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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 186x200, Drum-Blue-Rolling-Tobacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6187481 No.6187481 [Reply] [Original]

We know /fa/ loves RYO cigarettes.

What brand of tobacco do you guys prefer? I've been smoking Drum classic blue for about a week, having switched from pre-packaged B&H. The stuff stinks and has too much caramel for my taste.

What is some good rolling tobacco that doesn't have a particularly strong odour?

God mode
>good rolling tobacco in Australia

>> No.6187493

I have a big tub of Three Sails because I'm poor.

It's what all the coolest people I know smoke so I guess I'm cool too.

I'm pretty sure that being poor is cool, actually.

>> No.6187499

why cant you just say everything you want at once instead of waiting until i come back from the tobacco cupboard to the counter and going "and some rollies" then waiting until i go the cupboard and back "and some filters" and i say "which size?" and you retards go "FILTERS"

>> No.6187497
File: 28 KB, 254x350, 0000003683_Amsterdam-Shag-copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6187507

i don't do that because my smoke shop keeps the tobacco where i can grab it and i only ever got filters for the first time BUT

there are different sizes??? I like rolling my cigarettes really skinny and the filters have been driving me nuts

>> No.6187513

your internet prose needs refining

>> No.6187514

Get Ventii ultra slims. They aren't bad

>> No.6187510

yeah our store stocks 'slim' and 'ultra slim' and theres also 'micro slim' (which is slimmer than those two) but we dont have it

there are probably others too

>> No.6187522

that's rich coming from you, someone who speaks like english is their second language

>> No.6187518

my bad

>> No.6187527

exactly you shitstain
it works well in making people read it, it's so simple with touches of error so that people read it quickly
it's like an advertisement
thats you get no bitches

>> No.6187535

This post is literally incomprehensible.

>> No.6187540
File: 69 KB, 500x365, natfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you and your hampton house
i'll fuck your hampton spouse
cum on that hampton blouse

>> No.6187541


sweet thanks

i'll ask about them the next time i'm buying papers

>> No.6187548
File: 8 KB, 549x549, mondrian digicamo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's gonna call out samefag but I just want you to know that you're a decent trip.

Also, I'm still thinking about that mondrian digicamo

>> No.6187546

where do you work shrugs?

and OP, i currently use what you posted.
trying to find some lucky strike rolling tobacco though

>> No.6187551

why do you like natalie portman so much? she's not even fashionable

>> No.6187553

woolworths, australian supermarket
i'm off to go work now

>> No.6187550
File: 80 KB, 425x292, snuff_mound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolling cigarettes
>smoking for your nicotine fix

>> No.6187557
File: 26 KB, 500x613, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol get out of my face, stay basic

>> No.6187568 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 460x276, hand-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from working with patient data at a hospital i've learned that the little cavity that forms around the base of your thumb when you bend it back's official medical name is the "anatomical snuff box."

i thought that was fun and i wanted to share but i'm saging because this is dumb trivia

>> No.6187569


That's interesting and you forgot your sage.

>> No.6187570
File: 34 KB, 493x402, 1359849070397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you obsess over a hollywood jewrat that will take any work she can get

stay /tv/

>> No.6187571
File: 17 KB, 460x276, hand-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from working with patient data at a hospital i've learned that the little cavity that forms around the base of your thumb when you bend it back's official medical name is the "anatomical snuff box."

i thought that was fun and i wanted to share but i'm saging because this is dumb trivia

>> No.6187579
File: 25 KB, 560x407, 1357981267552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are rolling your own cigarettes healthier than normal cigs?

>> No.6187581

I hoped no one would notice :C

>> No.6187586
File: 484 KB, 500x200, PRINCESS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes because you know her?
that is your first mistake, i know nothing about natalie portman and i won't project my fantasizations onto her

thats waht you're doing

>> No.6187605

Less additives but generally more tar. I don't use a real filter so they're worse for my lungs than normal cigs, but they're less addictive so I often stop smoking for months at a time if I need to.

>> No.6187762

Amerifat here,

I smoke Bali shag cuz That's about the best rolling tobbaco I can find around here besides drum and bugler.

>> No.6189275

>tfw woolworths