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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 201 KB, 1213x1739, faaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6255015 No.6255015 [Reply] [Original]

extract :


>pic related
>there is a Qt 3.14159265359
>It gives the feels

Even if you are not into it give it a try ! you can find it in nyaa

>> No.6255029

>It's about a boy in highschool who skip school on rainy day to meet this QT
>she's also skipping work on rainy day on this spot
>he wants to be a shoe designer
>she's an effay Qt

>> No.6255032

What is this looks great

>> No.6255033

The art has come a long way from when I was a kid

>> No.6255040

downloading it if turns out to be shit i'm going to call you an idiot

>> No.6255042
File: 102 KB, 1920x1080, ugly shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going out in public with those moccasins
so un/fa/

>> No.6255047

Thanks for sharing this looks so good
I love anime like this, about real life and coming of age and stuff you know?

>> No.6255051

I can't wait for you to come back as a closet otaku going all fedoras and posting feels after you'll watch it

>> No.6255055
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Sweating-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those feet

>> No.6255060

Can't wait for release

>> No.6255066


>> No.6255068
File: 194 KB, 2644x1434, 1369297701759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255069

you are pretty retarded aren't you.

look up on nyaa.eu

>> No.6255078

Already released fuccboi

Normally I'm not into giving the links but even normal fags like you might taste true art so :


>> No.6255079

Wow that gave me the shivers throughout the entire trailer... The music, art style, and atmosphere is amazing

>> No.6255091

looks pretty fucking gay i still have 200 episodes of dbz to watch so ya

>> No.6255086

Downloading now.
We should watch it together

>> No.6255105

fucking loled

>> No.6255116

It will probably be boring as 5cm/s but damn it looks good. I wish my city would also look as good and not so fucking depressing.

>> No.6255121

Iktf makes me want 2 move to japanland

>> No.6255127


do it

>> No.6255128

nihon country has some very nice looking cityscapes but im sure as hell wouldnt want to live there

>> No.6255131

My friend goes to school in Japan at Waseda university so I'll probably visit sometime soon and see how it is

>> No.6255134

Why not? Just curious, idk shit about japan or their culture etc

>> No.6255146
File: 535 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mmrd8pRBzG1qf959jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly japanese is so incredibly hard. Plus as a westerner you will never really fit in. Also I heard that working in japan is hell. But I would love to visit it. Not anytime soon though because poor as hell.

>> No.6255149

I started watching that movie with my gf and she got so fucking bored that we had to stop.

>> No.6255153

Please leave, you heart-less creature.

>> No.6255154


I have a feeling that it would be near impossible for me to get a job in the culinary industry in Japan as a gajin

>> No.6255167

Im korean would that make a big difference
And yeah japan and korea and these developed asian countries are hard as fuck to actually get by in cuz everyone is so hard working and competition x 100
Maybe i'll just visit whenever I'm in korea

>> No.6255174

you will always be a foreigner, work culture is insane, "the nail that stands out gets hammered in" etc etc etc

japanese itself is not that hard but kanji is fucking hell to learn

>> No.6255175

I'm on the scene where /ck/ would be proud those feeeeeeeeels

>> No.6255176
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, omurice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is omurice /fa/?

>> No.6255186

I just don't enjoy romance anime.

>> No.6255191
File: 21 KB, 424x300, 1356518192157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im korean would that make a big difference

yeah, they'd probably hate you even more than they do other foreigners

korean/chinese=not welcome in japan
and if you are filipino...

>> No.6255201

fellow koreabro here, the japs hate Koreans nowadays.

>> No.6255204

what was the anime where they mention uniqlo?

>> No.6255206

if anyone wants a dope movie to watch about chinese/japanese interaction, watch The Shinjuku Incident. It has Jackie Chan and it is nothing like his usual action/comedy films.

>> No.6255220

Hataraku Maou-Sama

>> No.6255224

Loool that pic

>> No.6255231

what's wrong with filipinos

>> No.6255236

just racism/discrimination among different asian groups.

>> No.6255237

3rd rate asians in their eyes
but i wouldn't know i never met one

>> No.6255243

is it like Brits and polacks

>> No.6255254

they're the niggers of asia. everyone hates them and their trashy #yolo #supreme #pinoy pryde BS.

>> No.6255261
File: 148 KB, 400x267, qBqbO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255263

everyone hates flips not just asians lol

>> No.6255264

Im filipino and i hate my nationality

>> No.6255279 [DELETED] 

here here.

well, i'm technically half flip anyways and a bunch of other shit.

don't understand the pinoy pride bullshit.

>> No.6255281

Nowadays? Discrimination between various asian groups has a centuries-long history.

>> No.6255282

why? I have some Filipino friends and theyre alright. women are buttugly though

>> No.6255297

half-filipino half-white girls actually really attractive.

Filpinos in general really prideful about there nationality even though the philipines is a corrupt third world country, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

>> No.6255314

>half-filipino half-white

Jesus christ how horrifying.

>> No.6255317
File: 39 KB, 630x420, cannot sleep till aquired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have an american puppet government like every other third world country to make sure we can use their materials for cheap and we stay on top. Also there's nothing wrong with having pride but NO one likes a self loathing loser.

>> No.6255323

race mixing is disgusting breh

>> No.6255327

it may seem bad, but in reality they are pretty pretty.

well thats just like my opinion man.

>> No.6255333

>stay on top

top lel

>> No.6255338

Don't stain my thread you scum !

Here we talk about the feels of this anime

>> No.6255340

>tfw Filipino English German Scottish Spanish Portuguese

>> No.6255359
File: 77 KB, 471x700, typical pinoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're responsible for half the shit on the internet like this. they also ruin every mmo you will play.

>> No.6255360

Tfw no "out of the movies" type special relationship with beautiful female

Hold me guys ;_;

>> No.6255366

oh fuck it's out
been listening to the theme song for awhile now
i know it wont be good as 5cm/s but kana hanazawa has the most qt voice


>> No.6255367
File: 1.79 MB, 320x240, daa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255370


youre scum though you fucking nigger shitskin piece of shit

>> No.6255371

Stop ruining the beauty of the discussion
But fuck i lold dear god that is some funny shit

>> No.6255383

>they also ruin every mmo you will play

>> No.6255373


>that girls face

>> No.6255374

People playing mmo on my /fa/

The most unfa thing is vidya I hope you realise it base nerd

>> No.6255375

that feelio when no relationships at all because I am a stereotypical 4channer

>> No.6255386

lol those ppl in that pic are vietnamese btw
most filipinos i know are whitewashed as fuck, like not even asian in the least bit literally white people except for their skin ofc

but you live in a flyover state so

>> No.6255389

why are there suddenly so many weeaboos on my /fa/

>> No.6255394


>> No.6255396
File: 139 KB, 931x858, i_know_that_feel_bro_by_rober_raik-d4cxn5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've known that feel ... so many time as much time as there is stars in the sky

>> No.6255404

No the image is from a filipino tumblr

>> No.6255411

>people playing mmo
>why do you keep paying a monthly tuiton thee to keep your virginity ?

>> No.6255416

well if they were always here they kept that shit confined to drooling over jap fashion

>> No.6255422

Are all the swagapinos in like california and tornto? I'm part filipino and I rarely ever see others and most people are surprised when I tell them I'm part asian, maybe also because I dont dress like a swaggot

>> No.6255432

Filipino with same feels here.. Every Flip i know have poor taste... Always buying lacoste with huge alligators and RL with huge horses, LV's, hollister and AE. Always want to buy popular brands so they can show off when they get back in the Philippines. A social climber culture with a fake pride(ie Pinoy Pride but secretly hates other pinoy specially those who are successful). I can go on and on but this is not the board for it... Also very racist and fake friendliness..

>> No.6255454

I only meet swaggapinos. Or at least I did in school in san francisco. They would keep hyping up these things called lumpia as the greatest thing ever. When I did finally try one from batch they brought to a festival, it was just a fucking eggroll. What the fuck man? Pinoys confirmed for no taste general.

>> No.6255459

filipino people really aren't as bad as you think they are, theyre not as pretentious, or at least their roots aren't...sure they buy huge ass logos but look at your ordinary chinese and its 20x worse brandwhoring
in 30 years philippines are expected to have the 14th biggest economy in the world, we're getting there

they have the lowest suicide rates in asia
koreans and japs on the other hand

>> No.6255456

>Always buying lacoste with huge alligators and RL with huge horses, LV's, hollister and AE

I detest those people. It's so trashy.

>> No.6255462

Can we get back to discussing Japan?

>> No.6255466

no. the flips have ruined another thread just like another mmo.

>> No.6255468

tbf higher suicide rates correlates with higher intelligence... generally

>> No.6255487

Other Asians hate on the Filipinos because of their dark skin.
dark skin = farmer/laborer/poor/unintelligent

>> No.6255493


it correlates with retarded confucian ideals, constricting individualism and promoting an unhealthy perpetual system of constant insecurity, prejudice, and self-hatred

>> No.6255495
File: 20 KB, 300x300, KC-Concepcion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filipinos have the lowest survival rates because Filipino culture is also very dependent. A lot of Filipinos depend on each other for support causing a lot of betas and spoiled bitches... They say Filipinos are hardworking well because a lot of other Filipinos depend on them. The hardworking Filipinos are not bad but the people who depend on them are disgusting.

>> No.6255503

lumpia is our most international friendly dish. It's just hamburger in an eggroll.

>> No.6255510

>tfw master race mixed genetics
breed out dem weak genetics man

>> No.6255522

>master race

keep telling that to yourself

>> No.6255527
File: 156 KB, 475x700, tumblr_m6bipsrmPJ1qa7yjso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have more brown flips then.

>> No.6255533

it is though, how is inbreeding one race better than mixing multiple? Nazi Germany is no longer in power bro

>> No.6255535

so Russia is Confucian then? they have a pretty hi suicide rate

>> No.6255536
File: 111 KB, 872x479, jfts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255545


I'm not much into asian philosophy what principle from confucean philosophy makes the suicide goes high ?

>> No.6255547
File: 357 KB, 933x1400, Arab Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that like pseudo-racial-spirituality talk? haha

>> No.6255550

the samurai are a myth. japan was a backwater shithole in Asia before they started copying euros and Americans. why do you think they were never colonized?

>> No.6255557

jidf pls go

>> No.6255558

the only jap /pol/ and stormfag respects..

>> No.6255559

no you fucking retard, im sure russia has other reasons why

you dont know what its like to grow up in a country like japan, sk, or taiwan
it's competitive as fuck, and if you fuck up just once, you lose face forever and shame your entire family
its fucking ridiculous
and it goes much deeper than that

>> No.6255570

>I can't into sarcasm

>> No.6255579

i dont care if you were being sarcastic or not you fucking moron
i will fucking kill you
watch your back

>> No.6255619
File: 145 KB, 1920x1080, 6 months hard work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would /fa/ wear his shoes?

>> No.6255623

because they somehow keep finding ways to shoot chinese people, whether on a bus or a boat

>> No.6255639

stop pushing your shitty cartoons and go back to /a/ nerd

>> No.6255679


>> No.6255719

someone please fucking seed, 0 seeders and ETA is infinity

>> No.6255734


I am almost done with download man

>> No.6255876


I keep fluctuating between 300 and 1.5

>> No.6255890

took about 2hrs for me, seeding now.

>> No.6255927

stuck at 1.8%, fucking shit internet

>> No.6255969

>ETA 6 mins


>> No.6256011


seeding now

>> No.6256151

streaming for anyone who doesn't want to download.


only checked part 1, quality is very good.

>> No.6256212

yes great thread /fa/

>> No.6256360

Just finished downloading, how do I make the subtitles work? Can anyone recommend a good media player for watching this with subs?

>> No.6256368

I selected the subtitle file from the Vuze media player but it's not showing ;_;

>> No.6256375

quality is good but there is alot of 'glitch' squared areas with distorted color

>> No.6256384

want to condescend but it's probably because i can't into young love anymore
or watch cartoons

>> No.6256468
File: 583 KB, 1632x1224, 1368494906459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that animation style. I've been delaying watching 5cm/s for way too long.

>> No.6256488


I found torrents from


both seem to be missing subtitles at the end according to comments

link to torrent w/ working subs

>> No.6256492

That's your media player/computer.

Polite sage for offtopic.

>> No.6256502

i downloaded from above link and subs aren't working at all in the beginning either

>> No.6256542
File: 113 KB, 1279x985, how do i into subtitles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256572


no you stupid nerd, the comments on the torrent explicitly said that the english subtitles cut out for the end credits and epilogue and I'm not going to ruin mah immursion by looking up the translation

if you're going to be a pretentious penishead at least make sure you're right

>> No.6256577

>stupid nerd
>implying nerds are stupid

>> No.6256579

fuuuck its so bad that its ruining it for me
i guess ill just watch crappy quality stream

>> No.6256587

it's one line and there's no other options at the moment. all the important japanese text onscreen like the letter aren't given translations either.

>> No.6256591

>it's one line and there's no other options at the moment.

I'm not familiar with how the pirating scene works, if I wait a week or two do you think there will be a rip with subtitles for all of this stuff? I've got a huge backlog anyway.

>> No.6256616

check back in a week or two then. probably will go faster seeing how theres english subs already. this is the japanese blu-ray which came already with 'official' english and chinese subs which is why it came out so fast, but as you can see it's pretty shoddy. fansub groups will probably release a more polished english version in the future.

>> No.6256673


then you must become the hammer-san

>> No.6256683

>TFW I recognize the little excerpt from kashiwa daisuke at the end of OPs video

Wow im not so much of a hipster for listening to him after all :c

>> No.6256914

>Directed by Quentin Tarantino

>> No.6257745

I cried at the ending
Thank you so much for sharing this.

>> No.6257760

Is that a joke trailer?

>> No.6258926
File: 778 KB, 780x1649, ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is /fa/ now?

>> No.6258965
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 1362318315303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this thread might be off-topic but the anime was good. I mean dat texture.

Thx Op

>> No.6258992

killing yourself is the dumbest thing you can do.

And you know that.

>> No.6258999

Exactly. Natural Selection at work.

>> No.6259009

Yes, but intelligence doesn't always coincide with helpfulness to the group nor the will to keep living.

>> No.6259027

Yet again another anime pretending to be deep when it's really just slow.
And just because the art is detailed doesn't mean it's good. It was exactly the same style in 5cm/s, I mean, can't they create anything new?

>> No.6259039

what phone is that?

>> No.6259059

It's a HTC Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6259072

Got high as fuck and watched it last night, so fucknig good, oh my god.

>> No.6259107

Here's a streaming link for the pleb


Quality is decent/good

What about yours happiest period of your life ?

>> No.6259120

looks like a xperia

>> No.6259123
File: 36 KB, 533x697, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6259314


>> No.6260061

jap df pls go

>> No.6260072
File: 695 KB, 347x340, 1367828378150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I have something to do now.

>> No.6260334
File: 56 KB, 219x281, 1367510942516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, thanks a lot dude. This anime actually really good.

>> No.6260350

is shoe making a hobby that someone could actually get into in their free time?

it'd be fucking dope if i could make my own shoes

>> No.6260356
File: 120 KB, 434x418, 1369581201067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260414

if there is an experienced shoemaker in your city and by experienced I mean old as fuck artisan grandpa from italy or some shit
then yes you could learn from him
otherwise you have to go to college for it

>> No.6260442

5cm/s was a doozy. How does this one compare in feels?

>> No.6260488

i fuqqn cried my eyes out
good realistic ending without making you feel like shit

>> No.6260490


But i love feeling like shit. I'm a glutton for punishment

>> No.6260589
File: 211 KB, 530x450, jojo_gucci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have you been

>> No.6260690

I only liked the first part of that movie, it got pretty lame after that. The visuals through the whole movie made the rest enjoyable though.

>> No.6260741

>Witch Hunter Robin
>no results

for real guys