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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 75 KB, 952x1428, 31133M050002_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6181003 No.6181003 [Reply] [Original]

so i really like these

but $400 is pretty steep for a plain ass shoe

are they comfortable?
do they last long?
how do they wear?

tell me why i should cop them

>> No.6181009

They're CPs. Just get them you faggot

>> No.6181020

most comfy shoes i've ever worn
buttery-ass italian leather padding on your feet, yo

>> No.6181022


>> No.6181029

very comfy
last long
look best beat up

wait till sales though.

>> No.6181032
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>> No.6181053
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pic of treads

>> No.6181045
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not worth the money

>> No.6181051

when's sales

>> No.6181110

/r/ing some beat up white cps

>> No.6181114


Do you drag your feet?

>> No.6181123

can you post a full body fit? what do you usually wear these with?

>> No.6181130
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>buy these
>remove all tags
>stop being an idiot

>> No.6181133


Is it really that hard to wear black sneakers?

>> No.6181135


Wow, did you seriously just imply that Vans look the same as CPs?

>> No.6181138

are you implying they dont?

>> No.6181140

i'm not him but he's right. they actually look identical.

>> No.6181147

if you arent getting hi top why bother with common projects

>> No.6181156


For the clean silhouette and quality. Vans don't even come close.

>> No.6181157


not if you're a huge autist

apart from the stitching cps don't look that much superior honestly

i find it hilarious that some people are actually willing to pay $400 for basics to distance themselves from "normal people", even more so when they look as cheap as that

>> No.6181168


The shape and the panels are completely different. The only things that are the same are the shoelace and whole shoe color

>> No.6181174


tell us how they look 'cheap'

bitter poorfuck detected

>> No.6181179
File: 1.72 MB, 400x226, 1367632057566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even buy shit like that? goddamit /fa/, wouldn't pay $30 for those..

>> No.6181183


they obviously don't look literally the same sperglord

jesus, i said autist as a joke

>> No.6181188

Uh oh. It's mister "I'm going to judge how much money you have based upon how much you're willing to reasonably spend". Time for bed kiddo.

>> No.6181189


>> >>6181053

i've seen shoes with better soles at walmart

>> No.6181199
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Stay pleb fuccboi

>> No.6181207


>> No.6181211

Just $400??? I wouldn't pay less than $4000 for those!!

>> No.6181215

I will hook you up with some for 4000!!! what a deal!!

>> No.6181218
File: 16 KB, 326x212, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you get those when you can get these for $20 at walmart?


>> No.6181222


/fa/ emergency comeback

>> No.6181224
File: 25 KB, 470x313, nike_tennis_classic_blawh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These even look more similar, you fuck/

>> No.6181227


but they look bad

>> No.6181232
File: 28 KB, 296x224, 1365040055405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More similar
>Huge fucking white tick across the side

>> No.6181244


i think some people here (you) do have mild retardation, i'm not even joking

>> No.6181247


you've probably never observed a quality garment in your entire life. you can tell almost instantly between a high quality leather and the over processed leather product used in mass market nikes and the like.

>> No.6181251


b-b-but, my high fashun n common projects n...

S-s-stay pleb fu-fu-fuccboi

>> No.6181266

damn, actually nor bad. I know the quality isn't great but still looks like a solid shoe.

>> No.6181267
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>reading this

>> No.6181289


i have, i even own a few pieces

that doesn't mean i will open my asscheeks and fill a blank check for every overhyped overpriced article a brand decides to shit

>> No.6181293


fuccboi pleb stay

>> No.6181305


>> >>6181222

>> No.6181322

but not different

>> No.6181339

I actually like these much better than CPs.

>> No.6181336


they all look different

>> No.6181348


i have these, bought them like 2 or 3 years ago, they're dying right now, i wish i could buy a pair again

>> No.6181355

White Achilles lows look much better than blacks imo

>> No.6181354

Those are actually really nice in my opinion.

>> No.6181364

Damn, this looks samefag as fuck.

>> No.6181367

>HAHAHAHA MY SHOES ARE MORE EXPENSIVE THAT YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6181369

not gonna read the other posts.

they're expensive sneakers, if you got nothing else to cop get em. Vans and such can be alternatives but they'll be lower quality obvs. They look nice worn in, they'll probs last a few years, they go with everything given that they're basic black sneakers. If 400 is a lot to you, don't get them, these aren't meant to be grails. If 400 is fine for you, get them. They're meant to be everyday beaters.

>> No.6181375
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>> No.6181388

ur st00pid
he was saying it to himself 2

>> No.6181395
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one of the very few helpful comments

>> No.6181397


ur stupider!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6181399
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>> No.6181401

prove it u buy cps n make 22k a year

>> No.6181410


what you wrote is so obvious that i can't believe you bothered

>> No.6181416


i'm a millionaire $$$$ i'm also a model who does lots of drugs with my hot friends

>> No.6181428


im not saying that you should blow money and whatever product receives hype, im saying that there will clearly be a difference between a $400 shoe and a $50 shoe even if the designs are identical.

i just purchased some converse for $30 because I liked the design, but i do not expect the leather to look and feel like the rest of my stuff that i purchased for 10 times more.

>> No.6181438


i don't think anybody in this thread claimed the quality was gonna be the same

>> No.6181447

>yfw they fuckkk

>> No.6181459

>worrying about the quality of $50 shoes.

Who the shit even cares

>> No.6181470


they will not look the same because the disparity in the quality of the leather

>> No.6181478


im not worrying, i know its not going to be great and that's ok because i already have a strong collection

>> No.6181496

on the far left: Vans (>>6181130)
on the far right: Common Project (>>6181045)

is this correct?

>> No.6181502

naw the vans are some dark brown cloth

>> No.6181504

if you like them, and wouldnt mind spending the money on them, buy them. given that youre asking /fa/ whether to buy them or not speaks volumes though.

>> No.6181542
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>> No.6181845

nahr chat shoes, wouldnt even buy them if they were $5

>> No.6181852

Funny thing is, most of these people probably wouldn't either. It's all about the price tag

>> No.6181866

Now that's just fucking uneconomic
5$ don't even cover the material cost for CPs

>> No.6181869

For $5 I would, build quality and the leather is good. And they're good looking simple shoes.

>> No.6181903

theyre not good looking at all, they look like converses

>> No.6181911

Have you actually handled a pair? And how do they resemble Converse?

>> No.6181933

why would i want to handle a pair, theyre not even close to my style, theyre just a plain everyday shoe that have that stupid vans/converse rubber sole, if i was gonna pay $400 for a pair of shoes theyd have to be dress shoes or something formal, not these autistic looking things

>> No.6181953

$400 will get you mediocre dress shoes.

>> No.6182072

Different Vans, but yeah I think they're Vans nonetheless

>> No.6182076

What's the logic behind reserving the most money for the more formal pieces though?

>> No.6182094


im toying with the idea of these

anyone with experience? i doubt the quality will be particularly good

>> No.6182143
File: 40 KB, 650x476, common-projects-achilles-vintage-low-warm-mid-grey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like common projects have the best sillhouette and minimal look. If you're picky then there isn't any substitute for 'em.
Just picked these up

>> No.6182149

dude mine are 2 years old and i wear them every fucking day
they still look like after the first month
you're just a retard who doesn't take care of his things

>> No.6182214

because these are blatantly ugly and good looking shoes which I buy are normally around $150

>> No.6182243

I don't really like the colourway on those.

>> No.6182266

in b4 >topman


I wear them daily. Cheap, look good, easy to wash.

Yeah the quality isn't great. The other ones lasted about 2 years before the sole gave in.

>> No.6182267
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forgot pic

>> No.6182283

The soles look really flimsy on those. The soles on most shoes are what's important for me, along with comfort and design/colourway in shoes.

>> No.6182305


Apart from the colour, they're entirely different. put the images side by side and compare yourself, not even the siluette is the same

>> No.6182361

if you dont wanna drop that much but like the shoes buy fakes
but dont expect amazing comfort and expect to be called a fuccboi by /fa/