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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 720x720, 944389_10201312148432246_636064549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6192218 No.6192218 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my style! :)

>> No.6192229


kill yourself

>> No.6192238


>> No.6192242

underwear might be ok
post undies or gtfo

>> No.6192252

I think it's quite nice, jeans and top have a real 90's feel to them. Great necklace and hair as well.

>> No.6192275

Lose that necklace, change your shirt to a different color or pattern, too plain. Nice jeans. Darker lipstick would look nice I think. 7/10

>> No.6192771
File: 58 KB, 612x612, d792e5e25c7d11e2808622000a1f9aaf_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks :)

>> No.6192791
File: 81 KB, 650x1000, King-Of-Fighters-2002-Game-Character-Official-Artwork-Render-Blue-Mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah an early animu crush of mine

>> No.6192802


god bless

>> No.6192816

No to the hoop earings, I like the idea of the top though. Keep that. If you did something other than denim you would be on to something. Got anything?

>> No.6192857

/fit/ ----->

For the record how is your relationship with a black man going on?

>> No.6192881

nice belly, wise decision to keep it exposed

>> No.6193015

would hold hands and stare deep into your eyes/10

please love me

>> No.6193066


and for the record, please don't put your hair into a bun every again. you look like a nig bitch with it. i'd think you'd look super sexy with bangs though

>> No.6193067

Well, by /fa/ standards, you're too "trashy" and "unrefined"

but my straight male standards say "I'd fuck it"

Leave your hair down, you look alright with make up on. Don't put on weight/keep your workout routine and you should have all the dick you'll ever need.

>> No.6193071

>nancy grace core
Do you watch HLN a lot?

>> No.6193079

I would mate the fuck out of your sexual organ.

>> No.6193097

>don't put your hair into a bun

listen to this

>> No.6193136
File: 97 KB, 720x720, 408092_4980506116968_47542858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think buns are cute..but okay :)

>> No.6193154

you saved these photos from facebook? nice photo names

as if anyone couldn't tell anyway, tho

>> No.6193164
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1352180907003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she fucks niggers

>> No.6193181
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, 1357681835231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks more hispanic than asian
probably aa dirty flip

>> No.6193194
File: 23 KB, 192x371, 0c529e5971822346938911a4a6a8b199[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me think of Selena

She was hot, but she was also the waifu of many, many cholos. Something to think about isn't it?

>> No.6193212

Does anybody else think that a woman with an exposed midriff is trash? Like, this chick is cray hot. And I'd love to fuck her. But I wouldn't be seen in public with her.

She literally went out and got a half-shirt so that people could see how great her stomach looks. And it does. But that's all she has to offer to anybody. And in ten years, she'll be nothing while any moderately-intelligent person's life will only be elevating.

>> No.6193217

seek psychological help

>> No.6193216

She sees her hand and slams it on the table for everybody to see before even considering her possible moves. Basically...

>> No.6193220

Disagreeing with me is fine. And I expect most people on this board to disagree. But can you explain why?

>> No.6193231

you're assuming many things about a person you do not know.

theres lots of things that bring up red flags in what you said, for example, "But that's all she has to offer to anybody. And in ten years, she'll be nothing while any moderately-intelligent person's life will only be elevating."

What makes you think you can't have beauty AND brains?

>> No.6193241

I don't understand people claiming that making assumptions is somehow a negative. We make assumptions all the time; they're based on past experiences and historic data. One's ability to make accurate assumptions is incredibly important.

A woman with a lot going for her feels no need to validate herself to literally every person who looks at her through her physical appearance: something that she more or less was granted at birth.

Overall, women age like milk and men age like wine. But an intelligent, educated woman will age with dignity. And those looks will be replaced by income.

A stupid girl knows that all she has is her deteriorating appearance and she, consciously or subconsciously... but usually very consciously, wants to lock down a man who can provide for her, or who is on a path to becoming well-off, while a worthy man will still have her.

>> No.6193253

Dude you're autistic as shit

>> No.6193262
File: 346 KB, 344x281, Amen_2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6193280

sup robot

>> No.6193287
File: 94 KB, 640x646, MV5BOTU2Mzg4MzI0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM4NzYzNA@@._V1._SX640_SY646_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those kinds of generalizations are very risky to believe in

but i encourage you to ask yourself why you hold values like that and why you attribute grace and dignity towards woman who do not express their sexuality

ultimately i dont want to try and tell you what to do, it just seems very ignorant to me that you would think in that process

>> No.6193294



>> No.6193338

I don't usually like you, but I have a better opinion of you now that I've seen you deal with anon in an open minded way.

Maybe I missed it, but are you usually like this

>> No.6193357

>kissing a tripfag's ass


>> No.6193361

I believe that I believe for the reasons that I just wrote. If I were a woman of average, or below average, intelligence, I would be acting the same way. We're all just playing the cards we're dealt.

I also fully accept that I may be wrong. And that not all women who dress slutty are idiots who have nothing long-term going for them. But half of the world's population consists of women. And as a person who knows what he wants and is working hard to get it, my self and social worth will only increase with age.

tl;dr: I can afford to be picky and don't want to be seen with trashy girls who are hollow, but admittedly physically attractive, shells.

Opinions like this will always piss people off. And I'm totally fine with that. I've explained my reasoning, at least the basics of it, and I believe it to be sound. Feel free to refute any points I've made. Or just call me an autist (when are we coming up with a new word, by the way?).

>> No.6193371
File: 104 KB, 300x499, Beyond The Black Rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am always like this.

People get mad because I like Natalie.

>> No.6193379

is there a pill to cure autism yet?

>> No.6193385
File: 24 KB, 154x268, Natalie HXC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engaging in groupthink and socially behaving as if there is an implied war between anon and nonanon


>> No.6193391

you guys know you are being trolled by some dude on fit right. This person has been doing it to fit for about a year now.

>> No.6193397

That's one thing we can damn sure agree on. Thoughts on Mila Kunis?

See, those two are intelligent, classy, and beautiful. That's what I'm talking about. Can you see either of them walking through a mall dressed like OP?

>> No.6193412
File: 375 KB, 936x1156, misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a non-model celebrity, I'd say she's one of the best. don't particularly care of audrey hepburn, but they have similar features.

on another note.. is this what women looked like in the 50's and 60's? what the fuck happened? is europe getting fatter too, or is it just the US/UK?

>> No.6193410

>I can afford to be picky and don't want to be seen with trashy girls who are hollow, but admittedly physically attractive, shells.

You understand that this in itself a hypocritical thing to say? You are in your own terms shallow because you care about what other people think when it comes to who you would be willing to engage with.

I don't want to ask you to change your mindset, just be aware of it.

If anything be aware of realistic ideals: don't you think you might be missing out on some great girls with that kind of thought?

>> No.6193423

you can't cure autism, thanks for trying but it's a wasted effort. he'll continue to feed into his hypocritical beliefs, with no IRL friends to ground him.

>> No.6193433

>That midsection

What exercises you do OP

>> No.6193434

I said, "Don't want to be seen with her," but I also don't want to be around her period for anything other than sex.

>> No.6193442

There is nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, and it's pretty easy to imagine a pretty healthy social life with his mindset.

His behavior is not too much unlike my own. I have very specific and strict standards for my significant other, they are also incredibly shallow standards that have to deal with physical beauty.

I am shallow and aware of it. I embrace that it is behavior which suits me, and I try to make sure it doesn't serve as ignorance.

>> No.6193448

And I'm not being hypocritical. I never said or implied that I do not care about what people think. I do care.

And I didn't say that all she cares about is what people think. I said that she wants to use her looks to benefit because she has nothing else and never will. And I don't want anything to do with someone whose only currency is their deteriorating appearance.

Imagine a conversation with that girl. You think she received a good education? You think she reads books consistently? You think she watches anything but movies and MTV? You think she's traveled the world? I doubt it. I could be wrong, but I'd much rather spend my time on a woman who is likely to meet those criteria.

>> No.6193452


>> No.6193451
File: 1.08 MB, 750x750, DONT TAKE PHOTOS WEHN IM WALKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i'd say you'd probably have personal experience with the same kind of women, i can understand now why you would assume things like that

i'm really shallow but i just don't care
i can be humanistic and whatever about a lot of things but not when it comes to who i'm fucking
sorry not sorry

>> No.6193459
File: 505 KB, 618x1003, u towm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL what makes you think she doesnt have money?

i know what you're getting at though
you just see girls like this as a quick fuck
you dirty man

>> No.6193465

I mean, look at this girl's post. Rate my style? She has no fucking style and I assume that she knows it. She's wearing half a shirt, jeans, and a cheap necklace I can see the unevenness in the paint on.

She wants to hear how attractive she is. I bet this girl gets attention whenever she is in public, but it's late. And she can not go 12 fucking hours without being validated by strangers for something she has damn-near no control over.

All of this points to her having no self-worth stemming from low intelligence combined with lower-class upbringing. Her mother probably told her to marry a wealthy man all her life and she's just following instructions.

>> No.6193474

The only reason she'd have money is if it's her dad's. Which I doubt because she was probably raised by a single mother.

Wealthy people are usually intelligent and raise their daughters to be better than to dress slutty and ask for validation on the internet.

She was probably raised by an attractive mother who got knocked up and left, aged less than gracefully, and was left working some shitty job to support her unwanted kid.

All of these are massive assumptions, but in my 28 years of life, I've found this to be a prevalent trend.

>> No.6193480

no, i respect that you can be real
as long as you don't let it become maladaptive, i see nothing wrong with how you view women who wear these items

>> No.6193491

Cool, I'm glad we could come to an understanding. I was hoping you'd like me because you posted your Rick boots in a heel thread I derailed last week and I liekt it.
But your legs are mad skinny and I'd be scurred to harm you. Lawsuits dawg

>> No.6193497

i don't own rick or would

>> No.6193494


>> No.6193505

Okay, either that was someone else or it wasn't rick. You posted a pic of a black/white outfit with some cool heels.


>> No.6193523

You sir, are a cunt. These are nothing but assumptions based on a photograph.
Why do all of you post /fits/ here? For validation and to feel good. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't you have something better to do with your time than criticise a random girl here?

>> No.6193534

I'm not from /fit/. That board is full of people who don't know shit about shit.

And I already explained that everybody makes assumptions and one's ability to make good assumptions is extremely important. You see, we probably won't live forever. So we must make assumptions in order to allocate time where it is most likely to yield desired outcomes.

This kid probably voted Democrat, too.

>> No.6193636

sorri didn't mean to use '/' just did it subconsciously. i mean fits as in outfits.
>probably voted Democrat
bad assumption there, I'm not American

>> No.6194477

You're beautiful and i enjoy your style very much, i wouldnt change a thing

>> No.6194510

Stop white knighting you fucking newfag. If you would have known any bettter you would know who that bitch is in the OP, also you would have known that it's not even her posting here. gtfo please.

>> No.6194567

from /tv/
Over there 'she' just asked if she could be a disney character.

>> No.6194584

r9k please

this whole thread is veiled misogyny under 'rationality' and autism

i thought /fa/ was one of the cool boards

and no i won't engage in argument cos im not articulate but i think u must be quite an angry/upset person