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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 960x960, 2986076_lookamour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6198252 No.6198252 [Reply] [Original]

hey goofninjas or /fa/ in general

how do you see yourself dressing by your late 20s-mid 30s?

do you see yourself subscribing to GQ in order to stay trendy while holding down a 9-5 job?

>> No.6198256
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>> No.6198287

Hey Kiddo,

I'm in my late 20s now and i wear this. What you don't seem to get is that the late 20s to late 30s market is the exact demographic that wears the minimalist style.

We've had enough time to succeed and achieve in our respective careers and have had enough reflection to release ourselves the clutter we collected around our lives in our 20s.

You won't understand anything I just said, I didn't either when I was your age.

>> No.6198293
File: 114 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mhpto9pUlo1qflgweo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the ppl on sz that wear crazy expensive shit are mid 20s or older. 25-30+ is when you can actually afford to get really sick pieces.

>> No.6198304

I am 22 and I fucking hate what I use to wear; which was levis, vans, nike and sweat shirts

>> No.6198321
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working in the film industry, the people around me will update my sense of style, or a quick scroll through a /fa/ site will do. my fallback style has always been nick valensi if i have no time or fail to update

>> No.6198342

I'm late 20's and atelier regular.
I don't know much people in this biz younger than 25, trust me on this one.

>> No.6198346

can't wait till I get my Engineering degree all ima have to pay for is my car + rent + bills + food + fashion

mostly fashiont hough

>> No.6198344


idk i dont mind cheap brands (i wear levi 510s with my dunks all the time)

i just think that my taste will be more evolved by the time im like 30, might be wearing more specific/interesting fabrics, silks, gabardines, also by then ill probably be better at styling my outfits and have much more accessories/layering pieces at my disposal. i think ill be experimenting with more unusual textures, and by then 90%+ of my wardrobe will be self made so it will be extremely distinctive.

>> No.6198355

> accessories everywhere
are you a bitch or something?

>> No.6198371

get a cheaper place, get a cheaper car, eat cheaper food and put all that savings to fashion

>> No.6198395


when i beat up plebs, youre probably one of them, i like to make sure my ring leaves scarring or at least an outlined bruise to remind you that youre actually my bitch

>> No.6198398

I'm 21 now and I run my own business so no 9-5 for me.

Aside from that I would still love my Drkshdw asymmetrical bomber jacket, and my Rafs space sneakers. Maybe I'll wear them differently, but the piece would still be worn.

P.s : Can't wait for Spaceninja to be popular.

>> No.6198406

the fact that my gf dresses like that and guys think its effay or whatever fuck word you use is a little disgusting

>> No.6198410

never let her go anon

>> No.6198434

w2c that shirt

>> No.6198451
File: 26 KB, 360x500, marky mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEL you're such a bad ass, bruh.
Internet bully boi. AHEUEHAUHAEUHAEU

/fa/ is worse than I thought. Look at these faggots.

>> No.6198461

you don't deserve. let her go and free her from your pleb world.

>> No.6198464
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i will continue to dress more and more extravagantly until my fabulousness folds spacetime and obliterates my body

>> No.6198471
File: 363 KB, 432x585, CAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twerk do you still want to smoke blunts + have tea sometime? Prolly after my finals

pls respond

>> No.6198480
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>> No.6198481


>all caps
>more caps

all dat irony
huehue kill yourself

>> No.6198497
File: 116 KB, 1388x1610, 2chan fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baka gaijin

>> No.6198501
File: 9 KB, 296x170, twoghosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k sounds good bby

p.s -you best bring your top-notch chess game
p.p.s - i'm not a mouthbreather or nerd trust me brah

>> No.6198509

i dont know if ill live to be 30. i imagine id probably kill my self before then.

>> No.6198510
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1v1 me

>> No.6198516

aww shit bookmarked I can't right now I'm about to leave. But I aint got shit to do later tonight/tomorrow i'll play you then

>> No.6198535

>phd student here in electrical engineering
>just by washing, grooming, lifting, and eating properly daily I look more /fa/ than anyone else in the department.
with good quality comfortable and fitting and in season clothes probably even school (entire engineering school, not the whole dang university, where I KNOW for sure that there are some artsy-ass fashionistas who dress styles that haven even been made yet since this is nyc)
oh and to answer you question fully, I dont need to wear some strange and at times gawdy outfits and subscribe to GQ to be trendy when I just have to be clean and comfortable and put out meaningful work.

>> No.6198531

don't worry man, the new trend is for girls (and apparently guys) to dress like fucking goth witches.

it's retarded, and hopefully will end in the next year or two.

>> No.6198546



>> No.6198579

same, thinking maybe 27 at best

>> No.6198779

One of the most successful people I know started as an electrical engineer. That cunt rich as a mahfuckah nowadays

>> No.6199356
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1536, 20130521_152055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> early 30s
> actually neglecting to go full scrubcore
> not rocking dat bluninja swag in an operating theatre near you

>> No.6199398
File: 23 KB, 192x359, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more sruli recht
more ph
more lumen et umbra
ann d jackets
bigger boots
flatter hats
some yohji
maybs some yohan serfaty if i get lucky

maybe regency/georgian w/ a more homeless look n weird shapes

>> No.6199408


>> No.6199407

That would look good if he toned down the boots.

>> No.6199412


>> No.6199657

This guy has reached enlightenment.

>> No.6199670
File: 309 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only agree with the cheaper food thing as long as you mean to still eat quality and good food. No point going out to expensive places but I would never skimp on my health or the fact that I enjoy eating delicious food. As in, I get takeout Chinese and Thai all the time. I cook my own steaks, make sushi etc. wouldn't live any other way.

>> No.6199679

ehh, i wanted to do that in college. Ended up switching around too much and finishing with something else.

>> No.6199719

I am 27 and I've just recently started feeling that niche/avant-garde clothing. I am totally not a businessman person, so I have to deal with office attire and yeah, I can't wear my pods or rick tee of a tunic length here. There are a plenty of wonderful blazers, pants (Rick, Devoa, CCP, Julius etc.) in niche clothing and there are a lot of wonderful shirts (I like annd a lot). You just have to avoid oversized/druid hoodies, skirts and geos at work leaving them for weekend. Of course that won't work in dress code corporations and so on, but your typical office won't have anything against 1-button blazers.

>> No.6199767

r u saying ppl who did some shitty bachelors degree in liberal arts or something who end up in some dead end desk job like you can afford ricky?

>> No.6199777

I'm a security guard in LA and expensve as fuck pieces. Currently looking to fit some ODD sweats onto my next month cop and a ricks scuba.

this is my money - $70 internet, $50 cell phone, $500 for a 1200sqft house and $200 for my food. If I get $20k more a year I could budget in expensive tshirts+ the dry cleaning for all that shit and 2 week vacations.

>> No.6199859

hope you're all aware that this guy is:
- a douche
- buys 90% of his stuff at h&m / topman / asos

I followed him on twitter, he a total moron
I mean he's beautiful (hair, beard, face, body) but the clothes just don't do it

>> No.6199861


these boots hahaha

>> No.6199907
File: 109 KB, 630x876, carine_roitfeld_emmanuelle-alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know those white-haired avant-garde older women who live in small downtown apartments alone and go to gallery openings alone and know a lot about a lot and bury themselves in layers and layers of drapy black knits?
that's what I see myself as at like 50.

in my 30s, I'll probably be working much longer hours than 9-5 and wearing boring Theory pantsuits on weekdays and look like an Anthropologie catalog on weekends. if I get a job I actually want, my workwear can be more creative but will still need to be relatively practical, so I'll slant toward the premium denim + basics from whatever the equivalent of James Perse is then. I imagine I'll have to be modest in my 30s but give up on modesty around 40 and start dressing like Emmanuelle Alt

>> No.6199912

LOL I'm just staring at the women with the fur coat. Although she looks amazing in it, she also looks like a cocaine addict. I dunno whether its sad or sublime.

>> No.6199932

>not knowing who carine roitfeld is

>> No.6199951

atm - minimalist, dark streetwear, slowly transitioning to more golfnigga outfits
mid 20s to mid 30s - ann d, yohji, dick, inaisce, damir
mid 30s to 60s - sprezzatura
60s to death - nomadcore, desertninja

>> No.6199963
File: 67 KB, 600x360, 07iht-rcarine07-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carine roitfeld

Yep got absolutely no idea who she is. Now that I do, I love this picture of her.

>> No.6199987

It bothers me SO MUCH that her face looks like a primate's.

>> No.6200010

tbh, unless you go full gothninja with rick wedges and stuff like that most avant gard pieces are pretty versatile to use.

I have a few pieces like BBS or LUC trousers that i love to death but you can easily wear them with dress shoes instead of boots.

If you go for stuff that´s not all black you can also make an outfit much more approachable easily. just wear dark blue instead of black for example.

I also know this dude in his late 30s i would guess that dresses in Yohji only. That´s just how he rolls and thats what makes it all the cooler.

the dude in OP´s pic however looks faggy and pretentious by comparison.

....the more you know

>> No.6200052


>> No.6200114

So you're actually a doctor? Kool

How long have you been one for or are you a nurse?

>> No.6200202

Radiography student.

>> No.6200265

I would have liked to do something like that but I was shit at science and maths i school. Only was good at History, English etc. nowhere I am doing a History degree

>> No.6201804

he ws jkin m9
r u srs?

>> No.6201808

Dr. K is ur second name Komme?
that'd be awesome

>> No.6201873

Ah, why liberal arts? My work is finance-related, I am considerably poor with ~50 grands a year salary but it's possible to buy something after 1-2 months of saving up.

>> No.6201936

>working in the film industry

good luck m8

>> No.6201949

wearing scrubs in real life isn't /fa/

>> No.6201960

that would explain why he looks so terrible

>> No.6202175

I burned out way early in school. Did low-level maths and no natural sciences anyway. I got into radiography because I'd done a year of journalism when I finally went to uni at 25 and got very good marks because it was mostly essays and I'm very good at arguing. It wasn't until the NYT et al fired half of their staff that I thought I should get into something more scientific (and for which I wouldn't have to take work home).
The physics I found to be pretty enjoyable. Fairly broad scope in first year, as the courses are shared by other disciplines, and mainly just nuclear physics thereafter, which sounds badass but is actually simple as fuck. It's stats that's killing me now. Not sure if that's because it's actually hard or just because I don't give a fuck about getting good marks anymore.
tl;dr: it isn't that involved
That said, do not get into radiography if you live in Australia. There are no jobs and the accreditation system is set up so that your degree is basically void if you can't land a job within two years. The unis are just cramming heaps of students through because they're still getting the government subsidies initiated like ten years ago when there was actually a skills shortage.

>> No.6202246

i like that guys style in your picture OP

that hat is awesome

>> No.6202274

opinion on the internet

>> No.6202540

I plan on going full dadcore as soon as I become a dad

>> No.6202599


where to buy lumen et umbra?

>> No.6202621


w2c hat similar to that?

preferabley under 200 bucks, but any references are appriciated

>> No.6202652


actors attic.

Seriously, you could probably find a similar hat at a good costume store for 20 dollars

>> No.6203558

it looks like he's wearing a witch hat.

>> No.6203687

I'm 31, I'm a professional. What do I wear? Lots of button down linen shirts in black or earth tones. Guayaberas. A few loud as fuck paisley long sleeves. I own three black dress shirts, two white dress shirts, an off-white dress shirt, and a red dress shirt. Fair selection of ties, mostly either 40s deco or loud paisley, but one silver, one black, and one red solid as well. Black or grey pants. A few suits for when I need them. A couple of sport coats/blazers for when I need to cover my tattoos (intakes with nervous parents, mostly) and my sleeves are short. Everything is tailored because having 48 inch shoulders and a 36 inch waist means that no one makes things for you.

Heres the thing though, I wear these things because I like them. Once you've got a job and a stable group of friends the who fashion thing stops mattering so much. People have their own shit to worry about.

>> No.6204480

I dunno brah, a lot of that sounds pretty mfa to me.

>> No.6204815

Where does a guy shop for basic godd ninja shit? Or really just nice black clothes would do.

>> No.6204848

If my gf liked a guy that dressed like the pic op posted then she better wake up and realize she's a lesbian

>> No.6205196

there are actually a lot of stockists nowadays

go to their website asnd check online stockists

i know inkclothing and yoox stock
some pieces on guyiconsignment too