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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 345x146, 1369173114311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6200866 No.6200866 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is auto-saging

>> No.6200880
File: 1.42 MB, 794x864, IMG_0470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually sunny today for a difference.

Anyways, here's my attempt at ripping off a fit from a film.

>> No.6200884


Belt is too large for you. Shirt seems to have some room int he shoulders, too. THe combination of colors and textures is fine, though.

>> No.6200892

w2c glasses?

>> No.6200902

They are Ray Ban Olympians RB4109, they don't make them anymore I think, found them on eBay.

Thanks, I'm going to go look for a belt that matches the watch and shoes colour-wise tomorrow so I'll try to find something smaller. I think the shoulders are just my shitty posture.

>> No.6200914

Gosling in Crazy, Stupid Love?

>> No.6200916

It looks good, belt's a bit bulky and ugly, I don't like the leather on both the belt and the watch, the watch itself isn't really that good looking anyways, shirt has room in the shoulders as stated by another anon, not really liking the way you rolled up your sleeves too, I like the glasses but you could do better with some tortoise clubmasters with that great face shape and jawline. Otherwise it's pretty good, really like the fit overall

>> No.6200925

yessir, sadly I'm not as qt as him though.

Thanks, I might look into getting the shirt tailored then.

>> No.6200934

>pulp fiction poster
>les paul
>ryan gosling-core

pls be in london

>> No.6200947
File: 584 KB, 1200x1600, 2013-05-22 14.37.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6200949

sorry bro :(

>> No.6200987


>> No.6200990

not sure why you bothered to post this m8

>> No.6200993

post a fit fuccbois

>> No.6201021

post fit cakeboi

>> No.6201058


>> No.6201077

If you're asking if that's my name it's not.

>> No.6201102
File: 47 KB, 542x714, may22outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing too exciting but thought I'd contribute anyway.

Belt is a little bulky and call me a prude but you could probably do up another button on your shirt. That said, I like your overall look (especially those teal pants) and taste in films so keep it up.

Very basic, fine for lounging around but I don't really get any insight into your person style.

>> No.6201115

p-pl-s b-be l-ll-lon-ndo-n-n

>> No.6201125

pls.... bein london pls

>> No.6201133

lets see the back

>> No.6201134

I would do up all the buttons in the world for that waistline.

I like the look, nice contrast between the top and skirt and the shoes lovely

Pls be in Cambridge

>> No.6201142

lets see the back

>> No.6201139

Sorry but no. Any thoughts on what I'm wearing though?

>> No.6201144

hipster-tier trash
do you honestly go outside in public looking like this?

>> No.6201145


too costumey

>> No.6201146

post f-feet p-p-lease

>> No.6201148


>> No.6201152

I like the colors and everything fits, post back? What shoes, where to cop

>> No.6201171

Thank you, I like the combination of navy and yellow myself.

What do you find hipsterish about it?

Thanks for the opinion, what strikes you as costumey about it?

They're from Aldo, I got them as a gift awhile back but they might still be in stock in some stores. Happy hunting :)

>> No.6201182

Nice fit I like the shades. get a belt that matches the watch though thats pissing me off

basic bitch


>> No.6201201

Can we see the back or not?

>> No.6201209

Sorry, my roommate has just come in with her boyfriend and would tease me relentlessly (although granted, rightfully so) if she knew what I was up to. So no more pictures, sorry.

>> No.6201213

ugly heels
next time don't hold in your breath

>> No.6201215


>> No.6201217

that is a bizarre silhouette you've created

and i mean that in a good way

>> No.6201220

lose the belt and those moles and youre a 10/10

>> No.6201222

That's alright

wear to cop whole fit?

>> No.6201235

I though this was slater until I expanded the pic

looking like slater is a bad thing btw

>> No.6201230

you a trap anyway

>> No.6201238


>> No.6201239

Haha, thanks. I'm going to go looking for a new belt tomorrow.

I hate the moles though, the worst part is knowing that regardless of how much effort I put in they will never go away ;__;

>> No.6201248

>21st century
>not getting facial blemishes removed by a doctor

>> No.6201255
File: 193 KB, 640x400, 1368823482397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I'm broke and in all likelihood always will be, surgery costs like £2000 per mole.

>> No.6201257

Appreciate the feedback, I personally like the shoes but I could see why they don't suit everyone.

Thanks, I am definitely a fan of an exaggerated silhouette.

Shirt was a basic tee from H&M that I sewed into the sweetheart neckline, skirt is a vintage one off of Ebay.

>> No.6201263

I have a few drag queen friends and they are some of the most fun people I know so I take that as a compliment but tragically I am a natural girl.

>> No.6201266

Keep the moles, they have a certain charm about them.

>> No.6201269

you can get them done surgically (leaves a barely noticable scar but its free depending on your country tho ) or with laser.
i have huge moles on my face and hopefully getting them done in a few months

i advise you to get them done surgically as you wont be able to tell if they were malignant by getting them done with laser

healing lasts 2 months and if scarring would be a problem , you can get that shit done with laser too

my 2 cents

>> No.6201273

but slater was fooken juciy so I'll choose to take it as a compliment.

Thanks anon!

>> No.6201278
File: 65 KB, 960x716, 486448_4398497245150_1789370227_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close, it's much cheaper in California anyways.

pls be in london
pls make clothes and sell

>> No.6201277

I live in UK and from what I know it's only free if the doctor thinks it might be a tumour.

>> No.6201283

Cross your fingers and hope it's not malignant then

>> No.6201292

r u the qt3.14 with the non-existent waistline. If so I will put them in a jar and send them to you. <3 <3 <3

>> No.6201291

try to shittalk your way in

>> No.6201293

>few drag queen friends
>not a trap

>> No.6201298


Don't worry mate, embrace your moleiness.

>> No.6201314

Yeah keep telling yourself that

>> No.6201318

I do a little modeling and you'd be hard pressed to find a hair dresser who doesn't like to spend a Saturday channeling his inner Liza.

>> No.6201323

>Don't worry mate
unless youre okay with skin cancer

>> No.6201336

>it surely denies the fact that youre hiding a sausage between those nice legs
id still fuck you tho

>> No.6201340

That's actually pretty cool, I got my moleiness from my father and he is 55 but barely looks 40, plays tennis daily and still benches way more than me so I guess that makes sense.

I wonder if you get the moles removed if you still keep the aging advantage?

>Implying cancer isn't /fa/

>> No.6201345

>moles make you age slower

ohahaohdahoahohaoahaaaaaahhhh okay

>> No.6201342

top lel

>> No.6201378
File: 274 KB, 705x1174, usuallywhatimdressedin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer strikes again. I am really afraid these sneakers won't do it and I should start looking for geos in my size. Too bad I was too lazy for it this season.

>> No.6201385

please tell me this a joke

>> No.6201390

nah, raf hi-tops are nice but yeah, geos are better.

>> No.6201400

No I mean your fit. Please tell me the fit is a very good troll attempt.

poorly fitting, buttoned up henley shirt on skinny fat body. The trousers are ok but please get a shirt that fits and either starve yourself or start lifint.

>> No.6201408

>skinny fat body
I don't see any fat m8
A good ol' lifting won't hurt anyone of course.

>> No.6201412
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time poster. Tear me to shreds, /fa/.

>> No.6201411

/fit/ pls go

>> No.6201428

Unfortunately, it's not. Is something wrong?

I guess so. I don't like them with bare ankles.

It isn't. The fit of the tee is meant to be like that: I know my annd size well and it's xs. Do you expect it to be tighter? If so, you should know annd fabric, it's almost transparent so I don't want to flash my nipples to everyone. I appreciate /fit/ comment, and yeah, I am trying to cut my make my abs better, but I really don't think anything at that current photo is screaming "fat". Care to post your body if we are talking on /fit/ terms?

>> No.6201434

>brown laces

all and all boring

>> No.6201432

I like it brah, it's basic but everything seems to fit okay.

If you want me to be fully harsh there are a few improvements to make.
>get a tighter shirt, generally you want as little space between the sleeves and your guns.
>Try rolling up the chinos so that there is no slack between them and the shoes.

>> No.6201442

Flip the fucking picture you fucking asshole. Dickhead.
Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here!

>> No.6201443


>wearing your watch on your right hand


>> No.6201448

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I had a date today so I kinda wanted to play things basic. Will try rolling up the chinos like you said.

>> No.6201450
File: 38 KB, 300x419, ScoobyWilletPose[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go fuccboi

I'm not the guy who posted that but what is a mirror?

>> No.6201455

Uploaded from my phone so my camera did some weird shit. The watch is actually on my left hand but the camera/mirror flipped it.

>> No.6201451

Oh, so you aren't from /fit/, you are from /b/. Go back please.

>> No.6201453

How did it go bro?

>> No.6201457


>> No.6201461

Went pretty good, we've been talking for a while so I wasn't nervous and she's a qt. Probably go out again next week.

>> No.6201472

Are you really THAT retarded? You should lurk moar.

>> No.6201482
File: 37 KB, 420x600, KlkhC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear, If you really want to win her heart next time, take her to a swans concert and go dressed like this, bitches love goffninja

>> No.6201487

god i fucking hate your kind.

>> No.6201527

Too bad all you can do is to be butthurt,

>> No.6201564

Fucking nice.

>> No.6201566

looks pretty nice but get a diff belt

you look like a mannequin. too thin imo the silhouette is nice but the color palette is a little old and unappealing

proportions look quite off to me. nice pieces tho. maybe a longer tee. i think that tee would be better plain rather than a henley

too basic to critique. would look better if the pants were more expensive and fit slimmer. take a risk or something

>> No.6201583

this here proves that /fa/ doesn't care how it actually FITS on the person, they just care about the pieces.

looks fucking terrible. slaggy everything, you're so fucking bitchily skinny and your stance matches it. seriously lift something and no i'm not from /fit/, you just look like a goofball.

>> No.6201589

I think what gives it the costumey vibe is the large printed skirt with that color, but i think it looks really good!
Honestly your skinny enough to model how tall are you? (Not meaning to be creepy)

>> No.6201604

It's not all of /fa/ bro. It's only the autistic edgy 15 year olds.

Or he is samefagging.

>> No.6201609
File: 1.60 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time too. Been lurking for around 2 weeks, so all I can do is mess around with my current wardrobe.

>> No.6201614

Shit you have the same shoes as the other guy. Are those the new converse or what?

Anyways I would say to roll the shorts up a little more. I like the shirt though, might be a bit to big aswell though.

>> No.6201621

but you are samefagging

>> No.6201624

basic, not bad for your current wardrobe (or at least compared to my current wardrobe when i first browsing /fa/ / sufu). everything seems to fit nicely as well.

>> No.6201628
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First fit, be nice

>> No.6201630

talk shit post fit

>> No.6201633


nah I got some random plimsolls for myself for my birthday in february, can't remember where though.

>> No.6201638

>sweater looks kinda whack
>pants are cuffed horribly
>shoes suck

holy shit those are the worst cuffs I've ever seen

>> No.6201645

They weren't cuffed bad earlier, I reput on my shoes to take pic and thy kinda fucked the cuffs up.

>> No.6201648


where should I go from here though?

I guess I don't really know what to buy to get more "effay"

>> No.6201649

lel no

no hoodies
no shitty cuffa
no plastic watches
pls go

>> No.6201651

roll them more than once folding it up and leaving it like that is fucking offensive

>> No.6201664

Don't worry, when I first came to /fa/ my fits sucked too. Just lurk for a while and buy basics.

The shoes are pretty gross.
The hoodie is okay, just not with matching shoes.

Try pinrolling your pants. There's some nice videos on youtube on how to cuff/roll.

>> No.6201670

I was going to tell you to look through WAYWT threads until you get an idea of what looks good but then I realized there's only one even remotely decently dressed guy in this thread.

>> No.6201671

post fit then. oh wait you won't

>> No.6201677
File: 93 KB, 450x293, 1366431680025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted the first one in this thread m8

>> No.6201678

Thanks man for actually being cool about it. What you recommend for basics? Like can you give me a picture or list of all the basics I should have.

>> No.6201679

>no hoodies
i dont think ppl that strictly follow infographics should be allowed to give critique

>> No.6201681

Ooops, meant to reply to >>6201671

>> No.6201694

A dadcore skinnyfat faggot like you with shitty facial aesthetics isn't in a position to say anything, be it criticism or praise.

>> No.6201705


>> No.6201724

Well this infographic helps on color but everyone has their own style and you'll develop your own.

Buy a few basic tees. Stick to basic patterns or solid colors. (Stripes, navy, white, gray)

Chinos, I recommend slim-fit but not everyone likes that look. (Khaki, navy, gray)

Denim jeans, once again I recommend slim fit.

Button shirts. You can't go wrong with these really, just nothing too loud and obnoxious. Linen for a lighter material, oxford for something more structured.

A nice pair of brown leather oxford/derby shoes.
A white pair of plimsoll shoes.

A simple brown belt to match your brown shoes.

A simple black belt.

Socks in basic colors. (White, black, navy, gray)

I may be missing a few things but once you start to develop your own style you will learn what works for you.

>> No.6201728
File: 114 KB, 454x721, Bz13D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot pic.

>> No.6201729

that is seriously the worst infograph

doesn't even have brown or khaki on it

like this isn't even someone's boring style, it's just bizarre

>> No.6201734

I had just noticed that now that you pointed it out. Just confirms that the sticky needs to be taken down.

>> No.6201750


>> No.6201820

>pulp fiction poster
>get compliments

>> No.6201826

>my wardrobe is 90% black
>not even goofninja

Guess I'm just an emo goth, then.

>> No.6201840
File: 31 KB, 454x321, goodshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the guide more modern

>> No.6201850
File: 281 KB, 1402x1199, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6201857

Looking good, dan.
I always appreciate your posts.

>> No.6201863

Thank you master of the eightfold path

>> No.6201878
File: 44 KB, 237x235, thanksdan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6201880

>only one way clothes have to fit someone
>no hoodies
infograph sheep lmao

>> No.6201883


that print is a total disaster

>> No.6201891

I don't like the layering you have going on under that shirt but it's passable overall

>> No.6201906

Cool print m8

>> No.6201909

see like maybe people here would recognize yoru clothes, but anyone on the street would think you look retarded in cheap, baggy sweatshorts like some fuccboi faggot,

and girls will probably laugh at you.

>> No.6201978

I know I would.

I'm a girl btw.

>> No.6201983

im a grill too

>> No.6201986

leave his mantitties alone. his wardrobe is probably worth more than your house dont need to be so jelly

>> No.6201990
File: 294 KB, 1156x820, may22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeans are darker irl

>> No.6202001

I like it, jeans are a bit to skinny for my taste but I understand what you are going for.

>> No.6202002

entirely too tight goddamn how do your nuts breathe? tryna lose your ability to have kids?

>> No.6202007

are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.6202009

The funny part is that I don't even like pulp fiction that much any more and think it's hugely overrated. I put that poster up like 3 years ago when I still had pleb tastes.

>> No.6202011

thx friendo

yeah kids are annoying af

>> No.6202015

>black top and blue jeans
this is my biggest fashion pet peeve

>> No.6202023

what are you talking about i think his shirt is dark charcoal...
its not like hes wearing socks with sandals...now thats a pet peeve youre aloud to rant about

>> No.6202027

I like it, but please, eat something.

>> No.6202059

is this a real person?

>> No.6202063

> would look better if the pants were more expensive

Okay, seriously. Please tell me that you made a mistake, you can´t be serious. You don´t want the pants to be better fitting, longer, shorter, other colour, whatever, but they would look better if they were MORE EXPENSIVE? Holy hell...

>> No.6202083


>> No.6202091

>care what plebs think
I don't care, he probably doesn't as well.

>> No.6202100

Yeah, but that´s bad, even for /fa/

>> No.6202108

yes but even amonst goffninjas he looks laughable. He just looks like some rich kid who bought the most expensive "hip" items he could find and slapped them on with now regards to how they worked together or how they fit him.

>> No.6202153

I like your clothes. What are they? The shorts are Damir Doma, right?

>> No.6202151


You need, as a bare minimum, 40% black.

>> No.6202159

let's see the back

>> No.6202161


Yeah, that's because Cali culture is shallow as fuck.

>> No.6202168

Actually, not. I am a goofninja myself and his fit looks exactly as intended, though I'd change hightops. I wonder how you, obviously without any knowledge about designer items start to discuss it and speak for someone.
It's okay to follow any style, but when you are trying to apply your style "laws" to entirely different, often controversial, fashion - you fail. And you've failed.

>> No.6202196

w2c shirt

>> No.6202198
File: 1.27 MB, 2036x2840, double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6202217

don't buy geos, they won't work with those shorts. buy low tops instead.

>> No.6202223

20th repost already? see this fit eerrryday

>> No.6202221


>> No.6202226

The thumbnail looked boring, but after opening it, I gotta say, I love it. Plain and basic but works awesome. Wish i had a bod like yours...

>> No.6202250


>> No.6202253
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1556, 3RickOwens[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually quite admire goofninja executed well, at the end of the day all any of us really have are opinions, but my opinon that his fit is pretty terrible compared to other similar fits isn't unfounded.

Pic related's clothes actually fit and don't make him look as though he should be breastfeeding.

>> No.6202280

lmao is that andrew mukamal

>> No.6202272


I've seen it on ASOS a few months back

>> No.6202296

3rd time posted in 2 months
swim, swimming helps keep me skinny, but not too skinny

>> No.6202297

>not liking andy

>> No.6202308




>> No.6202309

>tfw andy got so burnt he deleted all his YT
makes me sad tbh

>tfw have to watch life in kell to get my dose of andrew being a attentio whore

>> No.6202315


thanks guise, hope it doesn't look too gay irl

>> No.6202330

> swimming
Wish I would have the confidence to go to a pool

I´ve had the body of a young god before, broke my breastbone, grew fat. Since then I don´t let anyone see me without a shirt, not even during sex and I just can´t get myself to restart training...no matter what. Thanks, though.

>> No.6202332

Now show me a fit with rick sweatshorts.

>> No.6202340

>tfw ur tryna talk about the latest raf owens collection but ur dogs wont stop barking

>> No.6202367
File: 320 KB, 1000x1556, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good fit all right. Just a bit breast fat is literally squeezed out.

>> No.6202370
File: 1.57 MB, 1936x2592, photo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did I do? My shoes match my shirt too closely? Do I look too preppy?

jcp/levi's (belt)/levi's (511)/adidas samba

>> No.6202391

>tfw plan to talk to bf who is recording you about later ~!~!~fashunnnn@~!!~!
>tfw half your vid is composed of you stroking your dog and telling your bf to stop being incompetent w. the cam.
>tfw all the vid you just end up flip flopping your wrist around
>tfw your ass has never been so cush on a golden throne in your penthouse in central NYC

>> No.6202396

shirts with large stripes look childish. the belt is too preppy with the shirts and shoes.

everything fits nice though.

>> No.6202401

nope that was 100% what i meant to say. along with expense typically comes quality. i'm not saying everyone should buy expensive clothes for the sake of owning clothes that are considered "expensive" - but when it comes to a point when your clothes are noticeably cheap, it's an issue.

>> No.6202421

gothninja clothes NEVER meant to be tight except for: blazers and jeans. His fit sucks.

>> No.6202446
File: 209 KB, 765x1280, fitfitfitfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a shitty picture, but it's the best my phone will do.
DBSS high tops, Dior Homme jeans, and a regular shirt...
I ordered some Damir Doma shirts tho and they should be here soon

>> No.6202453


>> No.6202460

Should i taper my jeans , they are a bit wide around my ankles ?

>> No.6202461

r u girl

>> No.6202465

christmas lights?
Overall pretty good fit though. Can't see the shoes well but seems like they work well. Basic fit; jeans and a t shirt. Overall fit is nice. Start getting more adventurous now.

>> No.6202466

umm wrong. "gothninja clothes" doesn't even mean anything. you mean the clothes you see on fits that are regularly reposted in /fa/ "inspo" threads? that's how people decide to style the designers clothes. i own a classic rick tee that is clearly intended to be extremely slim fitting. a lot of the tees from "gothninja" designers are both long and slim and paired with flowy draped pieces

>> No.6202475

i like, jeans and t fit well
are those the regular dbss? look a bit too chunky in this outfit imo

>> No.6202491

how much are those jeans ?

>> No.6202502

I got a big ass dick u can suck if u interested tho

>> No.6202507

I like the fit of the jeans.

>> No.6202531

They are not squeezing your fat out though.

>> No.6202539

> i own a classic rick tee that is clearly intended to be extremely slim fitting
Sorry to disappoint you, that just means you're fat.

>> No.6202568

Christmas lights are chill at night man dnth8
Not sure, they're destroyed goat leather if that helps. I got em used off ebay
$160 used off sufu
Thx, I might get them tapered a bit by the ankle tho

>> No.6202595 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 717x1794, 06 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't have any classes today
wore yesterday's outfit

>> No.6202609

pls stop tripping

>> No.6202620

Let's see the London you fat piece of back

>> No.6202624


>> No.6202627

everything fits well but the shirt is ugly as fukkk

>> No.6202630
File: 933 KB, 717x1794, 06 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt have any classes today
wore yesterdays clothes

>> No.6202632
File: 119 KB, 378x668, Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for shitty quality i cant camera

captcha: sorry erneyiv

>> No.6202641

>Standing on your bed with ur shoes
lmao m8 thats dirty

>> No.6202656

its the basement idc that much
you're right though i shouldnt

>> No.6202667

cant really see much everything fits nicely
not sure about the color of that jacket though

>> No.6202666

That shirt is fucking neat, where from?

>> No.6202673


>> No.6202677

Loving the fit

>> No.6202685
File: 43 KB, 504x626, 1369261843415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some naughty geezer snapped me in the streets. Hit me with a r8 lads.

>> No.6202687

What kind of jacket is that? Very nice fit

>> No.6202693


6(10 w3c sneeks¿¿

>> No.6202696


Looks like utter shit.

>> No.6202708


My m8 Dave lifted them from JD Sports
Give me a bell and I'll nab you a pair for £10

>> No.6202705


Nice set up in the background dan, respect gained.

>> No.6202757

its from this streetwear brand named Freshjive
they don't make that print anymore tho

>> No.6202777

well i'm 6'0" 135lbs, and no its how theyre supposed to fit lol

>> No.6202799

rick has plenty of slim fitting shirts
especially his older designs

>> No.6202803

don't bother replying he's never handled rick and is just trying to get a "le epic ruse" out of you

>> No.6202810


>> No.6202858

Men should not have curves. Those jeans are way too tight.
Bad fit for converse, you look like every jackass I see at school here.
Light jeans are ugly, and besides that god they're so tight! You look bowlegged, why?
I like the shirt and the pack actually.
And that cap... You're hair is sticking out. Looks goofy. Just a bad hat in general really.
I reeeeeally don't like this fit.
Whose clothes are those? They can't be yours, nothing fits. I kinda like it, but maybe it's just because I imagine some scifi future and you're some kind of space hero, perched atop your space bed, watching for alien criminals in your father's old space bounty-hunting gear.
Then I realize I'd toss you a buck if I saw you on the street.

>> No.6202900

>tfw ure afraid of buying underwear online incase the asians qtpie working there wear it and piss in it
partly why i almost never wear underwear

>> No.6202921

w2c patriotism?

>> No.6202930


>> No.6202940

Now you check where his shoulder seams are and understand he is wearing one size too small.

>> No.6202946

What the hell does this even mean?

>> No.6202945

actually, not the guy your insulting, but I have something similar that happens, but I have pretty large (muscular) pecks.

>> No.6202951

>Fuck off fat piece of shit
>Let's see the back
>Pls be in london

some clever (read: autismal) anon thought it would be epic to combine three shitty memes into one shitty meme

>> No.6202977

>and I have pretty large manboobs

>> No.6203004

Are you an ass? That's exactly where they're supposed to fall.

>> No.6203084
File: 29 KB, 241x525, 014_b5244999-c89d-49a5-93c2-acce858f661d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel

>> No.6203091

rickys shirts are meant to accommodate his delts of steel

>> No.6203096

Dat uniqlo thermalwear fit. You call that good? bwahahahahaha

>> No.6203110

it would obviously still be a slim fit a size or 2 larger

what are you even doing

>> No.6203120

top lel

>> No.6203129

Show me slim shorts you were talking about before.

>> No.6203132

completely ignoring ur criticism,
i remember seeing ur fit,
was fucking horrible,
go away

>> No.6203139 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6203145

I bet your fit is worse than his. I mean, it's hard to imagine a fit worse than yours.

>> No.6203156

the only thing that remains consistent about your fits is that theyr on a downward spiral

>> No.6203164

I bet you're pretty good at recognizing those.

>> No.6203168
File: 162 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence saying don't like. Ignore me, I don't mind. Everything on this board is just opinion anyway.
I've posted a pretty shit fit before, but I'm improving.
Actually this might not be great either, not sure how I feel about the rounded Henley collar.

>> No.6203177


>> No.6203192

i cant concentrate on your outfit bc the come hither look in your eyes creeping me out.
from what i can see tho you have improved

>> No.6203196

Not understanding all the hate. Only thing I would change is getting some not-so-tight pants. I like this fit.

>> No.6203202

Bottom half
>lol does Rooke only own one pair of shoes?
Short answer: yes.
U wanna c mor bby?

>> No.6203208

unbutton the top button
trust me, never button a henley all the way
rookie mistake
(lel see wut I did there? but seriously, top button, undo it.)

>> No.6203210

Everything but the shoes looks good. Great for a tee and jeans. Shoes are just too chunky and I'm not really feeling those enormous bricks of black with the rest of your palate.

>> No.6203213
File: 205 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuunking hell forgot pic
iOS 4chan sucks

>> No.6203220

I like it. Would untuck the pants. The consequent bulge at the ankle looks odd next to the flare of the coat.

>> No.6203228

Why do you namefag? You dress like shit.
On that note, keep namefagging so people know when the advice being given is from someone who dresses like shit.

>> No.6203229
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>> No.6203233
File: 63 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw top button is undone
Told you it was weird.
Don't worry, I know how to wear a Henley!

>> No.6203249

whats wrong with pink hoodie for lounging around the house? im wearing sweatpants in that picture too GOD FORBID and im also barefoot.

>> No.6203245

>I know how to wear a Henley
You obviously don't because you got one with a disgusting neckline.

>> No.6203250

what are those? Idk why but from the pic they look like jc penny arizona tier jeans.

>> No.6203263

Not my fault you don't like the neck is weird.
Glad to hear an opinion on it, I'm not sure if I like it. You being a twat about it doesn't help much though.

>> No.6203269

Don't listen to the douchebags, It's not amazing but it's not super bad. But the neck is kinda weird on that shirt.

>> No.6203266

nice shoes + jeans!
do u srs think u can offer any1 good advice wen u dress like that?,
go away

>> No.6203275

damn nigga those are some tight ass jeans

>> No.6203282

hes bisexual so he thinks he can get away with it. true storyy

>> No.6203283

It looks pretty bad honestly, get a different shirt

>> No.6203291

whether he likes dicks or not he still has a dick though, clearly those aren't comfortable in the least bit

>> No.6203299

y do u purposely try to make ppl h8 u?
go away fatty

>> No.6203308

wearing skin-tight jeans are comfy as fuck, it's loose around the waist/crotch

>> No.6203312

Some mediocre brand called Brody. Literally the best jeans I could find, small towns are shit.
Du yo sriusly tink u cn tll me im bad wen u posta fit like dat?
Give up with the drama, just because I can't find top tier clothes doesn't mean I'm not allowed to say what I want on 4chan!
I can even say my own shirt is bad because I'm not blinded by ego.
Sticks and stones etc, stop getting so butthurt.

>> No.6203315

Yeah man it's weird. I put on my baggy work pants and they weigh like twice as much.

>> No.6203316

Looks like Mikey from Recess

>> No.6203321

fucking lol

>> No.6203317

But Stance's fit is better than yours. It's not even close.

>> No.6203319

says skinnyfat faggot
top lel

>> No.6203320

thats good but they look full homo

>> No.6203326

the conclusion is that you both dress bad

>> No.6203333

/fa/ proving once again /fa/ is all plebs

>> No.6203346

>Implying you're not part of /fa/

>> No.6203338

p-post an outfit

>> No.6203343

put ur name back on,

>> No.6203348

but everyone in this thread dresses really badly

its like going to a current body thread on /fit/ and everyone is fat/skinny fat

>> No.6203352

looks like you went to Zumiez

>> No.6203357

I do go there occasionally. The hoody was from pac-sun though.

>> No.6203358

Post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6203366

that honestly wasnt me however I completely agree. certainly something i would say.
i keep getting accused of dropping my name you people know i want credit for everyfknthing i say tho

>> No.6203365

wtf is everyone just ignoring this thread?? why is this happening

go away

>> No.6203386

I thought you were leaving us this week. What happened?

>> No.6203410

idk what youre ref to but no im leaving u guys for good fri. unless ur talking about something diff then its nonyabusiness i dont wanna talk about it

>> No.6203418

I thought you were going to be reunited with your bf on Tuesday and leave us forever. That's what you said or at least that's what someone using your name said.

>> No.6203454

ya he came back yest. shit hit the fan.
but im obliged to stay here till fri anyway. dont even ask

>> No.6203486


>> No.6203519
File: 78 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical fatty style/10

>> No.6204039

I agree completely, and stance your fits are gr8. awesome sense of personal style

>> No.6204055

>Old thread is auto-saging

dear god
please go

>> No.6204057

pls stop with the namefag stuff and trying to give advice, you look like shit. lurk for a few more months and MAYBE come back to it

just piss off for the time being tho

>> No.6204117

you're right you are fat

>> No.6204123

that nail color/polish is gross

>> No.6204193

the waist looks clearly photoshopped... the texture of the wall changes colour drastically around the waist...

why would you do that?

That is unhealthy to distort your own body image like that and you need to seek professional medical advice.

I do however like the skirt.

that's a healthy weight

>> No.6204205

talk shit post fit (I just want to see a Mif fit)

>> No.6204223

mif get past this slump uve been making me sad a lot

>> No.6204269

stances fit is better than yours, you can dislike fits but still acknowledge that they are good.

>> No.6204345

I lol'd. Been toying with more Japan streetwear fits, will post something. Getting a tripod this weekend :)

lol, what are you talking about bruv?

>> No.6204406

looks to me like the light source just falls on her waist, this girl has posted a few photos before that were obviously not shooped. obviously an anorexic with crazy ass proportions though

>> No.6204434

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6204430
File: 1.05 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna suggest me some shoes?

>> No.6204435

she probably photoshopped them too, I'm used to see those sort of inconsistencies, used to do a lot of touching up for photoshoots back in the uni days. Doesn't matter though, she needs to check herself.

>> No.6204440

Damn I love Japan streetwear, looking forward to it. Are you going to take your tripod with you into kmart?

>> No.6204447

sicho bob is that u?

>> No.6204452

>My childhood

>> No.6204456


get your ugly face off of my fucking board or i will hunt you down and murder you

>> No.6204457
File: 138 KB, 403x807, sideshowbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howbout these?

>> No.6204467

maybe, i'm not so sure though. i use photoshop all of the time and it looks just as light around the side of her hip. i also think she upload one up close of her with her measuring her waist, looks pretty legit. anyone have the others of her?

>> No.6204490
File: 43 KB, 423x488, PRODIGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh... do we have to go through this again prodigy?

>> No.6204492

where are the shirt and shorts from?

>> No.6204496

Shirt is Rick, shorts are some poorly made drops from a random ebay page I found.

>> No.6204504

If you have ever photoshopped to airbrush a model you'll know what I'm talking about, if you haven't then you won't know. It really doesn't matter, it's not a big deal at all.

>> No.6204507

That shirt makes your legs look stump-like, be careful with playing with those proportions. Wear black loafers like everyone else.

>> No.6204510


>> No.6204513

hey snow white wassup

>> No.6204516

Loafers? Nah, man. That's gross. Link me to a pic and I'll see, I guess.

Gotta remember the picture is also taken at a downward angle.

>> No.6204517

nope. no you dont. im sorry

>> No.6204525

Thought I'd put an actual comment in.
I really like it, and your waistline is hnnngg, but darker shoes would look better with the outfit.
And having your hair up would look better as well

>> No.6204527
File: 430 KB, 793x1681, onesie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my shit from ASOS today

>> No.6204562

lol just fucking with you. carry on

>> No.6204574
File: 219 KB, 800x1400, ww22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /fa/'s consensus on Chelsea Boots?

>> No.6204583

cool thanx man
in that case id like to be first to say that if this guy is serious >>6204527
i pray for his own good that this is a halloween costume

>> No.6204591

oh boy. i think uv cut the circulation to your nuts off. what is it with you guys today?

>> No.6204594

world's most boring fit

chelsea boots can be nice

>> No.6204606
File: 375 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't like it?
I think it looks adorable. <3

>> No.6204621

do you wish to remain a virgin forever?

>> No.6204648

i had sex on monday night lol, what are you talking about. Actually, i have to buy more condoms because of that and i gave some away to my legit virgin friend.

>> No.6204669

The coolest of stories

>> No.6204679

with who? or should i say what?

>> No.6204687

with ya mom

>> No.6204698

mfw >>6204669 can't get laid and doesn't think i can either, best thing to do it to talk to chicks about your onesie and then when they say they've got one too trade pictures.

A cougar, she's quite literally the worst kisser i've had in my entire life. She'll stick her tongue out and just straight up lick me.
>i think she was horny
>>6204687 it actually could have been his mum

>> No.6204709
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>> No.6204724

meanwhile in a galaxy far far away

>> No.6204736

will u b mai waifu

>> No.6204758

post fit

>> No.6204852
File: 222 KB, 533x1295, waywt23may13(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool outside
>don't own any brown jackets
>don't own any blue jackets apart from navy blazer

As much as I love this blazer, I wish it didn't have to come to this. It's just fucking uni for god's sake

>> No.6204869

what shoes are you wearing?
also lol bc thought u werent wearing pants b4 clickin on thumbnail

>> No.6204970

beeswax desert boots

>> No.6205000
File: 142 KB, 484x1079, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing as yesterday. Lots of people reported so guess I will.

>"Miiiihsthurrr Wayyne."
>inb4 Bane

Hope you've had a good day /fa/.

>> No.6206885

i like your jacket but i think your sleeves are too long