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/fa/ - Fashion

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6218632 No.6218632 [Reply] [Original]

That 7/10 girl who thinks she can be a model.

>> No.6218642


>> No.6218646

>implying not

>> No.6218643

That 4/10 autist who thinks asos and zara make him look good and buys a&f fierce because he thinks it will make pleb bitches like him

>> No.6218644

>that 300lb chick who spends 2 hours on her hair, makeup, and outfit every morning

>> No.6218649

>Not giving her the dick to make her feel valued

>> No.6218650

that's deep dude

>> No.6218653


>> No.6218654

>that hick that plays dress up in his moms curtains

>> No.6218677

srsly the amount of munters who think they're fit is unreal. i actually just went straight up and told this girl the other night 'you are not fit' because she had a face like a rat's ass and was doing sexy dancing and shit


>> No.6218685

>that girl who could easily be 9/10 if she lost some body fat but too scared to tell her to lose weight

>> No.6218688
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>> No.6218692



>> No.6218697

you guys are fucking autistic

>> No.6218698
File: 879 KB, 229x188, 1369357464746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this much of a dick for no reason
>being this autism
>being a worthless trip


>> No.6218704

You only say that when yeah are acting cocky, not having fun.

>> No.6218701


were you mad at her getting attention?

>> No.6218702

>tfw this is like a shit ton of girls

>> No.6218715

>dat 4/10 girl who keeps chatting you on facebook asking for the cock
>dat 7/10 who could look 9/10 if she didn't dress like shit
>dem ugly girls in fashion clubs on campus
>dat rich kid who can afford rick, doma etc, but has no interest in clothes and dresses like shit

>> No.6218723

>having to point out that someone is autistic

That's pretty autistic anon.

>> No.6218716
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>girls who walk around in black leggings and white low cut shirts thinking they are anything above 5/10

>> No.6218725
File: 10 KB, 182x276, le edgy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cool bro

>> No.6218727


>> No.6218729

is that a rick jacket?

>> No.6218731

>having to point out that having to point out that someone is autistic

That's pretty autistic x2 anon.

And now I'm autistic x3.

And now that I'm self conscious about it, it's infinite autism.

>> No.6218743

Now you're infinitely autistic with me.
No, actually, you're even more autistic.

>> No.6218745


>> No.6218737


>> No.6218740
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 28902-the-curse-of-monkey-island-windows-screenshot-governor-elaine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat girls in leggings




no one wants to see that

>> No.6218747
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>pointing out people's autism for pointing out autism
>being metautistic

>> No.6218762


I love the story behind this pic

>> No.6218763

>fat girls in leggings
>fat girls in skinny jeans
It's so hard not to look and be disgusted.
I don't even know what to do when it happens. Usually I just look at one of my friends and make a sort of
>holy shit I'm about to burst from laughter

>> No.6218756

lol this.
fat girls always have such nice hair.
Like that hides how they look or something

If they spent the time they do their hair/makeup on exercising they would look 1000x better.

>> No.6218770

>caring this much about being called autistic

>> No.6218775

But anon, exercising means that they would have to sweat a bit and get tired. Also, giving up the great and holy based McD is impossible.

>> No.6218782

Theres a fat girl in one of my classes who has quite a pretty face but is chubby as fuck.
If she lost weight she would look so good, be a solid 8/10 or more.
Instead she carries on being an ugly pig

>> No.6218783
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>tfw you see a girl with a muffin top sticking out 4" past the top of her jeans
>matching 4" muffin top around her bra

>> No.6218793

what are you even talking about you autism?

>> No.6218796
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>caring this much about people caring about others' autism
>being reflexively autistic

>> No.6218797

please tell it, because this thread sucks dick

>> No.6218803

like ur mom

>> No.6218808

Autism gave me an IQ of 144 but I can't do jack shit with it and that makes me sad

>> No.6218810

>being autistic

>> No.6218811
File: 808 KB, 207x207, 1369274323858.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's a zoomed in pic of some twerp who bought one of those korean autistjackets and then posted it either here or mfa

>> No.6218819

>implying that means anything
i made 2 tests 1 scoring 155 and the other one 109

>> No.6218815

Are you in my class?
There's this absolute qt3.14 in my class who basically has it all, except, she's kind of yeah. It's a real shame because she's a total fucking qt:
>fun to be around
>easy to talk to
>sarcastic little cunt
If only she'd lose a bit, I'd probably try.

>my sides
That's fucking spot on what describes disgust and humor.
Just yesterday I saw one of these horrid beasts.

>> No.6218816

I mean to some people it feels empowering, but I always feel like I am below expectations all the time so I just procrastinate and browse 4chan

>> No.6218820

He just bought it to see how it looks and he posted the pics to see what people had to say.
It's fucking hilarious what the internet does sometimes.

>> No.6218823



Someone posted an informative "This is why you shouldn't wear Yes Style" post, with a picture of that guy in his shitty yes style jacket on /r/malefashionadvice

He posted a massive essay about how he's buttmad that /fa/ is taking the piss out of him, /r/MFA laughs at him, /fa/ laughs at him.

>> No.6218825

Not legit aspergers, but TONS of syndromes.
Never got diagnosed because nobody really noticed.

>> No.6218827

what the actual fuck is this

>> No.6218834


>> No.6218835


>> No.6218849

No. Oh well, at least we're both in the same "situation".
There's not really anything to do is there though? It's not like we could tell her
>pls less
Maybe by sort of, saying
>"wow, this girl looks great"
about some qt skinny girl? I have no clue, I'm just hoping that somethings going to happen this Summer.

>> No.6218855

>>fat girls
>no one wants to see that
edited 4 brevity bruhbruh

>> No.6218871


"That fat girl who would be a solid 8/9 out of 10" is a common situation brah. Feels bad man.

>> No.6218885
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feels really bad man
oh god now I'm really thinking about how well she could look as a qt3.14 slim babbe

>> No.6218905

I dated a girl who was 6/10 tumblr slut that was like 5"5 with steve buscemi eyes that thought she could be a model because she took 200 photos of her collarbones on photobooth

>> No.6218912

Good female height in general but not for modeling no.

>> No.6218921


5'2 in GOAT height for a girl

>> No.6218931

pedpphile in denial

>> No.6218935

1.63m is GOAT, that's like 5'3

>> No.6218941

post greentext story

>> No.6218944

speaking of girls and models
i really appreciate beauty in all ages
like i'd see a really beautiful girl maybe like 10 or 11 and her beauty is just so inspiring, i can't stop looking at her
same goes for males, no im not gay or bi
i just really appreciate beautiful ppl
is anyone else like this
anyone know these feels
or am i weird

>> No.6218945

Yeah, I like short girls. This girl thought her steve buscemi eyes made her unique and precious like Allison Harvard. She added random people off of 4chan and tumblr and they would tell her she was pretty for nudes so she had an inflated ego.

>> No.6218940

tfw touched a model's boob

>> No.6218947

x-ray plz

>> No.6218953


did she enjoy it?

>> No.6218960

I don't see it in children because most kids are qt3.14 anyway, what's the point?
But seeing some lovely beautiful hunk walk down the street, well, I gotta check 'im out -- no homo.

>> No.6218962

Had the chance to grind with this model on the dance floor. I have aspergers tho so I said no and sat alone for like 40 minutes. She is a cunt tho and is boring as fuck. She yammers on about how she hates the fashion industry and how she spends all her money on weed.

>> No.6218979
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>> No.6218980


she got dat ass tho?

>> No.6218977

>this fucking fuccboi could have chilled with a qt3.14 model and gotten high with her and explored each others bodies like never before has anyone even look more liked in the world not even in south america and they have seen some shit you know just think of how columbus fucked shit up i mean come on brah he just came over with his boat and was like sup and took it over but then again he did bring syphilis so it all worked out in the end

>> No.6218983

start dating her and then get her to work out with you B)

>> No.6218989


dafuq xd..

>> No.6218995

le xd le i kno rigt

>> No.6218999
File: 665 KB, 1428x890, clothesgetweirder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure she had a boyfriend so she just wanted 2 dance lmao it wasntthat cool plus im a 4/10 so its not liek she wanted da dick

>> No.6219006

That kid's face - I swear


I'd hate to be notorious for having bought piss-poor knock off

>> No.6219019
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>> No.6219020

You still could have tried man. Grinded that ass, sat as close as you could next to her, slowly put your hand on her lap and moved it up while you told the fuccgirl what she wanted to hear, leaned in as close as you could and just as you were about to reach her vajajay whispered:
>i'll show you the world fuccgirl

>> No.6219022

That guy who wears cardigans over graphic shirts

That fat chick with blue/pink hair and a piercings or tattoos thinking she's fashionable because she wears tumblrcore tshirts

That chubby chick that thinks she's hot because her ass is fat and her tits are relatively big (due to fatness)

That guy wearing bright yellow aeropostal tshirt with blright blue aeropostal hoodie, worn out jeans and soccer shoes

>> No.6219032

Lmao trust me u dont understand how ugly i am she's a friend of a friend thats why she even talking to me

she isnt even fa irl she wears stupid ass slayer shirts and shit bcuz shes a metalhead!!!!1

>> No.6219035


>> No.6219041


>Not fucking ugly girls anyway

>> No.6219053

She was talking to you, meaning, she had at least some sort of interest in you.

No, no, he's saying that he's the ugly one not her.

>> No.6219055

You just don't know the word muffin top.

>> No.6219047

shes not ugly im the ugly one

>> No.6219058

That socially awkward autist who thinks wearing designer sneakers with uniqlo basics makes him superior

>> No.6219060

used my CSI training to find this


>> No.6219066

Trust me 100% fact she was in no way interested in me and enevr will b no matter what i could have done i just got that tism

>> No.6219082

Don't put yourself down, anon! If you actually believe you're an ugly piece of shit who doesn't deserve some sweet sweet hot qt model tail, then fuck -- you don't deserve shit. You can get it all, just believe that you are worthy of it. You have to truly believe that you're not some lowlife shitfuck who deserves a single 2/10 and then it's off to the suburbs. Man the fuck up, anon.

>> No.6219096

My friend who does PUA says the same thing 2 me!!!!!

I already got a 6/10 tumblr slut so I've achieved well beyond a 2/10

>> No.6219093

That bulking guy who attends Imperial College and always wears his navy Aeropostale hoody that makes him look laughable.

>> No.6219101

But why settle for some shit you don't want?

>> No.6219107

That fat guy who has a mad men tier hairstyle - not a hair out of place but looks and dresses like shit

>> No.6219110


ICL? Is there even Aeropostale in the UK?

>> No.6219112

>Implying I think of myself as superior
>Implying I'm not so self conscious that I know no matter what I wear most people won't care
>Implying I'm not so self conscious that I know most people think I'm homosexual and I'd be better off wearing aeropostal
>that feel when I broke up with a chick for wearing shit clothing and refusing to take advise

>> No.6219119

Because I can only get what wants me and the best i can do is 6/10 tumblr slut. This is a very deep convo very powerful its changing my life. I will ask out this 10/10 rich bitch who lives in West Van!!

>> No.6219120


You mean with a parting to the side and swept over? I've been wearing that for like 4 yeas and suddenly it's a trend, fuck.

>> No.6219122

Good for you, buddy!

>> No.6219126


its fine if youre not fat, ugly or have no dress sense tho - possibly a bit tryhard if youre under 25

>> No.6219128
File: 54 KB, 540x960, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your brother is a model and he got the mod genetics and green eyes ;_;

>> No.6219129

Yes, but BioBro bought everything to hide his gains.

>> No.6219135

wow thanks i bet she will say yes jst bcuz im configent !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6219136


It really suits me, but I can't think of another cut that would suit me as well.
Shame every single generic chino wanker is wearing it.

>> No.6219140

That's your brother?

>> No.6219160


>tfw on /fa/
>tfw wish there was at least single poster that was beautiful
>tfw even online i can only interact with uggos

>> No.6219180

f-fuck you t-t-too anon

>> No.6219239

>those nerds on /fa/ who buy Rick Owens even though it looks like shit

>> No.6219270

>implying anyone buys Dick Ovens
>implying he isn't the laughing stock of the fashion world

>> No.6219277

there are maybe 7 people on /fa/ who own something by rick

>> No.6219374

He isn't even aesthtic, what is this?

>> No.6219393

>that fat girl who dresses up as a pinup girl and thinks she dresses 2deep4u
>that nigger who buys g&c and loui V and all the bitches like him
>that poorninja who carries a guitar with him everywhere he goes

>> No.6219423

that's.. not what fit means though.

>> No.6219441

it's slang in another culture.

>> No.6219446

it does in chavland

>> No.6219442

another area* fuck

>> No.6219452
File: 148 KB, 652x637, why.. just why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6219467

Ugh - you're an idiot. Fit means attractive - basically, and that is seriously some of the most basic Non-US slang that there is

>> No.6219472
File: 120 KB, 500x333, J8K3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6219507

oh god the ugly le fashion club girls, boy do I hate them.

They have a lisp 1/2 the time, and think being fashionable means wearing a shit ton of accessories.

>> No.6219526

/r/ the bald version of this

>> No.6219537
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>> No.6219549


>tfw your gf tells you that you can easily be a model
>tfw you're happy that she tells you this but you know it's false since you're 6'4, kinda hairy, and don't have 9/10 facial aesthetics.

>> No.6219620

>implying any models have 9/10 facial aesthetics

>> No.6219632

...No. Fit means you're in shape, it doesn't mean that you're attractive.

That's like calling apples oranges.

>> No.6219637

fuck it's even the most shit on thing here, "hurr get in shape go back to /fit/"... FIT.

fit /=/ attractive.

>> No.6219672


>> No.6219684

>5'5" 7/10 chick thinks she can model

maybe at H&M HAHAHAHAHAHAH UFUS ofhge8wiaf

>> No.6219694
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enjoy your filter

>> No.6219700

As if conversing with morons was something I enjoyed. You said nothing in retort

>> No.6219705

I broke up w/ a chick for the same reason not too long ago tbh

>> No.6219730

Holy shit - you are seriously a fucking idiot.

Words have more than one definition, and let me tell you, "fit" was thrown around as attractive before it referred to slang for an outfit on this site. You go on british kids myspaces ten years ago, and you would see the word "fit" as a comment incessantly

If I said "fit" meant "hot" - would that be easier to understand

It's used more in the UK

>> No.6219743

It's funny because you think you're the one that's right when in actuality, you are the one that's wrong. Other people attempted to inform you. He shouldn't have to give you a "retort" when it's just that simple.

You can lead a retard to water, but you can't make it shut the fuck up. 2/10 for making me type this.

>> No.6219785

>he shouldn't have to justify his inane usage of words
kay, go on filter me, I won't argue with people like you.

I understand that you use it as slang for attractive and yes words do have double meanings but why use a slang word that is so closely related to something associated with it?

And you clearly recognize the difference, in the context of this conversation, between a fit person and an attractive person, so I'd ask you, what do you call someone with both those qualities? A fit fit person?

That doesn't sound stupid to you? If it doesn't then I won't dispute it.

>> No.6219803

>hurr durr why is slang slang

well i dont fucking know genius i didnt invent it

got damn ur retarded

>> No.6219832

So you perpetuate things that you find stupid yourself... yet you say, "ur retarded".


>> No.6219853
File: 494 KB, 500x259, UCmgsiS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like me
You mean people that are correct? I wouldn't argue with those types either. Also:

>I understand that you use it as slang for attractive

>...No. Fit means you're in shape, it doesn't mean that you're attractive.

So make up your mind. Are you stupid? Or are you to the point where you actually googled it and are trying to save face by asking retarded questions that make no sense? Most people out of the 6th grade are capable of using context clues to figure out what meaning is implied by the use of a word in the sentence.

>> No.6219882

How can you be correct by saying nothing in opposition there of?

And no, I stated I understood the double meanings of words, and I understood why he used it now that I know it's slang which is evident if you knew basic English.

My question is why use a slang word that already has meaning to something relative to it already and I showed as to why it was inane.

And again, I didn't want to argue with you because you just babble about nothing and throw insults (especially as your initial response; clearly you're a well adjusted person) around without actually adding anything to the conversation. So again, bye.

>> No.6219886


>> No.6219932

I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase on this one:

You're an idiot, you attempted to save face on the fact that you were a literal retard some half-hour ago, and you ask ridiculous questions (a fit fit person?) to perpetuate the fact that you're just trying to call the issue on a technicality, and in the mud that would be your brain matter, that somehow makes you right.

You were wrong, someone else was right, if you realized that was the case in the first place, we wouldn't still be here.

Enjoy life being ignorant, at least you're savvy with your words.

>> No.6221997

>implying I'm a 4/10
>implying I'm autistic

>> No.6222134

same here.
i sometimes think its weird to look at really beautiful ppl :/

>> No.6222147
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>> No.6222286 [DELETED] 
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not posting the improved version

>> No.6222297
File: 936 KB, 936x936, 1369355886292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the improved version

>> No.6222328

what the fuck is this
I literally felt molested whilst viewing this

>> No.6222333


>> No.6222657

Oh god, the horror

>> No.6222665


>> No.6222676

Alexander Wang Bomber from F/W 12
