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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 309 KB, 1071x1600, Freja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6194974 No.6194974 [Reply] [Original]

How do you keep yourself from eating /FA/

>> No.6194983


>> No.6194987

drink a lot of water
stay away from caffeine
smoke cigarettes
do cocaine
find filling foods like certain vegetables and fast burn carbohydrates like brown rice
eat very clean.

I eat everyday though, 3 to 4 meals a day and i'm M 5'11 118. Not eating is pretty bad for you, at least take vitamins and supplements alongisde and cook you some pasta with olive oil and vegetables and a little chicken. I just eat very healthy and work out and good metabolism.

>> No.6194988

It's not really a secret, you just get used to not being a slave under your urges. Same way you keep yourself from molesting pretty people.

>> No.6194986

cigarettes, coffee

>> No.6194989


>> No.6194992

> realize i haven't eaten today
meh not hungry anyway

>> No.6194991

wtf m8

>> No.6194995

how the fuck do people do this?? nigga your body needs nutrients espicially after you sleep.

>> No.6195004

depression just makes me eat though

>> No.6195001



>> No.6195006

because as you do this more often your metabolism changes the way it works to stave off famine.

>> No.6195012

>stay away from caffeine
caffeine speeds up metabolism

>tfw drink copious amounts of coffee
>dat aerobic resting heartrate
>eat nothing but mcdonald's and sushi
>approaching ottermode rapidly

>> No.6195017

Self control + eating food rich in fats.

>> No.6195018

i eat what i want (fries, pizza, you name it)
6'0" (a bit short yeah) 135lbs

>> No.6195019

>your body needs nutrients
>espicially after you sleep.

Stay pleb.

>> No.6195024

I get super focused on stuff and I forget to eat.

Like I'll be working on this song for days and I'll see a commercial for Mcdonalds or something and I'll remember that food and eating are a thing and realise I haven't eaten in 3 days,

>> No.6195023


>> No.6195028

No Alcohol
No Sugar

try it

>> No.6195029

you guys are fun you can eat like a normal person and be skinny lol fashion plebs

>> No.6195032

I wish the height trolling would stop, it's embarrassing now.

>> No.6195041

alright, 6'0" is average, not short

>> No.6195045

Take ADD meds
Smoke cigs
Drink coffee
Drink lots of water
Eat healthy, going vegetarian for 60%+ of your meals helps you adapt to the new diet
Snack on carrots and apples

>> No.6195047

Her face is more masculine than mine ;_;

>> No.6195054

i eat whatever i want
feels good man

>> No.6195056

Not really, I didn't know you were being serious. Now I feel like a dick.

Why do you think you're short man?

>> No.6195063

same here m8.

kinda realized its a gr8 privilegeafter seein so many people worry about food

>> No.6195068
File: 430 KB, 1536x2048, bild (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love cookies and chocolates and I'm still fairly slim. This is me after a workout hiatus at like 150lbs at 6'2. Slightly more muscular currently. But I tend to go down rather than up if I don't work out. I'd say it's mostly genetic.

>> No.6195073

enjoy getting fat after you're 25

>> No.6195081


Do you even curl?

>> No.6195101

because i see a lot of people taller than me everyday :( feels bad man

>> No.6195111

this guy knows what's up, eat anything just do some sport here and there

people eating an apple a day make me laugh so hard, i'm fucking 127 lbs at 6'1" you're obv doing something wrong guys

>> No.6195108

I'm 6'4 and I see people taller than me everyday, that doesn't make me short, it makes them fucking giants

>> No.6195109

look at pictures and videos of fat ugly people
then look at pictures of thin/fit people
and when you eat, eat healthy clean food

>> No.6195116

yeah im gnna get that metabolism crash
i exercise enough for it to not be that bad tho :)

>> No.6195117

yeah but 6'4" is more rare than 6'0" everybody is 6'0" nowadays, even girls
i feel short even though i know i'm not really short

>> No.6195125

I'm 184cm barefoot (6"1?) and I see people taller than me everyday. That being said I also notice how I tower over the other 80% of people.

When I had sever depression, I did not notice the other 80% and focused solely on who was taller than me and felt like shit.

Maybe get some help m8. :)

>> No.6195126

>everybody is 6'0"

No, they're not.

>> No.6195129

I'm 6'5 and RARELY do I see anyone taller than me. you must live in a naturally tall town.

>> No.6195154

where the fuck do you live, I want to date tall girls and everyone is under 5'8 here

>tfw no 6'0 gf
>tfw 5'2 gf

>> No.6195177

yes, this please. i dated someone my height once and it was great. 10/10

>> No.6195190

a lot of country have mostly tall people
sweden, norway, denmark, nederlands

>> No.6195229

me too. i'm also 184cm and i tower over most of the manlets in my city, but there are also a lot of people that makes me feel like a manlet myself.

>tfw i'm shortest man in the family

my younger brother is 187cm, feels bad

>> No.6195235

iktb bro, my best friends gf is swedish (6'0") and wears heels. I'm 6'1" and i feel ridiculous because if i don't stand straight 24/7 she towers me

>> No.6195251

actually i don't know any girl that is taller than me(similar height at most, but not taller), but my mom's family is swiss german and every dude there, my uncles, cousins, etc are all at least 190cm, why the fuck did I get the shit of end of the family genetics

>> No.6195256

short people always think we're trolling them when we say we feel short at 5'11" 6'0" 6'1" but they just don't understand. I feel like this daily

>> No.6195260

ikr when i meet a 190cm or more man i feel like i'm really a manlet (in my head it'slike i'm 165cm or smth)

>> No.6195262

Smoking cigarettes.

>> No.6195268

fuck being 6'1"
I can't see over people's heads at shows and all the 6'4" people are attractivd

>> No.6195269

post topless pics for reference

>> No.6195287

Maybe that's why you feel that way. I tower over my parents and siblings.

>> No.6195292

i'm 6'3 and still feel jelly when i see people like 6'7+


>> No.6195296

why am i jelly when i see taller men but not when i see skinnier men?

>> No.6195294
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The thing is, average height has progressed so quickly in the past 100 years that 5'10"-ish is actually the average nowadays, but a lot of people still think of it as being "tall".

That said I'm 5'11" and, while being 6' or over is better aesthetically, being taller than everyone would probably just make me more awkward than I already am

>> No.6195314

M 6 feet, 111 lbs
i eat whatever i want, never gain weight
something is wrong with me

>> No.6195326

dont u kno that working out is modern couture

>> No.6195337

Because you can change your weight, but you cant necessarily change your height.
Naturally, anyway

>> No.6196002

You don't need a lot of food to sustain your weight (and your hunger). That's it. I'm exactly the same: 183 cm and 57 kg and I eat whatever and whenever I want. I can go the entire day only eating breakfast(or around noon-ish) and a meal at around 3-ish(if ate at noon-ish, then 5-6).
>tfw actually underweight

>> No.6196013

it's not what you eat, it's how much of it

>> No.6196046

185cm and 61kg here. I also eat what I want and when I want - not gaining any more weight. I guess gaining must be even harder than losing it (at least for me). Eating to me is a chore and I would gladly take a pill to replace my food if such a pill existed.

I'm trying to get my weight to at least 65kg but holy shit it's gun be tufffff.

>> No.6196928
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Jesus, 4chan is a depressing place. I am sorry that you guys feel like this. Height is just simply one part of your appearance, unless someone is drastically short or tall,most people don't think about it so much. I haven't checked my height in like 8 years which was when I was 16 and 5'9 and I haven't grown a whole lot since then. As long as you are taking care of your body and hygiene then you are good to go.

Personality and accomplishments stand out much more which will become apparent once you leave highschool. Despite trolls, I still get the feeling that this board is full of insecure kids who think the greatest human accomplishment is to be a male model. If that is your goal then go for it but it is nothing to worry about.

This is a fashion board, and being physically attractive is /fa/ but the level of insecurity and pettiness here is ridiculous. Do you think famous designers like Ricky and Yohji sit around dwelling on their insecurities? No, they innovate and create. Let's face it, using your mind to create something beautiful whether it be design, science or whatever you want, will always an extremely attractive trait for a person.

tldr: don't be a /fa/ckbou

>> No.6196962

whoa, where to cop that low bodyfat goddamn

>> No.6197083

Vinegar & redbull, then all the diet soada you want m8

>> No.6197110

you sure about diet soda, I've heard about how it can be worse for weight gain than regular soda, something about how your body isn't burning any calories

>> No.6197131

in all honesty it's mind over matter but during the day there will be "temptations", like watching other people eat or drink something and you just have to fight that off, i truly honestly believe that a human can go without eating at all, i'm not to sure about water though, i'm more than positive that we NEED water to stay alive lolol

>> No.6197144

i don't eat
simple as that
hurts like shit but it is worth it if i lose 10kg a week

>> No.6197146

>i truly honestly believe that a human can go without eating at all

try that out, see what happens

>> No.6197151
File: 5 KB, 150x175, fdr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course trust me but its flexible, replace with water
1 tbsp Apple cider (or White Whine) vinegar with every meal

>> No.6197158

> i truly honestly believe that a human can go without eating at all

w2c perpetual motion machine?

Let's fuel our journey to the stars with hungry human bodies.

>> No.6197172

>not carrying disposable IV with you everywhere

>> No.6197174

wasn't there some indian dude who claimed to live off the energy of the sun for months?

>> No.6197167

I used to eat whatever I wanted and then go full bulimia mode -- trying to not throw up anymore because, of course, it's terrible for you. I end up doing it more often than I'd like, however.

Right now I'm struggling. 6'3, 149. I'm so hungry ALL the time. I don't want to take up smoking, that shit is awful.

>> No.6197181


Can't lay off chocolate and starbucks coffee. Feelsbadman.

>> No.6197184

yeah he had carbon fiber composite sheets to absorb energy attached to his head

>> No.6197188

water and fruits

>> No.6197191

fuck i'm doing really really bad. 6'3 and ~185. I have to stop eating i'm such a skinny-fat fuccboi. Thank you anon

>> No.6197193

5'10 down to 128. a while back i went down to 115. i looked like a skeleton though. im getting very tired of this.

>> No.6197210


he was lying or some one of a kind mutant freak

>> No.6197204
File: 42 KB, 500x461, ngbbs4fe95d3185aea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there bro -- I used to be your weight a few years back and it was considered 'normal'. I didn't go on /fa/ then.

>> No.6197221

5'10'' 180lbs
>dat feel when huge thighs
>im a small and medium depending on fit
>used to be a waist size 32 now i have to buy 34
>everyday i workout for 1 hour and run every other day
>im trying to eat less
>going into NAVY in a couple of months so i can't starve myself

>> No.6197222

yeah I'm just starting out. but a lot of shit has been killing my confidence recently. that's another story though

>> No.6197223

You are not 111lb.

>> No.6197229

Indian gurus who claim extraordinary shit are always extraordinarily lying or their claims are misconstrued by an awed audience.

>> No.6197241

what are you now? what did you do to lose it?

>> No.6197261

I'm >>6197167
Mostly stopped eating -its horrible-, cut back on chocolates and starbucks -hurt the most-, and well, puked when I felt I had to.

I don't think we're supposed to be 149, man. But it looks fucking good.

>> No.6197278

just stay and eat less anyway .

>> No.6197292

can i stay? i've a;ready sworn in and have a designated ship date...the only way i think I can stay is if im over my weight limit 186

>> No.6197306

ruh roh

>> No.6197310

Houston, we have a problem here.

>> No.6197313

I-I- can still be /fa/ r-right??

>> No.6197319
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>> No.6197316
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>> No.6197323
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>> No.6197326

oh god

>> No.6197329

just imagine them raiding your village. ready to come in and rape you.

>> No.6197331

>implying any of that is /fa/

>> No.6197333


>> No.6197340

ok just dont let it happen again mister

>> No.6197346

s-s-sure thing...(fuccboi bitch bet i can choke your cunt ass out)

>> No.6197350


>> No.6197365

Soooo im going to look like a bitch in my baggy ass uniform huh?

>> No.6197370

how am i supposed to know?


do you want me to talk dirty to you? is that what you want?

>> No.6197386

only if your a qt, bb
What are you runnin? Out of 10?
I betchoo a sweet 8.5/10
aye bb gurl are you a nxt lvl qt3.14?

>> No.6197397

im not a girl. i can pretend to be one if you want though.

>> No.6197426

are you at least qt?
im slightly attracted to males because of all the Model Files...

>> No.6197481

267 down to 235
Still fat
Been on this weight for a few months now.
i need to keep going, pls help

>> No.6197488

how do you get that fat, jesus
how tall r u

>> No.6197501

its years and years of accumulation, i havent been at my healthy weight since i was like 7. now, a little bit over 10 years later i try to fix that.

>> No.6197527

I'm 5'10" and over the last year and a half I went down from 170lbs to 150lbs and I still feel terrible especially now since its summer and I am bloated.

>> No.6197541

>okay i have decided to eat again! i dont care anymore im hungry!
>oh hi anon you look great, so thin
>go back to starving myself


>> No.6197852

I don't, i just exercise the fuck out of myself.

>> No.6197859


>>Same way you keep yourself from molesting pretty people.

why would you ever stop yourself from doing such a thing?

>> No.6197867

isn't it annoying how in these type of threads it's full of nerds telling you to smoke + eat adderal + drink coffee and you know they look like skinnyfat dweebs?

>> No.6197882

i think you would be surprised to find a lot of the lurkers on /fa/ are literally severely emaciated betas.

>> No.6197903

a good portion of the posters here are auschwitz mode

>> No.6197908

>fatties deluding themselves into thinking they'll ever be fa

>> No.6197912

doubt it.

I'm sure there are lots of genuinely skinny people on this board, but I bet theres a lot more skinnyfat nerds here smoking & sucking in their cheecks tryna be RJ Kind or something #lel

>> No.6197914

no they arent lol they skinnyfat dudes that tell themselves ther cute anorexic auschwitz fashion mode when rly they just fatties

>> No.6197920


idk maybe during ths sumer, pre sum there wer p.gud amount of auschwitz

>> No.6197928

you should have seen our older posters then

>> No.6197934

posting bias

ofc the aushwitz qt's are going to selfpost.

The majority of this board is skinnyfat.
>t-there were like 5 trips who were all skinny as fuck
>that means everyone on /fa/ was skinny

>> No.6197946

look through waywts

barely any fatties

usually /fit/ dudes or twink skinny bois, only chubbos w/ be gurls who want attention

>> No.6197957

why would this board having skinny posters cause such denial?

>> No.6197966

>posting bias
>ofc the aushwitz qt's are going to selfpost.
what part of this don't you understand?

of course the good-looking (or at least ones who think they look good) will post themselves.

>> No.6197967

>haven't eaten cake, donuts, cookies, etc in 4+ years
>haven't drinken anything besides water and tea for 5+ years

sometimes it feels bad man

>> No.6197974


idk i post a lot of fits and im pritty fat

>> No.6197979

because i can't eat the internet

>> No.6197981

yes it does....

it isnt any fun either

>> No.6197989

God damn. Especially when I go out with friends who eat whatever the hell they want and still are as skinny as a rail.

>> No.6198008

sometimes i wonder if i would be happier if i was normal size and i didnt have to keep this up anymore...

>> No.6198063

a night on mandy makes me not hungry for like 3 days. smoke constantly for exemplified effect.

>> No.6198069

Hey, i hate having fun too!

well christ after seeing how much of a fat cunt SQUIDS is I really don't know what to think....well nothing wrong with being fat or a cunt but he sure acted like he was the shit.

>> No.6198161

>those arms
thank you disproportioned muscle mass skeleton

>> No.6198173

>127 lbs
>works out
you must be a stick or your idea of working out is very different from the average person

>> No.6198181

I'm 5'9" 150lb

I don't even look fat, the weight literally collects on my stomach and chest and makes it look like I lift. I look pretty built and I dont lift at all. I also have a pretty wide build so that only adds to it.

its pretty awesome but I wish i was taller/had thinner face skin.

>> No.6198178

>tfw you just totally described me
>know youre right but not gonna change my ways
maybe ill grow out of it

>> No.6198184

yeah, no you don't

>> No.6198187

>makes it look like I lift

lol no

>> No.6198234


not an incredible amount, but a little bit

>> No.6198318

Light workouts 5 days a week with dumbbells + very carefully watching my calories, carbs, protein and sodium.
wut you probably just look chubby

>> No.6198327

>expecting a Supreme dickriding fuccboi to be anything other than a fat black/philipino cunt

>> No.6198353

>right in the feels

>> No.6198413

I dont even find RJ attractive, Cole on the other hand.

I want his baby's

>> No.6198494

>implying 150 is heavy for 5'9

thats actually under optimal weight if you lift moderately. you don't look like you lift fucker

>> No.6198543
File: 30 KB, 640x507, picture_of_the_day_640_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee and fags may help you lose weight but they wont stop you from being ugly

does no one understand eating healthily and excersing

fucking lazy cunts i bet you all think your lives are sooo hard

>> No.6198603

i hope you realize not eating makes you keep your body fat

>> No.6198637

>coffee and fags may help you lose weight but they wont stop you from being ugly

neither will working out tho

>> No.6198653

it helps

>> No.6198664


>> No.6198694

>neither will working out though

Except that you'll never have dry skin of dandruff again, your skin won't get oily as easily, you'll have less blackheads and pimples, you'll have over-all more manageable skin, less face fat, etc, etc, etc.

You'll also remain more youthful in older age than your peers and won't suffer from wrinkles and other detrimental shit caffeine and cigarettes can cause.

>> No.6198818

>you literally can't take it anymore, your stomach is hurting bad
>you devour everything and anything edible within sight
>spend the next hour puking

>> No.6198958

>not having superior metabolism

i eat all the time and stay skinny/ottermode

>> No.6198963

Skinnyfat detected

>> No.6198985

oh how i know that feel.

i wish i wasnt like this.

>> No.6198989

eat fill bars
take adderall and drink coffee

>> No.6199099

people who say this have no idea what the fuck theyre talking about, its the same as fatties eating a shitload and saying UH I CANT LOSE WEIGHT MUH GENETICS
nah, your definition of eating is not everyone's definition. what all these auschwitz mode faggots here saying they eat a lot is actually one slice of pizza and maybe a medium coke.

>> No.6199204

the cocaine was the truest part of this post

>> No.6199219

hundred mothafuckas can't tell me nothin

>> No.6199221

Yeah, I'm auschwitz mode and I feel fat today

The kicker is I've only eaten three slices of pizza and had a few energy drinks today

Yeah, when I tell people I can eat whatever I want - I forget to tell them that pigging out for me is eating three slices of pizza lol

>> No.6199227

the fuq, you look like leonardo dicaprio

>> No.6199246

so fucking sad that it's the polar opposite for women
I'm a lady and 6'1" (albeit, I've been this way since I was 14) and everyone gawks at me like I'm a fucking circus act
either that or tell me to be a basketball player/model
sadly, my weight and subsequent eating disorder will not allow that u_u

>> No.6200401

post pics

>> No.6200406

nah working out will make you a qt

I don't mean like /fit/'s idea of working out i.e worshipping a fat powerlifter and chugging 2 gallons of milk a day

>> No.6200409

>"omg a girl on the internet XD! she's breaking da rules I gotta see pics or it didn't happen XDDDD!"

>> No.6200414

Does anyone else just not really enjoy food?
I'm 6'4" 150lbs and I eat all day, just not that much

>> No.6200430

lets see the backkk

>> No.6200437
File: 809 KB, 914x682, Screen shot 2013-05-22 at 15.43.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimal lifting and eating whatever
i shoudl really start a proper diet but im too lazy

>> No.6200456

i'll post the back after I see a fit
>inb4 asos everything

why you blurring out your face bby we all know what you look like

>> No.6200459
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>> No.6200469
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>mfw tinfoil has attained my goal body with
>"minimal lifting and eating whatever"

>> No.6200475

damn thats nice yo

>> No.6200473

if he is like me, his "eating whatever" means not eating very much but eating what you want

some days I don't eat and don't care/notice, other days I'll eat like 3 steaks and shit

>> No.6200482

nice dick

>> No.6200498

i wana cut down to 140 like 15lbs

>> No.6200535 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 480x640, 2013-05-22 10.04.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, posted fit

>> No.6200549
File: 86 KB, 524x428, 20100428-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working out isn't hard guys

>> No.6200670

>i should buy a treadmill

>> No.6201369

idk why you bitch about your body so much
this isnt even that bad just deadlift faggot

>> No.6201718

w2c fast metabolism

>> No.6201843

a little mix of laziness/social anxiety so I don't buy much at the grocery store and I don't like talking to restaurant staff unless i'm with a friend

>> No.6201858

Social anxiety. I'm actually a little bit scared of going buy something to eat. It's not much, but it's helping a lot to keep me from doing it. So my home is food-free. The rest is easy.

Oh wow, hey

>> No.6201934 [DELETED] 
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>mfw 5'6" and I see all these 6' niggas wishing they were taller

Holy fuck man, I don't understand where all this insecurity comes from. Be happy with what you got and be the best you can be. Man is not merely made, he is created.

>> No.6201972

I seriously laugh at some of you pretentious 18 year olds here. The whole omg how not to eat so that I can weigh 120 lbs. thing is ridiculous. Guys like tinfoil who "eat whatever" are gonna be skinny for a few years but as they get older and into their late 20's are just gonna get progressively more skinnyfat until they just look bad and un/fa/. I'm NOT saying you need to go get jacked but a body with at least a little muscle on it is going to be much more /fa/, generally healthier and (IMO) better, longer.

>>not bagging on tin, cheers m8 :)

>> No.6202057

secret is drink lots of water.
hunger and thirst is controlled by same part of the brain.
get hungry, drink water, not be hungry anymore

>> No.6202080

drinking water makes me more hungry.

>> No.6202120
File: 221 KB, 367x276, Bod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went from eating 2500kcal a day to eating 4000kcal a day for a month and gained less than 3kg. I never believed in the fast metabolism, slow metabolism shit before that, but maybe it's not just something that fatties use to justify being corpulent.

>> No.6202136


holy hips

>> No.6202138


u never ate 4000 calories

u didnt even eat 2500

>> No.6202147

just go on keto. no hunger.

>> No.6202150

Because it doesn't take eating a whole pizza to all of that if not more

And it's still not THAT MUCH food

>> No.6202156

i used to have a body like that, started lifting and now im cut as hell.

we skiny guys have an advantage

>> No.6202166

Why don't you fags just eat healthy and go running or do lots of cardio? You'll build a little muscle, you'll look better in clothes, you won't be skinny fat/skinny disgusting, not too mention running makes you feel fucking great and you'll be a happier person because your stomach will be full of delicious food instead of nothing. People will compliment you and you might even make friends because you won't be grumpy as fuck/mentally slow from not eating.

>> No.6202176

1lb of fat = 3500 calories (roughly)
You gained around 7lb = 21000 calories.
21000 / 28 = 750

Suggests that your maintenance amount is 3250 calories daily. Nothing unheard of.

At 6'3, 21 y/o, lifting 5 times weekly
I eat between 3500-4500 daily and gain minimal fat

>> No.6202232

you're probably better looking, though.

>> No.6202252

wait can you please explain the apple cider/white wine addition?

>> No.6202267


>> No.6202273

I lift weights and eat a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. I almost never snack. If I want to lose more weight then I go running 3 or 4 times a week for 25 minutes.
I'm 6'5" though and it's easier for me to lose weight than gain weight. Currently sitting at 200lbs (the thinnest I've been in 2/3 years because I wanted some more of that sweet muscle definition).

>> No.6202286

seriously, i need help. my calves and shin area recently have expanded but the rest of my body isn't fat at all. i don't know why the fuck this is happening but is there a way to lose weight in just your legs?

>> No.6202295

>you won't be skinny disgusting

thats what half of this board wants

>> No.6203009

Focalin, moderate depression.
Hang around skinny people that make you feel like crap.

>> No.6203037

Better question: how do I tell my teenage sister to stop eating.

She thinks it's ok to be "bulky" because she plays girl's basketball but you can see the start of a doublechin when she laughs and she's totally going to be fat if she goes to college and starts drinking

what's a non-creepy way to make her feel guilty about everything she puts in her mouth

>> No.6203052

Thankyou skeleton

>> No.6203054

Do you get tonnes of pussy for looking like Leo?

>> No.6203071

depends on the relationship you have with her and how much respect she has for you

>> No.6203075

if we were in the 90's maybe

>> No.6203125

it depends on how your relationship and what kind of reinforcement they listen to, im pretty tight with my brother but the kid is a chubbo no doubt about it. I would always try to be kind and encouraging about him losing weight but he would never listen, finally i started calling him a fatty fatass who will never get a gf and he finally started caring. Lesson is some people respond to negative reinforcement and others positive

>> No.6203784

Why the fuck would I do that? If I don't eat I can't maintain that 48" shoulder measurement. I worked hard to have a solid foot of difference between my jacket size and my pant size.

Anorexia is easy. Working to a 4000 calorie maintenance, keeping your body fat under 12%, and not being a meathead even though you're over 30...thats tough.

>> No.6203786

>I worked hard to have a solid foot of difference between my jacket size and my pant size.

>> No.6203790

Heroin, crack nd lookin at ur moms vagina!

>> No.6203816
File: 5 KB, 104x144, 1357140405375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe just
you know
work out a bit and have an okay diet

>> No.6204151


>> No.6204388

>do cocaine
>but also eat 'cuz not eating's bad for you

>> No.6204409

working on that

>> No.6204418

smoke dat crack muthafucka
namean, nigga?

>> No.6204542

yea because 3000 calories isnt a decent amount
>ice cream erryday

>> No.6204570

physical exercise is an urban myth

>> No.6204579


I don't see why skeleton-mode appeals to so many people on /fa/.

>> No.6204580

do coke but stay away from caffeine

i loled

>> No.6204589

because they're too fucknigga to work out and it's better than being fat. they try to justify it by calling anyone who weighs more than 120lbs fat.

>> No.6204607

5'11" 123lbs here. Nice to meet someone like me.

I don't work out, but my job keeps me fairly active. I eat healthy (meat occasionally) and stay away from anything anyone could characterize as 'unhealthy food' (mostly becos it's gross though :^) ).

Agree with the cocaine and cigarettes, although I recently quit smoking for job, although i find coffee actually really helps me along without having to eat anything. Don't smoke weed ever especially if there's food around and you don't have to do any hard drugs either like heroin chic does not necissaril need heroin

Overall, just only put healthy things in your body (except cigarettes I guess) and coffee isn't that bad for you.

>> No.6204617

because eating disorders are fashionable

its easy to justify it that way see

>> No.6204622

ew ew ew ew ew

>> No.6204628

there are more important things than being fashionable. one of those things is feeling healthy. there's nothing admirable about not seeing that.

>> No.6204638

>maybe it's not just something that fatties use to justify being corpulent.

why does this surprise people

>> No.6204661

how unnatractive is being skinny as a male to the typical teenage girl

>> No.6204665

Sometimes when I look in the mirror and find that I've gained some weight I just take my ADD pills for the rest of the week and it helps a ton

>> No.6204671


teenage girls and getting them are not /fa/.

>> No.6204675

this. You can't be /fa/ if you're a girl until you're 21-24.

>> No.6204681

>typical teenage girls

nobody cares about them

>> No.6204694
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>there are more important things than being fashionable

there is nothing more important than being fashionable

>> No.6204700
File: 12 KB, 327x388, 1321133917630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are more important things than being fashionable.

>> No.6204704

I don't, but I still can't gain weight.


>> No.6204708


Insult girls the same age who are skinnier than her about being fat

>> No.6204718

realistically, there's nothing less important in life than being fashionable.

but yea.. fashion's cool too..

>> No.6204731


>there are more important things than being fashionable


Come on you can't be fucking serious

>> No.6204728


>> No.6204742

youre on the wrong board pal

>> No.6204767
File: 11 KB, 500x500, hierarchy_of_needs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i like fashion its good.
just saying, its the absolute last thing to worry about in life. its a cool hobby though. i like lurking here.

>> No.6204770

they all look stoned with the exception of the very alarmed man on the far left

>> No.6204799


Clothing goes in all of those categories

>> No.6204801

>there are more important things than being fashionable
hahahahah no

>> No.6204814


>> No.6204911
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>> No.6205220

you know how people tell you to think of your goal/ideal body.dont do that it'll make it more difficult for you, instead think about hwo gross and fat you would look.feel me?

>> No.6205240

Man, that's hilarious

>> No.6205253

i don't have any of these things except food water and shelter

>> No.6205286

post shoes

>> No.6205389

progress, i recommend not eating & running or and 50 calorie diet for 3 months w/ running. you'll be like dropping 8pounds a week. only if you're under 25 tho, you'll be fucked otherwise.

>> No.6205513

"it really baffels me how skinny some guys are"
got like 20 likes i think, the quote is something like that but the girl posting it was a qt.

>> No.6205523

Nice dark nips, old sport.