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/fa/ - Fashion

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6235450 No.6235450 [Reply] [Original]

so ive decided that accents are /fa/

wht is the most /fa/ accent?

i say southwestern english with rhotic R.

>> No.6235459

Oo arr I gotta bran new combine arvester an I'll give you the key

>> No.6235465

Arrrr get on that pasty ya janner

>> No.6235466

faint RP, "general american," or thick northeastern if you've got the charisma to pull it off

>> No.6235469

Go be your own country you inbred scumfucks

>> No.6235478

I have the least /fa/ accent on the planet.

Appalachian hillbilly.

>> No.6235487

Based Kent accent reporting

>> No.6235489

Manchester here.

Not many people find it sexy, but theres a niche, and a select few that go wet for the northern accent

Feels ok man

>> No.6235490

>tfw southern England accent
>tfw most desirable accent on earth

>> No.6235492

Tonbridge here. You?

>> No.6235493



>> No.6235495

lol Tonbridge too

>> No.6235496

London here

ex gf had kinda posh english accent which a lot of people liked but did nothing for me.

some northern accents are really cute. this grill from edinburgh oh my god man.

>> No.6235505

edinburgh is fantastic in general

>> No.6235511



>> No.6235514

seriously man

you guys gotta hear this

:3 :3 :3

>> No.6235516
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>tfw from glorious Oxford

what some people would call posh, but it's just a nice and clean English accent without anything people can take the piss out of (apart from the posh, but that doesn't really work because I'm not)

>> No.6235521

I can honestly say I never thought I would see someone else from tonbridge on here

>> No.6235525

I got a black mate who used to live in Tunbridge he posts on 4chan too.

>> No.6235530

English/Australian mix.

Seriously, growing up in one then moving to the other makes people sexy as all fuck.

>> No.6235538

I like my accent. The South Australian accent is very mild. I often get asked by people from the Eastern States if I'm English. When I was in London I got asked a bit what part of England I was from, which surprised me a lot. It sounds fairly well-spoken middle class. The accent does lack character though.

Girls with Glaswegian accents is erection core.

>> No.6235542

>I read your post in a posh accent
Stop messing with my brain m8

>> No.6235545

was it sxc?

>> No.6235552

>tfw my accent is a mix between neutral (posh) english and rough east london accent
>tfw live in northern england
bitches love it

>> No.6235561

>Grow up in northern ghetto
>Sound like Alan Rickman only even more pretentious.

Oh god, bully flashbacks..

>> No.6235562

>rough east london accent

but they're all nancy boys?

>> No.6235574
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whatever classically-trained, aka 'shakespearean' actors speak. it's so sinfully camp.

a la derek jacobi
all of my hngs

>> No.6235575

I kinda have this. I grew up in east london my whole life but went to a west london school where nobody really had an accent.

It's fucking unintelligible and people laugh when I say words with a t in the middle cos they just don't expect it of me.

>> No.6235578

same fuck (the t thing)

>> No.6235584
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>tfw from Canada
>tfw probably a weird accent to the rest of the world

>> No.6235589

Surrey with a hint of cockney, bitches be wet.

>> No.6235590

lol @ posh southern cunts thinking they have a good accent, you sound stuck up fuccbois

>> No.6235591

tfw when grew up in west london
tfw when black
tfw bitches think i'm Idris Elba's son

>> No.6235592

Orpington master race here

>> No.6235593

what's all that aboot? ahahahahahahahh

>> No.6235594

fuck off

all you cunts from Surrey with your mockney accents piss me off so much

>> No.6235595

Leeds here.

Where the fuck are these people.

>> No.6235615

at least people understand us when we're abroad. Also, our accents are the ones that England are associated with. I attract the American ladies when I talk, that's worth being called a fuccboi from a jealous northerner (I'm guessing)

best of both worlds and I'm not like a gangster whiteboy, it's just a less posh Surrey accent.

>> No.6235620

you still sound like try hard Lock Stock characters though (one of my best friends is the same and it annoys me so much)

>> No.6235626

I am from Suffolk (the English one). Several people from outside the county have asked me if I am Australian. I am not sure if I should be pleased about that or not.

>> No.6235634

I love your accents. Not the ones that just sound American, and not the full on oot and aboot eh. The ones in the middle, which seem to be most Canadians I've spoken to, are very appealing to me.

>> No.6235641

People in Illinois kept asking me if I was Australian. Kentfag here.

>> No.6235646


>> No.6235648

unexpected accents;
a chinese guy speaking french is /fa/

>> No.6235656


Americans honestly have the least /fa/ and most annoying fucking accents, it's just fucking horrible noises coming out.

Especially American girls, fucking hell.

>> No.6235657

you sound like such a fuccboi

(southener here)

>> No.6235659

This. So many American girls tell me how much they love my accent. I never say it back.

>> No.6235662

Glaswegian reporting in.

I don't think it's very /fa/ or attractive but people from other countries seem to find our accent amusing.

>> No.6235663

Slight Scouse (Liverpool)

Not good.

>> No.6235665

Ehhhhh ya know ehhhhhh

>> No.6235666


how could someone allow themselves to develop an american accent. it's so unattractive

>> No.6235667

most british accents are cringe worthy.

most american accents are cringe worthy.

english is pretty meh when spoken.

>> No.6235670

scottish girls sound cute as hell

I guess the guys sound masculine

you scots reckon that nobody but a Scot can do a Scottish accent right? Must be annoying as fuck that everyone tries

>> No.6235672




>> No.6235676

She used to be such a qt.

Fucking ruined it. At least TheHill88 kept her accent.

>> No.6235678
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I've had a thing for Norwegian accents lately.
>pic related dat janove hnnngg

When I think about the most /fa/ accent, I think French though.

>> No.6235683

>scottish girls sound cute as hell

That's what I don't understand, I don't think female Scots sound nice at all while I actually quite like the male accent.

and yeah, I've never heard anyone pull off a convincing Scottish accent irl but it's always fun to watch them try.

>> No.6235689


>> No.6235692
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>northern irish farmer accent
>shit tier accent

>> No.6235696

I like English spoken by Italians, French and Greeks. My accent is wank.

South London here, just in case any of you faggots wanna suck my dick.

>> No.6235702

rihannas accent
>muh dick

>> No.6235705

>muh dick
I assume you mean it shrivels up and remains flaccid for a long time

>> No.6235709

did you see this ?

scottish accent on a grill

cute as hell imo


>> No.6235714



>> No.6235717

well let me clarify that they have to be cute to start off with. Met a little qt the other night and the moment she spoke I was ensnared

but yeah an ugly girl with a scottish accent is usually horrifying

>> No.6235718

tooting/streatham/brixton represent

>> No.6235723


>South London

>> No.6235726


>> No.6235728

it sounds cute, but I always rofl when though scottish guys in movies try to sound serious and threatening.

>> No.6235731

tenterden here

>> No.6235730
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>> No.6235735 [DELETED] 



>> No.6235736


yes yes yes

east street market old kent road elephant and castle bermondsey

>> No.6235739



im white, cant skank

>> No.6235740
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>> No.6235743

I don't wanna fuck guys with accents

grills on the other hand...

>> No.6235744

astrid do i know you from /mu/ or what

>> No.6235747


ill snap your neck

>> No.6235752

Perhaps. I used to post on /mu/ but I haven't for a while.

>> No.6235751

The most British man you will see all day.


I love the idea that he wakes up in the morning, puts on a suit and plays with toys. The ending is hilarious.

>> No.6235753

New York Gangster accent tops them all.

>> No.6235755


>> No.6235758

didn't you recently make a psychedelic chart?

>> No.6235760

fuck channel u was hilarious, I knew a few kids with videos that are channel u classics. all complete wankers.

>> No.6235769


Proof: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0ZBAMMyBbZC

>> No.6235770

No sir, you must have me confused with someone else

>> No.6235774

Used to live SE8. Yes Deptford. Now live in NW1, Somers Town is a lot nicer.

Also, Gloucestershire accent reporting in.

>> No.6235778

ok I giggled irl brah

>> No.6235779
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I'm actually trying to get a gen am accent, pls don't bully. I'm a foreigner though and it's by far the easiest one to pick up so I don't care if it's pleb.

I started liking >>6235489 after watching Shameless, if that counts. I don't know much about Scottish but I saw some videos on youtube by some dude with a Scottish accent once and I thought it was sexy af.

Hate the French accent with a passion, because it's either really thick "how do I into English phonology I can't deal with those weird vowels"-tier which is just annoying to hear imo, or sort of subdued and subtle in which case Istart being self-conscious and wonder what mine sounds like in comparison.

>> No.6235780


its a naturally agressive accent imo


>> No.6235785

orite mayte

>> No.6235788
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>Hello Anonymous

My sides.

>> No.6235791

not gunna lie i'd turn for u m8

>> No.6235811

As would everyone male on this board. Naturally rugged good looks, Sexy accent, and general overwhelming masculinity...Australians are truly the master-race in all facets of life.

>> No.6235822

Southern accents are a massive turn off for me

they do my fucking head in

>> No.6235825

Who is this trip?

>> No.6235829
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>> No.6235833


>> No.6235835


and for some reason all american girls seem to have really round greasy looking faces even when they're not fat. whats that about

>> No.6235836

I'm from NA, I'll admit, most women here prefer an Australian accent.

>> No.6235837

Rubbish, they prefer an English accent

>> No.6235838

just some faggot

>> No.6235845

>not going on /sp/, the most based place on the internet

do you even banter?

>> No.6235843

thought so

>> No.6235849

posh as fuck wimbledon english

>> No.6235851

NZ accent is better than Aus

not as obnoxious/annoying, more humour in it

>> No.6235855

>Asking an Australian "do you even banter?"
>Claims to crosspost to /sp/

Surely you would know those from AUS are the uncontested kings of all banter on that shit board...what will I do until the Premier League starts up again...

>> No.6235857

Yeah bru, fush n chups

>> No.6235862

see >>6235769
compare to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En03RzwRuLU..

Admittedly, I'm originally from South Australia, which tends carry a more English undertone than the rest of mainland Australia. Regardless, the NZ accent is in no way comparable to the AUS accent (except maybe bogans in North QLD).

>> No.6235865

I have a mate in Adelaide.

>> No.6235868

oh god

the australians are the worst thing about that board, the best banter comes from the small countries who come out of nowhere, not a bunch of bandwaggoning faggots who dominate feel threads

I just prefer the NZ accent, Australians just sound pissed or mentall disabled in my opinion

>> No.6235873

I don't live there anymore, but it is, in my opinion, the nicest captial city in AUS.

>> No.6235876

You think I sound mentally disabled? =(

>> No.6235877

most of you do, I'm sorry

>> No.6235881


American people are spawn of satan. Everyone dislikes Americans, they are loud, obnoxious and ugly.

I think it will be best if we just ignore them. hopefully they will die

>> No.6235883

What a faggot. I bet you suck massive cock.

>> No.6235886
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wimbledon is a propa shit hole

>> No.6235894

wut wimbledon commons was fa? Fuck i dunno was like 5yo
still got dat lord english though
> frightfully posh

>> No.6235968

I have a mix of french and english accent

>> No.6235970

pls be in london

>> No.6235990


As a Glaswegian I would like to know WHIT THE FUCK IS WRANG WAE YOU. Do you mean girls with posher/softer Glaswegian accents or just full blown hoodrats?

>> No.6235997

Not who you replied to, but I know 2 girls from Glasgow who have lived in Kent for about 3 years now and their accents are pretty nice. I guess their accents have softened.

>> No.6236005
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>> No.6236027

I'm a husky voiced women man myself, Emma Stone, Mila Kunis, the list goes on...

>> No.6236096
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>CMD + F
>Not found

>> No.6236121


german accents are disgusting

just sound like they want to kill people

>> No.6236123

not true
but they're not /fa/

>> No.6236130

Northern Irish. Anytime I'm in England, I pick up women without having to try.

>> No.6236158

>tfw neutral as fuck Canadian accent

>> No.6236166

>TFW seattle washington accent (cause i can't just say washington can i)
Most boring accent in the world in my opinion.
I like male Russian and german and most london accents
scottish and irish(not sure which) on grills is cute as fuck

>> No.6236185

Enjoy shit-tier council house chav trash whores

>> No.6236190

I have uncureble russian accent? Am i fucked?

>> No.6236196

In Russia, fucked accents you

>> No.6236202


Either migrants or the hoi oligoi. Not trash.

>> No.6236213

>tfw not a native english speaker

i sound like malkovich

>> No.6236219

I was talking to some girls and im Canadian but not like eh or anything weird... anyway they thought I was from New Zealand.

>> No.6236221

finnish people have probably the most un/fa/ accent there is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-TrEFfQnCQ

>> No.6236237


That is to say emigrants.

Polite sage.

>> No.6236242

Slight scouse is an awesome accent. Proper scally scouse is fucking horrid though.

East Londoner with slight scouse accent checking in

>> No.6236247

Does anybody watch SivHD. I dont know where that man is from but his accent is sexy as fuck
Just picked one where he isnt doing his overly deep voice

>> No.6236255

The American accent is most /fa/ when speaking other languages - excluding spanish, unless you're really good - but when speaking french and japanese with my american accent bitches get wet and become putty in my hands.

source: I speak 4 languages and have experienced it.

>> No.6237443

OP clearly thought southeast was southwest lel

>> No.6237452

master race
>tfw end of the line
(no wait I don't know that feel)

>> No.6237464



>> No.6237465

wait what
wimbledon.. as in like nappy valley right near wandsworth
>one of the most affluent areas IN THE WORLD

>> No.6237505
File: 139 KB, 583x833, wimbledon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r funi

>> No.6237549

I'm a Russian who lost his accent and now has a standard American one. It's very boring and flat. I wish I didn't lose my Russian one. All I can do now is pretend like I'm some Bond villain at best.

>> No.6237561


Houses that price in every area of house m8, wimbledon as an area, is a bit of a shithole.

Belgravia/South Kens/Chelsea/Primrose now ur talkin m8.

>> No.6237565
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Very slight Geordie.
Takes people a while to realise/place it but it's one of my more common compliments now that I'm living down south.

>"I love your accent, not too strong; it's really nice"

>> No.6237568

*every area of london

>> No.6237594

500k is averagey wimbledon is about 550k
its not a shit'ol ur dum m8

>> No.6237610

>tfw from Newfoundland
>tfw everyone thinks I'm Irish

>> No.6237620

>500k is averagey wimbledon is about 550k
>its not a shit'ol ur dum m8

stay mad suburban pleb

>> No.6237630
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>tfw American accent

My accent cannot be more plebeian.

>> No.6237650

Im from Texas south, you should hear mexicans speaking english

>> No.6237651


Is it at least an old money american accent?

>> No.6237777

Newfoundland is /fa/ af tho
(if u liv in cb or st. j)

>> No.6237846

b-but I don't live in the suburbs
>g-go back to merton (/sutton/guildford) fuccboi!

>> No.6237847

Today I learned that I have the sexiest accent in the world. Tonbridge win. Hanging around posh private school boys worked out. OJ reporting in.

>> No.6237874

dope them private school accents r class
pick up any1 who ain't uk cuz ur #classycoolgent
n pick up any1 ud actually wanna pick up in the uk c uz ur #halfwaydecent

>> No.6237938

Tonbridge is a shithole

>> No.6238000

Get the best fits from peacocks though.

>> No.6238053

>tfw grew up in mimdwest
>tfw basically no accent just say words phonetically how they're spelled with no weird emphasis or drawls

>> No.6239630
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>Tfw the Bay Area has no accent

>> No.6239650


yeah i kind of feel that way. no one ever can guess where im from because i have a generic bay area accent.

>> No.6239663


midwesteners and westerners usually don't have distinct accents

>> No.6239661

>no accent
>just say words phonetically
you have no self awareness or concept of otherness

>> No.6239670

>tfw Bay Area is the best


>> No.6239671

>tfw from Philly, but since most of my family is from the South I have a weird accent that pops out at random times.
I barely see them, though. Also, a lot of English accents irk the fuck out of me.

>> No.6239680

i kno dat feel
who think they are, some fancy gentlemen?
speak american dumbasses!
murrrrica fuck yeah!

>> No.6239702

Not anything like that, but posh accents make me feel uneasy. Since it's the go to accents for Americans to do bad accents with; it annoys me.

>> No.6240071


>> No.6240126

texas maymay girl accent

>> No.6240150

Amy Walker's pseudo-French accent/Amy Walker speaking in general

>> No.6240328

dat british/american hybrid accent

>> No.6240334

foghorn leghorn pls go

>> No.6240468


Sounds like utter shite to me

>> No.6240479

don't you guys say pellow and melk?

>> No.6240506
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I don't know why I even bother. When the highlight of your day is Hull, there's a problem.

>> No.6240513

She sounds Australian.

The Vaaaaaaaahleeys reportin' in my loves!

>> No.6240524
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>accents are /fa/
You've been been to SAAF LANDAN, have you? Innit.

>> No.6240551

all i know is english>irish>scottish accent and culture. i think a french or russian accent is pretty /fa/ but manly anglo-saxon accents.

>> No.6240553

romanticizing accents is offensively eurocentric

>> No.6240556


stop pretending there is more then one australian accent besides occa and city. seriously, there is no difference in any of the major cities. and the ones that are different are just stronger versions.

>> No.6240561
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>speaking non-rhotic english


>> No.6240585

>tfw you record your voice and reply it, and it sounds way different than it does to you in your own head

>> No.6240606

Holy Crap.... wth 4 pint bottles of milk per day?

How on earth can someone consume so much milk in one day?

She must have blended it with her chocolate biscuits or something.

>> No.6240614

/fit/ recommends gomad which is 8 pints a day
but that's for bulkan

>> No.6240619

this accent is the most /fa/


>> No.6240634

>all American accents are shit

Nigga, you haven't heard Orson Welles speak.

Also, William Shatner has the GOAT Canadian accent.

I'll take their accents any day over your average wiggledly-piggledly-nobbledy-wobs smibbly-bibbly yuropoor accent

>> No.6240646

I fucking hate Boston accents. Bawwstn. Minnesotan accents just sound nice to me. Probably not very /fa/ but I like them.

>> No.6240664

Skip to 2:12

>most /fa/ accent.

>> No.6240699

Received pronunciation is by far the most /fa/.

>> No.6240729

Middle-class Warwickshire here.
Pseudo-RP with short "a" and pronounce "book" distinct from "buck" (but without the northern "oo" as in "ooze") master race.
Acceptably posh without sounding southern.

>> No.6240758

Facking monkeys.

>> No.6240771
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good one op

>> No.6241035

>Tfw North Yorkshire
In the South and people sometimes don't understand basic things that come out of my mouth

>> No.6241305

I don't think even you understand half the time.

>> No.6241449

faint, upper-middle-class-but-trying-to-assimilate-with-plebs RP

faint French accent

mild, "generic American" accent

upper-class Scottish accent

>> No.6241471

going to have to disagree mate. born in england and now live in australia and im disgusted by the way i sound.

>> No.6241476


>> No.6241663

East London/general estuary twang. middle class girls seem to love the roughness of it

most people just laugh at me

>> No.6241687

fellow northern irish fag here except im from the city hhahaha, it feels like we've been punished. worst/unsexiest/least /fa/ accents ever

>> No.6241694

i have a yooper accent i inherited from my parents. it's unique, kinda sounds like canadian or minnesotan, but is pretty distinctive. i live in chicago, but there is nothing more unattractive than a girl with a chicago accent

>> No.6241705

hi marry me pls

>> No.6241740
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>tfw superior Melbourne accent compared to bogan as fuck Perth accent.

>tfw born and raised in Melbourne.

>> No.6241754

Can we all agree French Canadian is the worst accent?

>> No.6241762

Welsh, love getting rammed by a dirty welsh boi on a Friday night

>> No.6241789


>> No.6241798
File: 75 KB, 600x450, dumb whore nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.6241802

rich private schooled people from Perth have a better accent anyway

>> No.6241825

I would eat poutine off her asshole

>> No.6241921


nice joke.

>> No.6241923

Fuck off back to England pls

>> No.6241932


>> No.6242080

I think accents can be good, but generally not the strong ones - speaking for the uk.
Glaswegian accent is for the most part awful, northern irish is horrible too.
I knew a girl from oxford oh her accent was the fucking best. She could have been talking about anything and it would sound ridiculously hot.
My accent isn't strong, I'm from perthshire in scotland and I'm pretty well spoken, so I sometimes get asked if I'm posh.

>> No.6242085

Canadian, bitxhes love it when I say please and thank you.

>> No.6243075

West Yorkshire

It's like Kes, all day every day

Southerners seem to like it (if they manage to understand me)

>> No.6244954
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Why in the holy hell would you fake an accent?

>> No.6244990

>tfw from es of maryland
>tfw a bit of a redneck accent
>tfw everyone here says wudder isntead of water
>tfw Black
>tfw you can't say ask that well so it sounds like aks or ax

>> No.6244996


>> No.6245032

I have somewhere between a south-west and south-east british accent. certain things sound cockney, some things have a farmer 'r', girrrrl, worrrrld.

>> No.6245053
File: 18 KB, 400x289, 1366005163351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's talking about faking accents?

>> No.6245080
File: 5 KB, 260x194, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That man >>623540

>> No.6245087
File: 151 KB, 1632x918, philly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo bull go pick up that jawn. naw not that jawn, the other jawn. Get me some wuuder too yo. Wiz widout. Yeah slap that jawn on a pretzel. AY WASSUP MY MAIN JAWN. Yo you drawin dawg!

>this is what south philadelphians actually sound like
>this is what I sound like to outsiders

fuck i hate this city

>> No.6245088

According to some statistics I read in some fucking article, Spanish accent (Spain) is very sexy because of the way they pronounce "s" and "c" as as "th" sound.

And Argentinian was apparently the sexiest.

>> No.6245160

bol acually drawin right now doe. you straight up trippin. why you hate on finnadelphia?

also what part of the city are you from? i hardly see any other philly bols on this board

>> No.6245164

South east of London is the best

>> No.6245231

Marylander here we've got the perfect mix of southern twang and northern cleanliness

>> No.6247616



>> No.6247649

shut up you're chatting bollocks you annoying twat

god i bet you are such a twat

>> No.6247664

Black British men have the most /fa/ accents.

>> No.6247672

But they just sound like white british men from the same area

>> No.6247667

oi m8 u fkn cheeky bastard ill call up me m8s on ya dont be talkin smak on my boy over ther aye fukn limey cunt i swer m8 ill giv u a propa lesson if ya keep this goin

>> No.6247670

The Canadian accent is the most dorky accent in the world.
Canadians themselves are just straight up dorks.

>> No.6247675
File: 17 KB, 300x250, i'll maple syrup yo face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna fight

>> No.6247677

Nah m8, their accents are smooth. White Brits sound like inbreds.

>> No.6247686

eugh so many dickheads in this thread from places like oxfordshire or kent etc making out they have some kind of interesting or unique accent

shut up you in fact sound like every other twat out there

>> No.6247900


"posh" uk accents are 99% of the time pig-disgusting eustuary english.


>> No.6247938

This. The South-East accent is a boring accent for boring twats.

>> No.6249420
File: 846 KB, 860x648, newfinland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you live anywhere else...

>> No.6249451

>tfw midatlantic masterrace
currently living in north east ohio, i guess people from here and western pa will drag out words sometimes