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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 640x426, jamal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6253918 No.6253918 [Reply] [Original]

>Meeting my american and italian friend
>wearing my best outfit
>some plebeian dude come over
>got double rejected

>> No.6253937

somebody replace the faces in op's pic with le feel face pls

>> No.6253940


>> No.6253968

>le feel face

what the fuck? since when was it called that

are you a fucking redditor gone missing or something?

>> No.6253985
File: 14 KB, 264x240, 1360970550857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a four fingered pleb thought she could dance next to me

>> No.6253994

>implying we don't ironically attach le to everything

>> No.6253998

jamal is a black name
that kid isnt black

>> No.6254011

fuck off you fucking retard

that shit is reddit tier no matter how you fucking "iron" it or whatever the fuck you're talking about

get the fuck out with that "le" bullshit

>> No.6254012

that's the girl with fucked up face :o(

>> No.6254038

le mad

>> No.6254041

Le frustrated face

>> No.6254048

how the fuck am i mad you dickshit
i just said that posting "le" is reddit shit which isn't fucking 4chan so get the fuck back to MFA you fucking fucktard retard reddit fuck

jesus christ this board is going to hell and you redditfags are the fUCKING REASON!!

get the fuck out you fucking retards

>> No.6254053

>"Moooooooooom! People on 4chan are making jokes that I don't like! Can you make them leave?"

#kek get with the times gramps

>> No.6254058

Le maddening le

>> No.6254062

he le mad XD

>> No.6254071


pics pls

>> No.6254084

what the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards

you're meant to tell these redditfags to GET THE FUCK OUT not encourage these little dickfucks to post their "le lelelelelel" everywhere like a fucking autist

jesus christ this fucking website is just like school

>> No.6254090

> school
Le underage child face XD

>> No.6254092








>> No.6254095

you realize most people who are putting "le" on everything don't even go on /mfa/

just like most people that use #hashtags just post them ironically here. Besides, /mfa/ is basically on the same level as /fa/ these days you guys need to realize this + deal with it.


>> No.6254106

The irony is that he knows Lexus a common thing here he's just being post-ironic


>> No.6254109

The irony is that he knows Le is a common thing here he's just being post-ironic


>> No.6254113

le epik troller of 4chun kun kawaiiiiiiiiii~~~



>> No.6254123

stoppe reading le there x)

>> No.6254200

le jimmy rustles xDxDxD

>> No.6254238

You are a fucking idiot. People like you are the reason why 4chan is so shit. You say horrid things like that over the internet and don't understand how much it hurts to be told that. I have suffered with depression since I was 7 years old and have been bullied for 13 years in school and now I get bullied online! People like you should be the ones to fucking die because when you say things like that to people like me we DO hurt and sometimes we DO hurt ourselves. If I ever met you in real life I would have my boyfriend kill you because he is the best thing to happen in my life and knows how much of cunts you people on the internet are. In realitys you are pusses who are self conciouse about yourself which is why you say these things. Rant over, you lose internet troll.

>> No.6254276
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this fucking for real? Pic related. I could NOT keep a straight face reading that post. And what's even better is all of these:
God dammit, this is fucking gold.

>Rant over, you lose internet troll.
>Rant over
>you lose internet troll
>Rant over
>internet troll
Judging from your "le sad life" and your reaction, I think you're the one who lost bb.

>> No.6254295

yes it's real & I'm posting, lurking, and monitoring 9 different threads right now, you fucking one-dimensional monkey. Stop criticizing people smarter than you.

>> No.6254310
File: 28 KB, 290x272, 1369521045789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this fucking retard is hahahaha holy fuck.
Never have I encountered this amount of autism in a single person before.
>I'm posting, lurking, and monitoring 9 different threads right now, you fucking one-dimensional monkey
>9 different threads
bwhahaha fucking 9 threads, my sides
>top criticizing people smarter than you.
jesus i cant even hahahaha
Do you wear a fedora? hahahaha this is unreal

>> No.6254335
File: 71 KB, 720x576, typicalathesist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

av' a laff

>> No.6254386
File: 26 KB, 262x262, 1364478537652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get laid wearing a certain shirt that shirt is then good luck forever

>> No.6254383

I remember this!
That was an entertaining thread

>> No.6254395

I cried tears of joy that day.