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/fa/ - Fashion

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6248797 No.6248797 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/
I'm a big fan of shirts, especially those with rolled up sleeves. I've got a question to you, is it better to button up completely or to show some of your chest (i've got kinda hairy myself), like with a tanktop undearneath, let's say 1-3 buttons undone?
pic related, it's me buttoned up in a club

>> No.6248817

too many buttons undone is middle-eastern mode, especially with cheap & aggressive cologne

how you decide to wear a shirt is your preference

sad that you're taking out all the personalization that comes with all these little details and you're asking for straight rules on what to do


>> No.6248823

Button them all

You're going to look sloppy otherwise

If you can't button them all - the shirt is probably too small

If you feel too dressed up - you prob. need a different shirt

>> No.6248830

Buttoning up all the way is 100% Britlad-core.

You will look like a prick.

>> No.6248843

To be more precise I wished more for femanons' feedback. I mean, I wonder how they react to overall attractive guys with unbuttoned shirts with chest hair visible, I don't quite get what's sad about it

>> No.6248839

nahh m8 it looks better, neater too. Plus it gives shirts a better fit.

>> No.6248841

You wish m8

Stay plenb

>> No.6248854



>there's no pussy here - just a dose that will make you wish you were born a woman

>> No.6248850

You want girls opinions on your douche self strollin' with buttons unbuttoned?

It will literally attract the dopiest of the dopiest girls

>> No.6248923
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No reason for hatred mates, no reason for rationale behind looks, just a straight question requiring a straght answer: buttoned up/unbuttoned. Sometimes when it's really hot I don't give a fuck and go out with a totally unbuttoned shirt and tanktop underneath, I wonder if it makes me look like a douchebag who wants to "show off" his chest or just an alright guy. I can be wrong, but
1) on the one hand it looks more fashionable when it's butten up
2) on the other hand I think I might have picked up more girls when it was not buttoned up completely
Of course it may not have had any connection with the fcking shirt I wore that day, but perhaps it had. That's why I ask for your opinion!

>> No.6248933

czesc jarek

>> No.6248932

Sry for my silly grammar (butten), Im quite drunk

>> No.6248938

why do you care

just do what you want if you look good girls will want to hit you up regardless of whether or not you buttoned the top buttons

if you really want girls to admire your fits
shop at abercrombie and hollister, buy a&f fierce

>> No.6248958

Siema :D jezyk?

>> No.6248991
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jak zgadles?
dobrze ci pisza - jesli wyrywac cipki to najlepsza rzecz jaka mozesz zrobic to uderzyc na silownie. wiekszosc kobiet ma mozg w macicy i naprawde je pierdoli jak jestes ubrany dopoki jestes dobrze zbudowany i pewny siebie. mozesz kupic jakies dobre perfumy bo to tez wazne (ja mam YSL la nuit de l'homme - dzialaja, obadaj). co do koszuli to probojac cos eksponowac bedziesz wygladal smiesznie (tryhard) bo bedzie widac ze probojesz cos pokazac. troche jak Sztuku
wystarczy gejowskiego kacika, nie tykaj Alicji i daj znac jak bedziesz w koz pojdziemy na bro. pozdro:)

>> No.6249003
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Pije wodke z kumplem i z jakiegos powodu klocimy sie czy lepiej wyjebac hery na klacie czy ukryc, postanowilem ze mnie forczan nie zawiedzie. A zgadlem latwo bo chyba tylko Ciebie znam co tutaj siedzi, ale ze na /fa/ to mnie zaskoczylo, sam tu chyba z 3 raz w zyciu jestem, w kozach jestem jutro, yo! "nie tykaj alicji" mnie rozjebalo przyznam!

>> No.6249012

kto cie wie jak zaczniesz ruchac na slepo na prawo i lewo:p wchodze tu szukac tematow o tattoo i poznalem twoje foto

>> No.6249046

Tak czy siak, hery na klacie to afrodyzjak, nawet jesli same tego nie wiedza, zdrowie!

>> No.6249078

Stay 16 faggots.

>> No.6249085


Thread is over. OP started talking in tongues.