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6195487 No.6195487 [Reply] [Original]

"Thank you for your email regarding modelling with our agency. We are always pleased to hear from guys who are interested in pursuing a modelling career.

Unfortunately, in reviewing your photographs, whilst we think you're very handsome we do not feel that you are right for this agency
Once again, thank you for your interest and we wish you the very best of luck for the future!

Kind Regards"


>> No.6195501


>> No.6195508

op confirmed for fat ugly manlet

>> No.6195513

they probably laughed at your application too

if you get out of your house at least once a week and have never been spotted at least once by a booker then you'll probably never make it, they are really everywhere in big cities and they know better than some neckbeards on the internet

>> No.6195518

>implying I live near a big city

>> No.6195548

Upload your photo

>> No.6195574

post a photo or get out

>> No.6195578

that's what you get for trying, faggot. learn your lesson. never leave your basement again

>> No.6195581

Post your photos OP. Also, I'm sorry it didn't work out this time.

>> No.6195609

Dude, you got a rejection letter back. That means keep trying. It's the same as sending novels to publishers.

They don't bother sending rejection letters unless you show some promise.

>> No.6195640

>denim dan

yeah.. ignore that advice op.

>> No.6195653

implying its dan

>> No.6195668
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>> No.6195671

OP might be handsome

>> No.6195676
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>> No.6195677

It's common knowledge in publishing and screenwriting.

>> No.6195683

>tfw ugly

>> No.6195688

Why didn't you take a proper photo instead of this washed-out backlit bullshit?

>> No.6195689

op here. I'm pretty sure they just looked at my height and rejected me without looking at pictures

>tfw 5'10"

>> No.6195690

Please OP, with eyes.. p-please..

>> No.6195691

>not being 5'11 with shoes
you manlet!

>> No.6195702

what is the cuttoff for models 6'?

>> No.6195706

6'1 i think but only for runway

>> No.6195707
File: 37 KB, 480x229, SearsCanada3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They looked at your height and your picture. They said, "he's handsome but too short or to ____"

So they printed off their rejection letter template and sent it.

The letter means exactly what it says. You're not right for *them* but that doesn't mean there's no work in modelling for you.

Dan is right, if you were straight-up hopeless they wouldn't have responded at all, and your shit would have gone straight in the garbage.

>> No.6195709

>Dan is right
fuck off dan

>> No.6195710

5'11 if your face is good.
The shortest model I've seen on Storm is 5'11

>> No.6195713

They did send me a list of a load of other modelling agencies, so I guess you're right. Thanks

>> No.6195716

Dan hasn't posted here for a while, anon/

>> No.6195718

According to the New York Better Business Career Services website, the preferred dimensions for a male model are a height of 5 ft 11 in (180 cm) to 6 ft 2 in (188 cm), a waist of 30–32 in (76.20–81.28 cm) and a chest measurement of 36–40 in (91.44–101.60 cm). Male runway models have been noted as being skinny and well toned.

>tfw 179 cm and 28 waist

>> No.6195720

>Dan hasn't posted here for a while
>name is Dan
You're a really funny guy aren't you?

>> No.6195726

yeah but they lie about the height by an inch at least
check all the discrepancies in famous models 'official' heights

that guy is probs like 177cm or something in reality

>> No.6195728


>> No.6195731
File: 90 KB, 612x612, 601398_493886583981029_1213659151_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can I be a m-model?

>> No.6195732

is the side of your face a banana?

>> No.6195736

You look like a sad trollface

>> No.6195734

Dan's trip is public, bro.

>> No.6195737


are you real?

>> No.6195739

yes, is that thinning on my sides a sign of balding

>> No.6195740
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sorry, don't know that feel,bra

>> No.6195749

>if you were straight-up hopeless they wouldn't have responded at all
they probably send those letters to everyone they reject. companies have an interest in being cordial

>> No.6195753
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b-be gentle

>> No.6195759

bretty gud op not going to lie was it a height thing?

>> No.6195762

If they have a very high volume of applications, they're not going to waste time and money on being cordial to those that have absolutely no future in their industry.
Have any of you ever applied for anything in the real world? Rejection letters are good news.

>> No.6195771

You have an attractive face but not a model face.

>> No.6195774

i coud c u modelling but a specific type of modelling, not runway shit

maybe they ujst didnt need any catalogue type models

>> No.6195779

disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.6195785

You are very handsome, seriously. I guess it's just not a model face, whatever.

>> No.6195780

you could do commercial but not runway

>> No.6195781

Also, not being model-level doesn't mean you're a rung below or anything. Just different criteria. Most actors would never qualify.

>> No.6195782

I think what these guys are saying is correct:
>>6195771 mostly this guy

>> No.6195790

your shoulders are freakish. I hope you're at least maintaining your shape.

>> No.6195796
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>> No.6195799

go away

>> No.6195800

It could be because of your cheeks, but lighting sucks in that pic
You look good and you should consider acting in commercials lel

>> No.6195808
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>> No.6195810

i think u might b balding M8

>> No.6195814

mayb if u could keep ur hair from tryin 2 run away from u lel

>> No.6195812

Your very handsome but your face is very bland. Still, very handsome

>> No.6195823

Might be
Bitches still on ma dick, fuccboi

>> No.6195827
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>> No.6195828
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>> No.6195842
File: 118 KB, 612x612, 603652_512364305466590_1228356434_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad
kill yourself faggot

>> No.6195852
File: 65 KB, 320x257, 6fd45448021423f06b479bbdbb9865ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you do one for me as well? I want to see how I look like when I'm bald. Ignore the stupid state of my face.

>> No.6195853


>> No.6195857

holy shit you have a nice jaw and stuff but you look like an alien here

>> No.6195872

How do you know you're gonna go bald

i know your dad is but that doesnt mean you will

it increases your chances by 2.5x but it still depends mainly on ur mums side of the fam

is your mums dad bald
if he isnt u might not go bald

>> No.6195884

my dad isn't bald, he has some heavy thinning though
my mums dad had a recessed as fuck hairline in his thirties and has like 5 hairs left now.

also fuck my expression in that pic is horrible

>> No.6195899
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>tfw dad started balding in highschool
>mums brothers receding 1st year college

I already have a small receding outline but what hurts is that its only going to get worse, only going to get worse...

>> No.6195907

Hey man you have very strong facial features, if you start balding ofcourse its going to suck but you have compensation for that.

>> No.6195914

Got invited for an interview but I got to afraid to accept. Thus I spared myself the risk of getting sent off. I wonder if it was a good decision or I am just too much of a spineless coward. People say I give up to easy but I just don't know.

>> No.6195912

ah okay, idk why i thought he was

u still might go bald

>mfw 2 weeks or so ago i read about it being ur mums dad who u get ur hair genes from
>never thought about balding ever (dad has good hair, his dad has pretty goat hair aged 82 or something)
>mums dad died when i was like 2
>all the pics i can remember seeing him in he was in a flat cap (he was a miner
>90% sure he was bald
>OH NO omg im going 2 go bald (my cousin on my mums side went bald at like 19... shit)
>ask my mum is her dad was bald... no not at all
>my cousin got his bald genes from his mum (all her family are baldies)


im so glad i would look soo obad bald my head is rly big lol

>> No.6195935


you're a spineless coward

>> No.6195938

You deprived yourself of an experience.

>> No.6195937

lucky you, my whole fathers side has okay hair (grandpa was 55 when he died and hadn't recessed a cm),
but my moms side grandpa was recessing in his twenties, while my moms side uncle still has a lot of hair.
If I truly start recessing a lot in my twenties I'm just gonna shave it all of and become buff or get hair transplant.

>> No.6195947

Boo hoo, I didn't hit the genetic jackpot.

Go read a fucking book and get a real job. Maybe one that adds value to society.

>> No.6195948

lol, good plan

it aint a foregone conclusion though

also i just remembered my mums brother is receeding, not terribly, and hes like 60 but still, i wonder where those genes came from

though i guess that would be my grandmothers mother for him

>> No.6195960

How can you even know that? Maybe a model works as an important motivator for people to work harder in their life or something like that. Meanwhile a doctor might find himself working with meaningless cases and writing long boring journals for nobody to read.

>> No.6195964

Model generates economy.

>> No.6195998

If we see a pic we might be able to tell whether you're being realistic or just a total schmuck.

>> No.6196023

tfw when having been the most beautifull child ever, modeling career in reach and puperty fucked me up to be one hell of an ugly motherfucker.

>> No.6196036

When I was 20 I freaked out about going bald when I saw a picture of my dad at my age with a full head of brown hair and we looked almost identical (except I'm blonde).

It took me 3 years to remember that my dad looks /fa/ as fuck even without hair (dat head shape and bone structure) So now I give no shits whether I go bald or not (mother's side all had full head of hair into their 70's but that whole 'mother side' thing sounds like bro science)

>> No.6196042

You have a Hugh Jackman feel too you. And that´s good, more than good.a

>> No.6196061
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You can get a profile

>> No.6196072

I wonder. If they thought you were ugly, what would have the letter said?

>> No.6196120 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw get scouted by modeling agencies every time im in SF working, but decline and tell them i dont want to work with a bunch of pretentious fags in shitty wanna-be edgy clothing

>> No.6196136

I know this feel

I was such qt until like 4th grade

wtf happened

I had awesome hair with natural high lights from the sun, skin so delicious and a great tan, beautiful eyes with dark and long as fuck eyelashes and my face was symmetrical. Then something happened and I turned ugly. My face got fat and I lost all the qtness. Maybe if I starve myself I will become qt again.

>> No.6196138

you can be an asos/lookbook model OP
you are classically handsome and obviously get bitches
i wish i wasn't ugly so much

>> No.6196141

That's what you get for spamming your pic all the time on /fa/ you delusional motherfucker.

>> No.6196155

get to 8% if u aint cute then give up

but u probably will be and will lose the fat

>> No.6196165

You didn't get the job because you don't have a portfolio with professional pictures done. You needed to hire a photographer to make a portfolio and hire a makeup artist for the session.

Sincerely, adult who used to work for a print/commercial agency as a teenager.

>> No.6196175

keep sticking it to the man case

>> No.6196204

Doubt this is true.
You're far too ugly to be a model.

>dem huge eyelashes and eyes
>dat retarded head shape
>dem caterpillar eyebrows
>dem huge nigger lips
>dat buttchin
>ears too small for you giant head
>reclining hairline
>you look 40, model agencies want young models, not old ones.
>you are a loser and even LOOK like a loser

don't get butthurt
I love you case but i'm just stating facts

>> No.6196217

casemods butthurt respond +samefagging in 3...2...1...

>> No.6196231
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Admit you're just mad cuz im 2 nxtlvl 4 u

>> No.6196234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6196240

this fucking edjit, oh man

>> No.6196246


>> No.6196253

I remember you from a /soc/ thread.

>> No.6196267
File: 10 KB, 480x360, jeffrey dahmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not going back there they say I look like serial killer all the time and their board sux.

Well Jeffrey Dahmer was kinda bvsed...

>> No.6196277
File: 79 KB, 345x431, 1364845885289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was a plain-looking child with a round face, dark circles under my eyes and pudge
>tfw I grew up and radically changed for the better in every way except for symmetry
>tfw I should have listened to my parents and ate nutritious food while being active

Goddamn developmental instability.

>> No.6196276

Eyes too far apart
No upper lip

>> No.6196309
File: 237 KB, 500x562, long_eyelashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and did the length of your eyelashes change?
Because I'm like average/below average and the only feature people flatter are my eyelashes.
They're a bit long but I'm afraid that this length will be reduced over the years and I'll be completely average..

>> No.6196499

We are all dan

>> No.6198315

youre good looking OP, but your eyes and nose are what prevents you from model tier. youre a solid 8/10 so either get over it and pull bitches or get plastic surgery

>> No.6198347

>whilst we think you're very handsome


>> No.6198358

not that guy but my eyelashes are straight ridiculous
used to get asked if i was wearing mascara all the time

>> No.6198359
File: 75 KB, 474x604, tumblr_mkanqyykP71rhkp9so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how Op looks, and this is how the modeling agency wants him to look:

>> No.6198370

I kinda look like this, same face shape and my facial hair grows the same.

Not posting pics though I have a terrible eye infection atm and am not qt for the time being

>> No.6198429
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omg another thread about hair/baldness

currently i have a straight across hairline and im 18 years old

I notice a tiny bit of thinning at the sides of my hairline and the temples, its not noticable until you get like 2 inches from my hair and start lifting it up and checking it out and shit

should I just start on lipogaine or something and maintain and grow back some of the tiny thinning parts that arent noticable so i never go bald?

or am i stressing too much

pic related i can make my hair look like that and its pretty much the same thickness

>> No.6198452

would put in my vagina, hot as fuck.
post chest

>> No.6198455

lol wait till you get to me, total frontal chemo recession

>> No.6198460


also adding that when i wear my hair down it looks pretty good too, no sign of receding hairline @ all

when i wear it up though its still straight across but im still worried about thinning in the future

>> No.6198733

>tfw I will never look like him