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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 576x383, 500-days-of-summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6198551 No.6198551 [Reply] [Original]

/mu/ here
what does /fa/ think of band tees?
anything to wear with them to make them /fa/?

>> No.6198558

that movie ruined a nice shirt

also why is everyone so surprised that i listen to joy division when everybody else does too what the fuck

>> No.6198562

graphic tees are kind of hard to wear and look interesting in. sorta pleb but a little less pleb if:
>the shirt has an interesting design
>the band is good
>the colors aren't ridiculous

>> No.6198571

oh and most important
>not played-out shit like joy division

>> No.6198606
File: 1.65 MB, 1840x3264, jawbreaker when it pains it roars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pretty much any graphic tee, it all depends.

IMO they're cool so long as the graphic isn't too busy, doesn't have a lot of writing, and colors on it aren't terribly clashy. Try and stay away from squared-off album art shirts, those always look goofy.

Also there's the hipster cred rule of don't wear shirts from bands you've never seen. It goes without saying, but you shouldn't wear a Joy Division shirt if you're in your twenties.

>> No.6198624

jawbreaker t is pretty awesome

>> No.6198639

>hipsters wearing band shirts ever

yeah, naw

>> No.6198693
File: 180 KB, 329x450, I wish I sang like Bolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't do that anymore?

>> No.6198707


Pretty much this. It's a good way to show off a little of your personality and works as an ice-breaker on occasion.

>> No.6198753

Agreed. I've met plenty of fine folk simply because of a shirt one of us was wearing.

>> No.6198761

I wear money store death grips to art classes and people always talk to me about my shirt. Make some friends that way even if they don't recognize it.

>> No.6201478

>anything to wear with them to make them /fa/?
Be attractive.

>> No.6201488

>graphic tees
Acceptable only if you're under 13 years old.

>> No.6201492

>2047-93+59 aka the Year of Grand Duke Roger Ebert's departure
>not rocking a Goo shirt under a jeans jacket or cardigan every day

>> No.6201518

a noose

>> No.6201634

Band tees are like any other tee shirt and should be worn accordingly. As long as the graphic isn't too obnoxious they look fine. Personally I prefer them as part of a layered outfit, but they can work on their own.

>> No.6201640

You're actually serious with being a tripfag?

>> No.6201684

Why would I not be fuccboi?

>> No.6201753
File: 439 KB, 2736x2052, j5qcNVK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this and the swans tee

I dig them and people have given me compliments

start getting mad now

>> No.6202060
File: 574 KB, 900x972, Burzum-Hlidskjalf-T-Shirt-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sometimes wear this with goofninja shit
i would rather have a plain black tshirt though

>> No.6202065
File: 11 KB, 303x303, INS89671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one that I truly like

>> No.6202072

jawbreaker is pretty bad tho

>> No.6202078
File: 167 KB, 375x500, Comeback-Kid-vulture-T-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only remaining from my old collection, it's very likeable

>> No.6202082

>you shouldn't wear a Joy Division shirt if you're in your twenties.
>"you cant enjoy anything if you're from the WRONG GENERATIONSZZZ"

i hate that shitty logic

>> No.6202084

Oh, fuck - love me some pop-influenced "hardcore" bro


>> No.6202085


seriously i want that so fucking much

>> No.6202088


>you weren't born when the NES dropped
>no i don't care if you still grew up with it
>you're not allowed to like NES

>> No.6202090

Why would we get mad? That Talking Heads are awesome and that shirt is awesome.

>> No.6202093

notice that its only the Symptoms + cures album i promote by wearing this. Their old vocalist is shitty, so was their writing, but on symptoms they really matured

>> No.6202109

not him but to me it's a matter of having the same shirt as every single one of your peers

i dig joy division and i dig the unknown pleasures shirt but every damn person i know got one after that movie came out

>> No.6202117
File: 90 KB, 500x500, wipers_youth_of_today-500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Wipers shirt /fa/?

>> No.6202122

Is the font used in Swans album covers Arial? I really need to know

>> No.6202127
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 970115_3084334003592_442736706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just gotta look nice and you know, not be on gildan or some shit. I have a death drips tee that I wear reaally frequently that fits nicely 'cause it's printed on american apparel. I been wearing that with the sleeves cuffed a bit, some olive/ brown jeans, and black boots as my go-to summer fit. You'll have to ignore that i look like a piece of shit in pic related, I don't usually wear a beanie it was just cold.

>> No.6202129

like having an Inceptiontype shirt?
Unknown Pleaures shirt inside another shirt?

I never had a Joy Division shirt in my whole life. Yet i want at least a Closer one

>> No.6202137

I dig it, should you really be a trip if you lack confidence like this?

>> No.6202145

i know i was just talking shit on it but go for it

the fad kind of died down and, fuck it, i just like joy division and i'd be happy to have one of their shirts

>> No.6202149

The beanie doesn't look that bd imo

>> No.6202160

would you be pissed if i said i'm 20 years old and heard Joy Division since i was like 10 because my family where already fans?

In the end it just depends on the person who wears the shirt. At least im not fat or ugly enough to make the shirt look bad on me.

>> No.6202163
File: 32 KB, 640x480, bahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6202172

nah man

i'm 19 and i started listening to joy division in middle school i don't really give a fuck if you lived through the 80s or not

it was just really weird that all of my friends had the same band t shirt idk

>> No.6202183

no, band tees never look good and you look like a fuccboi for free advertisement

>> No.6202184
File: 40 KB, 360x480, I'm such a nerd I mean ramones fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that you can't enjoy them. Band shirts are usually a way to support the band - they come through your town, play a show, you buy the shirt, and they're able to get to the next town.

If it's a band you've never seen, chances are the band see's no compensation for the shirt. Some other store or website is the one making money off of the band's art and hard work. IMO it's disrespectful and dishonest. The last people to get money from Joy Division's music should be Urban Outfitters and Amazon.

Iunno, maybe I'm just being pretentious and overthinking it. But it always reminds me of the kids in AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Hendrix, etc. shirts their moms bought them from wal-mart and Target. Also pic related.

>> No.6202192

yes. i love burzum. sadly it looks weird for a lil girl to wear a black metal shirt so i'm considering getting a burzum shirt and cutting the sleeves off, thus making a tank top thing.

>> No.6202204

do you really think shes a 'fake nerd' cause shes wearing a ramones shirt you condescending little fuck?

>> No.6202203

would hook up with

>> No.6202208


>> No.6202214

thank you! how can you do the outlined white letters they frequently use on album covers?

>> No.6202215

my friend did that i thought it looked pretty good

>> No.6202222

It was a joke you gaywad

>> No.6202239

hey watch your mouth when you talk to me you faggot cunt

>> No.6202264


>> No.6202277

Girls always wear burzum shirts get something less pleb

>> No.6202293
File: 63 KB, 556x350, fig,heather_grey,mens,ffffff.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6202318
File: 195 KB, 530x822, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way that cuts off in the corner is preeeetty bad and heather grey tees are not good. it's not hard to find the original image with the full body, if you REALLY WANT an itaots shirt for some reason just render the original image and have it printed.

>> No.6202319

i think it's just called "stroke", if your using photoshop just right click the text layer>blending options>stroke

>> No.6202324

seems like this thread has turned into this


/fa/ I am proud

>> No.6202325

heather grey tees are great

>> No.6202344

that's fine, i can see the appeal of heather grey, but that print is suuper bad i hope it was posted as a joke

>> No.6202352

thanks, i'll try it!
i haven't seen anyone IRL wearing a burzum shirt , though. i just fear that i will look like some stupid hipster girl because i look nothing like the people who generally like burzum etc.
next on my list of band shirts is OM or Swans. i can't decide

>> No.6202350

sounds pretty cute to me

>> No.6202371

where to cop TALKING HEADS

>> No.6202404
File: 175 KB, 1019x765, nofun_notever2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about stuff like this?

>> No.6202430
File: 61 KB, 400x300, nmhtshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is better

>> No.6202438

One on the left looks weird because of the bordered image. Those hard edges where the image cuts off never really look good.

One on the right's text is too busy, and odd fonts aren't very aesthetically pleasing. Image is really cool, though. I'd wear it if it weren't for the text.

>> No.6202441

>hipster girl
w-where do you live

>> No.6202445

idk everyone I've seen in a burzun shirt seems to be a hipster black meal fag. I'm not bashing BM or anything but it seems like the go to tryhard band T

>> No.6202447


>> No.6202479

probably. i still wouldn't wear it i just posted it because its funny /mu/ maymay

>> No.6202495

What the shit are you retarded?
Should people start making their own clothes now then? Wearing a shirt with a band that makes music you enjoy listening to on it is different than wearing a clothing brand label or something. Don't wear Rick Owens. You may like the way it looks, but you're really just a fuccboi for free advertisement on Dick Ovens behalf.

>> No.6202537

inda USA

>> No.6202593
File: 702 KB, 2236x3541, VPCR_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Rick Owens' clothes don't say RICK OWENS across the front in 5 inch letters.
I think the problem we have with logo tees and band shirts is that the graphic is a more important element of the garment than the fabric that composes it. The product or band that the shirt is referencing overshadows the shirt itself, and thus wearing one often involves little or no thought. It's not the same with "She Brings The Rain" or "The Pyramid" because you've still got a really spectacular garment underneath those words. With the average band tee, you really do become a billboard.

>> No.6202619


>> No.6202646

I hate people who wear band tees, especially tees of acts I like, because there's this implication that I am going to like you and talk to you and suck your dick just because you consume the same media I do. There was some nerd on the bus this morning in a Swans filth shirt and I made sure to 'accidentally' dig my heel into his foot on the way out.

>> No.6202659

wow you sound tough m8 sorry 4 wearng band tees learnd my lesson now

>> No.6202662

wow u r sure a kunt

>> No.6202689
File: 34 KB, 600x813, 106032_4_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Band tees can be cool, just ask Jun Takahashi.

>> No.6202718

Can is mallkraut shit

>> No.6202808

First off, half of what you said was completely incoherent and I'm merely deciphering what you wrote in the following.

Secondly, band shirts are essentially clothes basics (poorly constructed basics mind you) in usually just black (MAYBE white sometimes) with a shit quality print on the front. Even a monkey could make a better shirt. Here:
1.Buy an actual good quality basic.. even uniqlo is better quality.
2.Go to local photo copy, print a copy of a picture you want
3.print quality on shirt

Bam, you've now made yourself a better quality shirt and probably paid 1/3rd of the price. Congrats.

Hell even that one site that was posted here where you just dump a picture on a shirt is better.

And usually high end brands, don't advertise and most usually just stick to labels rather than actual logos (and I don't think anyone on here would actually recommend buying shirts with big emblems of their respective company's brand).

And as mentioned, Rick Owens doesn't throw logos around. Even though you're wearing his gear and can be recognized, it is at least a thought about design rather than, "here's a basic, screen cap the album, throw it on, jack the price 300%" "wait people actually pay for that?" "yeah it's really funny."