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6174732 No.6174732 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird that the only people I actually like being friends with all use and abuse various drugs

is that a coincidence or are drug users just generally cooler/more interesting/smarter people

it's gotten to the point where the people I talk to everyday have gotten so bland that I actually kind of fall asleep during day-to-day

also Raf Simons thread

>> No.6174737
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during day-to-day mindless chitchat*

>> No.6174741
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>> No.6174747

Well drugs, especially hardcore ones like crack, meth, and heroin mostly come with some pretty cool stories and are dangerous which you might think is cool.
Polite sage

>> No.6174745
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>> No.6174751
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>> No.6174764

Yeah I agree with this. My friends that do drugs always have some weird shit going on and it's a blast hanging out with them when they're on drugs because something is always happening. Except maybe when they're stoned, but some funny shit comes out of that anyway.

>> No.6174767
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you didn't sage I'll do it for you
but no they use hallucinogens mostly, MDMA, amphetamines

the people themself are just 10x more interesting to frequent

>> No.6174778

i know this feel.
i think drug users tend to be more open-minded and do crazy, fun shit. not squares.
also if you use drugs yourself it just goes with the territory/convenience

>> No.6174782
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my only real friend atm is
the biggest stoner in school

he's just so much nicer than everybody else, never judges anybody, fun to be around
the rest of the senior year is infested with idiots that still have a high school mentality

too bad most of the ppl I really was friends with left last year

>> No.6174788
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yeah I think that's the case

>> No.6174790
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iconic collection

>> No.6174803
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>> No.6174827

Most of my friends use /weed/ /psy/ /mdma/ /hooch/ /stim/ but i instantly begin judging people who go too far into their habits. Once people have no idea how to hang sober that is when they have become the most boring and detrimental people in life.

>> No.6174844


>tfw SICK FIT BRAH was a quality, informative, on topic poster and hasn't posted in fucking years

>> No.6174854

yeeaaahh most people don't understand addiction unless it happens to them or someone very close to them. so they judge. even though it IS a disease. try to keep your mind open :)

>> No.6174864


of course, I've had to help three good friends from highschool through their pill/herion problems, they're clean now but not the same as they were. It isn't a disease, it's an addiction.

>> No.6174865
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his sticky is impeccable, dan

>> No.6174872
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i know stoners that are chill, i know stoners that are complete dicks

i know crackheads that will share wisdom, i know crackheads that will try and mug you

i know cokeheads who will offer you a line, i know cokeheads who will try and pick a fight

down to the person, op

>> No.6174875

this reminds me how zzzz rafs new line is besides his sneaks

>> No.6174876

Spot on. When it becomes less about doing the drugs for fun and more about doing the drugs for doing the drugs people can become awfully tedious. I have listened to a conversation between friends about which dealer was selling the best weed at that time. It was one of the most boring conversations I had ever heard.

>> No.6174914
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>> No.6174915
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What do you think is wrong with it
Newer Raf is the same as old Raf just redefined for a modern look
A lot of his new collections bare a lot of resemblance to his 90s collections

>> No.6174918
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gnome sayin

>> No.6174923

tbh for me the angst is not there anymore
the teenage spirit has disappeared

>> No.6174927

it IS a disease. fits all criteria for the definition of the word. its just super complex psychosocial neurobiological bla bla blah.
once again i wouldnt expect you to understand. but just take my word.

>> No.6174935
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>> No.6174932


its just the colour

youre really forcing it
AW13 was substantially different from his RTW near the inception of the label.

i think it still exists but more as a expression of confusion rather than chaos/anxiety/sex etc

>> No.6174942

Which makes sense as the current youth are pretty lost.

>> No.6174950
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oh and i don't do drugs, i just smoke herb and use it as medicene ;~) hehe

>> No.6174961
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Uhhh no it isn't have you seen some of his collections
a lot of the stuff he does still has the same focus on the tailoring and school uniform outfits as it did 15 years ago

>> No.6174974
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Also I wish I could find full photos of AW00 but I don't think any exist :\

>> No.6174977

im trippin dxm and listening to Absolutely Free right now its great im sorry Ftrank i know u hate drugs..

>> No.6174983

if you say so

>> No.6174985

thats just good and bad people thats not what he is saying

>> No.6174993

zappa hated drugs but didnt believe smoking was bad for you and thought it was part of life as much as eating. i love his music but i would never trust his health tips.

>> No.6174994

how can you go on 4chan on dxm i can't even read, everything is quadrupled and blurry

>> No.6175000


>> No.6175001

Damn nigga how u not actin a fool

Dxm fuxx u up real good for a while

>> No.6175006
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>> No.6175039

lol bc you people get high on dxm. wtf

>> No.6175044

what do you mean? it's available at drugstores legally.

>> No.6175047

this is why nobody likes u prodigy

>> No.6175067

robotrippin is cool if youre in middle school. and dont mind liver failure.

>> No.6175068

lol bc you get high off cake. wtf

>> No.6175069

fuck you SQUIDS, PRODIGY is the only reason I come here anymore.

>> No.6175074

>not purifying your dxm

>> No.6175088
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>> No.6175105
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ew gross

>> No.6175107

I think u meant to click /soc/

>> No.6175111

watch your mouth cunt

>> No.6175125

shrewd mofo right here

>> No.6175242

If you need drugs to have an interesting life, you're not interesting.

>> No.6175270

you're a queer that feels he's interesting

>> No.6175276

i agree with this.
if you dont like to experiment/experience shit in life youre not interesting.

>>6175242 go take some acid

>> No.6175480

MOAR plizzzz

>> No.6175493

>tfw you will never have a muse like robbie snelders who will stick with you forever

>> No.6175519


it seriously makes me want to cry it's so beautiful

where is my robbie ;_;

>> No.6175531

Of all the people I know, I have done drugs the longest.
People always get me to tell stories and shit about my experiences, as I have a lot of them.
When you do drugs, you put yourself into weird situations, it seems, and the people you meet in those situations put you into similar situations sober.
I don't even do drugs often, I have just amassed a fuckload of interesting occurrences.

>> No.6175553

>begging to be ask about one of his interesting stories

>> No.6175723

i'm high as fuck right now. i love it.

fuck the police.

>> No.6175897

I'm in a certain age group where doing drugs is considered 'cool'. I'm uncool.

>> No.6175907

I guess I prefer to keep better company than you OP.

I'd rather speak to people who have run businesses, worked on interesting projects related to my industry, conducted riveting research, traveled to far off places, or wrote a book. I find speaking to mature people who actually do things that matter much more interesting than hearing about the experiences of some druggie

>> No.6176026

Yes, completely

The downside is drug users are avoiding reality and ruining their body, and are not trust worthy in the slightest

>> No.6176034


go to bed suburban whitey