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/fa/ - Fashion

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6223740 No.6223740 [Reply] [Original]


im gonna go ahead and post this guys fits, so fucking nice.

>> No.6223748
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>> No.6223752
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>> No.6223754

>Shirt tied round waist

Man I actually hate that shit so much. I think it's because it reminds me of Hey Arnold. And usually they hang down way too far like some kind of kilt.

>> No.6223756

does he post anywhere besides tumblr

>> No.6223757
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>> No.6223761
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>> No.6223764


its siotjieut on sufu, hes korean i think

>> No.6223763
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>> No.6223772
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>> No.6223770
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>> No.6223773

w2c shirt

>> No.6223774
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>> No.6223780
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phillip lim

>> No.6223784
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>> No.6223786
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>> No.6223788
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>> No.6223800
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>> No.6223795
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>> No.6223807
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>> No.6223834

are you being sarcastic OP?

cause some of these are good

>> No.6223842

what made you think he was sarcastic

>> No.6223851

He looks kind of short.

But other than that he seems aight.

>> No.6223855


i think he is fairly short. regardless, hes one of the best dressed people on sufu. has a killer wardrobe too.

>> No.6223864

is dat some yohi pants :O

>> No.6223876



>> No.6223885

wo wo

wat model

r they cheapr than the yohji ones???

>> No.6223893
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pic related, i found a pair in black linen, pretty stoked

>> No.6223897
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yeah theyre pretty cheap mine were like $60 on rakuten. pretty hard to find this cut though.

>> No.6223901
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>> No.6223900

im not a fan
they all look weird

>> No.6223918

i can't do better but most of these are pre bad, some are good, a few are outstanding-tier

>> No.6223924
File: 179 KB, 558x790, yohji 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my yohjis were $32 tho :-----) #bargainbattle

seriously tho rakuten stepped their game up in a huge way w t f

>> No.6223936


wat the fffffffff
is this a common occurence

>> No.6223941

niggas im jelly af rly

wat afukkt

>> No.6223942
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its mostly a few stores that have really good stuff it seems, vector, blowzshop, kanful, kind shop, and rinkan.

but yeah i saw those yohji's, there was a bunch of really cheap yy up there for a bit.

these y's were $50

>> No.6223943
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>> No.6223954

comping this q rly

>> No.6223949


im crying
w t f
do you need proxy for rakuten?

>> No.6223952

christ please stop ;_;

>> No.6223953

shortfag tho

>> No.6223957


not for stores that ship to the US, and if you use tenso, the proxy fee is insanely low so it doesnt really matter at all.

>> No.6223958



>> No.6223960

is this same??


>> No.6223963


this is why people who post fits never come here

>> No.6223968

>bought some vans x wtaps for really cheap on rakuten
>shipping: $100
u wot m8, cancelled 5 minutes after the shipping e-mail

>> No.6223975


those are really cool pants, but a completely different cut. the bigger ones have big pleats in the front, a small, high waist, and a wide leg.

>> No.6223978

lol ya some ppl put up rly cheap stuff then make shipping expensive

>> No.6223982


its funny because the short asian dudes i know all dress better than me, im not even tall, im 5'9'' but its funny how people think its even relevant. your body just has to be thin in proportion to your height so you can wear anything.

>> No.6224007


but they don't care about clothes/fits

all they care about all stuff like height etc

we are in the most insecure place, the worst place

that is why this will never be known as a good place for fashion, people from other boards can just come here and say nonsense w/o thinking, that doesn't happen on places like sufu/sz

ALL the shitposters are crossposters

>> No.6224016

Seconding the short Asian, excellent fits concurrence rate.


>> No.6224043


yeah there def. is a lot of insecurity here, which is weird to me because i am not really attracted to fashion from a "self-improvement" type of standpoint, i just think garments are really an interesting type of product, and sort of an art project that you get to do with your body each day. And yeah i realize /fa/ will never be a good forum for fashion, but i kind of like its immediacy. When i want to read the opinions of people who have credibility in regards to clothing, i tend to read posts on sz or sufu. /fa/ is a separate entity to me.

>> No.6224073

if this kid wasn't so short his fits would be dope

>> No.6224095




>> No.6224108

o shit historian nigga u still layin down the law

>> No.6224120

>which is weird to me because i am not really attracted to fashion from a "self-improvement" type of standpoint, i just think garments are really an interesting type of product, and sort of an art project that you get to do with your body each day.

well said, for me it used to be about making myself "look better" but now it's so much more for me.

>> No.6224187

w2c dem kicks

>> No.6224682
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>> No.6224686
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>> No.6224689
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>> No.6224695
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>> No.6224723

i think i remember this being posted in a waywt

>> No.6224748


not here, the sufu one

>> No.6224788

I love doing it, but he isn't doing it right. You're right when you say people leave it too long, I always roll it 4 times so it just looks an extra large shirt from the back.