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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 300 KB, 720x960, jamie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6219908 No.6219908 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tinny consistently the best dressed trip on this board? I think so.

>> No.6219917

He's cute, but dresses like a basic bitch.

>> No.6219915

He's alright, but eh.

>> No.6219922

do I smell a fit battle?

>> No.6219930

gib me some better dressed trips.

>> No.6219927

his shoes look like something you find at the bottom of the racks at H&M

>> No.6219928

lol um

>> No.6219933

gets negged hard on sufu

>> No.6219938

yeah i saw that lol, i like his megaman icon though!

>> No.6219934


>> No.6219945

so no?

>> No.6219957


>> No.6219962

would you rather be pozzed? :-)

>> No.6219968

what doesn't these days.

>> No.6219966


>> No.6219976
File: 264 KB, 612x612, 7685765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, casemods is the best dressed up trip on this board.


>> No.6219986
File: 93 KB, 663x477, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sp/ bro here, I usally lurk but don't post. However tinfoil is one of the nicer tripfriends. /fa/ posters in general seem to be on the nasty side compared to other boards, perhaps because of insecurity, but tinfoil is never rude or impolite to anyone. For that reason alone he is my favorite tripfriend. Few things are more fashionable than being a polite gentleman.

>> No.6219995

Nobody here is actually mean I don't think

>> No.6219993


Same with void, i've never seen a rude comment from him.

>> No.6220003

he dress's like a maritime Canadian #yikes #whoa

>> No.6220007

>can't handle the banter
>we're the insecure ones

>> No.6220006


basedprophet and james are dicks

>> No.6220031

i swear to god
you need to be euthanized

>> No.6220038

I know I'm a basic bitch, I don't try to say I'm not.

>> No.6220041

I don't blame James. He's stretched pretty thin these days

>> No.6220045

>gets rattled by the mention of the word banter
confirmed for being unable to handle the banter

>> No.6220048
File: 213 KB, 445x465, 1343127415408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tinfoil's outfits consist completely of topman & asos-core
>best dressed trip on this board

>> No.6220049

who cares

>> No.6220053

post a fit yourself
i know you're not going to

>> No.6220054

fucking kid looks like a typical highschooler in the UK

>best dressed

fuck out of here

>> No.6220051


looks better in asos & topman than you ever will xD

>> No.6220058

best dressed trip
yeah theres a difference
99% of trips suck dick

>> No.6220071

What do you think happened after ferris bueller wrecked his dads car?

>> No.6220070
File: 316 KB, 706x979, !HATEDjgkJA .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hated is easily superior

>> No.6220076

Shut up Tinfoil
I envy your beauty ;_;

>> No.6220077

A lot of the good trips are gone to be fair. Tin doesn't talk shit and actually contributes.

>> No.6220095

that's based/hated? shit why doesn't he post more in sufu waywt!? that outfit is dope.

>> No.6220729

he consistently looks horrible.

>> No.6220742


like who? still a lot of decent trips around

twerk, user/void, mifune, nig, shruggs when he's not being completely autistic

>> No.6220745
File: 7 KB, 269x215, varg-vikernes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220747


whats tinny's username on sufu

>> No.6220752
File: 833 KB, 354x270, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220756
File: 30 KB, 658x209, 347385634343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a mod deleted his last fit because he makes huge images

>> No.6220764


doesn't look like enough of a nhilistic heroin addict in the face to really be the best dressed of all of us.

>> No.6220766

w2c pants

>> No.6220772

whats he doing in the middle of the street he's going to get run over.

>> No.6220795

stop posting about yourself you narcissistic little shit

>> No.6220816


yeah ofc, why would you want people to think your outfits are shitty?

>> No.6220829

void is the best-dressed though. There's honestly not even a comparison. Probably has the best wardrobe too, except for maybe Mif.

>> No.6222339

>Dress jacket

Forever rustled.

>> No.6222741

oh no. mah imaginary basic bitch fashion rules!