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/fa/ - Fashion

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6215617 No.6215617 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have to pleb down their attire since they live in a fucking retarded neighborhood?

I have to wear basic shit because I'll look like a dumbass if I wore a pair of redwings into wally world.

>> No.6215621

>conforming to plebs around you

you are worse than them

>> No.6215631

Red Wings aren't some massive statement piece, they're nice, but basic.
You shouldn't feel uncomfortable in Red Wings...

>> No.6215632

redwings are work shoes
cant get more pleb approved than that

>> No.6215630

I go in wearing 2-3k in clothing and don't feel retarded because everyone just sees me waiting in line with like 1 random ass item I happened to need.

Usually like tooth paste or deodorant. That's about all I ever go get from there sometimes.

Or school/office supplies.

>> No.6215636

>mfw wearing black jeans and pea coat in mcdonalds and get laughed at by pack of niggers in my bum fuck nowhere town

>> No.6215634


>> No.6215640
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I don't. I am a black guy on a white town/neighborhood and I stick out like a sore thumb. So I just push it to the limit and the honkeys eat it

>> No.6215645

This. I live in California where no one cares about fashion, but I still wear Rick Owens and Raf Simmons.

>> No.6215669

if that's you you're pretty qt, op

>> No.6215687

I lived in a small town in high school and dressed how I wanted. My friends didn't mind. I'm in a small town now and feel self conscious when people stare at my pastel pink lipstick or high platforms, so I've started wearing more neutral coloursand only flat shoes on the Cobblestone

>> No.6215751

Pfft I just wear what I want. Sloppily dressed people don't usually care and I don't care about them either, but it feels good to always get compliments by the more fashion forward side of society.

>> No.6215898
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more like you don't have enough confidence to be yourself and care about other peoples opinions

>> No.6215902

i'd rather not get mugged
around here if you're not wearing tims you're a faggot

yes, and thank you lol

>> No.6215905
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It's honestly more of a physical harm thing, people get fucked up around here for almost anything, can't even wear a damn button up in some places

>> No.6215915

where do you live?

>> No.6215919

pennsylvania mothafucka

>> No.6215961

east PA?

>> No.6215987

western actually

>> No.6216002

My parents live in northeast Philadelphia. I'm pretty frequently called a faggot when I come home from college. As well as smaller cases of physical shit like food thrown. If you don't wear baketball shorts and a phillies shirt you're asking or trouble, and depending where it'll get you robbed/spit on/etc, as people have tried. Normally I feed off of it (I have an intense hatred for this place) but sometimes i don't feel like dealing with it and wear workout clothes or less slim jeans.

Funniest thing is my style is pretty far from gay. Rawls red wings plaid kinda guy.

>> No.6216014

wow, that's awful. i just don't dress that well because it makes me self conscious. i've taken to just buying really well made basics

>> No.6216053

>i've taken to just buying really well made basics

Wish the wannabe /fa/ kiddies approached their highschools this way rather than some dumb bullshit about being confident and dgaf. The context is always relevant to a fit, even in a fashion friendly zone.

>> No.6216107


>> No.6216127

Why would you let strangers affect your life in any way?

Full plen.

>> No.6217687

Not everyone lives with mommy and daddy in the la suburbs fucciboy

>> No.6217703

i live in miami. its a good mix of people who dress well and pretend thugs. never had any problems.

>> No.6217715

lol i remember that time when i thought buying a pair of brown boots to wear casually was a good idea too

>> No.6217716

I'm 22 in southern Indy and i rock dadcore daily, fuck what others think. Fashion should be for yourself.

>> No.6217733

I feel a bit out of place in say, the supermarket or doctor's office. But then the women are nice and friendly when you dress dapperly so it pays off.

>> No.6217750
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I'm not even going to tell you where to go back to.

>> No.6217771


>(typically of a man) neat and trim in dress, appearance, or bearing.

You really get that upset over words, anon?
Then again, you bother to save pictures like those so why do I even ask.

>> No.6217768

yeah philly fuckin sucks

>> No.6217776
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red wings are quintessentially blue collar, which is unfortunately pretty plebeian. not only that, but they're pretty famous amongst blue collar workers who don't like to slowly waste their money by repurchasing their boots constantly. not only is this thread shallow ("i am better than other people because i think i like nice clothing"), insecure ("but i won't wear it because i don't want the same people i look down upon to dislike me"), it's also based on a flawed premise.

>> No.6217785
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>> No.6217786

are you in bloomington? if so that is completely completely different than any other part of southern indy

>> No.6217799
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Oh swell. Resorting to macros.

>> No.6217811

>Anyone else have to pleb down their attire since they live in a fucking retarded neighborhood?

no i just let them stare whatever
i dont dress 2 impress or please them or anything
let them laugh

>> No.6217814

shut the fuck up you liar

>> No.6217826



>> No.6217834


>> No.6217864

ahh, comforting to know someone in the same situation.

>> No.6217887

Honestly I don't know what it is but a black dude can wear the most ridiculous shit and I think it looks great.

>> No.6217899


>> No.6217962


thinking 500 dollar boots are blue collar in western pennsylvania.
this and always this

>> No.6217963

What about grocery shopping? Or do you live with parents? girl/boyfriend perhaps?

>> No.6217975

I always either feel like people around me have no idea what they're doing, or that I am a gigantic pleb.

>tfw going into Burger King and some guy is wearing a full designer version of what you're wearing and pulls it off a million times better than you.

>> No.6217982

really, no one goes walking around buying yams in a fucking 600 dollar suit.

>> No.6218009

I walk into the store, buy a 1 litre carton(tetra pak) of yoghurt, go pay and walk out and around town while drinking it, while wearing clothes for more than 600$

A suit on the other hand, no matter what the cost, is where you are right. I haven't seen anyone go into a store with a suit and buy anything like that. It would probably look silly.

>> No.6218043

I see a couple of businessmen but that's about it.

>> No.6218058

It's honestly not about that, like I said people here will fucking mug you or some shit just for wearing some nice stuff, they'll know you have moneys.

>> No.6218060
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>> No.6218074

Oh! Now I get it.

>> No.6218098

>does anyone else dress like shit because they're afraid of being judged by other people who dress like shit


>> No.6218107

lain :)))

>> No.6218124

You always post that. What is your reason? Is lain your favorite series as well?