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6242100 No.6242100 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when big ass genetics and nothing fits

>> No.6242108


>> No.6242128

>tfw no ass to the extent that it often gets commented on.

My 60 year old boss even mentioned it one day. "Ooo! anon i like your pants, i cant believe you can find ones that work with your no-ass"

Work in office of 25ish women, constantly get my fits commented in.

>> No.6242140

girls dig it

>> No.6242139
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>My 60 year old boss even mentioned it one day. "Ooo! anon i like your pants, i cant believe you can find ones that work with your no-ass"

oh god.

>> No.6242142

hhhehe u spelt talor nt tailor hhehehe

>> No.6242159

big ass genetics my ass. lose weight, nigga. my ass is fat as hell right now too but that's because the first place i gain fat in is my ass. get to like 10% bf anf your ass will shrink.

>> No.6242160

you aren't trying hard enough, not spending enough, or a combination of both

there are some pants I wear that minimize ass bulge but some pants holy shit makes me look like I have dat booty

>> No.6242183

Underwear pic, plox.

>> No.6242198

Im hopefull that this is the case

Im not just some fat fuck Though, just big quad and glutes from sprinting for many years

But yeh Its def fat mostly

>> No.6242208

i'm not fat either. i work out a LOT. but whenever i go on a bulk i have to switch from wearing 32 to 33 because by ass gets way too big.

>> No.6242269

>implying that's a big ass

thank you skeleton

>> No.6242282

It's a nice bubble butt.

>> No.6242313


>> No.6242320

>tfw no nice dude ass. ;_;

>> No.6242330

Thank you, hungry skeleton

>> No.6242358

Eh, I don't think big butts are a problem on guys as long as you don't have birthan hips too. It's better than having Hank Hill ass.

>> No.6242443

are you me OP?
>italian genetics
>5'10, thin
>30 waist
>tryin on new pair of pants
>slipping em on, yep everything is good
>oh wait
>they wont go past my fucking bubble butt
god damn italians

>> No.6242486


Italian here and that's not true in my opinion. From which part of Italy are you?

>> No.6242575

dude fuck! thats me to. my family is mainly from sicily and i fucking hate my ass, i feel like its my biggest flaw. why cant it be smaller ;_;

>> No.6242599


Some girls like toned butts OP don't get yourself down.

(fit looks fine btw)

>> No.6242606

try girl's pants. don't be intimidated by the label, they might just fit perfectly.

>> No.6242618

>tfw no hank hill butt

>> No.6242667

guys with that look really bad imo.
it looks unnatural if there's nothing there

>> No.6242676

family is mostly northern italy/roman, but it's prolly just my bubbly but family then

>> No.6242745

>op just wanted to show us his butt

>> No.6242757

Those tilty mirrors are probably the best thing about H&M

>> No.6242760

yep, 30, inch waist, 33 inch beacuse of ass

>> No.6242766

its not h and m u skank

>> No.6242872
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>(guy)friend jokingly grabs your ass as he walks by
>"yw-what, you have a tight ass haha"
>mfw I'm a guy

>> No.6243125
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>I found out what hank hill butt was

>> No.6243173

I think you mean spelled

>> No.6243193

Spelt is proper in UK English, whereas spelled is proper in American English.

>> No.6243215

Really? Spelt? Of the words you could have corrected, you chose that?
Bravo, Mister Retardo, bravo, I say!

>> No.6243222

U wot m8. Kentfag here. Spelled is right. Spelt is a type of wheat or some shit.

>> No.6243239

Spelt: Chiefly Britishpast and past participle of spell.

Source: Oxford English Dictionary.


>> No.6243250
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Fair play

>> No.6243252
File: 33 KB, 710x423, okayretardo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, man.

>> No.6243260
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>> No.6243273

I know that feel OP.

>> 6 ft.
>> 154 lbs.
>> 31 waist. Just bought a pair of shorts, waist fucking 50.

>> No.6243279
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>> No.6243683

can i cop a squeeze bby?

>> No.6243727

I know that feel, anon. When I was in the swim team my ass would get slapped much more. I already knew it was because of how it shone through my jammers. In high school and junior high slapping asses and hitting each other in the balls was a thing, but news that "anon's ass is really nice and fat" circulated. One time one guy came up behind and just grabbed my right cheek like it was a childs head and said into my left ear "So Juicy.." I was never particularly aggressive so all I could do was say "guys.. stop..."

>> No.6243733

6'2 here also italian also have big ass
also have issues with pants

>> No.6243752
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>Are you a boy
>or a girl?

>> No.6243780

I'm a dude...

>> No.6243806


>> No.6243812
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u got le trolld big tyme m8.
But seriously, that's even more gay than my
Still, I can imagine how your friends had a lot of shits n giggles over it.

>> No.6243818

hnnnggg pls continue

>> No.6246112
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>> No.6246115
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>> No.6246170

This is getting hot.
Please tell me you banged in the showers afterwards while pretending you didn't like it.

>> No.6246210
File: 60 KB, 905x768, 1369890665467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246369

and not a single stack was stacked that day