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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 113 KB, 688x944, asdddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6199207 No.6199207 [Reply] [Original]

How /fa/ is the average person from your country?
Lithuania here

>> No.6199229

>no dress shoes
>no hat

do u even slav?

>> No.6199241
File: 495 KB, 1379x2998, IMG_0284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California here.

>> No.6199244


pretty decent, at least in my area. A lot of mfa-level fits and 70's skater/surf influence. Most people are also healthy enough, which helps.

>> No.6199255

that brand synergy

>> No.6199248
File: 58 KB, 621x940, ukfah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithuanians are not really slavs, but are really affected by them

Pic: this is what happens when they shop in UK

>> No.6199250


Do you even Baltic?

>> No.6199264

>no dress shoes
>no flat cap
>not a flat foot squat
>no 40 nor vodka in site
>does not like a light cig
>no mesh wifebeater

>> No.6199263
File: 22 KB, 336x248, IMG00120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this pic at school a few weeks ago?
4 fratcore guys dressed identically: chubbies, tank top, sperries.

This, swagfag, and mfa-tier dadcore is what prevails at my school.

>> No.6199269

I enjoy the contrast the photographer has composed in this photograph between the raw urban stylings, and the beauty of stain-glass.

>> No.6199271
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northern arizona is a funny place

>> No.6199277
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While I still have my phone hooked up, I'll post more stuff.

I was at one of those cutesy asian boutiques and they had this massager on display.

>> No.6199283
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This was at the mall.
>inb4 going to the mall

>> No.6199284


time to stop saying swag

>> No.6199289

>not full squat
>no other slavs squatting nearby
>tracksuit does not match
>is the cig not even fucking lit?
Not /fa/, not slav.

>> No.6199294

What's fizz? It looks pretty tasty.

>> No.6199305
File: 58 KB, 528x400, IMG00105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my grandmother at a restaurant a while back. She was trying on my sunglasses. /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6199306

By definition, the average person is pretty fashionable.

>> No.6199298
File: 24 KB, 405x540, _c635092_image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

central california here

>> No.6199301

w2c fizz ???

>> No.6199308

ur grandma looks cool B)

>> No.6199312

whoa komme we just were talking about u bro

ur the tuffest dude on /fa/

>> No.6199327

>This, swagfag, and mfa-tier dadcore is what prevails at my school.
I would rather have that at my school than everyone acting like you and posting pictures of each other on 4chan to feel good about themselves.

>> No.6199331

Why are you such an insufferable faggot?
This doesn't have anything to do with what you've just posted.
Just in general.

>> No.6199335

l-look at these losers /fa/, t-they're having f-fun hanging out, while I t-take p-pictures of them f-from far away. P-plebes heh, heh right /fa/??

>> No.6199354
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This is an autographed photo of someone who I imagine was an actress. I couldn't really make out the signature; I think it says "Julia Moore" but I already tried google and couldn't find anything with that name. Still beautiful.

>> No.6199366

It's a tasty light alcoholic drink, commonly drunk in public or as a cure for hangovers

>> No.6199368

Lithuanians are the purest of all Europeans

>> No.6199375

ders tons of russia in there

>> No.6199380

np :-)

mb she was a travelling circus person or a stripper or something else that wod make her obscure?

>> No.6199393
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>you will never know

>> No.6199395

Growing up fast

>> No.6199403

They form no part of Lithuanian ancestry

Honestly they're more 'Aryan' than any of the Germanic stormfag ethnic groups

>> No.6199447
File: 69 KB, 800x534, lith fest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lithuania strong

>> No.6199449

ders a ton of crossbreeding in any former soviet country

stay deluded faggot

>> No.6199539

would like to meet but being a poor makes me dont want

>> No.6199603

Hahahahaha, wow. Lithuania can't even squat properly. That is completely filthy. At least true slavs can squat properly. Hell, I can squat properly, and I have no slav in me.

>> No.6199631

I'm a Russian born in Lithuania.

Russians and Lithuanians don't usually even live in the same areas - I think the largest Russian town in Lithuania was Sniechkus, and that was only because it was a nuclear energy town, and Russians and their families were moved there for work.
Everywhere else, even now, Russians and Lithuanians barely intermixed. Not like Lithuanians were ever particularly fond of Russians anyway.

>> No.6199688

in NZ atm its either:

the evolved swaggot decked out head to toe in ILU
the suburban trillgod who wears everything A$AP rocky wears but the knockoff equivalent
the gothninja flanker

top lel

>> No.6199706

U wot m8

>> No.6199713
File: 87 KB, 500x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi m8 u got ID? Buy us sum fags bruv.

>> No.6199727
File: 337 KB, 980x735, tumblr_mku4mlsMck1rniideo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latvia reporting in

>> No.6199731

LOL you hit the nail on the head.

Especially the first point, every guy at uni seems to wear something similar to that.

>> No.6199732

agree! do i know you! its a small place

>> No.6199733

>tfw gn flanker
niggas in asos, cotton and silent trying 2 mop around in their black vans.

>> No.6199739

omg this i didnt realise there were so many kiwis here.

>> No.6199742

haha yeha wtf like 3 replied to you at the same time

i guess wednesday is that depressing

>> No.6199754


where u @ blud

i dont mind budgetninjas wearin commoners or silent i feel their pain & some of them are qts

i dont like walking curtains that wear chucks

>> No.6199798
File: 66 KB, 600x450, bae62df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me

>> No.6199800

pick one

>> No.6199816

Did you even look at his post?

>> No.6199820
File: 166 KB, 2048x987, niggertier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany here
in my region we have way to much people walking around likle this and think they are the shit

>> No.6199828

yeah but mostly people the age your pic is, your own fault if you hang around with them

>> No.6199860

That's just the average teenager..

>> No.6199869
File: 1.80 MB, 2428x1268, Chino Wankers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're evolving a bit but the premise is the same

>> No.6199873

though it must be said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Nandos

>> No.6199879

not enough football player haircuts in this pic.

I live in Canada. The average person doesn't care much for fashion. there are loads of immigrants in Bench/G Star/Abercrombie

>> No.6199889


this is perfect

>> No.6199890

in my city (Oxford UK) there's this one guy selling loads of fake snapbacks, OBEY, NFL, YMCMB, Swag and they're all horrendously fake. Kids and tourists buy them because they can't believe how cheap they are

I've always dreamed about going over to him, dressed relatively smart and saying I'm a representative from YMCMB or a company that sounds like they're the owners and asking him for some proof of purchase or something just to see how he reacts

>> No.6199891

please be a face swap

>> No.6199892

after this summer we should be able to develop a new one

what changes would you make?

they seem to now favour super skinnies over drop crotches (which is good because I like drop crotch, though not like the ones they used to wear)

>> No.6199896

Czech Republic here. It's crossbreed between this >>6199820 and this >>6199727

>> No.6199911

ciupk byby storas; kalbi suda - postini ruba.

>> No.6199914

>talking about things that he doesn't even know
>thinks that crossbreeding just so simply happens errywhere
>confirmed for american

>> No.6199922

looks like the slut who had her eye cut in that un chien something film

>> No.6199923
File: 155 KB, 940x705, bieber_harper-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in Prague last week. architecturally it was beautiful but the people were really boring. They either looked like they hadn't bought new tracksuits since the wall fell or like everything they owned was from H&M. Or they were homeless but that's a different situation altogether. maybe people just don't really care much for fashion

ps: pic is the meeting of two of Canada's most influential people

>> No.6199924

So schlimm ists eigentlich nichtmal in Deutschland, hab schon ein paar ganz nette fits gesehen. Jetzt wo die ganze Swag/Yolo-Welle vorbei ist wird der durchnitt eigentlich ganz ansehnlich

>> No.6199933


>maybe people just don't really care much for fashion

there are people like this all over planet earth. singling out prague is ridiculous

>> No.6199948

I'm not singling out Prague. It was just weird for a major city that really no one wanted to dress well. In Paris, Berlin and London slummy immigrants intermingle with Birkenstocked neohippies and swagfags, but there is still that small percentage of people who do care. I know Prague is much smaller but that really didn't seem to exist there

>> No.6199947


I was visiting my sister in Koln a couple of weeks back, had a really Adolfish HY and grew out a stache, lots of old folks gave me weird looks.

>> No.6199970

This is the truth. But it needs more info like fake Burberry attire etc.

>> No.6199979


>> No.6199983


On average people look like shit just like everywhere, but I guess we above international average. No young people wear baggy clothes, and button-ups are a lot more common than in the U.S.

>> No.6199992

white trash at its best.
Hartz4 lässt grüßen

>> No.6200016
File: 56 KB, 640x427, australian fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia here


>> No.6200037

This is the reason my friends all raged at me for buying chinos yesterday.

>> No.6200054

I'm not sure that fake burberry really seems to still be a thing

but slightly too small topman shirts
buttoned all the way

>> No.6200074

My sister is from lithuania, and her comment always was that if they don't have a basketball hoop they're russian.

>> No.6200097
File: 91 KB, 960x720, OMFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even mad

>> No.6200115
File: 414 KB, 1247x880, therealhitleryouthnotstupidpropaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>these are the people saying they are aryan master race

>> No.6200127

Wow, SO fuckin' accurate, so accurate. Every single fuckin' one of them. Girls are the same. This is "fashion" nowadays.

>> No.6200130

OBEY CAPS AND SNIFF SWEATS EVERYWHERE, top of the class fuccbois.

>> No.6200131

You should be.
Det er fucking elendigt.

>> No.6200138

irony at the max. selvfolgelig er jeg mad

>> No.6200140

håber snart quint går konkurs

>> No.6200145

Tænkte at du rent faktisk var en eller anden spade.
Undskyld anon <3

>> No.6200148

They look like tourist.

>> No.6200151
File: 24 KB, 350x228, 201010082123_w350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paris, france

>> No.6200152

Danish fuccboi:

1.Nike roshe in 1billion colors to stand out from the rest of the fuccbois
2.Black slim adidas track pants
3.Sweatshirt/T-shirt from Quint/streetmachine (Carhartt, Obey, Le fix, Sniff/some other shitbrands) - needs to have a pocket with leopard pattern/camouflage somewhere.
4. CAPS, CAPS OF EVERY BRAND snapbacks/5panels, if you are the leading fuccboi you will have a supreme one that your mother bought while she was in new york/London.

Thats the recipe for a danish fuccboi extreme

>> No.6200154


Maybe the two in the front. Look at everyone else

>> No.6200166

When I lived in the UK one of my roomate was exactly like that. His life could fit in that picture, no interest outside of football and FIFA and shitty nightclubs. And incredibly pedestrian tastes in music (Avenged Sevenfold, Skrillex, Enter Shikari).
Still friends with him though, nice lad overall.

>> No.6200167

>it hurts to see these faggots walk around in the streets actually thinking they look good

>Thats the recipe for a danish fuccboi extreme
EXTREME ones. There's also the lesser fuccbois -- you know who I'm talking about, see >>6200097

>> No.6200169

strong poverty

>> No.6200175

i love you anon

>> No.6200176

Sounds much like Canterbury

>> No.6200181


replace adidas trackpants by ilu zespys, keep the roshes u got a kid from /fa/

>> No.6200184

holy shit he looks like one of the beastie boys
>except blonde

>> No.6200186


>zespys with roshes

lurk more

>> No.6200188

btw, you forgot something
>biggest ofwgkta fan 6 months ago, now asap rocky, kanye west and givenchy fan

>> No.6200189

Anyone seen that shit trend at American colleges where people cut and rip a v into the neck of their hoodies? Add some god awful adidas running shoes and ill-fitting jeans and you have a good idea of Midwestern colleges.

>> No.6200192
File: 47 KB, 612x421, 526479_10200168613276490_1581747906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I feel ashamed.

>> No.6200205

Cj bus Šiauliai arba provincija.

>> No.6200209

Add in the hooded lumberjack shirt from superdry

>> No.6200216

definitely would plow 2 and 4

>> No.6200229

Dar zodis gausi i ciurdaka

>> No.6200235

gothenburg sweden, hipster general.
also, ghetto immigrants.

>> No.6200247
File: 32 KB, 154x420, 1359651199687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rong pic

>> No.6200245
File: 1.20 MB, 2352x3264, 1367231047890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been here for years

those are not zespys but i have more than 10 different pics on my computerr where /fa/gs wear zespys & or roshes

>> No.6200249

Depends what city you're in. At the moment everyone is Hollister/Jack Wills/Abercrombie. It's shit as fuck.

>> No.6200272

So who from lithuania?

>> No.6200283

1 and 2 pls come to london.

>> No.6200301

unfortunately i have. im pretty sure one of my friends has cuts/rips in almost every piece of clothing she owns. nice enough person but still

>> No.6200310

tai tu is siauliu?
Pauliau, cia tu?

>> No.6200317

fuck af helvede til, fuccbois.

>> No.6200339

is mzk kaimo

>> No.6200348

mfw i would bang all of them


>> No.6200368

>ne paulius

>> No.6200377

Southern USA:
>light blue jean shorts
>hanes t-shirts
>tennie shoes
>large amounts of stomach girth
>sometimes instead of jeans shorts they just wear boxers in public

This is everyone.

>> No.6200379


is kur cia pyderai patekot? dieve mano eikit najui :)

>> No.6200383


>> No.6200390

theres a lithuania thread?
im bursting at the seams

>> No.6200407
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, antoniogetsquads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6200422

Vart bor du egentligen? Tycker att Stockholm klär sig riktigt väl, iallafall Östermalm

>> No.6200562

wait what
prodigy is lithuanian?

>> No.6200577

>tas jausmas kai nieks nebus is kauno
>tas jausmas kai vistiek nesusitiksiu mazai tiketina, kad susitiksiu
Those feels man

>> No.6200581

kaunas reporting in

>> No.6200603

jei prodigy lietuve, as atsisakau savo pilietybes

>> No.6200612

/fa/ yra daugiau lietuviu negu tikėjausi, ju yra.
Atgal į /mu/!

>> No.6200676

shit yo

>> No.6200682


I'm going to be in Germany over Winter.

Was thinking about dropping some cash on SNS Herning and British knits and I dunno, going for some milsurp woolen trousers. I don't want to dadcore out or end up like winterised Jimmy Savile going the NF direction though.

Never actually had to buy proper winterwear before

>> No.6200690


sums up Bulgaria clubbing style

>> No.6200712

Learn to squat.

>> No.6200738
File: 71 KB, 364x325, timetofap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6200784
File: 269 KB, 960x640, average dutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most average dutch picture I could find. It's from an average people festival. It shows average people listening to average music.

>> No.6200797

they dress like white people would

>> No.6200849

negivenu ten taugiau tai baik svajoti

>> No.6200851

they're dutch. that's like the epitome of white people

>> No.6200852

if you told me this was taken at a rave in SoCal I would have believed you

>> No.6200858

y yes i am. pure bred baby.
xept id rather kill myself than live there

>> No.6200859

matosi is tavo gramatiniu ziniu.
o kur dabar gyveni?

>> No.6200863

why? where do you live now bby?

>> No.6200895

oops. stengiuosiu bet tik mokinausi iki trecios klases. reikia pradeti skaityti LT knygu.

>> No.6200904

why what? rather blow brains out than live there? bc the corruption weather and misserable people. i spent last winter there and came home depressed alcoholic

>> No.6200900

taip ir nepasakei kur dabar esi :(
po 3 klases emigravai?

>> No.6200913

do you live in the UK or norway now?
>typical lithuanian

>> No.6200919

merikoj. ir taip nebesu LT piliete bet daznai lankau gimines.

>> No.6200923

also calling me typical. LOL

>> No.6200926

visai neblogai. normali esi, tik nereikia tiek jau ant tos lietuvos stumti!

>> No.6200931
File: 57 KB, 500x496, 1367177251857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw decent SA brand is chav food over there

>> No.6200939

rimtai labai atsiprasau. tu esi teisus.


>> No.6200948

As ir nesakau, kad lietuvoj viskas gerai, pati nemegstu cia gyvent, bet turek bent kiek pagarbos, paskui tokie anti-patriotai vercia uzsieniecius susidaryt nekokia nuomone apie lietuvius. Patriotiskumas yra vertybe svetur. Nezinau del amerikos tho

inb4 dont care

>> No.6200957

Palik Latrą ramybėj

>> No.6200962

nusiramink as visiskai nejuokaudama ta sakiau. ir tiesa sakant as didele patriotiste buvau kol nepagivenau ten 6 menesius per ziema. dar truputi PTSD turiu bet praeis. blet baik sazine griauzti negalesiu nakti miegoti tevam geda darau

>> No.6200973

gal uzteks to tavo sarkazmo, sedi amerikoj ir sedek <3

>> No.6200991

bet rimtai negaliu patiketi /fa/ turi daugiau lietuviu. thats whats up. malonu susitikti :)