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/fa/ - Fashion

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6172946 No.6172946 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6172951
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>> No.6172957
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>> No.6172969
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>> No.6172984
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As average people get more and more obese, the 'taste makers' find ways to make it seem acceptable and even desirable. Why? because they need a demographic to sell clothes to.
Fat, demoralized people don't spend much time shopping for new looks on the high street, but fat, delude people can be sold all sorts of shit. See: Asos Curve.

I just see this as a very clever, very measured response to rising rates of obesity in first world nations. The creation of new markets through targeted media synergy.

>> No.6172990

You say it like that's not something obvious

>> No.6173001

i hate fat people so much ;_;

>> No.6172997


>> No.6173004
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>> No.6173010
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>> No.6173011

>resorting to myspace angles for a magazine cover

if so butiful, y no bodyshot?

>> No.6173019

Have you seen the rest of the pics in this thread. Plenty of bodyshots.

>> No.6173022
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I'm not trying to impress. I'm just giving my opinion on the matter. The truly interesting issue here for me is how new markets spring up, the tipping point at which a disorder becomes a demographic. I think that's really fascinating, because it says something about how we define 'normal', and how amorphous even a concept like physical beauty can be, given large enough numbers.
On some level, it makes me wonder: are my own conceptions of beauty are entirely mine, or have they been instilled in me? At what point is beauty about conforming to someone else's ideals?
If I state the obvious, it's in order crystallize it so that we can ask the deeper questions.

>> No.6173028


i think i quoted the post i was actually referring to, i also used the word magazine cover whereas the other posts are articles, not covers.

>> No.6173273

I want everyone to feel beautiful, but magazines should really stop trying to give obesity a good name.

>> No.6173386

who's this faggot trying to be smart?

>> No.6173641

what I don't get is instead of spending all this time trying to convince people that fat is awesome, why don't they spend it working out.
Being in shape, ripped, or thin takes effort. I think that is why they are held in high regard. These girls give the impression that they just don't want to try. A lack of effort should not be respected or taken in high regard.

>> No.6173644


"Malleable" would more accurately express what you're trying to say.

>> No.6173646

>At what point is beauty about conforming to someone else's ideals?
what do you mean

your tastes are always subject to the experiences you face

>> No.6173655

I'm fat. And I would really like it if people stopped posting these "fat is beautiful" threads. It makes it look like all fat people are fine with being fat.

Some of us know it's not a good thing.

>> No.6173967
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You're right.

But a lot of people have taste imposed upon them by status quo to some degree. I think here, a good number of us have gone the extra mile and developed our own tastes.... not so much with the world at large. A lot of folks let their ideals be spoon-fed to them by mainstream media and their own local cultural norms.

>> No.6173993
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>mfw that address is ~10 minutes away from me

>> No.6174007

it's like these people are proud to be fat, i just don't understand.

>> No.6174038

i dont think there is always the option to choose not to experience something

especially in light of not knowing whether the experience is going to happen and what it will mean.

>imposed upon them by status quo
definitely but i think that is a experience everyone is familiar with. although they may make something different of it

>spoon-fed to them by mainstream media and their own local cultural norms
what do you mean?
that they willingly accept the knowledge certain sources give out as the supreme truth?
i think the action based on that knowledge is a product of prior experiences too

i think its very hard to not conform to a ideal which is not your own
but why is that bad?

I think twerk made a strong point when he argued that everyone is subject to fashion even those who claim to not be actively make the decesion to dress as if they do not adhere to any sort of fashion dogma
Although the decesion of 'dressing w/o a sense of fashion' is a concious fashion statement in itself
>I think its in fuuka, the kurt cobain thread or something
he's mentioned it heaps before though

>> No.6174140
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Let's take this target marketed campaign for fatshion, fat acceptance, more plus size clothes. If we reach a tipping point where the majority of the population is overweight (it's happening), then obviously new markets will spring up to satiate that potential customer base while publications like OP's will go around telling people that you can be fat and beautiful over and over until some people start to really believe it. Hitler style, right? Tell a big lie enough times.

And if enough people believe it, if enough puppet publications parrot it, then at some point the subjective reality crosses over, or at least threatens to become the new standard.
If this new, falsely engineered standard persists for long enough, if enough people are born into it, does it get any realer?
And what does this say about how we define beauty?

>> No.6174156
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we have a trs80 in the garage
btw i played an old text game called a mind forever voyaging
it was a lil heavy handed but p neat u play as an ai running a simulation of a reaganesque proposed economic plan

>> No.6174162

i dont know if were arguing the same thing but

im saying experience is not something you can easily mediate and thereby the repercussions of an experience are sort of uncontrollable.

are you sort of talking about how markets operate to indoctrinate populations for financial prosperity(?)

just so we're on the right page.

also the define beauty bit is rubbish.

>> No.6174164

>a mind forever voyaging

>> No.6174175
File: 123 KB, 683x1024, undercover-029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoilers: in the space of forty years not-quite reaganomics gets hijacked by a religious pseudo-cult who reduces nonmemebrs to second-class citizens and instates a brand something like national socialism wherein the common citizens are robbed and put on rations to feed the ruling party
then by fifty years the city degenerates into mad max

i mean yeah it was a conspiracy to shift power back to the superrich and so was reaganomics but come on that's a lil bit of a stretch

more spoilers: the projection of an unspecified liberal utopia achieves space colonization within 60 years lol

on a side note on another board the other day someone literally started arguing in favor of neo-feudalism. like wtf. naturally their arguments were nebulous, more like statements, and they earnestly believed in anti-egalitarianism
i couldn't take them very srs so i just called them a dumb

>> No.6174202
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tfw when you feel a fuse spark in your brain from trying to comprehend mass bs and resort to

your dumb

>> No.6174345
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>are you sort of talking about how markets operate to indoctrinate populations for financial prosperity(?)
Yes. And I'm saying they do it by mediating not necessarily experience, but the raw ore of experience, i.e. what's on people's lips at the water cooler. Print media, film and music stars. Punditry, prepackaged soundbites. Whatever can be used to further the aims of potential long term markets. It's a looooong con.

As for the rubbish, I'm guessing you feel that beauty is a constant, not something that exists at the whim of those who behold it?
I think beauty is a construct - it has to do with how you see the world, which for many folks is a factor that's easily manipulated. Although individual tastes cannot be manipulated with any great specificity, they can be urged in a general direction via the judicious application of ideology and ideals.

(No, I'm not a Marxist of any sort)

>> No.6174376

wud pnd sew hrd

>> No.6174407


then you shouldn't even be posting here at all


>> No.6174412


im coming at you fggt. i'm gonna fuck u up m8

>> No.6174425

no i was saying that beauty is something too transient to even contemplate defining

maybe the 'idea of something being beautiful' is a construct but if something is beautiful to me i dont feel the need to define or understand, simply knowing it exists and it makes me feel something is more than enough
although i do contemplate why i may perceive it as something beautiful, tackling the idea of beauty.

on that i feel the notion of defining beauty weird but i think the perception of beauty is fascinating

> mediating not necessarily experience, but the raw ore of experience,
manipulating inherent human feelings?
maybe, but i think everyone values these feelings to a different extent.
so whether someone is really moved by a piece which aims to invoke a certain emotion depends on how the person perceives the emotion in the first place.

i guess then the goal of the publisher is to strike every cord from every angle to net in enough people and synchronise there aims within these feelings
i guess that would yield a truely insidious campaign but it also seems exceptionally hard to net in such a large demographic.
in that case they would simply adjust there tactics so that they accquire a larger net 'feeling invoked' through a small number of productions (mediums). this would ideally net in a large demographic who are all in tune w/ this feeling-->evolution in thought

it ultimately boils down to a evolution of thought.

if the larger demographic is pro-fatty and the world is spinning on their axis who is to say that it is wrong and they should stop doing what they think is right? The minority?
when more people believe that chocolate tastes better than caramel who is to say they are wrong? the minority (caramel)?

>> No.6174440

i think its hard to argue whether the evolution of thought is a bad or good thing. since some past event must have stimulated this movement, and i doubt they would have known that their movement at the time would have resulted in pro-fatty. so its really hard to say whether a evolution will be good or bad since its simply a natural process of past events that have ultimately culminated into what it is now. maybe a result of chance events and random variables but these will always exists in all environments so the net product will always be the same.
so yes i dont like this profat movement however do i think its wrong? no
its simply a product of a great number of other things who unknowingly contributed to this movement.

>> No.6174501
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>Men like meat, dogs like bones

Why do people say this? Have you ever bit into a big piece of fat? Disgusting. You need the right percentage of fat to make the perfect dish. So just because you're "bulking" doesn't mean we want you. Ugh.

Pic related, this nigga knows.

>> No.6174609
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Thank you very much for that.
I'm going to have to think on what you said... I guess evolution of thought is what I feel is being manipulated.
I also suspect that being involved in the arts, I've tried to define beauty for years, but may have succeeded only in learning how to avoid preventing its perception. For example, there is an awareness in me of how to generate a beautiful expression, but any widespread perception of beauty within that expression is the product of at least some shared ideals. There's no real formulaic way to ensure that your expression will be perceived as beautiful, but to ignore accepted ideals is a sure way to ensure that some groups won't and probably never will... Until their ideals and standards change, that is.

Cheers, mate.

>> No.6174885

now very much the realms of personal pref.

its definitely hard to look at a piece in itself and try to understand what makes the piece beautiful to other people.

however I think by looking at piece and think about why you questiongs its beauty (or not) a lot can also be uncovered easily and meaningfully.
when i try to understand why something is beautiful I look to myself. I pick away aspects i like. i try understand why i like these aspects and how i associate these aspects to 'good feelings'. i wonder if the association to these 'good feelings' would only ressonate within me or a larger population (variable). if it is a relatively fundamental experience (playing in a park) w/o a doubt other people will probably also like this aspect because of this shared association in a 'good feeling'.
sorting working backwards-->rewiring-->working forwards.

>> No.6174938
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>> No.6174946

this isn't bad though

>> No.6174953


shirt is too tight it's bunching up under the manboobs.

this guy could definitely look good in some flowy yohji type shit tho.

>> No.6174955

her face reminds me of hitler

>> No.6174964
File: 347 KB, 640x1136, Everything_is_danlluminated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have solved your problem, dan

>> No.6176271


That's an insult to adolf

>> No.6176298

This guy looks cuddly as fuck.

>> No.6176330

Are you actually this retarded?

>> No.6176358 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6176374

I don't think that fat is becoming the new standard any time soon.

It's simply too easy.

You just do the most pleasurable thing(eating) all day and even get rewarded for it, where's the exclusivity in that?