well hopefully I'll have my will set up at that time. and who ever i like most doesn't turn into an ignorant fuck

>> No.6256974

the cara bubble burst though even the tumblr investors sold eveything they had

>> No.6257002

just deposited $1030 in cash from graduation. Once I get my $70 newegg rebate, i will have about $1330. All that I can spend on clothes. #swag #livingwithparents

>> No.6257005 [DELETED] 

justin bieber makes 400 thousand dollars per concert

>> No.6257009
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How do you get to $1330 from $1030 with a $70 rebate?

>> No.6257055
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>> No.6257070
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great totally
no one loves you like me

>> No.6257083

>rainy day fun

>> No.6257084

i love u

>> No.6257093

>$9,000 USD
>mfw I feel bad buying a $130 purse even though I earned it.
>Mfw I have a job and have already made that money back.
>Mfw I don't want to shell out the $$$ for some nice casual heeled boots that I would get a ton of use from.

>> No.6257100

who cares im gonna kill myself anyway

>> No.6257104

i already had cash in the bank

>> No.6257111

>just deposited
He never said there wasn't already a balance

>> No.6257126

>mfw making 9k this summer
>mfw zero expenses
>mfw still won't buy anything

>> No.6257129


>> No.6257165

I-I'm just f-frugal

>> No.6257352

it's ok buddy there's more 2 life than $$ pursue interests, stay positive

>> No.6257372


Keep your head up, brother.

>> No.6258429

How did you get 30k with 21y?

>> No.6258436
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Azn trust fund
Starting college or civil service this year
Free Apartment or House to live in by myself and no tuition

Feels good to be mongoloid

>> No.6258527

180k. College student and I don't spend shit.

>> No.6258535

Instead of just boasting how about you guys make this thread useful and tell us how you got so much?

>> No.6258539

~200 checking
~3k savings

i work a shit mall job part time while going to school, half of my paychecks end up going to records and clothes

>> No.6258542

no stay poor

>> No.6258566

About £3,000.

>> No.6258577
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>tfw racks on top of racks
>stacks on stacks on stack
>no bank account cuz illegal trap money

>> No.6258581

Right around $3500 USD at the moment. Hoping to get to 5000 by the end of summer. I have to move soon so I'm trying to cut back on non-necessities and save half my paycheck each month.

I'm going to be sending some of it to my younger cousin soon, though, because her college almost threw her out for nonpayment of tuition after her douchebag parents who are too busy fighting it out in divorce court have been giving her nothing. Meanwhile, our moneybags grandfather stood by acting like it's not his problem, as have most of our other relatives. She ended up having to go all the way to my dad (the ex-husband of her half-aunt) for help.

Seriously, fuck them all. Nobody deserves to experience what they put her through, so I'm gonna send her $1000 to use on herself.

>> No.6258659

300k usd. one of my grandparents had a house and an apartment. i don't really spend much, it's just comfortable to be able to not care so much about money.

>> No.6258666

I'm 5'7''
Both of my parents are shorter than me. Mother is under 4'7''
Barrel Chest. Big butt. Wide hips. High forehead.

Put myself through school. I now have a job,but it's being used to pay back school so I'm not in debt too long. No car. I live alone on the opposite coast I grew up on.

I have $700 in the bank. The rest is all tied up in IRA and trading accounts. I have an amazing 401K. But I'm still poor.

I wear tshirts from target, 511's from Levi, and chucks. I can't walk to work in anything nicer. My job does not require formal clothing of any sort.

Totally fucked.

>> No.6258671

>10k student debt
>live at home
>no car but £900 bike
>no job
>1 year uni left

>debt isn't really real since changing my name/passport and they wont come for it until im earning 15k+ a year
>feel poor as fuck
>according to some wealth calculator I'm still richer than 90% of the world
>ftw never been sick in lifetime

Anyone have a reason for me to move out of my parental home? Seems like mad dosh and stress...

>> No.6258674

>buying music
>slaving away for the white man to pay for music the Whitman sells you
>buying music
>buying music
>buying music

Inb4 b...but it supports the artist


>> No.6258676

Some people just like to collect records and physical storage mediums
I'm sure you have hobbies too

>> No.6258677

When I can download my hobbies from pirate bay I will

>> No.6258681
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>not getting kicked out of your parents house 4 months before high shcool graduation and having to sell all your cds and dvds cuz no storage

>> No.6258682
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>Those people that live pay cheque to pay cheque
>Work retail
>Plebs come in
>Card declined
>"Oh I haven't paid yet"

>> No.6258684


>> No.6258691

You homs live in Montréal!

>> No.6258688
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0, because i fro, russia, and we have no banks.

>> No.6258689

that screenshot

>> No.6258697

hold me guys ;_;


>> No.6258702

That feelio when I never spent anything yet I am 21 and have 0 in the bank.

How do people my age manage to get several thousands in savings?

Did you work your whole life and saved up 100% of it? Rich parents? Made a lot of money somehow?

>> No.6258704
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>Bored, spend a few k on a tv
>Bored, spend hundreds on cardigans
>Bored, go to expensive restaurant and order most pricey thing on menu
>Bored, buy myself an SSD

I'm starting to think I should start hiring expensive escorts, I might enjoy myself more.

>> No.6258708

> buys "high priced" petty things and thinks the world is his. Until you own luxury real estate in los angeles, new york, paris, london, dubai and drive ultra exclusive cars like zagatos, you are no one.

>> No.6258709

about 5 euro or something

>> No.6258713

20k in hard work and saving wisely.
And I'm not talking about those third-world US dollars, I'm talking about strong, hard euros.

Come at me.

>> No.6258715


A mix of working hard as a student (less taxes) and having middle-class parents.

>> No.6258730

lol ive 3.99 in one bank and a couple thousands worth of debt in the other

I have enough money to pay that off but fuck that, I'mma student atm, no interest

>> No.6258751
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And after my parents send me £50, I send all this money to my housemate as rent. Followed by half of what I earn this coming month.

Oh well, at least I got a few nice pairs of jeans and some smart drugs this month.

>> No.6258754

Hello, Alec.

>> No.6258756

Why in the name of fuck is everyone posting this?

>> No.6258758

> not Tokyo


>> No.6258771

owning housing in tokyo is literally impossiburu

>> No.6258829

I chose only English speaking places.

>> No.6258914

13900 in wellsfargo
8900 in chase

male nurse...
expenses preparing for wedding, 100-300 for /fa/ per month... Wish to try rick, raf stuff but too expensive for me.

>> No.6259306

Newfoundland, but BMO's the best bank on the island.

>> No.6259328

forgot hong kong

>> No.6259428

why so many /fa/ mans in newfoundland? (also is calling someone a newfie rude? I heard that)
is it because of all that oil?

>> No.6259464

>Doesn't know that all the places in the world can communicate in English

Are you so poor that you don't travel?

>> No.6259481

$1735 in cash. kept in a special place, nobody knows about. it.

around 5k i made from work and selling shyt.

>> No.6259513

plenty of people are from Newfoundland on /fa/
including me ^-^

also, why would someone with a trade go on /fa/?

>> No.6259525
File: 52 KB, 445x485, 1356121527343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love newfoundland

picture unrelated

>> No.6259554


Real job starts soon. Hoping to see that number go up.

>> No.6259575
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Around 20k

>tfw living the poor student life

>> No.6259604


my new fav trip shit man thats wack

>> No.6259616

ty bbg

>> No.6259619
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>> No.6259622



>> No.6259624


>> No.6259626

Yeah..dollars..got a fuckin problem BRO!?

>> No.6259629

dollar is master race currency

>> No.6259634

>living in the third world

>> No.6259645
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In the US of A! Don't be jealous of my stacks.

>> No.6259646

It's really fucking easy to get into Harvard for a master's and pretty easy for an MBA, dude

>> No.6259649

nah polo m9 im saying since st. johns got that oil shit all up u see u newfie boys in ur plaid in fukkin aston martins

is that newfound (kek) wealth meaning you guys all wanna get on /fa/ or could it be the influx of tourism or maybe just some other thing (plz explain)

>> No.6259654

third world
zimbabwian dollar will be worth more b5 ricks aw21 drop

>> No.6259660

MBA is a status symbol degree, same with a JD.

its "yeah, i have enough money to piss away on a master's"

and you have poorfags screaing "it won't get you a good blue collar job!!! college is a waste of time!!!!"


"why u no engineer u get no jobs!!!!"

>> No.6259666
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Dawg, 111k in the bank! Nigga I can go out to 7-11 and buy anything I want, dawg!!

>> No.6259675

>status symbol
A pretty fucking useful one, that is.
An MBA at Harvard BS or Stanford GSB is literally only networking. You get to know powerful people and make very important connections. That's all an MBA in a top school is for.

You can get an MBA and a Master's, I'll be going to MIT for an MS in CS next year even though I have an MBA already.

>college is a waste of time
Heh, depends. Networking is important.

>> No.6259693

i'm taking classes in supply chain management for my MBA right now, trust me i ain't learning shit, it's a status symbol for sure

you can lord the three letters on your business card over the kids who did nothing with their lives you knew in high school with it

they even get pissed off at the fact that i have a BA/BS mba's drive em nuts

i think im going to get a doctrates in something useless like women's studies so i can be like "it's doctor!" to plebs

>> No.6259709

>ain't learning shit
It's not about learning; it's about networking.
Doing an MBA in a non-top school like SGSB, HBS, Wharton or NYU is - no offense - useless, since the network will not be as good.

>over the kids who did nothing in their lives
A good MBA allows you to get to know people you wouldn't have met otherwise.
Investors and VCs literally throw money at you when you have a top school MBA.

>women's studies
Nah, afro american studies is better
And when people tell you it's useless, you go "that's RACIST"

>> No.6259714

$1k in my checking account
$40k in my brokerage account

Do people really keep cash in a commercial bank? Why?

>> No.6259722

nah people would assume you;'re deep at that point....doctorate in afro american studies, thats like a ticket to play acoustic guitar outside of starbucks all fucking day.

and you can "school people" on art

and tell them what they think

>> No.6259734

It's just my college account from my parents. I'll make money as a CS major, though.

>> No.6259740

Heh, yeah maybe.

Or do something extremely technical, like a PhD in thermonuclear physics or aerospace materials engineering, and drown in pussy

>> No.6259747

nah man you can't make the bitch feel stupid, plus she'll think you're a nerd

you need to have it in something they think is cool, like philosophy or pschology

then when they mention some pop psch bullshit

you feed some bullshit to them telling them they're all smart and shit

>> No.6259750

extremely fast and rought un-lubricated dry hand jobs out side of the local comedy club/bar at $0.50 a "pop"

>> No.6259752

>my dad
>ex of her half-aunt

oh god thats so confusing so im just going to assume there's been some incest involved

>> No.6259758

because living with your parents for the rest of your life seems weird

imagine taking a girl out and telling her "yea let's crash at my parents place"
>inb4 if shes worth it she'd understand

>> No.6259769

I was given $1000 when I entered my senior year of high school. I frequently hover craigslist, redflagdeals(slickdealz if you're american), and kijiji. whenever there's a good price i'd buy it and resell for $20 less than actual retail.

I got up to $2500 by the end of my senior year doing this. It would've been better for me to just get a job, but I was a terrible little shit that didn't want to work for shit. I stopped cause of university.

>> No.6259775

ssd is the best thing you can buy.
dem boot times
dat recycle bin loading time

>> No.6259776

>she'll think your a nerd
>PhD in chemical engineering
>lol can u make meth??
>PhD in physics
>so ur like sheldon right xD cute
>PhD in computer science
>can u hack nasa pls

>tfw PhD in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology
Why does that exist even

>philosophy or psychology
That would be boring as fuck, but yes, it would be pretty sexy.
When you have a degree in psychology, people tend to think you're a master manipulator who can read minds based on their eye movements, it has potential

History or Geopolitics PhDs can drop knowledge bombs during conversations, too

>> No.6259818

I for one moved to an outport from the states when I was 10 and I'm here because I don't want to wear a ballcap, tee and blue jeans every day. Retaining that townie swag.

>> No.6259862

>meet qt3.14 at my internship
>"so what do you do here"
>"i-i-..uh-hh i'm d-doing s-s-s-software development"
>"wow ur sucha nerd xD"

haven't spoken to her since

>> No.6259887


workplace hookups are bad for you anyways

>> No.6259896


I don't like spending money.

>> No.6260578


>> No.6260583


>> No.6261431

How are so many people on 4chan rich and successful by the age of 21? At 21 I'm going to just have graduated with some internship experience and a decent degree, but no way I'm gonna have tens of thousands in my account. How the fuck is that even possible?

>> No.6261560


whatever you say, schlomo.

>> No.6261565

1k in cash

>ery day im hustlin'

>> No.6261572

for example, my parents pay for my school and I live at home. I only spend a small amount of money and have been saving since high school. Have about 40k, it helps when you don't have expenses. 24, graduating college.

>> No.6261588

So who's the lucky man?

>> No.6261600

/fa/ is most likely the board with the richest posters.

Fashion is a hobby of the rich.

If you want to see real wealthy cunts (and lots of nouveau riche) go on styleforum.

>tfw going to be a poor pleb for another 10 years because it takes forever to become a doctor

>> No.6261618

>implying doctors aren't poor

ahha i kid. Doctors are highly paid but I still know plenty that don't seem to wealthy.

>> No.6261623

i would imagine /k/ or /o/ would have fat stacks as well

>> No.6261626

Yeah, most the time doctors got A LOT of money to pay back before they hit that rich status

>> No.6261659

> rich

Everyone here is 16 years old.

/o/ is probably the richest board.

>> No.6261664

trust funds

>> No.6261730


no it isn't.

/o/ is full of poorfags

>> No.6262339

I'm in the same boat as you, but I have $1000 because I never bought food with lunch money in high school. Ever.

>> No.6262809


>> No.6263035

200 USD ;_;

>> No.6263613
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~100$ on my card, ~400$ in savings, semi-NEET bastard here. Shit education, no family connections, no jobs around. Yelp. It's hopeless, really. Thank god Internet is pretty cheap though.

>> No.6263623

I don't even know. I'm travelling and I've just been withdrawing in Euros ans Swiss Francs and somehow still have money but my rent didn't go through so I have the dreadful feeling I'll be broke this month/get kicked out of my apartment

>> No.6263669

About to be 20 since I'm about to buy some shoes. Hold me /fa/

>> No.6263712


You want some shoes? You really want to spend that 200$ on them? I mean, they sure must be nice and shit, but think about it. You buy them. You have 20$ left. For a month. What are you going to eat? Noodles? You now that means? Catabolism and skinnyfat. You're going to become skinnyfat. That's even worse than skinny or fat. But hey, the shoes are nice, aren't they? You could spot a sale, check brands' own shops, many of them have sales all the time you wouldn't see at stores. You could ideally save half the price, and have 120$ for food. Fucking proteins and shit your body needs to avoid becoming skinny fat.

Choose wisely, anon.

>> No.6263743

B-but I'm already buying these shoes on ebay. T-they're only 80 dollars. I'll get more money in a week so I can last a week or two. I was thinking about losing some more weight anyways

>> No.6263764


Lentils and beans. Fucking lentils and beans man. Get some quark or other protein dense (~10g/100g) food as well.

If you want to lose weight (fat) eat a deficit and get enough brotein

But srsly check out the brands' websites. For example Puma is always having a sale as they have new things coming in all the time.

>> No.6263776

Nah I'm not at that level yet. I have some food stocked and shit. Just won't have any spending money for a couple of weeks. Just getting a pair of elderly 1461 for $55. Guess I actually have about 50 dollar actually.

>> No.6263796
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This? I like. White shoes are best shoes

>> No.6263802
File: 67 KB, 848x565, $(KGrHqVHJF!FGSed61BgBRmV!DifMw~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, but these pairs are black. They're so cheap i couldn't resist. And pairs in my size usually don't come around often since I have small feet.

>> No.6263824



>> No.6263947

18 years old
Just finished last year of high school
I just work 18 hours a week
Spend ?100-?500 a month

>> No.6263997

hardly the most elegant shoe ever made but they do have their own clunky appeal. still, they would look better without that vomit-coloured sole

>> No.6263998

yeah i wish dm's would just have an all black sole and stitching

>> No.6264003

damn, you're a rich fucker. what do you do?

>> No.6264108

either /o/ or /p/, nice cameras and glass cost muchos moolah

>> No.6264119

/o/ is poor as fuck for the most part and so is /p/

>> No.6264135

not too sure with /o/, and not the case with /p/ unless you count other people asking 'wat is gud camra 2 buy'

>> No.6266055


work 43 hours a week for £206.

>> No.6266063


and 24 yrs old

>> No.6266120

>tfw your dad gifts you his nikkor lens worth $6k and you aren't into /p/hotography beyond playing with your nex

>> No.6266240

>lost my job 2 months ago
>checking account at -989 euros
>no more savings
>student debt of 11k

I'm so jealous of you guys. I'm trying to find a new job but I'm well and truly fucked.

>> No.6266266

>living in yurop

>> No.6266279

Work as a freelance designer. $4.5K in the bank right now, I've got another 1K on the way.

>> No.6266335

Little under 11k in the bank, little over 60k in stock, roughly 15k in real investments. Age 22.

In January I had about 200 bucks average.

>> No.6266355

kill me

>> No.6266365

so what did you do exactly to get that kind of money?
also, what do you mean by "real investments"? real estate or real as compared to "unreal" stock investment (for whatever reason stocks might be unreal)

>> No.6266368


so how did you get so much so fast?

>> No.6266373

£3k in one bank account
£7k in one saving account
£3.5k in another saving account

>tfw pissed away nearly £3k at uni once so have become super frugal since

>> No.6266380

This thread has made me realize how ar above all of you I am on the socioeconomic level and that I need to leave this message board. One should strive to surround themselves with those at least at their own level.


>> No.6266383

that £3k was spent in just under 3 months, by the way

>> No.6266549

I work in software. My job is to break it.

I invest in antiques. I find things below market value from people who don't know the value and talk them down. I'll do a little restoration and hold onto them. The 15k is in firearms, 1880s to 1950s, as I haven't appraised my other things yet. I'm recieving a shipment which should turn around for 80-120% profit day 0 on monday, but I'm not planning on selling. The value climbs faster than inflation.

I consider such things as real investments, because in the event of a fiscal disaster, I still retain the value (unlike stocks/bonds/currency) and can easily liquidate. Land is also a good investment, but I don't have enough to yet.

>> No.6266600

Any tips on breaking in to the antiques market?

>> No.6266618


i'm also interested, it seems like a wise thing to do.

>> No.6266630

>no transactions for 6 months

>> No.6266644

6K in savings
£50 on debt card

>> No.6266701

Find something youre interested in specifically, and learn a lot about it. Learn what to look for and what to avoid, learn all the models/styles/whatever, learn all the values and where you can get good deals and where you can sell for a lot. You need to learn A LOT so it is important to find something you are genuinely really passionate about.

Once you have a working knowledge, you'll want to involve yourself in the market. Go to places you can get shit for cheap and get a feel for prices, and places where you can get shit for expensive so you get a feel for prices, and from there, you develop an idea of how much profit you can turn. For example, I buy typewriters on craigslist for about $40. On ebay or in antique shows, the same model can go for $300.

When you're confident that you know enough that you won't get jewed, start buying and selling. Pretty simple. The hard part is learning how to haggle well, which can make the difference between a bad deal, if you give too much, no deal if you push too much (people get pissy if you low ball them), and a good deal.

Other than stressing the fact you need to really like your shit (or you WILL get tired of it quickly) I recommend learning how to fix shit up, in the way to maximize value. For example, I find that a lot of things made of wood get dinged up and discolored and shit, and with a little know-how, you can make it look a lot nicer while still being authentic, which boosts what you can sell it for. On the other hand, a lot of people sand wood, which is really noticeable to a trained eye and significantly diminishes value. Being able to clean and restore without damaging is a good skill in this field.

It helps if you have a friend who is also interested in the same thing, you can work together and develop a more comprehensive combined knowledge. It also makes shit more fun.


>> No.6266805

Antiquing is all about knowing. If you know more about something than a seller, you will be able to find good deals they arent aware of, and if you know more than the buyer, you can sell it for how much they might think its worth vs true value.

Because of this, we have a huge advantage. A lot of people in the field are older folks who wont know how to computer, so you can use Google or Bing to great effect against the limited sources they have (typically, hearsay from other people at shows or collectors books, which internet has better info than). So, its a good market for us.

Assorted tips:
Keep the shit you are turning fairly mobile. Items that cost a lot and are bulky dont move quickly. Think of something like a bookcase or a desk that is a pain in the ass for you to haul out to swap meets, you NEED to sell it at 3k+ to make a 5% profit. Buyers will look at it, they will be discouraged by the price tag and how much of a pain it is to get to their house and move on.
Good places to find shit are generally craigslist, thrift stores, garage sales, and so on. A lot of the time someone will have something from a previous generation they don't know the value of and get rid of, and it ends up here. For example, I found a WWII Nazi issue pair of binocs in thrift store for 12 bucks. Being early war, its made of brass instead of zinc/aluminum, so it commands a price premium, and would sell on ebay for 200-500 depending on marketting and number of comparable items in stock.
Good places to sell shit are generally ebay, antique shows, militaria or gun shows.
Antique stores are hit or miss. Things like typewriters are overpriced, but I got a Ming dynasty tea cup for a dollar, and an 1897 swiss army knife for $15. Just have to find more modern, random shit stores instead of the fancy Victorian $9000 stores.
But thats just shit i look for, if youre going to specialize in something else, different places apply. Any questions?

>> No.6266830

first: why do you put only 20% of your invested capital into the thing you know most about?
secondly; how did you make the money you invest in the first place if you had so little back in Jan?

>> No.6266965

I think its important to keep about a few thousand cash on hand, for unforeseen expenses, since its the most easily liquidatable. Antiques can move quickly, but not as quickly as a withdrawal.

Also, I only invest in good 0 day deals. I maintain a relatively strict bar on what I buy. If I can't turn a $100 profit on it TODAY, I won't bite. I also don't have a lot of time outside work to do this except on the weekends, and I'm generally tired and just want to dick around instead of go around and buy shit or work on it. Also recently moved states and havent built up a network of buyers/sellers or places to routinely visit for antiques locally yet. Finally, I flat out don't have storage space to have that much shit without making my apartment look like a cat lady hoarder house.

The stock, I got a lot of it for very little, on the agreement that I can't sell it for 4 years or invest in a competitor. As long as things stay the same (and the company hasnt seen change since the dot com bubble), I'm looking at a 50k+ profit. That was a lucky break and I don't expect to see anything like that again.

As far as how I made money... I work in software. I started in March. I know a good amount about it and it actually makes significantly more money with better consistency than antiquing. Antiquing is mostly just a hobby for me, to be honest, though I know a good amount of people who work in it fulltime.

>> No.6267119
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u mad jelly

>> No.6267174

It's funny, that Aesop Rock, an artist with a similar name, has a very blunt, unglamorous delivery and some questionable choices in production, but excellent lyricism.