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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 194x266, le other thinking face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6179557 No.6179557 [Reply] [Original]

what's le most effay city to live in

>> No.6179563

fuck you le effay thinky face

>> No.6179566

East coast or west coast

Pick one

>> No.6179573


>> No.6179572

paris duh

>> No.6179576

i..i-is london effay?

>> No.6179579

What makes a city fa

>> No.6179582


>> No.6179587

Ur city has boutiques?

>> No.6179614

how people are dressed i was assuming

maybe the OP meant for lifestyle though

>> No.6179621

Montreal or Toronto

>> No.6179629

beverly hills, paris, san francisco, new york, sydney, some big cities in germany and the rest europe.

>> No.6179634
File: 59 KB, 320x480, freja-beha-erichsen-mobile-wallpaper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe the OP meant for lifestyle though
summer is early this year

>> No.6179638

Canada: Montreal, Vancouver
U.S.: New York, Seattle, San Francisco
U.K.: London
France: Paris (cultural hub, obviously)

>> No.6179639


>> No.6179657


neo tokyo

>> No.6179661

i have no idea what you're talking about. i've been here for years. the question is also vague enough to be interpreted either way.

>i'm fashionable because i live here
>there are lots of well-dressed people here

>> No.6179665


noir tokyo

>> No.6179682
File: 453 KB, 210x210, 1336330577812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've been here for years

>> No.6179685

i would guess any larger metro city would be more /fa/ than the burbs most of /fa/ lives in

>> No.6179686


>> No.6179691

patrick bateman
work pants
toucan sam
tuch dix
miranda priestly spamming quotes from the devil wears prada

or wait, you probably don't remember any of that cuz you weren't here in 2008

>> No.6179696

mate you're clearly a newfag don't even recognise OP
lmao :sweat:

>> No.6179718

yeah i recognize the OP

>what's le most effay way to get out of bed
>what's le most effay drug to use
>what's le most effay etc...
>le upside down thinking face.jpg

i don't see why this has anything to do with the fact that the OP can be interpreted in different ways. even if it's a troll/joke, people take the threads seriously anyway

>> No.6179725

it's a peprfect post for /fa/ because it's extremely ambiguous lel

>> No.6179730

not sure if troll or newfag

are you being serious?

>> No.6179756
File: 110 KB, 344x278, topbun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "vienna"
>no results
There is no hope for /fa/. Also, dubs.

>> No.6179769
File: 432 KB, 584x1045, 1275439151285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trolling, nor am i a newfag. i recognize the OP's threads. yes i know they're tongue in cheek, or trolling. what's unclear is if OP meant living in a particular city as a fashionable lifestyle or which cities have well-dressed people.

why, what exactly was your take?

>> No.6179777

>posting any location other than Salisbury, MD

Top fuarking lelz

>> No.6179788

dude are you fucking kidding me?

i'm saying that OPs a fucking troll and that he doesn't care about the fucking answer you fucking summer retarded shit fuck

get the fuck out of /fa/ you must be some fucking retarded newfag not to realise it

stop pretending like you know the epic me-mes from fa gone yonder you fucking little lying fuck

jesus christ

6/10 if troll well done

>> No.6179797

m8 ur bein rused p hard. just cut your losses and get outta the thread.

>> No.6179830

even if the premise is a troll, people take it seriously. look at all the replies to the thread. this doesn't invalidate discussion.

>pretending like i know

i've been here since the board started in 2008. what could possibly prove to you i've been here the whole time? you haven't accepted anything i've posted so far.

>> No.6179837

any city you don't live in OP
le go le fugg youreselve

>> No.6179842

calm down nigger

>> No.6179844

>you haven't accepted anything i've posted so far.
you haven't posted shit other than claiming to be an "oldfag" by namedropping some epic me-mes from this board that

other than that you're a fucking idiot for not recognising OP's post it's literally here every day and in various forms

>> No.6179872

I posted the names of previous tripfags and things they would say, no memes. What else can I post? Would you like me to name more people? I've also got unpop's /fa/ folder. Does that do anything for you?

And as I said twice before, recognized the OP's post. Please calm down and read carefully.

>> No.6179896


>> No.6179904

why teh fuck are you even still here you newfag?

go back to /b/ so you can have your epic trolling skills seen by everyone
jesus this fucking board i'm sick of it

>> No.6181479

nigga go to sleep you gone' lose yo mind

>> No.6181545

Japan and Europe

>> No.6181607

fk u nyc ppl
jelly as fuk

>> No.6181613


>> No.6181638

melbourne bros ww@

>> No.6181649

I dunno. I was once to Stockholm and people were super attractive and /fa/ as fuck.

Helsinki also /fa/ on its on way.

>> No.6181655

NYC without a doubt

>> No.6181659

>you will never be a struggling artist living in NYC because even the shittiest places are way out of your price range

>> No.6181689


>> No.6181724

>not mentioning Milano

>> No.6181744

As a Swede. This is relevant to my ego.

>> No.6181813


>> No.6181823
File: 255 KB, 500x647, cdg shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cultural hub

>> No.6181827
File: 12 KB, 480x359, 1353277075438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 1 Y-3 Shop and das it
Unless you shit money and get that glorious jewish bespoke shit

>> No.6181861

In Europe:
- Paris
- Barcelona
- Berlin
- Firenze
- London
- Copenhagen

>> No.6181898

Why do you need an ego boost? I thought it was well established that Scandi = master race.

>> No.6181932

berlin is full of annoying hipsters.

>> No.6181934

Helsinki is basically the only /fa/ city in Finland. Everything else here is pretty shit tier. Of course there is /fa/ people in every other city too, but most people there dress like shit.

>living in one of those small town shitholes

>> No.6181951
File: 63 KB, 500x317, 1362899175077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Helsinki on ihan paska paikka
t. Turku

>> No.6181982

Glasgow is quite fah

>> No.6181993

all cities are full of hipsters snd immigrants. but they also just have a higher population of fashionable people/jobs

>> No.6181995

you mean toronto is full of you?

>> No.6182002

Stockholm is just full of good looking people. Not all of them are /fa/ but the vast majority could look very very good if they put in some effort.

>> No.6182022

Anyone saying Paris has obviously never been to Paris

>> No.6182023
File: 65 KB, 538x720, 1365605401498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scottish people literally sound retarded

>> No.6182025

yeah basically. although I'm a Canadian citizen and not even remotely hip

>> No.6182625

>in stockholm, spend like an hour on my fit thinking i look great
>head out expecting everyone to be mirin'
>tfw 80% look better than i do and probably didnt even try

>> No.6182651

New York

London would be up there but there's a whole lotta shit along with the good stuff

>> No.6182748

yeh man don't tell anyone

>> No.6182752

noir los angeles

>> No.6182808

ok xD

>> No.6183380

D-dublin is pretty effay, r-r-right /fa/.. ;_;